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Alphabet "S" | Dictionary Words - Class 6 PDF Download

100 Words Starting with "S"

  1. sacrilegious: grossly irreverent toward what is considered holy
    Some say the artwork blurs the line between church and state; others consider it sacrilegious to have Mexico's patron saint pictured surfing.
  2. sacrosanct: treated as if holy and kept free from violation or criticism
    After decades of being considered politically sacrosanct, why are homeowner mortgage write-offs suddenly on the chopping block?
  3. sagacious: acutely insightful and wise
    The sagacious painter had a truer insight into this matter than most of our modern educationists.
  4. salubrious: promoting health
    The air is extremely salubrious, and the place has long been remarkable for its freedom from epidemics.
  5. sardonic: disdainfully or ironically humorous
    With unemployment in some parishes above 25 percent, sardonic bumper stickers entered state lore: “Last one out, turn off the lights.”
  6. satiate: fill to satisfaction
    That means it's more effective at keeping your blood sugar levels stable, leaving you feeling satiated and less likely to start eating again hours later.
  7. satirical: exposing human folly to ridicule
    Inevitably there were instant faux feeds on Twitter with satirical commentary about Bin Laden’s death, including Ghost Osama and Osama in Hell.
  8. saturate: infuse or fill completely
    The head was shockingly disfigured, battered by some heavy instrument, and the clothes were saturated with blood.
  9. scarce: deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand
    Many Americans reside in food deserts—communities where retailers offering fresh food are scarce but fast-food restaurants and convenience stores selling prepared foods can abound.
  10. scathing: marked by harshly abusive criticism
    "You sickening little coward—you sneak," said Osmond, with scathing contempt.
  11. schism: division of a group into opposing factions
    After building a market worth at least $6 billion, fair trade is undergoing a schism, with Fair Trade USA splitting off.
  12. scion: a descendent or heir
    Mr. Papandreou, a political scion whose father and grandfather were also prime ministers, took office late last year.
  13. scornful: expressing extreme contempt
    Mr. Gates also was scornful of the top deal makers: “Russian democracy has disappeared, and the government is an oligarchy run by the security services.”
  14. scrupulous: characterized by extreme care and great effort
    “His films have a look, an ambience, a setting, that’s very real because of his scrupulous attention to detail,” Mr. Jewison added.
  15. scrutinize: examine carefully for accuracy
    Days before Thanksgiving, AT&T's heavyweight lobbying team was busy setting up meetings with antitrust authorities scrutinizing the company’s $39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile.
  16. seamless: perfectly consistent and coherent
    String quartets, made up of four similar instruments that blend seamlessly and resonate together, are the thoroughbreds of chamber music.
  17. secede: withdraw from an organization or polity
    On the 3rd of November a revolution broke out at Panama, and the state seceded from Colombia and declared itself to be an independent republic.
  18. secession: formal separation from an alliance or federation
    But southern Sudanese living in northern Sudan were more ambivalent — 42 percent opted for unity and 58 percent for secession.
  19. sedentary: requiring sitting or little activity
    There is a growing body of research showing that very active women are less likely to develop breast cancer than their sedentary peers.
  20. seditious: in opposition to a civil authority or government
    If stones were thrown at the police and seditious cries were raised, it was no more than might be reasonably expected.
  21. sedulous: marked by care and persistent effort
    For something like eleven summers I've written things that aimed to teach Our careless mealy-mouthéd mummers To be more sedulous of speech.
  22. segregation: the act of keeping apart
    In Malaysia, there is no gender segregation; women hold top positions in banks and other companies, and female university students now outnumber men.
  23. semantics: the study of language meaning
    Web semantics developers in recent years have trained computers to classify news topics based on intuitive keywords and recognizable names.
  24. seminal: influential and providing a basis for later development
    Branches, even trunks might bend and break, but the seminal roots sent up new shoots next season, which in another year, bore fruit scantily.
  25. sentient: endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness
    Emotions and intelligence are connected with nerve structures in all sentient beings that we have experience and knowledge of.
  26. sentiment: a personal belief or judgment
    Every American will read these works with national pride, and have his better feelings and sentiments enkindled and strengthened.—Western literary Messenger.
  27. sequential: in regular succession without gaps
    Nissan has taken on a more aggressive marketing approach in recent months in Brazil, where car sales have hit sequential records for four years.
  28. sequester: set apart from others
    Emerson says, "The virtue of art lies in detachment, in sequestering one object from the embarrassing variety."
  29. serendipity: good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
    Serendipity is a recurring theme in Chandler's biography, with one happy accident after another pushing him in a certain direction.
  30. serenity: the absence of mental stress or anxiety
    The serenity he doubtless enjoys as a Zen monk will probably help.
  31. sibylline: resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
    Their Sibylline books have prophesied the fall of Rome, though they use the name 'Babylon.'
  32. simian: relating to or resembling an ape
    At least 10 large black-faced langur monkeys are being used at the Delhi Games venues to stop smaller simian monkeys from causing trouble.
  33. simile: a figure of speech expressing a resemblance between things
    Then he rushed away without saluting me, and looking as black as the ace of spades—that simile suits my present mood!
  34. simultaneous: occurring or operating at the same time
    Supertaskers can juggle simultaneous tasks without experiencing a drop in attention or focus, which flies against the conventional wisdom about how the human brain functions.
  35. slack: not tense or taut
    He moved on down toward the cottonwoods and reaching them stood in their shadows, arms at his sides, shoulders slacked as if weakened, irresolute.
  36. sobriety: the state of being unaffected or not intoxicated by alcohol
    His lawyer Heather Boxeth has said O'Neal relapsed by drinking alcohol after five years of sobriety and was in rehab.
  37. solace: comfort offered to one who is disappointed or miserable
    "Hurt/comfort" stories revolve — as you might imagine — around one character's getting injured physically or emotionally and another character's providing solace.
  38. solitude: a state of social isolation
    Then, feeling that this sorrow required solitude, one after another slipped away, slowly, gently, and on tiptoe, leaving Helen alone with her husband's body.
  39. solvent: a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances
    The alchemist gave up his search for an universal solvent upon being asked in what kind of vessel he expected to keep it when found.
  40. somatic: characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit
    Nature and the spiritual, without this embodied intelligence, this somatic being, called man or angel or ape, are as ermine on a wax figure.
  41. sophist: someone whose reasoning is subtle and often specious
    This word comes from the Greek "sophistes," meaning a sophist, that is to say, one who makes a pretence of being wise.
  42. specious: plausible but false
    You might be tempted to think of the biggest airline as the one with the most aircraft, but capacity differences make this reasoning specious.
  43. spectator: a close observer; someone who looks at something
    More than 200 spectators watched aircraft take to the skies on Tuesday at Mona Airfield.
  44. spectrum: a broad range of related objects, values, or qualities 
    Bisher covered a spectrum of sports — including football, baseball, horse racing, auto racing and boxing — that reflected the tastes of his Southern readership.
  45. speculation: a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
    He said the four conspiracy charges leveled at his client were supported by nothing but “ speculation, innuendo and conjecture.”
  46. spontaneous: said or done without having been planned in advance
    In his solo concerts since the 1970s, Mr. Jarrett has committed himself to spontaneous improvisation, to ideas that surface in the moment.
  47. sporadic: recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances
    Police have clamped down on demonstrations, and lingering unrest has been sporadic and scattered.
  48. spurious: plausible but false 
    Sedan.—No genuine stamps ever existed; all were spurious.
  49. spurn: reject with contempt
    Saying that agents and publishers had spurned him 162 times, Mr. Wimmer laid claim to being the most-rejected published novelist in history.
  50. squabble: a quarrel about petty points
    There was trouble going on here and there, petty wars and political squabbles.
  51. squalid: foul and run-down and repulsive
    There was nothing but poverty— squalid, disgusting poverty—visible everywhere, and Lucy grew sick and faint at the, to her, unusual sight.
  52. squander: spend extravagantly
    He laid up the money that he earned, instead of squandering it, as young men in his situation often do, in transient indulgences.
  53. stagnant: not growing or changing; without force or vitality
    In that dull household, where so few events ever disturbed the stagnant quiet, this sudden journey produced an indescribable sensation.
  54. stagnate: stand still
    Services, accounting for about three quarters of the economy, stagnated with zero growth.
  55. stalemate: a situation in which no progress can be made
    But, in the end, nothing really gets resolved, nobody wins and the stalemate continues.
  56. stamina: enduring strength and energy
    But these were searching days for everyone, when physical endurance and mental stamina were stretched to their furthest limit.
  57. statutory: prescribed or authorized by or punishable under law
    We have eliminated the opposition down our way—perfectly legal and statutory.
  58. steadfast: marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
    Steadfast in his convictions and imperturbable under pressure, Mr. Miller was the ultimate iconoclast.
  59. stoic: seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
    Then the typically stoic Green Bay Packers coach briefly lost his composure, pausing for several seconds as he choked up with emotion.
  60. stratification: the act of arranging persons into classes or levels
    People were much the same, she thought, in every class; there was no stratification of either rightness or righteousness.
  61. striate: mark with stripes of contrasting color
    These white streaks give the bird the striated appearance from which it obtains its name.
  62. stultify: deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless
    Indian humanities and social sciences institutes have been neglected over the years — stultified by curricular inflexibility, underfinanced and understaffed.
  63. stupefy: make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow
    For several seconds he remained standing quite motionless and breathless, staring in stupefied amazement at the dark outline of the enemy.
  64. subdue: put down by force or intimidation
    Police officers surrounded the prison grounds while F.B.I. agents and guards tried to subdue the inmates, Sheriff Mayfield said.
  65. subjugate: make subservient; force to submit or subdue
    The ancient Romans ruled the world by subjugating the remotest nations, pillaging and breaking them down.
  66. subliminal: below the threshold of conscious perception
    If she was unhappy, her unhappiness lay too deep in subliminal abysses to struggle to the surface of her consciousness.
  67. subordinate: lower in rank or importance
    From the earliest times she was regarded as man's inferior and relegated to a subordinate position in society.
  68. subservient: compliant and obedient to authority
    Ms. Greig, he said, is a meek, subservient woman whom Mr. Bulger ordered around.
  69. subside: wear off or die down
    Once more the waves had subsided, and an almost flat calm prevailed.
  70. subsidiary: functioning in a supporting capacity
    A symbol has a chief meaning, and then various subsidiary meanings related to that chief meaning.
  71. subsistence: a means of surviving
    But how avoid him while she had no other means of subsistence than working in an open shop?
  72. subversive: in opposition to an established system or government
    The ideas of the French democracy were in the beginning revolutionary, disorderly, and subversive of national consistency and good faith.
  73. successor: a person who inherits some title or office
    Mr. Stewart has promised to stay on until a successor is hired.
  74. succinct: briefly giving the gist of something
    The intros to each posting are short, succinct, and witty.
  75. sully: make dirty or spotty
    Burning coal sullies the atmosphere and leaves toxic ash mountains.
  76. summon: call in an official matter, such as to attend court
    Bryce Harper batting seventh in major league debut had no clue why his Class AAA manager summoned him into his office Friday afternoon.
  77. sumptuous: rich and superior in quality
    The city is rich in antiquities, in historic buildings associated with illustrious names, in works of art and in sumptuous palaces.
  78. sundry: consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds
    In the preparation of this book, old journals, original records and documents, and sundry other trustworthy sources have been diligently consulted and freely utilized.
  79. superannuated: too old to be useful
    Law and government must keep pace with the progress of humanity, else the nation itself becomes effete, superannuated, deteriorated.
  80. supercilious: having or showing arrogant disdain or haughtiness
    James is outrageously supercilious, arrogant, conceited and rude.
  81. supererogatory: more than is needed, desired, or required
    Those arguments are not necessary, they are all supererogatory, like idle words.
  82. superficial: of, affecting, or being on or near the surface
    In uncivilised times, generally speaking, men were rather quick to observe outward and superficial distinctions, while very slow to discover internal and essential variations.
  83. superfluous: more than is needed, desired, or required
    He looked at them as if further talk were redundant, superfluous, unnecessary, a waste of time, and an insult.
  84. superimpose: place on top of
    This time, the camera focused only on his face and in editing, his head would be digitally superimposed on Pence's body.
  85. superlative: the form of a word denoting the greatest degree or extent
    Qatar’s economy offers indicators in superlatives: the world’s highest growth rate and highest per capita income.
  86. supernatural: not able to be explained by physical laws
    After vampires and shape shifters, now fairies are added to the fun supernatural mix.
  87. supersede: take the place or move into the position of
    Comic books, the convention’s original focus, have been superseded by movies, video games and action figures.
  88. supple: readily adaptable
    However, humanity is so flexible and supple that, in one way or another, it always overcomes these attempts at prevention.
  89. supplementary: functioning in a supporting capacity
    But, after all, these supplementary aids, though valuable, are deficient in guiding power.
  90. suppliant: one praying humbly for something
    I realized the hopelessness of my cause, and found myself facing Mr. Blight again, an humble suppliant for his pardon.
  91. suppression: forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority
    Bitterly, in blood and heartbreak and long suppression, they had been weighed down under superior force: but now the time of reprisals had come.
  92. surfeit: indulge (one's appetite) to satiety
    The law at last is satisfied, satiated, surfeited.
  93. surreal: characterized by fantastic and incongruous imagery
    In this surreal world, music records smell like different colors, foods tastes like specific noises, and sound comes in all varieties of textures and shapes.
  94. surreptitious: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy
    Truly, there had been some secret, surreptitious flittings in this old mansion.
  95. sustenance: a source of materials to nourish the body
    Furs have renewed my clothing, and I have never wanted for sustenance—chiefly nuts, fruits and vegetables.
  96. sybaritic: displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses
    Ever since, the city has been ravishing visitors with its teeming souks, ornate palaces and sybaritic night life.
  97. sycophant: a person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage
    Sycophants climb over the wall—but their flattery and fawning grow tiresome.
  98. symmetry: balance among the parts of something
    They all illustrate quaint melodic intervals and an instinct for balance and symmetry.
  99. synchronous: occurring or existing at the same time
    Mrs. Smiley spoke almost at the same moment but never precisely synchronous with Wilbur's whisper.
  100. synonymous: meaning the same or nearly the same
    The two phrases seem synonymous, and might often be used indifferently; but here there is evidently a well marked diversity of meaning.
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