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Alphabet "U" | Dictionary Words - Class 6 PDF Download

100 Words Starting with "U"

  1. ubiquitous: being present everywhere at once
    In the run-up to the launch, Morgan has been ubiquitous, popping up all over the place to promote the show.
  2. ulterior: lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed
    Its worth lies in the fact that it is manifestly unprejudiced and advanced by the speaker with no ulterior motive.
  3. ultimatum: a final peremptory demand
    Have issued ultimatum to my own country that, if she does not find fresh countries for me to fight before midnight, war will ensue.
  4. umbrage: a feeling of anger caused by being offended
    Such men are easily offended, take umbragat trifles, and are unforgiving in their resentments.
  5. unabashed: not embarrassed
    But she looked up into his face with such frank unabashed admiration that I couldn't help laughing—nor could he!
  6. unalterable: not capable of being changed
    There were no immovable prejudices, no fixed and unalterable traditions.
  7. unambiguous: having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning
    A man who is capable of thinking can express himself at all times in clear, comprehensible, and unambiguous words.
  8. unanimous: in complete agreement
    With a couple of exceptions, the president has nominated moderates who receive overwhelming, sometimes unanimous, support once they get a vote.
  9. unappreciated: having value that is not acknowledged
    Unappreciated, poor and neglected, it was not until after years of struggle that they attained recognition and success.
  10. unapproachable: reserved and discouraging intimacies
    They are apart, unapproachable, unidentified, not to be communicated with though you look into their faces and speak to them.
  11. unassailable: impossible to attack
    But the towns, within their strong Roman walls, were unassailable by the light cavalry which formed his only armed strength.
  12. unassuming: not arrogant
    Quiet and unassuming offstage, Mr. Watson played down his virtuoso guitar playing as nothing more than “country pickin.’ ”
  13. unattainable: impossible to achieve
    Stick to the world in which you are born, and throw no bouquets at the impossible or the unattainable.
  14. unbiased: without prejudice
    When the trusts are controlled, and labor submits its grievances to an impartial, unbiased board of arbitration, then there will be peace and plenty.
  15. unbridled: not restrained or controlled
    She was afraid of him in his ardent moods, almost as much as when he allowed his unbridled temper free rein.
  16. uncanny: surpassing the ordinary or normal
    In fact there was nothing unusual, or uncanny in the whole experience.
  17. uncharted: not yet surveyed or investigated
    “It’s not like this is untested, uncharted territory in some respect,” he said.
  18. uncommunicative: not inclined to talk or give information or express opinions
    The men, too, sat uncommunicative, silent; whereas their daughters or spouses turned, chattering, laughing, waving a hand to this or that friend.
  19. unconditional: not subject to any restrictions or limitations
    Meanwhile, Peel has said that its offer is now unconditional, meaning it will go ahead whatever the uptake.
  20. unconscionable: greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
    United’s chapter of the Air Line Pilots Association said the planned reuse of the flight numbers showed “insensitivity and unconscionable disrespect.”
  21. unconscious: lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception
    He fell asleep in an unconscious state, after an illness of a week.
  22. unconventional: not conforming to standards
    He said NSF is looking for "unusually innovative, unconventional, high-risk, and interdisciplinary proposals without a recognizable home" within the foundation.
  23. uncouth: lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
    He had not stopped to consider her rough speech and uncouth manners.
  24. unction: anointing as part of a religious ceremony or healing ritual
    Afterward he administers the sacrament of Extreme Unction—last anointing.
  25. unctuous: unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating
    He had become suave and unctuous, a kind of elephantine irony pervading his laborious attempts at conciliation.
  26. undaunted: resolutely courageous
    He possessed undaunted courage, and blended bold enterprise with much sagacity.
  27. undermine: weaken or impair, especially gradually
    Her friends were scattered, her means reduced and her health undermined.
  28. underscore: give extra weight to
    That One Direction topped the American chart underscores how powerful social media sites have become in marketing groups.
  29. undulate: move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
    Their accounts are frightening to read: the landscape undulating like a shaken carpet, rising and falling in waves 15 feet high.
  30. unencumbered: not burdened with cares or responsibilities
    At such times, a man should feel free, unencumbered, and perfectly at his ease in point of straps and suspenders.
  31. unequivocal: admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding
    His response was clear and unequivocal: “manipulating images is considered tampering with data.”
  32. unexceptionable: completely acceptable; not open to reproach
    All cowboys are from necessity good cooks, and the fluffy, golden brown biscuits and fragrant coffee of Red's making were unexceptionable.
  33. unfaltering: marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
    “Never!” was that word pronounced in a firm unfaltering tone.
  34. unfathomable: resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be immeasurable
    His Civil List is an unfathomable abyss, into which are thrown untold sums of money.
  35. unfettered: not bound or restrained, as by shackles and chains
    Each wants free enterprise unfettered by a meddlesome government, which means promoting lower taxes, less regulation and privatizing public services.
  36. unfledged: young and inexperienced
    Both were equally sympathetic, and pitied the little unfledged creature, who was by some accident left motherless in his early youth.
  37. unfounded: without a basis in reason or fact
    “The allegations contained in this report are inaccurate and unfounded,” Allen Chan, Sino-Forest’s chief executive officer, said in the statement.
  38. ungainly: lacking grace in movement or posture
    They seem ungainly in their clothes, and, apparently, feel awkward and ill at ease in this show.
  39. unguent: preparation applied externally as a remedy or for soothing
    Medicated unguents, applied to the skin, containing mercury, iodine, and other substances, are not known to be followed by any better results.
  40. unilateral: involving only one part or side
    He said the decision was not unilateral but taken in consultation with France's partners.
  41. unimpeachable: beyond doubt or reproach
    They were men of the highest courage and of unimpeachable honor.
  42. uninhibited: not restrained
    Marigold, the variegated mother of Wilson's award-winning title, is in many ways an amazing parent – dazzlingly creative, uninhibitedly joyous, constantly sidetracked by new ideas.
  43. unison: the act of occurring together or simultaneously
    Dick made ready for his try, every muscle working in unison, every fiber in his body intent on clearing the bar in safety.
  44. unity: an undivided or unbroken completeness with nothing wanting
    Early on, most of the lyrics were about unity and bringing different cultures together.
  45. universal: applicable to or common to all members of a group or set
    By universal consent, indeed, "The Chambered Nautilus" is considered the gem of Doctor Holmes' beautiful lyrics.
  46. unjust: not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception
    These evils briefly are: The competitive system is stupid because wasteful and disorderly; it is unnecessarily immoral, unjust and cruel.
  47. unjustified: lacking authorization
    Under the proposal, a rate increase will be considered unreasonable if it is excessive, unjustified or “unfairly discriminatory.”
  48. unkempt: not properly maintained or cared for
    “It also had filthy showers, terrible dressing rooms, and was tatty and unkempt.
  49. unlicensed: lacking official approval
    There are serious risks associated with parties in unlicensed locations: In 1990, a fire killed 87 people inside an illegal New York club.
  50. unmitigated: not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity
    When the donkey first bounded off, the feelings of Bob were nothing but pure, unmitigated delight.
  51. unobtainable: not capable of being acquired
    Fresh meat was soon unobtainable, except by those few people who could afford to pay fabulous prices for joints smuggled across the frontier.
  52. unobtrusive: not undesirably noticeable
    Be unobtrusive, blend in, and everyone will forget you are there.
  53. unorthodox: breaking with tradition or typical norms
    His involvement drew denunciations from some conservatives who accuse him of holding liberal ideas and unorthodox religious beliefs.
  54. unpack: remove from protective material
    The steel plates were unpacked from the boxes in which they were shipped, brushed off, and stacked up ready for painting.
  55. unparalleled: radically distinctive and without equal
    When this unparalleled and matchless royal speech was ended the whole company burst forth into rapturous applause.
  56. unprecedented: novel; having no earlier occurrence
    State officials have said the company reported that the Virginia outage was unprecedented, an occurrence never before seen in 1 billion hours of system use.
  57. unprepossessing: creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression
    "Indeed!" ejaculated Mrs. Vanderburgh, as he addressed her, and raising her eyebrows with a supercilious glance for his plain, unprepossessing appearance.
  58. unpretentious: not behaving in an artificial way to impress others; natural
    Yet Norman Wisdom remained that most modest of British superstars, unpretentious, full of humility, despite a dizzying rise to international fame.
  59. unprincipled: lacking moral scruples
    He was no better, in his unprincipled cravings, than a wild beast.
  60. unravel: become undone
    I described how one day recently, Matthew’s mental state unraveled and he spent hours on the floor of the classroom in tears.
  61. unregulated: not subject to rule or discipline
    The Internet provides an inexpensive, anonymous, geographically unbounded, and largely unregulated virtual haven for terrorists.
  62. unrelenting: never-ceasing
    Constant and unrelenting, it streamed steadily upward, as though it drew its volume from central fires that would never cease.
  63. unremitting: uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
    The most unremitting attention and constant care were what the boy required declared the physician when he had made an examination.
  64. unrequited: not returned in kind
    As an elderly man looking back, he narrates the story, which turns out to be one of unfulfilled if not actually unrequited love.
  65. unresponsive: not reacting to some influence or stimulus
    All the time Sigurd was strange, remote, moving like a body without a spirit, unresponsive to all her attempts at comfort and cheer.
  66. unrestrained: marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
    The cook danced, clapped her hands, sat down in a chair, and reeled backward and forward in unrestrained ecstasy.
  67. unruly: noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline
    Once, long ago, award ceremonies were rather unruly and rambunctious affairs.
  68. unsavory: morally offensive
    For a more disreputable, unsavory, desperate and wicked band of men it would be almost impossible to find.
  69. unscathed: not injured
    Ever wondered why mosquitoes eat some people up but leave others relatively unscathed?
  70. unscheduled: not planned or on a regular timetable
    Secretary of State even made a personal, unscheduled visit to huddle with Mr. Zardari at his hotel.
  71. unseemly: not in keeping with accepted standards of what is proper
    In a country that has long shunned haggling outside of car dealerships and mattress stores, my behavior may have once appeared unseemly, even crass.
  72. unsightly: unpleasant to look at
    White paper is laid over black tablecloths — acceptable when pristine, but it quickly became unsightly with smudges of food.
  73. unspecified: not stated explicitly or in detail
    Two others have unspecified injuries and their conditions are not known.
  74. unstable: highly or violently reactive
    They can be chaotic, unstable, and at times violent.
  75. unsullied: free from blemishes
    "Only the pure in heart," "clean, unsullied thought."
  76. untenable: incapable of being defended or justified
    In fact, view it as we will, the whole idea of unlimited Matter is not only untenable, but impossible and preposterous.
  77. untoward: not in keeping with accepted standards of what is proper
    The captain in Lajas is on duty day and night, watching that nothing untoward may happen to man, beast, or property.
  78. unveil: make visible
    Details will be unveiled during a news conference Tuesday.
  79. unwarranted: without a basis in reason or fact
    The statement that "all amateur journalists are flirts, more or less", is a base and unwarranted libel which we are prepared completely to refute.
  80. unwavering: marked by firm determination or resolution
    In Bloomah's class alone—as if inspired by her martial determination—the ranks stood firm, unwavering.
  81. unwieldy: lacking grace in movement or posture
    On land, he is unwieldy and awkward; so that, when he is pursued by an enemy, he usually takes to his favorite element.
  82. unwitting: not aware or knowing
    If this was all, we could easily cope with these unwitting abuses, or even deliberate instances of misuse.
  83. unwonted: out of the ordinary
    He was continually surprised and taken off his guard by the unwonted and unexpected.
  84. unyielding: resistant to physical force or pressure
    When he sought to move, something firm and unyielding about his waist restrained him.
  85. upbraid: express criticism towards
    Rachel never upbraided her with words,—had never spoken one word of reproach.
  86. upbringing: helping someone grow up to be a member of the community
    His Majesty also left a thousand crowns, which were to be utilized in the education and general upbringing of the child.
  87. upheaval: disturbance usually in protest
    If they don’t find it, China risks riots and other upheaval.
  88. uphold: stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals
    We must be consistent in upholding human rights for all human beings.”
  89. uproarious: uncontrollably noisy
    One tires of this hurrying, bustling, jostling, uproarious life in the city, and then laziness in the country is considered the greatest of earthly boons.
  90. upshot: a phenomenon that is caused by some previous phenomenon
    I turned away half bewildered, and went home at once, pondering what was to be the upshot of this new development.
  91. urban: located in or characteristic of a city or city life
    Using data gathered by sensors scattered around an urban area, researchers say they can track changes in a city's carbon dioxide output.
  92. urbane: showing a high degree of refinement
    The concert closed with Bartok’s six Romanian Folk Dances, which Ms. Grimaud performed as refined and urbane, contemporaries of Berg’s sonata rather than quaintly folksy.
  93. urchin: a poor and often mischievous city child
    London, it is calculated, contains ten thousand of these shoeless, homeless, friendless, forsaken, ragged, unwashed, uncombed young urchins of doubtful antecedents.
  94. usurp: seize and take control without authority
    He had murdered his master, and usurped the throne, without any title to it whatever.
  95. usury: the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest
    There were no laws limiting the rate of interest, and the rich lent to the poor at extravagant rates of usury.
  96. utilitarian: valuing or chosen for usefulness above all else
    He does not, on the other hand, adopt a low utilitarian view of life, allowing value only to that which is "practical."
  97. utility: the quality of being of practical use
    Charles Goodyear, an American inventor, found a way for making it commonly useful, and brought about its practical and widespread utility.
  98. utopian: characterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection
    Thus More gave a new word to our language, and when we think some idea beautiful but impossible we call it " Utopian."
  99. utter: express in speech
    Mrs. Mandeville spoke as if every word she uttered tortured her.
  100. uxorious: foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife
    Yet he became deeply attached to his wife, and proved in fact nearly as uxorious as his father.
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