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FAQs about CAT

  • CAT FAQs 2021 - The frequently asked questions on CAT 2021 includes all the query or issues related to the entrance test. Basically, under CAT 2021 FAQs section candidates generally asked questions pertaining to important dates, registration process, eligibility criteria, etc. Apart from that, CAT FAQs 2021 also contain answers to such questions related to admit cards, exam day instructions, result dates, CAT answer key dates, etc.FAQs about CAT Exam
  • CAT 2021 will be held on November 28, 2021, in CBT mode. Candidates can check the provided FAQs of CAT 2021 so that they can get aware of all the events and regulations of the CAT. Read the full article by Careers360 for clearing all the doubts or queries of CAT 2021. Most of the questions came up related to the pattern of CAT. It is much necessary to clear all the doubts of candidates pertaining to CAT 2021.

CAT FAQs 2021 - Registration

IIM Ahmedabad has released the CAT 2021 application form on August 4. Below are the answers to questions that relate to the CAT 2021 registration.

Question: Will CAT 2021 be postponed?

Ans: As per CAT notification, this national level entrance exam will be held on November 28 and as of now, there is no update pertaining to the postponement of CAT on the official website.

Question: Who will set CAT 2021?
Ans: This time, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad will conduct CAT 2021 in online mode in three shifts.

Question: Can I edit or make changes in CAT 2021 application form, once I have made payment?
Ans: After paying the amount of the CAT application fee, no changes will be allowed to be made in CAT application form. However, the correction window opened where candidates could edit their photograph and signature only.

Question: I have done my graduation. Do I need to enter the overall percentage of total marks as per my university standards?

Ans: As per last year's CAT eligibility criteria, candidates need to submit the percentage as per their university norms.

Question: I am pursuing the final year of graduation. Am I eligible to appear for CAT 2021?
Candidates need to provide the aggregate percentage of the last marks statements received by their university.

Question: Are there any age criteria for CAT 2021?
No, there is no age bar to appear for CAT 2021.

Question: What is the fee for the CAT exam?
Ans: Candidates belonging to the General and NC-OBC category candidates need to pay Rs 2200. Those belonging to the reserved category (SC/ ST/ PWD) need to pay Rs 1100.

Question: I am not pursuing a Bachelor's degree or any other professional qualification degree. Am I eligible to appear for CAT 2021?
If you are not pursuing any bachelor’s degree or have not completed any professional degree then you are not eligible to appear for CAT 2021.

Question: When and how do I register for CAT 2021?
CAT 2021 online registration has begun on August 4. Candidates could use the registration guide and video which will be published on the official website.

Question: Where can I pay the CAT registration fee?
Ans: Candidates can pay the registration fee while doing CAT registration. Payment of application fee can be done via payment gateway. Candidates will have to use a valid credit or debit card and a net banking facility is also available.

Question: Can I use my coaching institute or friend’s email ID while registering for CAT?
No, candidates need to provide a valid email address. All the further communication of IIMs will be communicated to the registered email address.

Question: I have done a 5 years integrated course of B.Tech and MBA. As per my university norms first 3.5 years is considered to be B. Tech and remaining years are considered to be MBA. How do I enter my marks?
As per your university norms, candidates need to enter the aggregate percentage of the first 3.5 years under Bachelor's degree, and the remaining 1.5 years they will have to enter under Master’s degree.

Question: I have done dual Bachelor’s degree courses (BCom+LLB, BPharma+ BTech, etc). How do I enter my marks for two bachelors?
Candidates need to select the option indicating that they have a dual bachelor’s degree. After that candidates can enter all the details of both qualifications.

Question: I have completed a five-year dual degree course (BS+MS, BTech+MTech, BTech+MSc, etc)? How can I enter my marks for a bachelor’s degree?
As per your university norms, candidates need to enter the aggregate of marks that are equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree and enter under Bachelor’s section and equivalent marks for Master’s degree under the Master’s section.

Question: When will CAT 2021 be held and can I choose an exam date?
CAT 2021 will be held on November 28, 2021. Based on your preferred test city selection, the session slot, test city, and center are allotted.

Question: I have made some mistakes while entering/registering the details in my CAT 2021 application. What should I do now?
One cannot edit certain personal details like Name, DOB, email ID, mobile number, etc. If anyone has made such kind of mistake then they have to register again with a new email ID. Your CAT 2021 application form will be considered for the latest registration and the admit card will be issued for the same. Candidates will not receive any refund and admit card for their earlier registration.

Question: Can I appear for more than one slot for CAT 2021?
No, candidates can not appear for both slots. It will be considered a fraudulent activity if one attempts to appear for both slots. To ensure that one has only one attempt, photo IDs, admit cards, candidates' pictures and biometric information will be verified.

Question: I have an SC/ ST certificate in the format uploaded on the CAT 2021 website. Can I use the same certificate or do I have to download the certificate template from the CAT website and fill it again?
If the category certificate fulfills the following conditions; then in such case one can upload the same certificate.

  • The name of the caste and number should appear on the certificate.
  • The certificate should have been issued by a competent authority.
  • The certificate should be in English or Hindi only.
  • The ministry’s resolution/ order number would be available.

Question: I have changed my name with due procedure after completing my degree. Should I enter my name as per the degree or the changed name?
Candidates need to enter their changed name and provide the supporting documents for change of name at the time of exam, interview and admission.

Question: In case the website does not work and I am unable to complete my application, what should I do?
If the registration window or website is not accessible for any reason, then close the internet browser (clear cache & cookies, browsing history of the web browser) and try again.

Question: I have received multiple passwords. Which password should I enter to log in?
Candidates need to use the password contained in the most recent SMS they have received. If still, a problem persists, then simply use your user ID and click on the “forgot password” button. Now candidates will receive a new password on their registered email ID.

Question: I have done my graduation in May-June 2021 but have backlogs, am I eligible to apply for CAT 2021?
Yes, candidates who are completing their bachelor’s degree by May 2021 are eligible to apply for CAT 2021. However, candidates should select Yes to the question “Are you in the final year of Bachelor’s degree”.

Question: My university name is not listed in the drop-down list while filling the application form?
If your university’s name does not appear in the drop-down, then one can select the option as “Others” from the drop-down list.

CAT FAQs 2021 - Admit Card

Question: What details will be mentioned in the CAT 2021 admit card? 
Ans: The following details will be mentioned on your CAT 2021 admit card.

  • Candidates name
  • Test Date
  • PwD Status
  • Exam time
  • Test centre details

Question: If I do not get my CAT to admit card, whom should I contact?
The CAT 2021 admit card needs to be directly printed from the official website, candidates can use their credentials such as User ID and Password. The CAT admit card will not be mailed to the candidate's residence. If one is unable to view their CAT admit card after logging in, candidates can use the CAT helpdesk

  • Toll-free: 18002663549
  • Email:

Question: When should the CAT admit card be produced?
The CAT 2021 admit card is a mandatory document required for the CAT entrance test. Candidates need to print the CAT admit card and bring it to the examination centre on the exam day. Candidates should follow the instructions which are provided on the CAT admit card. Candidates should affix the same photograph to the physical admit card during the process of registration.

CAT FAQs 2021 - Exam Pattern

Question: Can I take the exam from any computer?
Candidates must take the exam at the allotted examination centre. The venue details will be printed on the CAT admit card.

Question: How is the Computer-based format different from the paper-based (PBT) format?
In Computer-based mode, candidates read a question on a computer and click on the correct answer from among the given options or candidates have to type such answers where no options are available. Additionally, the timer on the computer screen will tell you the remaining time to complete the present question. In the paper-based (PBT) mode, candidates need to read a question on a paper booklet and use a pencil to darken the ovals in an Answer -sheet.

Question: Where can I select my preference to test date and shift?
The exam shift (forenoon or afternoon) will be allocated for each registered candidate based on the city preference made at the time of registration. Candidates cannot select the shift.

Question: How many sections are there in CAT 2021?
CAT 2021 will have three sections.

  • Section I: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Section II: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
  • Section III: Quantitative Ability (QA)

Question: What does a CBT exam look like?
The CAT practice test will be available on the official website of CAT ( Candidates can familiarise themselves with the navigation and functionality of the actual CAT entrance exam.

Question: How many non-MCQs are there in each section?
The number of questions varies and cannot be disclosed.

Question: Can I bring a calculator to the testing centre?
Candidates are not allowed to bring the calculators to the examination centre. Candidates can use on-screen calculators which will be available throughout the exam.

Question: Is there a specific order for answering sections? Can I attempt sections the way I want?
Candidates have to answer the sections in a specified order and this order will remain the same for all test takers.

Question: Are there negative markings for non-MCQs?
No, there is no negative marking for non-MCQs-type questions.

Question: Does CAT 2021 have a syllabus for the preparation?
No, the CAT does not have a defined syllabus for CAT 2021 preparation. During preparation days candidates can take CAT 2021 mock test to understand the exam structure and pattern as well as the type of questions. Candidates need to check the CAT website regularly for the announcement of the CAT mock test.

Question: What is the marking scheme for CAT 2021?
For MCQs, 3 marks will be assigned for “correct answer” and no marks for “Unattempted or incorrect answer” The scoring scheme for Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) is as follows.

  • For each correct answer, 3 marks will be awarded.
  • -1 mark for each incorrect answer
  • No marks will be deducted for unattempted questions.

Question: Are there any other exams similar to CAT?
Broadly speaking, there are 9 popular National Level MBA entrance exams in India for MBA admission. They are CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, NMAT, SNAP, ATMA and GMAT. Then are the State Level Exams like MAH CET, TANCET, PGCET, KMAT which will help you get into MBA colleges in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu etc.

CAT FAQs 2021 - Answer Key

Question: When will the exam conducting body release the CAT 2021 answer key?
The CAT conducting body will release the CAT 2021 answer key tentatively in the first week of December 2021.

Question: What is the difference between the CAT answer key and response sheet 2021?
The CAT response sheet will display the answers provided by the test taker and CAT 2021 answer key will display the correct answer for each section.

CAT FAQs 2021 - Result

Question: How to check the CAT 2021 result?
Candidates will be able to check the CAT 2021 result in online mode only.

  • Visit the official website and log in through the registration credentials.
  • Now click on “Scorecard”
  • Download and take a print of the CAT 2021 result

Question: When will authorities release the result of CAT 2021?
Authorities will release the CAT 2021 result tentatively in the second week of January 2022.

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CAT FAQs 2021 - Category Selection

Question: Which documents must I submit if I belong to the SC/ ST category?
If one belongs to SC or ST category, then your caste/ tribe must be listed in the Government of India schedule. For more details, visit the Ministry of Tribal Affairs website ( or refer to the Ministry of Social Justice. The caste certificate that one has uploaded in the CAT application form should be in the Government approved format. The certificate is also available on the official website of CAT. Candidates need to download and print the certificate which clearly states the following.

  • Caste name/ tribe
  • Whether one belongs to the Scheduled caste or scheduled tribe.
  • State and district or Union Territory of candidates ordinary residence.
  • The appropriate GOI schedule under which candidates caste/ tribe is approved, whether Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe.
  • Signature of required authorities.

Question: Under which category can I apply for CAT 2021?
One can apply under the following categories:

  • General
  • Non- Creamy Other Backward Class (NC-OBC)
  • Scheduled Caste (SC)
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Question: Do I belong to the NC-OBC category?
Ans. To know whether someone belongs to the NC-OBC category, visit to the

CAT FAQs 2021 - Persons with Disability

Question: Which are the acceptable testing devices that I can use/ bring to the test center?
The approved means of testing assistance are:
FAQs about CAT Exam

Question: Who is eligible to take the test under the PWD category?
As per the “PwD Act, 1995”, a candidate qualifies to be a PwD, if he/ she suffers for any of the following disabilities for not less than 40 percent as certified by a competent medical authority in the prescribed format. The certificate format is available on the official website of CAT.

  • Hearing Impairment
  • Low Vision/ Blindness
  • Cerebral Palsy/ Locomotive Disability

Question: I am a PwD candidate with low vision/ cerebral palsy or Blindness. What privileges will I receive on the day of the examination?
Candidates suffering from blindness/ low vision/ cerebral palsy will be allowed to bring a scribe. Such candidates will also receive some time extension during the examination.

Question: What will be the time extension given to a PWD candidate?
PWD candidates with or without scribe will be given a time extension of 20 minutes per section, which comes to a total time extension of one hour for the full exam.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) - CAT 2021

Question: Can I get into IIM without CAT?
No. It is not possible to get an admission in any of the IIMs without taking the Common Admission Test (CAT Entrance Exam).

Question: Can I give the CAT exam after the 12th?
No, you are not eligible to write CAT after the 12th. A candidate must hold a graduate/ bachelor's degree certificate to get eligible for the CAT exam.

Question: Can we do MBA without a CAT exam?
Yes. There is no need to give the CAT exam for MBA. But it is essential if you want to join a good college to study MBA.

Question: Who can give CAT 2021?
Any students who score above 50% (45% for the reserved category) in the graduation/ bachelor's degree (even in supplementary) can apply for CAT 2021.

Question: Is CAT exam easy to crack?
Overall CAT is a moderate difficulty level, but sometimes it can be easier for those who start their CAT preparation early and practice all three sections.

Question: Is CAT a tough exam?
No, not too difficult. Every year thousands of students get good percentile marks and get admission to top B schools. You need to be motivated and consistent throughout your preparation. Prepare in a structured manner, practice regularly, and improve your understanding of all areas and concepts. That should be sufficient enough.

Question: How much does the CAT exam cost?
For General: Rs 2, 200/- and For Reserved Category: Rs 1, 100/-.

Question: What is the age limit for the CAT exam?
There is no age restriction to apply for CAT 2021

CAT FAQs - B-Schools & MBA

Question: What is the difference between MBA and PGDM?

Ans: PGDM stands for Post Graduate Diploma in Management and is awarded by the autonomous bodies (not affiliated with a University) that conduct management courses. 

MBA degree or Masters of Business Administration degree is granted only by a University. Main points of difference: 

  • PGDM is more Industry oriented than MBA. 
  • MBA gets universal recognition, while the PGDM diploma has to be backed by AICTE for recognition and may not hold a strong recognition in the global landscape. 
  • Top B-Schools in India offer PGDM such as IIMs, XLRI, NITIE, MDI, etc. One can opt for either as both are recognized in India. Placement opportunities in India are very high for both as long as they are backed by a good institute name.

Question: What are the career options after MBA or PDGM?

Ans: MBA or PGDM offers numerous career options in the fields of Marketing, Finance, Consultancy, Operations, Human resources, Internation Business, Retail Management, Agri-Business Management, etc. These are the mainstream options. However, all the doors remain open. 

Question: What is the benefit of working for some time before pursuing an MBA?

Ans: Certain people would jump into an MBA program as soon as they graduate if given that choice. However, an understanding of the corporate realities can come only with extensive experience and it helps you harness your MBA to its maximum potential.

Question: Why should I pursue MBA and take the CAT exam?


  • The students passing out of these premium institutes (IIMs) are picked by companies on hand with lucrative salary packages.
  • The sheer diversity of jobs, the extent of responsibility, and the ownership that you get an MBA in your job make it worth it. You get to choose from a range of specializations such as Marketing, Advertising, Finance, Strategy, Consulting, etc.
  • To grow beyond a certain level in your job, you need an additional degree. Choosing a career in MBA is one of the best options for higher education in India.

FAQs about CAT Exam

The document FAQs about CAT Exam is a part of CAT category.
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