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Alphabet "G" | Dictionary Words - Class 6 PDF Download

100 Words Starting with "G"

  1. gaffe: socially awkward or tactless act
    Later, Mr. Perry made a minor gaffe by misstating the voting age, which is 18.
  2. gallant: unflinching in battle or action
    Now straining up steep ascents, and now swimming deep rivers, the fearless and gallant band pressed forward.
  3. galvanize: stimulate to action
    “It’s going to galvanize people” and inspire more to attend today’s events, he said by telephone.
  4. gamut: a complete extent or range
    The program spans the entire cultural gamut, encompassing fine art, sculpture, dance, music, cinema, literature and theater.
  5. garb: provide with clothes or put clothes on
    Some are garbed in burgundy monks’ robes, others in jeans and trucker hats.
  6. garish: tastelessly showy
    The garish colors, fabrics, trim and gaudy interior looks like it was done by a 12 year old.
  7. garment: an article of clothing
    He and two of his sisters work at a nearby tailoring shop, cutting off loose threads from nearly finished garments.
  8. garnish: something added to a dish for flavor or decoration
    Lemon, hard-boiled egg and capers may also be used as garnish for chicken salad.
  9. garrulous: full of trivial conversation
    He was not in the best of spirits, for the drink was dying out of him; but his garrulous, inconsequent talk amused me mightily.
  10. gastronomy: the art and practice of preparing and eating good food
    Cooking is there esteemed a service of especial merit, hence France ranks all nations in gastronomy.
  11. gaudy: tastelessly showy
    In fact, he seemed incapable of using any colors but gaudy or resplendent ones, and is nothing if not exaggerated, and using heaps of words.
  12. gaunt: very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
    Gaunt, starved, and ragged, the men marched northwards, leaving the Touat country upon their left hand.
  13. gender: properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of sex
    Once strict gender roles softened and sexual mores loosened, the notion of a proposing woman began to seem less patently ridiculous.
  14. genealogy: the study or investigation of ancestry and family history
    The genealogies and family histories are excellent, and many particulars are given of the lives and works of authors not easily found elsewhere.
  15. generalization: the process of abstracting common properties of instances
    With this purpose in view he has kept closely to concrete statement and above all has tried to avoid vagueness and loose generalization.
  16. generation: all the people living at the same time or of the same age
    There they are, staring from photographic portraits on the entrance wall, looking much like ancestral grandfather and the family’s new generation.
  17. generic: relating to or applicable to an entire class or group
    But rather than asking a generic question like "Are you happy here?" inquire about things that matter to your loved one.
  18. genetic: of a segment of DNA involved in producing polypeptide chains
    DNA testing confirmed that the patient carried the genetic abnormality behind the disease.
  19. genial: diffusing warmth and friendliness
    Perhaps there is nothing that prolongs life more than genial, hearty laughter.
  20. genre: an expressive style of music
    Over the years, the series has featured just about every genre of American arts and music, including pop, country, jazz, blues, theater and dance.
  21. genteel: marked by refinement in taste and manners
    "Mrs. D.," said he, turning on me like a tiger, "are you going to teach me polite breeding and genteel manners?"
  22. gentility: elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression
    Obviously, that level of gentility and decorum is difficult to maintain at regular tour events.
  23. gentry: the most powerful members of a society
    In my young days the people with means were the landed gentry and the nobility.
  24. genuflect: bend the knees and bow before a religious superior or image
    When you enter, bless yourself with holy water and go quietly to your seat, genuflect on your right knee and enter the pew.
  25. genuine: not fake or counterfeit
    While partial relief may be obtained through other channels, real, genuine, and lasting redress can only be obtained by organized action at the polls.
  26. germane: relevant and appropriate
    But such questions are not germane to my central theme, and so I pass them over lightly.
  27. germinal: containing seeds of later development.
    The most valuable means of securing this all-important growth is “play,” which Froebel said contained the germinal leaves of all later life.
  28. germinate: cause to grow or sprout
    Nothing might come of it just then, but Elmer hoped the seed would find lodging, and perhaps later on germinate.
  29. gerrymander: divide voting districts unfairly and to one's advantage
    In practice, though, officials in both parties often try to gerrymander districts to help themselves and their parties win more elections.
  30. gestate: be pregnant with
    In her womb they were gestated and formed.
  31. gesticulation: a deliberate and vigorous motion of the hands or body
    Then the clapping and gesticulations broke forth with increased violence.
  32. gesture: motion of hands or body to emphasize a thought or feeling
    At that, one of the younger men lifted a hand - a quick, nervous gesture, denoting at once surprise and consternation.
  33. ghastly: shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
    From here events build up to highly shocking climaxes, including a ghastly murder.
  34. gibberish: unintelligible talking
    But the answer was a gurgling gibberish that made no sense at all!
  35. gibe: an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile
    When nothing but charred end-logs and glowing coals remained, Kent’s men tramped off through the deep snows shouting gibes and taunts at their enemies.
  36. giddy: lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
    Another party of giddy, laughing girls, chatter away in a different strain.
  37. gingerly: in a manner marked by extreme care or delicacy
    Newman got hurt during practice Wednesday, walking gingerly off the field after getting tangled with a receiver during pass coverage drills.
  38. gird: prepare oneself for action or a confrontation
    In this semantic skirmish, the White House, bolstered by the momentum of victory and allies old and new, is girded for combat.
  39. girder: a beam used as a main support in a structure
    The 130-year-old stone cathedral stands broken and deconsecrated, with stained-glass windows shattered and the west wall propped up by girders.
  40. girth: the distance around something, especially a person's body
    Others posted messages saying they were looking for "a fat guy called Ai"– a reference to the artist's impressive girth.
  41. gist: the choicest or most vital part of some idea or experience
    To sum up the gist of Anglo-American relations in half a dozen pages, as Mr. Ayres does here, is surely a remarkable achievement.
  42. glacial: relating to or derived from a slowly moving mass of ice
    But no mammoth remains have been found around the White Sea; it was still covered with glacial ice when mammoths died out in Europe.
  43. glean: gather, as of natural products
    A group of men and boys stood round awestruck, anxious to glean every bit of information that could be given.
  44. glib: marked by lack of intellectual depth
    The other sort of engineer understands that glib comparisons between computers and humans don't do justice to the complexities of either.
  45. glimmer: shine brightly, like a star or a light
    The leaves were black overhead, but the white birch trunks round me glimmered like pale ghosts.
  46. gloat: dwell on with satisfaction
    Vixetta was in high spirits; she and her familiars hatched mischief together, and gloated over their evil doings in fiendish glee.
  47. globalization: growth to a worldwide scale
    Stock markets around the world have grown more correlated, thanks to the effects of globalization.
  48. glower: look angry or sullen as if to signal disapproval
    Nils was glowering, and Erik saw the scolding in his eyes.
  49. glum: moody and sorrowful
    The music stayed somber and steadfast, determinedly maintaining its glum tone.
  50. glut: an overabundant or excessive supply
    While mining companies may be making more money than ever, the shipping companies are contending with a glut rather than shortages.
  51. glutinous: having the sticky properties of an adhesive
    The young were very little larger, and had a glutinous surface, which caused them to adhere together on being taken from the water.
  52. glutton: a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
    He was a glutton, and stuffed himself so at meals that he did little but choke and wheeze through the latter half of them.
  53. gluttony: habitual eating to excess
    Moderation in eating was advised at all times, and any serious excess set down as gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins.
  54. gnarled: old and twisted and covered in lines
    She was about forty years old, with stooping shoulders, and hands gnarled and twisted by hard work.
  55. goad: stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
    With oaths and savage lashings they were goaded on through deep, new-fallen snow.
  56. gorge: overeat or eat immodestly
    True, he lay moaning and groaning all night, but next morning would be quite ready to gorge an equal meal.
  57. gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful
    The leaves had assumed their gorgeous autumnal tints, and the masses of timber, variegated in colour, presented an inexpressibly beautiful appearance.
  58. gory: covered with blood
    And then they showed Denver’s pistol; the one he had borrowed from Bunker, all gory with hair and blood.
  59. gossamer: characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy
    After an atmospheric episode, the piece broke into a spiraling dance, sometimes crazed, sometimes delicate with gossamer textures.
  60. gouge: make a groove in
    The door was massive, hand-hewn timber that was liberally scratched and gouged, and Joe frowned as he looked at it.
  61. gourmand: a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
    With ravenous appetites they partook of a feast which any gourmand might covet.
  62. gourmet: a person devoted to and knowledgeable about fine food
    Prince Koltsoff had enjoyed his luncheon, as only an exacting gourmet whose every canon of taste has been satisfied, can.
  63. govern: exercise authority over, as of nations
    Saying they do not want to govern, the generals are due to hand power to an elected president by mid-year.
  64. governance: the act of exercising authority
    He explained that an interim government would immediately take over to provide day-to-day governance and keep order, the Associated Press news agency reports.
  65. grading: evaluation of performance by assigning a score
    Each commissioner’s smock came adorned with a bright blue “A” rating, a nod to the city’s new grading system for restaurant cleanliness.
  66. graduated: marked with or divided into degrees
    Latterly he took to using paper scales graduated to millimeters.
  67. graduation: the successful completion of a program of study
    People who have earned advanced degrees are “hooded” as part of the graduation ceremony.
  68. graft: tissue or organ transplanted from a donor to a recipient
    UPS already has a good business ensuring that organs and skin grafts get to hospitals in good time.
  69. granary: a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed
    Here is where he does his husking, and the "clear corn" produced is stored away in some underground granary till It is needed.
  70. grandeur: the quality of being magnificent or splendid
    Honest Jack was perfectly astounded at seeing so much beauty and grandeur where he expected to find nothing except solitude and savage desert.
  71. grandiloquent: puffed up with vanity
    There was something theatrical and grandiloquent about him, and he seemed to pose like an actor who attracts admiration.
  72. grandiose: impressive because of unnecessary largeness or magnificence
    Even in a state known for grandiose real estate deals, the proposed development has set new standards for ambition or, depending on one’s view, recklessness.
  73. graphic: written or drawn or engraved
    Unlike in the West, where graphic novels are accepted, the Iranian comic book is struggling to make headway.
  74. grapple: work hard to come to terms with or deal with something
    Spanish borrowing costs have fared better than Italy’s as both nations grapple with the debt crisis.
  75. gratify: make happy or satisfied
    This matter was engineered through so handsomely by Mr. Applegate, that Dr. White expressed himself highly gratified and pleased.
  76. gratitude: a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation
    He has saved my life, and I owe him much gratitude.
  77. gratuitous: unnecessary and unwarranted
    The reader is treated to pedantic little footnotes, and given a good deal of information which is either gratuitous or uninteresting.
  78. gratuity: a small, extra gift of money for services rendered
    Room service is supplied by the nearby Park Avenue Bistro, with a $3.50 surcharge for each plate, plus a 25 percent gratuity.
  79. graze: let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
    As soon as haymaking was over, the meadows became common grazing land for horses, cows, and oxen.
  80. gregarious: temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
    The Bison is gregarious, associating in herds many hundreds strong.
  81. grievance: a complaint about a wrong that causes resentment
    In the open letter, Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour, listed grievances cited by employees at Apple suppliers, including "poverty wages" and excessive and forced overtime.
  82. grievous: shockingly brutal or cruel
    He was convicted of recklessly causing grievous bodily harm to Cowley, who sustained fractures to his jaw, eye socket, cheekbone and nose.
  83. grim: harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
    As he lay awake through the small hours, the sinister truth grew clear that grim forces were closing upon him again.
  84. grimace: contort the face to indicate a certain mental state
    As people squinted, frowned, glared, grinned, grimaced, snarled and other ways looked at the screens, their pictures were snapped, silently.
  85. gripe: complain
    The night drivers come in griping about drunken passengers, bad tippers and unfair summonses.
  86. grisly: shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
    Television video showed a heavily damaged building and a grisly scene inside, with clothing and prayer mats scattered across a blood-splattered floor.
  87. groan: indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure
    The wounded man's eyes were open, and he was moving his head uneasily and slowly, groaning deeply every now and then.
  88. groggy: stunned or confused and slow to react
    Narcotics dulled the pain but left him groggy and nauseous.
  89. groom: give a neat appearance to
    The deep green, meticulously groomed, Wimbledon-like front lawn is undeniably attractive.
  90. grovel: show submission or fear
    The two young men who drove them had fallen flat and were grovelling and wailing for mercy.
  91. grudging: petty or reluctant in giving or spending
    Toyota's slow response - doubt, grudging acceptance, and then surrender—prompted Toyota owners to pick their heads up.
  92. grueling: characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
    Afterward, a dejected Seraphin admitted to being physically and mentally fatigued from the Wizards’ grueling schedule and his increased playing load.
  93. gruff: blunt and unfriendly or stern
    Mr. Napier’s formidable jaw, gruff demeanor and growling bass voice lent themselves to rugged parts.
  94. guild: a formal association of people with similar interests
    More than 50 permanently disabled jockeys receive assistance from the Jockeys’ Guild, he said.
  95. guile: the use of tricks to deceive someone
    He was subtle, ambitious, designing, crafty - dishonorably resorting to guile, where he dared not venture on overt acts of hostility.
  96. guileless: innocent and free of deceit
    There was nothing alarming in this apparently simple and guileless missive.
  97. guise: an artful or simulated semblance
    But more broadly, 30 years of near total rule by one man under the guise of democracy has stunted the country's political development.
  98. gullible: native and easily deceived or tricked
    The people were gullible; they might be made to believe that the senators of Rome were their best friends.
  99. gumption: fortitude and determination
    But he said the fact that he kept running for higher office showed admirable gumption.
  100. gustatory: of or relating to the sense of taste
    By gastronomical tests, we mean dishes of so delicious a flavor that their very appearance excites the gustatory organs of every healthy man.
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