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Alphabet "R" | Dictionary Words - Class 6 PDF Download

100 Words Starting with "R"

  1. raconteur: a person skilled in telling anecdotes
    He was an excellent raconteur, and his stories had a stamp of their own which would have made them always and everywhere acceptable.
  2. radical: a person who has revolutionary ideas or opinions
    In New York his society was composed of free elements altogether, come-outers, reformers, radicals of every description.
  3. rambunctious: noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline
    Once, long ago, award ceremonies were rather unruly and rambunctious affairs.
  4. ramification: a consequence, especially one that causes complications
    Certainly when one gave the hideous experiment full thought, its possible angles of development, its many potential ramifications, were astounding in the extreme.
  5. rampant: occurring or increasing in an unrestrained way
    Poverty is rampant — much of the population lives on just a few dollars each day, according to recent estimates — and unemployment remains high.
  6. rancor: a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
    They strove with heart and soul to establish the teachings by which divergent people might be brought together and no strife, rancor or hatred prevail.
  7. rapport: a relationship of mutual understanding between people
    Ms. Tindall, 48, did not work for Mr. Stevens, but several people said they had a strong mutual respect and a warm rapport.
  8. rarefied: of high moral or intellectual value
    It is hard to imagine many casual park visitors being captivated by the conceptual systems that gave rise to such rarefied abstractions.
  9. rationalization: a defense mechanism explaining actions non-threateningly
    The people, she said in an e-mail message, “are tired of the same old rationalizations and excuses.”
  10. ravage: cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
    The heaviest flooding in 50 years ravaged farms, automotive and electronics plants and is thought to have taken 800 lives.
  11. ravenous: extremely hungry
    You know that makes them ravenous, and they'd eat him out of house and home in time.
  12. realm: a domain in which something is dominant
    Such questions are generally considered not to belong to the realm of positive physical science, but will before long be annexed to its domain.
  13. reap: get or derive
    Every new plaza the city opens, like the recent one on Gansevoort Street, instantly fills up; local shop owners reap the benefits.
  14. rebellious: resisting control or authority
    Their founders also tend to be rebellious types who enjoy challenging authority.
  15. rebuke: an act or expression of criticism and censure
    But analysts at banks and brokerages noted that Putin, known for his sharp rebukes of tycoons, avoided direct criticism of the company's owners.
  16. rebuttal: the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary argument
    If one candidate specifically criticizes another in an answer, the victimized candidate is generally given rebuttal time.
  17. recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to authority or control
    The officials of the state banks especially proved recalcitrant and refused to surrender Government moneys.
  18. recant: formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
    But he quickly recanted and later denied having made the statement at all.
  19. recapitulate: summarize briefly
    He then recapitulated, with rapid but accurate detail, the principal circumstances of my story, bestowing some brief comment on each as he went.
  20. recidivism: habitual relapse into crime
    So successful is Buffalo's Veterans Court that it boasts a zero recidivism rate -- none of the participants have been rearrested and returned.
  21. recipient: a person to whom something is sent, given, or awarded
    The society left open the possibility of transplanting hearts into patients over age 70, as long as recipients were otherwise in very good health.
  22. reciprocate: act, feel, or give mutually or in return
    He took some pains, moreover, to reciprocate the civilities he had received, by entertaining his hosts in return.
  23. recluse: one who lives in solitude
    He must not continue to withdraw himself from their society, they urged, and live the life of a recluse and hermit.
  24. recoil: draw back, as with fear or pain
    The Reverend Mr. Prattleton literally recoiled at the words, and staggered back a few steps in his dismay.
  25. recommence: begin again
    He was released under the first declaration of indulgence; but as he instantly recommenced his preaching, he was arrested again.
  26. recompense: payment or reward, as for service rendered
    In 1830, the United States government made a large grant of lands to his heirs as a further recompense for his military services.
  27. reconcile: bring into consonance or accord
    They split up two weeks later, then reconciled, then split up again.
  28. recondite: difficult to understand
    On both sides of Lamb, however, there lie literatures more difficult, more recondite.
  29. reconnaissance: the act of scouting, especially to gain information
    This 38 metre-long remotely operated airship is designed to carry communications and monitoring equipment for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions.
  30. recrimination: mutual accusations
    But despite calls for national unity to face this challenge, Mexico's politicians keep slinging mud and trading mutual recriminations over who is to blame.
  31. rectitude: righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest
    You must be morally upright and of steadfast rectitude.
  32. redoubtable: inspiring fear
    Then implacable and dangerous pursuits, redoubtable struggles, were the order of their days and nights.
  33. redress: act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
    Some efforts at redress were made; but the remedy proved ineffectual, and the discontent of the Indians increased with every year.
  34. refined: cultivated and genteel
    You have seen him becoming more refined and careful day by day, more carefully dressed, less clumsy in the ways and methods of social life.
  35. refulgent: radiating or as if radiating light
    Through the same clear mirror La Fayette saw the sun of freedom reflecting its refulgent rays over Columbia's prolific land.
  36. refurbish: improve the appearance or functionality of
    She said Kimpton had refurbished many guest rooms to include bigger desks with improved lighting and an ergonomic rolling chair, rather than an armchair.
  37. refutation: the act of determining that something is false
    Whatever falsehoods the counsel for the Crown may advance, and the witnesses swear to, shall meet neither denial nor refutation from me.
  38. regime: the governing authority of a political unit
    “Today in the world there is no place for authoritarian administrations, one-party rule, closed regimes,” he said.
  39. regress: get worse or fall back to a previous condition
    Instead of getting better, the team has regressed.
  40. reiterate: say, state, or perform again
    He reiterated the previous rules but added an extra rule related to screen size, measured in inches.
  41. rejuvenate: return to life; get or give new life or energy
    Refresh, renew, rejuvenate yourself by play and pleasant recreation.
  42. relapse: a failure to maintain a higher state
    With no cure in hand, the goal for most patients with multiple myeloma is to keep treating relapses as long as treatments are available.
  43. relegate: assign to a lower position
    Far from basking in a starring role, New York is relegated once again to the bleachers.
  44. relent: give in, as to influence or pressure
    Mr. Ponomaryov said he initially resisted the inclusion of nationalist leaders, but relented when members agreed to sign a pact denouncing xenophobia and racism.
  45. relentless: never-ceasing
    “It’s just been relentless, just nonstop,” city spokesman Allen Marquette said Monday.
  46. relevance: the relation of something to the matter at hand
    Our hypothesis is that kids will be more interested in science and technology when they see its relevance to their own lives.
  47. relevant: having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
    Clinton earns two Pinocchios: He relied on selective data that would support his case while ignoring other relevant numbers.
  48. relinquish: turn away from; give up
    Emerson's son and biographer some time ago relinquished his medical practice in Concord, and has since devoted himself to art.
  49. relish: spicy or savory condiment
    But relish gets no such respect in the food world, Mr. Levine said: “I think sweet relish has become the forgotten condiment.”
  50. remediate: set straight or right
    "We have made clear that losses associated with improperly executed foreclosures will not be eligible for loss-share arrangements until problems are appropriately remediated," she said.
  51. reminiscent: serving to bring to mind
    Major deals were completed in Turkey last year and new funds are emerging on a scale reminiscent of the boom times of 2007.
  52. remorse: a feeling of deep regret, usually for some misdeed
    “Defendant has never expressed doubt or regret or remorse,” she said.
  53. remote: inaccessible and sparsely populated
    In remote and isolated Manipur, blockades ensure that what little commercial life there is gets choked off.
  54. remunerate: make payment to; compensate
    The annuals, it turned out, did not pay annually, but remunerated their contributors at uncertain periods, varying from two years to ten.
  55. renegade: someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw
    This community seemed to be composed of renegades and outlaws from several other communities.
  56. renege: fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
    But companies often reneged on contracts, German says, and the promised jobs never materialized.
  57. renounce: turn away from; give up
    Because my father having renounced his faith, and my mother being uncertain of hers, they had no particular creed to hold us to.
  58. renowned: widely known and esteemed
    This Mr. Jones was a preacher of extraordinary power, renowned and respected throughout Wales.
  59. renunciation: the act of sacrificing or giving up or surrendering
    In all the stories, however, the virtue of self-sacrifice and of renunciation is strongly painted.
  60. repent: feel sorry for; be contrite about
    There he repented of his errors, was contrite, and reformed himself.
  61. repercussion: a remote or indirect consequence of some action
    There’s no doubt that there can be grave  repercussions to living thoughtlessly and recklessly online, from endangering college admissions to potential job opportunities.
  62. repertoire: the range of skills in a particular field or occupation
    In Connecticut, Nelson expanded his repertoire, working on his technique and stamina.
  63. replenish: fill something that had previously been emptied
    They arrived at the Cape late in May, and stopped there for thirty-eight days, refitting, replenishing provisions, and refreshing the worn-out crew.
  64. reprehensible: bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure
    Normally, punitive damages are awarded only when the conduct in question is malicious, unusually reckless, or otherwise reprehensible.
  65. repress: block the action of
    Rutherford was manly in his feelings, but he could not repress his starting tears.
  66. reprove: reprimand, scold, or express dissatisfaction with
    If he continue to offend his neighbor, the next time he shall be openly reproved and admonished before the Congregation when met together.
  67. repudiate: reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust
    Repudiating the king's claim to unconditional obedience, they declared the Regulating Act unconstitutional, and called on all officers under it to resign their places.
  68. repugnant: offensive to the mind
    Such accusations, when made by minors, are generally full of disgusting details, which would be repugnant to any adult.
  69. reputable: held in high esteem and honor
    Youngsters, who might be expected to embrace new ways of doing things, must therefore publish in existing, reputable journals if they want recognition and promotion.
  70. resolute: firm in purpose or belief
    Her performance is purposeful and resolute, but she knows when to let Victoria's softness show, too.
  71. resonate: evoke or suggest a strong meaning or belief
    He says that message is increasingly resonating throughout Iowa, particularly in the rural northwest, where his campaign began to catch fire.
  72. restitution: a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
    Authorities have said in court filings they are looking into using the book proceeds to help repay a $23 million restitution order to his victims.
  73. restive: impatient especially under restriction or delay
    The king kept her away from all active warfare, and she grew restive and impatient with her life of inaction.
  74. resurgence: bringing again into activity and prominence
    The controversy, however, was by no means ended, and around 1704 it flared again in a resurgence of attacks upon the stage.
  75. resuscitate: cause to regain consciousness
    The baby, he said, needed to be resuscitated twice because his heart had stopped beating.
  76. retaliate: make a counterattack and return like for like
    He said, generally speaking, those who sue him are "retaliating" for lawsuits he filed against them.
  77. reticent: cool and formal in manner
    He was reserved and very reticent, cold in manner and not sympathetic.
  78. retort: answer back
    "Ay, the men see to that!" retorted the good lady, getting the last word and going away delighted.
  79. retract: formally reject or disavow
    But no clear motive was ever established, and Mr. Kovalyov later retracted his confession, saying it was extracted under torture.
  80. retrench: make a reduction, as in one's workforce
    Is it, like Channel 4, retrenching into TV programming, cutting back any online project not related to core TV programming?
  81. retribution: the act of taking revenge
    Whatever may be the retribution for individuals beyond the grave, justice on nations must be done in this world; and here it will be done.
  82. revelation: an enlightening or astonishing disclosure
    Then, as revelations of gamblers’ dealings with local players became public, L.I.U. lost four consecutive games, all on the road.
  83. revelry: unrestrained merrymaking
    But all this revelry — dancing, drinks, exuberant youth — can be hard to manage.
  84. reverberate: ring or echo with sound
    Thunder reverberating through the mountains awakened hoarse echoes on every side.
  85. revere: love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess
    Have not his countrymen loved, admired, revered, rewarded, nay, almost adored him?
  86. revile: spread negative information about
    Acosta will continue working in Venezuela’s foreign service despite, he added, saying she remained an honorable professional despite being “verbally attacked, reviled, demonized.”
  87. revoke: cancel officially
    On average, the agency revokes or denies renewal of 110 licenses annually, records show.
  88. revolutionize: change radically
    “He revolutionized the way of seeing nature and as a result completely changed how other artists approached landscape painting.”
  89. revulsion: intense aversion
    A sick disgust clutched at Rose as she watched—an utter revulsion from the whole loathly business.
  90. rhetorical: relating to using language effectively
    Of course no two men could possibly be more unlike in the manner of speaking, but the rhetorical vernacular of both has a considerable resemblance.
  91. rigorous: demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
    Consumer advocates pushed for more rigorous regulation, saying that the institutions responsible for wrecking the economy need strict supervision.
  92. riveting: capable of arousing and holding the attention
    It’s formally fascinating — the 14 dancers sometimes subdivide into five, six or seven sections, with different movements — and it’s dramatically riveting.
  93. robust: sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction
    Despite the good news, many economists caution that continued deep declines in the unemployment rate will require more robust economic growth.
  94. rousing: capable of stirring enthusiasm or excitement
    Still, he played with beautiful colorings and articulate touch, especially in the rousing, high-spirited finale.
  95. rudimentary: being in the earliest stages of development
    The simpler processes must, from their earliest rudimentary beginnings, have been leading up to the later and more complex.
  96. ruminate: reflect deeply on a subject
    He seemed to ruminate on this thought as if it gave him special cause for reflection.
  97. rural: living in or characteristic of farming or country life
    Graceful farms with white picket fences and horses grazing dot the rural landscape, as do hunting shacks.
  98. ruse: a deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture
    I made believe I was flying away, and the Frenchman was deceived by my ruse and came after me, over our positions.
  99. rustic: characteristic of rural life
    Beautiful high-resolution photographs of farm animals on a rustic background, which produce their respective noises when prodded.
  100. ruthless: without mercy or pity
    He was not naturally cruel; but he was ruthless if it served his purpose, and could take pitiless vengeance for an insult or a wrong.
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