The Internet or simply the Net is a worldwide network of computer networks. It is an interconnection of large and small networks around the globe.
The uses of the Internet
- Send/Receive e-mail messages.
- Send (upload) or receive (down load) files between computers.
- Participate in discussion groups, such as mailing lists and newsgroups.
- Surfing the web.
- Online Chat
- Video-conferencing
- E-Commerce
- Social Networking
How to access the Internet?
- Many schools and businesses have direct access to the Internet using special high-speed communication lines and equipment.
- Students and employees can access through the organization’s local area networks (LAN) or through their own personal computers.
- Another way to access the Internet is through Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- Many schools and businesses have direct access to the Internet using special high-speed communication lines and equipment.
- Students and employees can access through the organization’s local area networks (LAN) or through their own personal computers.
- Another way to access the Internet is through Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Web Browsers
- Once you have your Internet connection, then you need special software called a web browser to access the Web.
- Web browsers are used to connect you to remote computers, open and transfer files, display text and images.
- Web browsers are specialized programs.
- Examples of Web browser: Netscape Navigator (Navigator) and Internet Explorer, google crome.
- The Web (World Wide Web) consists of information organized into Web pages containing text and graphic images.
- It contains hypertext links, or highlighted keywords and images that lead to related information.
- A collection of linked Web pages that has a common theme or focus is called a Web site.
- The main page that all of the pages on a particular Web site are organized around and link back to is called the site’s home page.
Search Engines
- A number of search tools have been developed and available to you on certain Web sites that provide search services to help you to find information.
- Examples
(i) Google →
(ii) Yahoo →
(iii) →
(iv) AltaVista →
You can find information by two basic means. - Search by Topic and Search by keywords.
Search by Topic
You can navigate through topic lists
Search by keywords
You can navigate by entering a keyword or phase into a search text box. in internet explorer web browser
Exploring the different websites
After knowing information about the internet. Now you can open any website and get the desired information from the website.
Opening a website requires internet connection in your computer.
Steps to open any website
- Open any web browser installed on your computer example Internet Explorer, Google crome, Mozilla Firefox etc.
- Type the website address in URL space or if you don’t know the website name then you can open any search engine and then find the address from i
There are several websites that helps you to get information from the internet. Let try some important websites
KVS Website
KVS HQ NEW DELHI website is the important website of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan which provide lots of information about the KVS like Important announcements, Management information, Organization Chart, different circulars, admission, Fees, transfer, result analysis, PIS(Personal Information System),Recruitments, Finance, RTI(Right to Information),Contacts etc..
Then you can open the different web links available in the website to get the desired information.
6Vidyalaya’s Website
Same like KVS HQ website, you can open your vidyalaya website also. Vidyalaya website consist many information about your vidyalaya like: Important announcements, Exams information, Date Sheet, Result Analysis, Staff details, TC information, Contacts, VMC details, Students Enrollments, Students/Teachers achievers, Alumni, Photo Galley, Admission, Fee information etc. Ask your teacher about the web address of your Vidyalaya and open it. Open the different web pages of the website to get the desired information.
Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. It is a special type of website designed to make collaboration easy, called a wiki.
You can open the Wikipedia by the web address
In Wikipedia, you can search for anything for which you required information.