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Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11


  • Imagine you have a bunch of toys. How do you know how many you have? You count them—1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Counting helps us know how many things are around us.
  • We count everything—apples in a basket, steps we take, balloons at a party, and stars in the sky! Numbers help us keep track of things, compare groups, and even solve puzzles.
  • Let’s explore counting and see how numbers help us in everyday life!

Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

Let's Understand the Number Ten

  • Soniya and Pratham are neighbours.
  • Pratham’s house number is 9 and Soniya’s house number is 10.
    Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11Now, observe the following to understand the number 10 better.
    Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

10 is read as ten.

  • Digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 stand-alone. So, they occupy only one place when written.
  • Number 10 is made up of the digits 1 and 0. So, two places are needed to write 10.
    0 is written in Ones Place and 1 is written in a new place on the left of the Ones Place.
    This new place is called the Tens Place
  • Positions of 1 and 0 are fixed in the number 10.

Edurev Tips: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are 1-digit numbers. 10 is the first 2-digit number.

10 ones make 1 ten

Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

Question for Chapter Notes: Numbers Up to 20
Try yourself:Geeta, Shakti, and Abhishek are 3 friends, who among the 3 has maximum letters in his/ her name?
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Making 10 with Number Pairs

Let’s play a finger-counting game! Hold up all 10 fingers—that’s 10 in total! Now, what happens if you fold some down?

  • If you fold 5 fingers, how many are still up? 5! So, 5 + 5 = 10.
  • If you fold 4 fingers, how many stay up? 6! That means 6 + 4 = 10.
  • What if you fold 2 fingers? You still have 8 up, so 8 + 2 = 10!

There are so many ways to make 10 using two numbers! 

Question: Look at the images and write down the number pairs of 10. 

Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11


Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

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Let's learn about Numbers from 11 to 20

  • The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of one ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine ones respectively.
    Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

Edurev Tips: Number twenty is composed of 2 tens.

  • Observe the following to understand the numbers from 11 to 20.
    Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11
  • To sum up:

Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

What comes Before, Between, and After a Number?

Read the conversation between Shiv and Amit.
Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11Shiv: Today is my birthday and my cousin's birthday too. I am 7 years old and my cousin is 13 years old.
Amit: Congratulations to both of you! The numbers 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 lie between 7 (your age) and 13 (your cousin's age).
Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11
Shiv: The number 14 comes just after 13 because it is next to 13 (or on the right of 13) in the number sequence. Also because 14 is 1 more than 13.
Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11
Amit: The number 12 comes just before 13 because it is on the left of 13 in the number sequence. Also because 12 is 1 less than 13.
Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

Edurev Tips:

  • To know a number just after the given number, we count one step forward.
  • To know a number just before the given number, we count one step backward.


Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11


Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

Question for Chapter Notes: Numbers Up to 20
Try yourself:If you count numbers from 10 to 20 in backward direction what will come just before 11 in the backward counting?
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How to Compare the Numbers?

  • Imagine you and your friend have balloons. You have 6 balloons, and your friend has 4. Who has more? You do, because 6 is greater than 4!
  • Comparing numbers helps us see which is bigger, smaller, or the same. We use words like greater than, smaller than, and equal to to compare. If you have 5 apples and your friend has 5 apples, you both have the same number!
  • Let’s explore how we can compare numbers in fun and easy ways!
  • Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11'=' is the symbol used for 'equal to'.
  • 3 = 3 is read as '3 is equal to 3'.
  • Look at the numbers from 11 to 20 in order.
    Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11The number 13 is to the left of 14. So, 13 < 14.
    The number 14 is to the right of 13. So, 14 > 13.
    Every number is equal to itself. 14 = 14, 15 = 15, 16 = 16, etc.

What are Ascending and Descending Orders?

There are 5 members in the Dubey family— Mr. Dubey, Ms. Dubey, Tina, Rahul, and their pet Rocky.
Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11
They are standing height-wise from the tallest to the shortest (in descending order) in picture 1 and from the shortest to the tallest (in ascending order) in picture 2.
In the case of numbers:

  • arranging or moving from the greatest number to the smallest number is called the descending order or decreasing order.
  • arranging or moving from the smallest number to the greatest number is called the ascending order or increasing order. 

For example: The numbers 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9 are in ascending order whereas 9, 8, 5, 4, and 2 are in descending order.

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Use of > or < in Forward and Backward Counting

Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

  • Jiya starts climbing the stairs from stair number 11. She has to reach stair number 20 to pick her pencil pouch that she dropped over there.
  • As she goes up, she counts up (forward) as 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. While coming back with her pencil pouch, she counts backwards as 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, and 11.
  • 11 < 12 < 13 < 14 < 15 < 16 < 17 < 18 < 19 < 20 is the ascending order of the numbers from 11 to 20. 20 > 19 > 18 > 17 > 16 > 15 > 14 > 13 > 12 > 11 is the descending order of the numbers from 20 to 11.

Edurev Tips: Numbers get “bigger/greater” when counting forward and “smaller/ lesser” when counting backwards.


Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

Ans: Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

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FAQs on Numbers Class 1 Notes Maths Chapter 11

1. What is the significance of the number ten in counting?
Ans.The number ten is significant because it is the base of our decimal number system. It represents the point at which we start counting in two-digit numbers. After ten, we move into the teen numbers, which helps us understand numerical value progression.
2. How do you identify the numbers from 11 to 20?
Ans.Numbers from 11 to 20 are known as the teen numbers. They include eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), and twenty (20). Each number has a unique name that helps in distinguishing them.
3. What does it mean to find numbers that come before, between, and after a specific number?
Ans.Finding numbers that come before, between, and after a specific number helps in understanding the order of numbers. For example, if we take the number 15, the number before it is 14, the number after it is 16, and the numbers between 14 and 16 are 15 itself, helping to visualize their placement on a number line.
4. How can we compare numbers and what symbols are used for comparison?
Ans.We compare numbers by determining which is greater or lesser. The symbols used are '>' which means greater than, '<' which means less than, and '=' which means equal to. For example, 12 < 15 indicates that 12 is less than 15.
5. What is the difference between ascending and descending order?
Ans.Ascending order arranges numbers from the smallest to the largest (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ..., 20), while descending order arranges numbers from the largest to the smallest (e.g., 20, 19, 18, ..., 1). Understanding this helps in organizing numbers systematically.
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