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Ancient History- Solved Questions (2001- 2013) | UPSC Topic Wise Previous Year Questions PDF Download

Question 1:
Which of the following statements is/are applicable to Jain doctrine? [2013 - I] 
1. The surest way of annihilating Karma is to practice penance. 
2. Every object, even the smallest particle has a soul. 
3. Karma is the bane of the soul and must be ended. 
Select the correct answer using the codes given below. 
(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 and 3 only 
(c) 1 and 3 only 
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Correct Answer is Option (d)
The surest way of annihilating Karma is to practice penance. Karma is the bane of the soul and must be ended. “Swadhyay Paramam Tap” According to Jain doctrines Penance washes away all the blemishes and purges the soul of all karmic matter. Also, according to Jainism, Karma is the bane of the soul. Karma not only encompasses the causality of transmigration but is also conceived as an extremely subtle matter which infiltrates the soul, obscuring its natural, transparent, pure qualities. Karma is thought of as a kind of pollution that taints the soul with various colors. Based on its karma, a soul undergoes transmigration and reincarnation in various states of existence like heavens or hells or as humans or animals.

Question 2:
Which of the following characterizes/characterize the people of Indus Civilization? [2013 - I] 
1. They possessed great palaces and temples. 
2. They worshipped both male and female deities. 
3. They employed horse-drawn chariots in warfare. 
Select the correct statement/statements using the codes given below. 
(a) 1 and 2 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) 1, 2 and 3 
(d) None of the statements given above is correct

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Indus Valley people did not possess great palaces and temples rather the civilization was noted for its cities built of brick, roadside drainage system, and multistoried houses. Indus valley people were peace-loving. They were never engaged in any war. However, speculations have been rife that some tectonic forces destroyed the civilization. Some historians are of the view that invasion of Aryans, sea-level changes, earthquakes might have brought the civilization to its end therefore people employing horse-drawn chariots in warfare is not true. Moreover, Indus valley seals show swastikas, animals which are suggestive of their religious beliefs. In view of a large number of figurines found in the Indus valley, some scholars believe they worshipped the mother goddess symbolizing fertility. They worshipped a father God who might be a progenitor of the race and was probably a prototype of Siva as the Lord of the Animals.

Question 3:
Which one of the following describes best the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism? [2013 - I] 
(a) The extinction of the flame of desire 
(b) The complete annihilation of self 
(c) A state of bliss and rest 
(d) A mental stage beyond all comprehension.

Correct Answer is Option (a)
The concept of Nirvana was originally explained by Lord Buddha (566-486 BC). The word ‘Nirvana’ comes from the root meaning ‘to blow out’ and refers to the extinguishing of the fires of greed, hatred, and delusion. When these emotional and psychological defilements are destroyed by wisdom, the mind becomes free, radiant, and joyful and he who has realized the Truth (Nirvana) is the happiest being in the world. He is free from all complexes and obsessions. He does not repent of the past nor does he brood over the future. He lives fully in present. He appreciates and enjoys things in life in the purest sense without self projections. He is free from the thirst of becoming and the illusion of self. Buddism explains Nirvana as a state of bliss or peace.

Question 4:
With reference to the history of philosophical thought in India, consider the following statements regarding Sankhya school: [2013 - I] 
1. Sankhya does not accept the theory of rebirth or transmigration of the soul. 
2. Sankhya holds that it is self-knowledge that leads to liberation and not any exterior influence or agent. 
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 
(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) Both 1 and 2 
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Sankhya yoga believes that self–knowledge leads to liberation. Almost all the rest of the philosophies of India adopted Sankhya as its main base. Sankhya yoga also believes in rebirth. According to Sankhya darshan, each Purusha experiences bhoga, apavarga, and takes birth repeatedly until kaivalya. (moksa).

Question 5:
Some Buddhist rock-cut caves are called Chaityas, while the others are called Viharas. What is the difference between the two? [2013 - I]
(a) Vihara is a place of worship, while Chaitya is the dwelling place of the monks

(b) Chaitya is a place of worship, while Vihara is the dwelling place of the monks 
(c) Chaitya is the stupa at the far end of the cave, while Vihara is the hall axial to it 
(d) There is no material difference between the two

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Chaityas refer to the halls enclosing the stupas. Chaityas were probably constructed to hold large numbers of devotees for prayer. Viharas on the other hand are constructions built in ancient India in order to provide resting places for the wandering Buddhist monks.

Question 6:
With reference to the guilds (Shreni) of ancient India that played a very important role in the country's economy, which of the following statements is/are correct? [2012 - I] 
1. Every guild was registered with the central authority of the State and the king was the chief administrative authority on them. 
2. The wages, rules of work, standards, and prices were fixed by the guild. 
3. The guild had judicial powers over its own members. 
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 
(a) 1 and 2 only 
(b) 3 only 
(c) 2 and 3 only 
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Correct Answer is Option (c)
The wages, rules of work, standards, and prices were fixed by the guild. The guild had judicial powers over its own members.

Question 7:
The religion of early Vedic Aryans was primarily of [2012 - I]
(a) Bhakti
(b) image worship and Yajnas
(c) worship of nature and Yajnas
(d) worship of nature and Bhakti

Correct Answer is Option (c)
The early Vedic Aryans indulged in worship of nature and Yajnas. 

Key Points

  • The Vedic Aryans believed in simple religion and they are very religious.
  • They worshipped the forces of nature such as the “Sun, the Fire, the Wind, the Dawn, the Water, the Rain God Indra, and Earth”.

Question 8:
Lord Buddha’s image is sometimes shown with the hand gesture called ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’. It symbolizes [2012 - I] 
(a) Buddha’s calling of the Earth to watch over Mara and to prevent Mara from disturbing his meditation 
(b) Buddha’s calling of the Earth to witness his purity and chastity despite the temptations of Mara 
(c) Buddha’s reminder to his followers that they all arise from the Earth and finally dissolve into the Earth, and thus this life is transitory 
(d) Both the statements (a) and (b) are correct in this context

Correct Answer is Option (b)
The earth witness Buddha is one of the most common iconic images of Buddhism. It depicts the Buddha sitting in meditation with his left hand, palm upright, in his lap; and his right hand touching the earth. This represents the moment of the Buddha's enlightenment.

Question 9:
The Nagara, the Dravida, and the Vesara are the [1995, 2012 - I] 
(a) three main racial groups of the Indian subcontinent 
(b) three main linguistic divisions into which the languages of India can be classified 
(c) three main styles of Indian temple architecture 
(d) three main musical Gharanas prevalent in India

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Nagara, Dravida, and Vesara are the three main styles of Indian temple architecture.

Question 10:
With reference to the history of ancient India, which of the following was/were common to both Buddhism and Jainism? [2012 - I] 
1. Avoidance of extremities of penance and enjoyment 
2. Indifference to the authority of the Vedas 
3. Denial of the efficacy of rituals 
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 and 3 only 
(c) 1 and 3 only 
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Both Buddhism and Jainism denied the authority of the Vedas and the efficacy of Rituals.

Question 11:
With reference to the scientific progress of ancient India, which of the statements given below are correct? [2012 - I]
1. Different kinds of specialized surgical instruments were in common use by the 1st century AD. 
2. Transplant of internal organs in the human body had begun by the beginning of the 3rd century AD. 
3. The concept of sine of an angle was known in the 5th century AD. 
4. The concept of cyclic quadrilaterals was known in the 7th century AD. 
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 
(a) 1 and 2 only 
(b) 3 and 4 only 
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only 
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Question 12:
The “Dharma” and “Rita” depict a central idea of the ancient Vedic civilization of India. In this context, consider the following statements : [2011 - I] 
1. Dharma was a conception of obligations and of the discharge of one’s duties to oneself and to others. 
2. Rita was the fundamental moral law governing the functioning of the universe and all it contained. 
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 
(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) Both 1 and 2 
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer is Option (c)
‘Rita’ refers to regulation order by nature and was related to the conduct of the Vedic Gods and Humans, somewhere related to the moral and physical law. Statement 2 is correct. ‘Rita’ was later replaced by ‘Dharma’ and was a more sophisticated form of principles of law. As per Chanakya, ‘Dharma’ was the promotion of one’s own security, happiness as well as social order.

Question 13:
Regarding the Indus Valley Civilization, consider the following statements: [2011 - I]
1. It was predominantly a secular civilization and the religious element, though present, did not dominate the scene 
2. During this period, cotton was used for manufacturing textiles in India  
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 
(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) Both 1 and 2 
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer is Option (c)
We have read about the Mehrgarh cotton which is the earliest example of Cotton cultivation in the old world, older than the Peruvians. The cloth was made, and even dyed, so statement 2 is correct. The first statement is also correct and has been “lifted” from a famous history book.

Question 14:
The Jain philosophy holds that the world is created and maintained by [2011 - I] 
(a) Universal Law 
(b) Universal Truth 
(c) Universal Faith 
(d) Universal Soul

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Jainism does not support the belief in a creator deity. According to the Jain doctrine, the universe and its constituents (soul, matter, space, time, and motion) have always existed. All the constituents and actions are governed by universal natural laws.

Question 15:
India maintained its early cultural contacts and trade links with Southeast Asia across the Bay of Bengal. For this preeminence of early maritime history of the Bay of Bengal, which of the following could be the most convincing explanation/ explanations? [2011 - I] 
(a) As compared to other countries, India had better ship-building technology in ancient and medieval times 
(b) The rulers of southern India always patronized traders, Brahmin priests, and Buddhist monks in this context. 
(c) Monsoon winds across the Bay of Bengal facilitated sea voyages 
(d) Both (a) and (b) are convincing explanations in this context

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Question 16:
There are only two known examples of cave paintings of the Gupta period in ancient India. One of these is paintings of Ajanta caves. Where is the other surviving example of Gupta paintings? [2010] 
(a) Bagh caves 
(b) Ellora caves 
(c) Lomas Rishi cave 
(d) Nasik caves

Correct Answer is Option (a)
A copper plate inscription of Maharaja Subandhu, recording his donation for the repair of the vihara was found at the site of Cave 2. Though the date of the Bagh inscription is missing, the Badwani copper plate inscription is dated in the year (Gupta era) 167 (487).

Question 17:
Anekantavada is a core theory and philosophy of which one of the following? [2009]
(a) Buddhism 
(b) Jainism 
(c) Sikhism 
(d) Vaishnavism

Correct Answer is Option (b)
The Jaina metaphysics is realistic and relativistic pluralism. It is called Anekantavada or the doctrine of ‘may ness of reality’. Matter and spirit are regarded as separate and independent realities.

Question 18:
What does Baudhayan theorem (Baudhayan Sulva Sutras) relate to? [2008] 
(a) Lengths of sides of a right-angled triangle 
(b) Calculation of the value of pi 
(c) Logarithmic calculations 
(d) Normal distribution curve

Correct Answer is Option (a)
This is the same as the Pythagoras theorem.

Question 19:
The Allahabad Pillar inscription is associated with which one of the following? [2006] 
(a) Mahapadma Nanda 
(b) Chandragupta Maurya 
(c) Ashoka 
(d) Samudragupta

Correct Answer is Option (d)
It was written by Samudragupta's court poet Harissa.

Question 20:
Consider the following statements:  [2006] 
1. The Ikshvaku rulers of Southern India were antagonistic towards Buddhism. 
2. The Pala rulers of Eastern India were patrons of Buddhism. 
Which of the statement(s) given above is/ are correct? 
(a) 1 only    
(b) 2 only 
(c) Both 1 and 2    
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect as most of the inscriptions of the Andhra Ikshvaku period record either the construction of the Buddhist viharas or the gifts made to them which shows that the Ikshvaku rulers of Southern India were supporters of Buddhism.

Question 21:
With reference to the invaders in ancient India, which one of the following is the correct chronological order? [2006] 
(a) Greeks-Sakas-Kushanas 
(b) Greeks- Kushanas-Sakas 
(c) Sakas-Greeks- Kushanas 
(d) Sakas-Kushanas-Greeks

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Alexander (Greek, 326 B.C.E.); Sakas (90 B.C.E.); Kushanas (45 C.E.)

Question 22:
Between which of the following was the ancient town of Takshasila located? [2006] 
(a) Indus and Jhelum 
(b) Jhelum and Chenab 
(c) Chenab and Ravi 
(d) Ravi and Beas

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Sindhu was the old name of the river Indus and Vitasta was the old name of River Jhelum. At present time Takshashila is situated in Pakistan.

Question 23:
Who among the following laid the foundation of the Rashtrakuta Empire?  [2006] 
(a) Amostghavarsha I 
(b) Dantidurga 
(c) Dhruva   
(d) Krishna I

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Dantidurga, a feudatory of Chalukyas, founded the Rastrakuta empire in 753 C E (AD) with their capital at Manyakhet.

Question 24:
Who among the following was not a contemporary of the other three? [2005] 
(a) Bambara 
(b) Gautama Buddha 
(c) Milinda 
(d) Prasenjit

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Bimbisara belonged to the Haryana dynasty. Magadha empire came into prominence under him. He was a contemporary of the Buddha. He strengthened his position by marriage alliances. His first wife was the sister of Prasenjit (son of the king of Kosala) who was also contemporary of the Buddha.

Question 25:
Which one of the following four Vedas contains an account of magical charms and spells? [2004] 
(a) Rigveda 
(b) Yajurveda 
(c) Atharvaveda 
(d) Samaveda

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Atharvaveda is a book of magical formulas. It contains charms and spells to ward off evil and disease.

Question 26:
With reference to ancient Jainism, which one of the following statements is correct? [2004] 
(a) Jainism was spread in South India under the leadership of Sthalabahu. 
(b) The Jainas who remain ed under the leadership of Bhadrabahu were called Shvetambaras after the council held at Pataliputra. 
(c) Jainism enjoyed the patronage of the Kalinga king Kharaavela in the first century BC. 
(d) In the initial stage of Jainism, the Jainas worshipped images, unlike the Buddhists.

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Jainism spread in South India under the leadership of Bhadrabahu (not Sthalabahu). The Jainas who remained under the leadership of Bhadrabahu was called Digambaras (not Shvetambaras) after the first council held at Pataliputra (modern Patna) by Sthulbahu.

Question 27:
Consider the following statements:  [2004]
1. The Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hien attended the fourth Great Buddhist Council held by Kanishka. 
2. The Chinese pilgrim Hiuen-Tsang met Harsha and found him to be antagonistic to Buddhism. 
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?  
(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) Both 1 and 2 
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Statement 1 is incorrect as the fourth Buddhist Council was held in Kashmir during the reign of Kanishka under the presidentship of Vasumitra and Ashvaghosh. Fa-Hien visited India during the reign of Chandra Gupta-II and not during Kanishka's reign. Statement 2 is incorrect as Harsha was not antagonistic to Buddhism when Hiuen -Tsang met him.

Question 28:
Consider the following statements: [2003] 
1. The last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha was assassinated by his commander-in-chief, Pushyamitra Sunga.
2. The last Sunga king, Devabhuti was assassinated by his Brahmana Minister Vasudeva Kanva who usurped the throne. 
3. The last ruler of the Kanva dynasty was deposed by the Andhras. 
Which of these statements is/are correct? 
(a) 1 and 2 
(b) Only 2 
(c) Only 3 
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Correct Answer is Option (d)
All statements are correct. The last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha was assassinated by his commander-in-chief, Pushyamitra Sunga in 185 BC. The last ruler of the Kanva dynasty, Susharma was deposed by the Andhras and Satavahana dynasty came into being.

Question 29:
Consider the following statements: [2003] 
1. Vardhaman Mahavira's mother was the daughter of Lichchhavi chief Chetak 
2. Gautama Buddha's mother was a princess from the Koshalan dynasty 
3. Parshvanatha, the twenty-third Tirthankara, belonged to Benaras 
Which of these statements is/are correct? 
(a) Only 1 
(b) Only 2 
(c) 2 and 3 
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Vardhaman Mahavira's mother, Trishala was the sister (not the daughter) of Lichchhavi chief Chetak.

Question 30:
Mrichch hakatika' an ancient Indian book written by Shudraka deals with: [2003] 
(a) the love affair of a rich merchant with the daughter of a courtesan 
(b) the victory of Chandra Gupta II over the Shaka Kshatrapas of western India 
(c) the military expeditions and exploits of Samudragupta 
(d) the love affairs between a Gupta king and a princess of Kamarupa

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Mrichchhakatika (The Clay Court) is a Sanskrit play written by Shudraka in 2nd C BC. It is about a young man named Charudatta, and his love for Vasantasena, a rich courtesan.

Question 31:
Consider the following statements: 
1. The Cholas defeated Pandya and Chera rulers and established their domination over peninsular India in the early medieval times. 
2. The Cholas sent an expedition against the Sailendra empire of South-East Asia and conquered some of the areas. 
Which of these statements is/are correct? [2003] 
(a) Only 1 
(b) Only 2 
(c) Both 1 and 2 
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer is Option (c)
The Chola kingdom of the Sangam period extended from the modern Tiruchi district to southern Andhra Pradesh. Their capital was first located at Uraiyur and then shifted to Puhar. Karikala was a famous king of the Sangam Cholas. Pattinappalai portrays his early life and his military conquests. In the Battle of Venni, he defeated the mighty confederacy consisting of the Cheras, Pandyas, and eleven minor chieftains. The Chola emperor launched a successful naval expedition against the sailendra kingdom.

Question 32:
Emperor Harsha's southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by [2003] 
(a) Pulakesin-I 
(b) Pulakesin-II 
(c) Vikramaditya-I 
(d) Vikramaditya-II

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Emperor Harsha's southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by Pulakesin II, the Chalukya king of Vatapi in northern Mysore.

Question 33:
The ancient Indian play Mudrarakshasa of Visakhadutt has its subject on  [2002]
(a) a conflict between Gods and Demons of ancient Hindu lore
(b) a romantic story of an Aryan prince and a tribal woman
(c) the story of the power struggle between two Aryans.
(d) the court intrigues at the time of Chandragupta

Correct Answer is Option (d)
The Mudrarakshasa ("The Signet of the Minister"), a historical play in Sanskrit by Vishakhadatta (4th century CE) narrates the ascent of king Chandragupta Maurya to power in Northern India.

Question 34:
In ancient Indian Buddhist monasteries, a ceremony called Pavarana used to be held. It was the:   [2002] 
(a) the occasion to elect the Sanghparinayaka and two speakers one on Dhamma and the other on Vinaya 
(b) confession by monks of their offenses committed during their stay in the monasteries during the rainy season 
(c) ceremony of initiation of a new person into the Buddhist Sangha in which the head is shaved and when yellow robes are offered 
(d) gathering of Buddhist monks on the next day to the full-moon day of Ashadha when they take up a fixed abode for the next four months of the rainy season

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Pavarana is a Buddh ist holiday celebrated on the full moon of the eleventh lunar month. It marks the end of the month of Vassa, sometimes called "Buddhist Lent." This day marks the end of the rainy season in some Asian countries like Thailand, where Theravada Buddhism is practiced. On this day, each monk (Pali: bhikkhu) must come before the community of monks (Sangha) and atone for an offense he may have committed during the Vassa.

Question 35:
Which one of the following statements is not correct?   [2002] 
(a) The statue of Gomateshwara at Shravana Belagola represents the last Tirthankara of Jains.
(b) India's largest Buddhist monastery is in Arunachal Pradesh. 
(c) Khajuraho temples were built under Chandela kings. 
(d) Hoysaleswara temple is dedicated to Siva.

Correct Answer is Option (a)
The Statue of Gomateshwara was built in deference to the Jain deity Bahubali, It does not represent the last Tirthankara of Jains. India's largest Buddhist monastery is Tawang Monastery located in Arunachal Pradesh. It is the second-largest in the world after the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet.

Question 36:
Match List-I (Ancient site) with List-II (Archaeological finding) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:  [2002]
Ancient History- Solved Questions (2001- 2013) | UPSC Topic Wise Previous Year Questions
(a) A – 1; B – 2; C – 3; D – 4 
(b) A – 2; B – 1; C – 4; D – 3 
(c) A – 1; B – 2; C – 4; D – 3 
(d) A – 2; B – 1; C – 3; D – 4

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Question 37:
Which one of the following animals has not represented seals and terracotta art of the Harappan culture?    [2001]
(a) Cow
(b) Elephant
(c) Rhinoceros
(d) Tiger

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Cow, camel, horse, and lion were not depicted on seals. Unicorn (bull) was the animal most commonly represented on the seals.

Question 38:
Who among the following g presided over the Buddhist Council held during the reign of Kanishka at Kashmir?  [2001] 
(a) Parsva 
(b) Nagarjuna 
(c) Sudraka 
(d) Vasumitra

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Vasumitra and Ashavaghosh together presided over the fourth council. In this council, Buddhists were divided into Mahayanists and Hinayanists.

Question 39:
Which one of the Chola kings conquered Ceylon?  [2001] 
(a) Aditya-I 
(b) Rajaraja-I 
(c) Rajendra 
(d) Vijayalaya

Correct Answer is Option (c)
In 1017, Rajendra conquered Ceylon (Srilanka). Earlier Rajaraja I conquered only half of it.

Question 40:
Assertion (A): Harshavardhana convened the Prayag Assembly. 
Reason (R): He wanted to popularize only the Mahayana form of Buddhism. [2001] 
(a) Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A 
(b) Both  A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A 
(c) A is true but R is false 
(d) A is false but R is true

Correct Answer is Option (b)
To popularize the Mahayana form of Buddh ism. Harshavardhana convened an assembly at Kannauj. The Prayag assembly was convened to popularize himself.

Question 41:
Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? [2001] 
(a) The Harappan civilization – Painted Greyware 
(b) The Kushans – Gandhara School of Art 
(c) The Mughals – Ajanta Paintings 
(d) The Marathas – Pahari School of Painting

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Painted Greyware belonged to the later Vedic period (1000– 600BC). Ajanta paintings belong to the Gupta period. Pahari School came into existence during the Mughal period.

Question 42:
Hoysala monuments are found in [2001] 
(a) Hampi and Hosper 
(b) Halebid and Belur 
(c) Mysore and Bangalore 
(d) Sringeri and Dharwar

Correct Answer is Option (b)
The capital of the Hoysalas was initially located at Belur but was later moved to Halebid.

Question 43:
Which one of the following dynasties was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander's invasion? [2000] 
(a) Nanda 
(b) Maurya 
(c) Sunga 
(d) Kanva

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Alexander invaded India in 326 BC. Nandas were ruling over India at that time. The chronological order of these 4 dynasties was: Nanda, Maurya, Sunga, and Kanvas.

Question 44:
The practice of military governorship was first introduced in India by the: [2000] 
(a) Greeks 
(b) Shakas 
(c) Parthians 
(d) Mughals

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Greeks first introduced military governorship in India. They appointed their Governors called strategos.

Question 45:
Assertion (A): Ashoka annexed Kalinga to the Mauryan Empire. 
Reason (R): Kalinga controlled the land and sea routes to South India. [2000]
(a) Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A 
(b) Both  A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A 
(c) A is true but R is false 
(d) A is false but R is true

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Ashoka annexed Kalinga to the Mauryan Empire in 261 BC. Though Ashoka abandoned the policy of physical occupation in favor of a policy of cultural conquest after the Kalinga War, yet he retained Kalinga after its conquest and incorporated it into his empire. Thus R explains A.

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FAQs on Ancient History- Solved Questions (2001- 2013) - UPSC Topic Wise Previous Year Questions

1. What are some key civilizations in Ancient History?
Ans. Some key civilizations in Ancient History include the Mesopotamian civilization, Egyptian civilization, Indus Valley civilization, and Chinese civilization.
2. What were the major contributions of Ancient Greece to the world?
Ans. Ancient Greece made significant contributions to the world in fields such as philosophy, democracy, literature, art, architecture, and science.
3. How did the Roman Empire rise to power?
Ans. The Roman Empire rose to power through a combination of military conquests, political alliances, and effective governance. Its strategic location in the Mediterranean also played a crucial role in its expansion.
4. What were the main achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?
Ans. The Ancient Egyptians made significant achievements in areas such as architecture (pyramids), medicine, mathematics, writing (hieroglyphics), and agriculture (irrigation techniques).
5. How did the decline of the Roman Empire affect Europe?
Ans. The decline of the Roman Empire led to a period of instability in Europe known as the Dark Ages. This period saw a decline in trade, urbanization, and overall economic prosperity in the region.
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