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Alphabet "V" | Dictionary Words - Class 6 PDF Download

100  Words Starting with "V"

  1. vacate: leave voluntarily, as a job or position
    Their number diminished sharply after Villaraigosa announced last week that he wanted protesters to vacate the grounds by Monday or be forcibly removed.
  2. vacillate: be undecided about something
    But the old Napoleon was no more; vacillating almost as if in partial catalepsy, murmuring empty phrases in quick, indistinct utterance, he refused to decide.
  3. vacuous: devoid of intelligence
    Why had his brain and senses lain fallow all these months, a vacuous vegetation, an empty consciousness?
  4. vagary: an unexpected and inexplicable change in something
    Nick Campbell, from energy consultancy Inenco, argues that relying more on LNG opens up the UK to the vagaries – and volatility – of global gas demand.
  5. vagrant: a wanderer with no established residence or means of support
    Many of them refused to own houses or any dwelling place, and wandered about as vagrants and beggars.
  6. vague: lacking clarity or distinctness
    The terms are all widely used, but their connotation is vague and uncertain.
  7. vain: unproductive of success
    I entreated, scolded, cursed, but all in vain; she let me go on, and answered not a word.
  8. vainglorious: feeling self-importance
    Though vainglorious and arrogant, he conducted the defence of Acre with sound judgment as well as with energy and courage.
  9. valedictory: of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell
    He was graduated in 1828, on which occasion he delivered the valedictory oration.
  10. valiant: having or showing heroism or courage
    The first time, she continued a courageous and valiant fight.
  11. valid: well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
    But the authorities said that license was not valid in New York.
  12. validate: show or confirm the effectiveness or worthiness of something
    "If our findings are validated, coffee could represent one modifiable factor that may lower the risk of developing the most harmful form of prostate cancer."
  13. valor: courage when facing danger
    Many had seen and spoken to the young hero, and all related his prodigies of valor.
  14. vanguard: a creative group active in the innovation of new concepts
    Panicked curators, artistic directors and art critics are warning of London's potential fall from the vanguard of the global arts scene.
  15. vanity: the trait of being unduly conceited
    Slowly I turned to look at Silver Heels, all my vanity, conceit, and condescension vanished.
  16. vanquish: defeat in a competition, race, or conflict
    The unconquerable Argonne had been conquered; a ruthless enemy was vanquished.
  17. vantage: place or situation affording some benefit
    But when he pulled out a telephoto lens, he was able to negotiate a better — and closer — vantage point.
  18. vapid: lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest
    No, ladies and gentlemen, do not let us be discouraged or deceived by any fine, vapid, empty words. 
  19. variable: a quantity that can assume any of a set of values
    He created a math model of a human being and then plugged in all the variables — height, weight, food intake, exercise.
  20. variegated: having an assortment of colors
    In domesticated animals, from causes apparently not as yet traced, the colour is variegated and various.
  21. varying: marked by diversity or difference
    National central banks do make disclosures, but in varying formats and with differing frequencies and delays.
  22. vassal: a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
    Second, the vassals, who rendered service to those from whom they held their lands.
  23. vast: unusually great in size or amount or extent or scope
    Vast amounts of natural gas in shale rock formations have been unlocked by improved drilling techniques, making the fuel cheap and plentiful across the U.S.
  24. vault: a strongroom or compartment for safekeeping of valuables
    Banks also offer investors the opportunity to buy shares of gold bars kept in their vaults.
  25. vaunt: show off
    He is not so foolish as to be puffed up, nor does he vaunt himself nor boast.
  26. veer: turn sharply; change direction abruptly
    The day before Christmas the west wind suddenly veered round northward.
  27. vegetate: engage in passive relaxation
    Others vegetated around the hotel, a rare luxury, to rest tired muscles and frayed nerves.
  28. vehement: marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
    He rushed into his arms with an expression of the most vehement joy; the other was delighted, but not astonished, at meeting him so suddenly.
  29. velocity: distance traveled per unit time in one direction
    His velocity was fine, hitting 97 mph on the radar gun in the fifth inning.
  30. venal: capable of being corrupted
    It was still more creditable to him, that in such venal and corrupt days he maintained his integrity perfectly unsullied.
  31. vendetta: a blood feud between members of opposing parties
    They are usually engaged in some vendetta between rival factions, or families, and blood is frequently shed.
  32. vendor: someone who exchanges goods or services for money
    A street vendor sells Senegalese newspapers commemorating the presidential elections.
  33. veneer: coating consisting of a thin layer of wood
    The inlay used was often oval in shape, sometimes only a line and sometimes panels of different woods or matched veneer.
  34. venerable: profoundly honored
    Surely an Evangelical incident attested by so many, such respectable, and such venerable witnesses as these, is clearly above suspicion.
  35. venerate: regard with feelings of respect and reverence
    As guests of our highly respected and even venerated host, we were visited by nearly all the magistrates of the city.
  36. venturesome: disposed to take risks
    Brave, reckless, idealistic chaps—careless of peril, unafraid of death—who deliberately sought danger and the venturesome life as found during the war, over there.
  37. venue: the scene of any event or action
    By tradition Riyadh has no public entertainment - no cinemas, theatres or music - so the only leisure venues are shopping malls and parks.
  38. veracity: unwillingness to tell lies
    Professionally speaking, lawyers have been called legal liars, but compared to stock manipulators they are walking examples of truth and veracity.
  39. verbal: of or relating to or formed from words in general
    Recognizable quotes are like verbal shorthand, getting across in one or two sentences what normally takes much longer to explain.
  40. verbatim: using exactly the same words
    Hence you will need complete sentences taken down verbatim in the exact words of the speaker.
  41. verbiage: overabundance of words
    An American lawyer sets forth in plain direct language what in England would be concealed beneath a mass of puzzling and almost unintelligible verbiage.
  42. verbose: using or containing too many words
    There are also other writings reported to be his, verbose and of great length.
  43. verdant: characterized by abundance of vegetation and green foliage
    Combine fresh greenery, fruit, and flowers for a verdant centerpiece that will last throughout the season.
  44. verify: confirm the truth of
    The activists' account cannot be independently verified, but twice in the past week UN observers on the ground have corroborated similar claims.
  45. verisimilitude: the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true
    It has every appearance of verisimilitude: you truly believe this woman exists and has been filmed at all these various stages of her life.
  46. veritable: not counterfeit or copied
    In Mr. Bottomley the Georgian era has found an authentic voice—a veritable interpreter.
  47. verity: an enduring or necessary ethical or aesthetic truth
    Be investigators of reality that you may attain the verity of truth and life.
  48. vernacular: characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language
    But being vernacular and popular in origin, these terms cannot obtain the uniformity and currency of literary names employed and recognised by official authority.
  49. vernal: suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh
    They constitute one among many manifestations of spring and autumn physiological disturbance corresponding with fair precision to the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.
  50. versatile: competent in many areas and able to adapt with ease
    The scheme relies on players being versatile and handling myriad assignments out of myriad personnel packages.
  51. vertex: the point of intersection of lines
    This regular solid of four-dimensional space consists of sixteen cells, each a regular tetrahedron, thirty-two triangular faces, twenty-four edges and eight vertices.
  52. vertigo: a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall
    A haze of orange light enveloped him, there came a great vertigo and dizziness and pain, he felt himself falling through bottomless spaces....
  53. verve: an energetic style
    M'Loughlin gave us speed, dash, and verve in our tennis.
  54. vestige: an indication that something has been present
    All inflammation vanished immediately and every vestige of pain disappeared....
  55. veteran: a person who has served in the armed forces
    The study included 182 Vietnam War veterans who had highly localized brain damage caused by penetrating head wounds.
  56. veto: a vote that blocks a decision
    Even President Wilson could not block it, for a two-thirds vote to overcome his veto was mustered in Congress.
  57. vex: disturb the peace of mind of
    Memory kept vexing me sorely; and I, who seldom cried, swallowed tears behind my veil and went along in silence.
  58. vexation: anger produced by some annoying irritation
    The knocking and scratching indicated rage and fury, combined with irritation and vexation on account of having got into a scrape.
  59. viable: capable of being done with means at hand
    "That's a mistake that some developed countries have made that is neither financially viable nor providing the best care," he said.
  60. vibrant: vigorous and animated
    Her vibrantly colored works illustrate the evolution of funk, an African-American cultural and work aesthetic, often sustained through music dating back to Emancipation.
  61. vicarious: experienced at secondhand
    Again, people who rated higher on empathy showed greater vicarious embarrassment.
  62. vice: moral weakness
    “I do not spend on vices like smoking, drinking or gambling, and have been completely devoted to my family,” he said in the statement.
  63. vicinity: a surrounding or nearby region
    But she hunted around in the vicinity of the cabin, and found some blackberry bushes that were fairly well laden.
  64. vicissitude: a variation in circumstances or fortune
    Charles Macy.—An orphan at thirteen years of age, Mr. Macy's early life was full of changes, adventures and vicissitudes.
  65. victor: the contestant who wins the contest
    All the contestants shall then be collected, and every victor crowned.
  66. vie: compete for something
    Monday and stretched nearly three city blocks by the next morning, as residents vied for one of 100 coveted spots on the complex’s waiting list.
  67. vigilant: carefully observant or attentive
    State Department has warned Americans to carefully consider the risks of travel to Fiji and to be vigilant while there.
  68. vignette: a small illustrative sketch
    The museum sets out a selection of Civil War era clothing in vignettes depicting women at work on their Sanitary Commission projects.
  69. vigorous: characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity
    The overall arc and momentum sometimes felt distorted, but Ms. Lim’s intellectual analysis and emotional engagement resulted in fresh, vigorous interpretations.
  70. vile: morally reprehensible
    He met a pious little girl, whose feelings he tried to wound by using vile and sinful language.
  71. vilify: spread negative information about
    In this particular article every action of Mary’s life is construed unfavorably, and her character shamefully vilified.
  72. villain: the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
    The hero passes through thrilling adventures in his endeavours to rescue his betrothed from the hands of an unscrupulous villain.
  73. vindicate: clear of accusation, blame, or doubt with supporting proof
    They were later vindicated when wiretaps played in court proved they were framed by police and corrupt businessmen.
  74. vindictive: showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt
    There aren’t any vindictive contestants stabbing nicer ones in the back.
  75. vintage: the oldness of wines
    Progress is counted by the annual vintage, and the best wines mature over decades, not years.
  76. virtual: being actually such in almost every respect
    The public opinion polls, which registered a virtual dead heat in recent months, are beginning to inch in his favor.
  77. virtue: any admirable quality or attribute
    In my defense, there are virtues to being the new guy — I’m seeing the world through fresh eyes.
  78. virtuoso: someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
    As a virtuoso I think Liszt stood above Rubinstein, for his playing must have possessed amazing, dazzling qualities.
  79. virulent: extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom
    It is an unusually virulent cancer of white blood cells that are overproduced in bone marrow and invade other parts of the body.
  80. visage: the human face
    Some patients want surgeons to dig deeper, cutting away at bones underneath their faces to create a more perfect visage.
  81. viscera: internal organs collectively
    The viscera are the soft internal organs especially in the abdominal and thoracic cavities.
  82. visceral: coming from deep inward feelings rather than from reasoning
    “It was an overwhelming feeling — a brutally visceral response — heartfelt and unmediated by my training or my feminist pro-choice politics,” she wrote.
  83. viscid: having the sticky properties of an adhesive
    This species has a cap two to four inches broad, viscid or sticky when moist.
  84. vital: performing an essential function in the living body
    Shanahan passed out, his vital signs quit, his heart stopped beating for a half minute, and a priest gave him last rites.
  85. vitality: the property of being able to survive and grow
    Notwithstanding these evidences of vitality, Catharism was rapidly dying out.
  86. vitiate: corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
    He thought that trial down there, before partisan juries and biased judges, would be a farce which vitiated the whole spirit of justice.
  87. vitreous: relating to or resembling or derived from glass
    On the one hand, some are completely vitreous, like obsidian, which is a natural glass.
  88. vitriolic: harsh, bitter, or malicious in tone
    At Rush’s urging, hundreds of people flooded her with hateful, vitriolic emails.
  89. vituperative: marked by harshly abusive criticism
    Much as she obviously condemned me, there was no noisy recrimination, no violent vituperative outburst on her part.
  90. vivacious: vigorous and animated
    He adds:— For the rest, he seemed intelligent, vehement, vivacious and full of life.
  91. vivid: evoking lifelike images within the mind
    Indeed, the footage was vivid, with grass blades, facial lines and soaring mountains appearing luminous and pronounced.
  92. vocation: the particular occupation for which you are trained
    Indeed even some who have more than served time in that capacity will admit that it is a dangerous employment, profession, or vocation.
  93. vociferous: conspicuously and offensively loud
    The complaints grew so loud and vociferous that even President Obama was forced to address the backlash from Lisbon on Saturday.
  94. void: an empty area or space
    His departure leaves a void in Detroit, a piece of bedrock gone, sort of like waking up to find the Detroit River gone.
  95. volatile: liable to lead to sudden change or violence
    The company also said it expects continuing “challenging conditions” including political and economic instability and volatile raw-material prices.
  96. voluble: marked by a ready flow of speech
    He seemed genuinely surprised, and though normally voluble, he was too overcome to speak.
  97. voluminous: large in number or quantity
    So varied and voluminous are the writings of Mr. Stockton, they may be grouped as Juveniles, Novels, Novelettes and Collected Short Stories.
  98. voracious: devouring or craving food in great quantities
    In an interview, Ms. Scott said Mr. Rich was a voracious reader, driven throughout his life by a hunger for stories.
  99. vortex: a powerful circular current of water
    Where they came together was a whirlpool, a tremendous vortex that hushed all surrounding Nature.
  100. vulnerable: capable of being wounded or hurt
    In high-intensity exercise like football, a player's kidneys are continuously working hard, making them more vulnerable to damage from strong drugs.
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