My Family
(i) A family tree looks like a tree.
Ans: True
(ii) Members of a family help each other.
Ans: True
(iii) Our grandparents do not tell us stories.
Ans: False
(iv) A family lives together in the same house.
Ans: True
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(i) Uncle
(ii) Grandfather
(iii) Sister
(iii) Teacher
(iv) Aunt
(v) Friends
Ans: Uncle, Grandfather, and Sister are part of the family tree.
A family tree is a type of chart or diagram representing generations of families and how they are linked throughout the years. A family tree can include names, birth dates, marriage dates, and pictures.
(i) Helping you with your studies. ________
Ans: Mother, Sister
My mother and sister help me with my studies.
(ii) Tying your shoelaces._________
Ans: Father
My father tie my shoelaces.
(iii) Looking after you when you are sick._______
Ans: Mother, Father, Sister
My mother, father, and sister look after me when I am sick.
(iv) Packing your school bag._______
Ans: Mother, Sister
My mother and sister helped me in packing my school bag.
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(i) What are brothers and sisters in a family known as?
Ans: Sibling
⇒ A sibling is a brother or a sister. The plural is siblings, and it can refer to brothers, sisters.
(ii) What are people living together in the same house called?
Ans: Family
⇒ Family is a group of people living together.
(iii) Name any one family member.
Ans: Grandmother
⇒ The grandmother is part of my family.
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