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Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

What are Negative Numbers?

Ethan is going for a picnic with his friends. He wants to carry cupcakes with him, but he has got only 3 cupcakes and there are 4 friends. What is he going to do now?

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

So, Ethan decided to borrow one cupcake from his sister, which he would return later.

How many cupcakes does he have now?

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

After borrowing one cupcake from his sister, he has got 4 cupcakes, which he would give to his four friends.
He goes for the picnic, where he gave away the 4 cupcakes to his friends.

Now, how many cupcakes are left with him?

Is your answer zero (0)?
We can say that there are no or 0 cupcakes left with him, but we also have to keep in mind that he has borrowed one cupcake from his sister.
So, in actual Ethan has (-1) cupcake, which means that 1 cupcake is borrowed and did not belong to him.
If he buys 3 more cupcakes the next day, he will have to return 1 cupcake to his sister and will be left with 2 cupcakes only.

Numbers with a negative sign are less than zero, and they are called negative numbers.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1Positive and Negative Numbers

Natural Numbers: Natural Numbers is a set of counting numbers. They are denoted by N.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Whole Numbers: If zero is included in the collection of natural numbers, we get a new collection of numbers known as whole numbers.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers: Integers are a set of whole numbers and negative of all natural numbers.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers on a Number Line

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Addition of Integers

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

If we add 6 and 4 (both are positive integers), we add their values and the result will also be a positive integer.
So, 6 + 4 = 10

Example 1: Add 25 and 46

25 and 46 are positive integers. So, we add their values.
25 + 46 = 71

The result will be a positive integer. (a common sign of both the integers)

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Example 2: Add 6 + (-9)

Here, one integer is positive and the other integer is negative.
So, we find the difference of the integers, (9 – 6 = 3)
Out of the two integers, which one is greater (do not consider the sign of the integers here)?
9 is the greater integer, but it is a negative integer.
Therefore, result 3 will have a negative sign.
So, -9 + 6 = -3

Example 3: Add -67 and 32

-67 + 32
Here, one integer is positive and the other is negative so we find the difference of their numerical values.
67 – 32 = 35
Now, 67 is the greater integer (signs of the integers are not considered).
As 67 is a negative integer, the result will take the negative sign.
-67 + 32 = -35

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Example 4: Add: -5 and -3

-5 + (-3) = -5 – 3 = -8
If we do the addition of -5 and -3 on the number line, then we start from 0 and jump 5 places to the left of 0.

Example 5: Add -78 and -36

Both the integers are negative, so we add their values and the result will take the negative sign.
-78 + (-36) = -78 – 36 = -114

Subtraction of Integers

When we subtract one integer from another, we add the additive inverse of the integer being subtracted.Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1Example 6: Subtract 3 from 7.

7 – 3
Additive inverse of 3 is -3
So we add 7 to the additive inverse of 3 that is -3.
7 -3 = 7 + (-3) = 4

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Example 7: Subtract -26 from 48

Here, we are subtracting the negative integer, -26 from 48. So we simply add the two integers.
48 – (-26)
48 – (-26) = 48 + 26 = 74

Example 8: Subtract -89 from -67

Now, we have to subtract a negative integer, -89 from another negative integer, -67.
-67 – (-89) = -67 + 89
We know that when we add a positive and a negative integer, then we find their difference and put the sign of the greater integer.
-67 + 89 = 22 (sign will be positive as the greater integer, 89 has a positive sign)

Question for Chapter Notes: Integers
Try yourself:What is the result of the following operation: 7 + (-3)?
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Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers

1. Closure under Addition

If a and b are two integers, then a + b is also an integer.
When we add any two integers, the result will always be an integer.
This is true for all integers.

2. Closure under Subtraction

If a and b are two integers, then a − b is also an integer.
When we subtract an integer from another, the result will always be an integer. This is true for all integers.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

3. Commutative Property

Commutative property of addition of integers
If a and b are two integers, then a + b = b + aIntegers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Hence, we can add two integers in any order.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Commutative property of subtraction of integers
If a and b are two integers, then a − b ≠ b − a

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Example 9: Verify the following and state the property used.

(-5) + (-8) = (-8) + (-5)
-5 + (-8) = -5 – 8 = -13
-8 + (-5) = -8 – 5 = -13
Here, we have used the commutative property of addition of integers which states that, if a and b are two integers, then a + b = b + a

4. Associative Property

Associative property of Addition of Integers
If a, b & c are any three integers, then
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

When we are adding integers, they can be grouped in any order and the result remains the same.
Consider the three integers, -2, -4 and -6

Case 1: [-2 + (-4)] + (-6)
In the first case, we group -2 and -4.
[-2 + (-4)] + (-6) = -6 + (-6)
On a number line, we start from -6 and jump 6 places to the left of -6.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

We reach -12 on the number line.

Case 2: (-2) + [-4 + (-6)]
In the second case we group together -4 and -6.
(-2) + [-4 + (-6)] = -2 + (-10)

On a number line, we start from -2 and jump 10 places to the left of -2.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

We reach -12 on the number line.
We see that the result is the same in both cases.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Associative property of Subtraction of Integers
For any three integers a, b and c,
(a – b) – c ≠ a – (b – c)

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Consider the integers, -3, -5 and -6

Case 1: [-3 - (-5)] - (-6)
In the first case, we group -3 and -5.
[-3 - (-5)] - (-6) = 2 + 6 = 8

Case 2: (-3) – [-5 – (-6)]
In the second case, we group -5 and -6.
(-3) – [-5 – (-6)] = -3 – 1 = -4
[-3 - (-5)] - (-6) ≠ (-3) – [-5 – (-6)]

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Example 10: Fill in the blanks to make the following statements true.

(i) [13 + (-12)] + (___) = 13 + [(-12) + (-7)]

We have used the associative property of addition of integers which states that, if a, b & c are any three integers, then
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
If a = 13, b = -12 and c = -7 then,
[13 + (-12)] + (-7) = 13 + [(-12) + (-7)]

(ii) (-4) + [15 + (-3)] = [-4 + 15] + (__)

We use the associative property of addition of integers which states that, if a, b & c are any three integers, then
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
If a = -4, b = 15 and c = -3 then,
(-4) + [15 + (-3)] = [-4 + 15] + (-3)

5. Additive Identity

If a is any integer, then a + 0 = a = 0 + a

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

The number 'zero' has a special role in addition. When we add zero to any integer, the result is the same integer again. Zero is the additive identity for integers.

Example 11: Fill in the blanks

(i) (-23) + 0 = ____

If we add zero to any integer the result is the same integer again. This property is known as additive identity property.
So, (-23) + 0 = -23

(ii) 0 + ___ = -43

We again use the additive identity property.
So, 0 + (-43) = -43

(iii) 8 + ___ = 8

Using the additive identity property, we get, 8 + 0 = 8

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Multiplication of Integers

Multiplication of a Positive and a Negative Integer

To find the product of two integers with unlike signs, we find the product of their values and put the negative sign before the product.

For any two integers a and b,
a × (−b) = (−a) × b = −(a × b)

Example 12: Find

(i) (-31) × 30

The two integers have different signs, one is positive and the other is negative. So we find the product of their values and give the product a negative sign.
(-31) × 30 = -930

(ii) 26 × (-13)

Here, one integer is positive and the other integer is negative. So, we find the product of their values and put a negative sign before the product.
26 × (-13) = -338

Multiplication of Two Negative Integers

To find the product of two integers with the same sign, we find the product of their values and put the positive sign before the product.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

For any two positive integers a and b,
a × b = ab
For any two negative integers (−a) and (−b)
(−a) × (−b) = ab
Consider two positive integers 6 and 8
6 × 8 = +48
Now, consider the two negative integers -6 and -8
(-6) × (-8) = +48
We see that the product is positive in both cases.

Example 13: Find
(i) (-11) × (-100)

The two integers have the same sign (negative), so we find the product of their values and put the positive sign before the product.
(-11) × (-100) = +1100

(ii) 25 × 250

As the two integers are positive (same sign) we find the product of their values and give a positive sign to the product.
25 × 250 = 6250

Product of three or more Negative Integers

We know that the product of two negative integers is a positive integer. What happens if we have to find the product of more than two negative integers?

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

We see that when the number of negative integers in a product is even, then the product is an even integer and if the number of negative integers in the product is odd, then the product is a negative integer.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Properties of Multiplication of Integers

1. Closure under Multiplication

If a and b are two integers, then a × b is an integer.

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2. Commutativity of Multiplication

If a and b are two integers, then a × b = b × a

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

The value of the product does not change even when the order of multiplication is changed.

3. Multiplication by Zero (0)

If a is any integer, then a × 0 = 0 × a = 0
15 × 0 = 0
(-100)× 0 = 0
0 ×(-25) = 0
The product of a negative integer and zero is always zero.

4. Multiplicative Identity

If a is any integer, then a × 1 = a = 1 × a

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

If we multiply any integer by 1, the product is the integer itself.
So, 1 is the multiplicative identity of integers.
Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition:
If a, b & c are any three integers, then
a × (b + c) = a × b + a × cIntegers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

5. Associativity for Multiplication

If a, b & c are any three integers, then
(a × b) × c = a × (b × c)

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

When we multiply three or more integers, the value of the product remains the same even if they are grouped in any manner and this is called the associative property for multiplication of integers.

6. Distributive Property

Over addition: For any integers a, b and c,

a x (b+c) = a x b + a x c

Over Subtraction: For any integers a, b and c,

a x (b-c) = a x b - a x c 

Example 14: Find the product using suitable property.

(i) 26× (-48) + (-48)× (-36)

= (-48)×26 + (-48)×(-36)
(by commutative property,a × b = b × a)
= (-48)×[26 + (-36)]
= (-48)×[26 – 36]
= (-48)×(-10) = 480

(ii) 8×53×(-125)

= 53×[8×(-125)]
(by associative property of multiplication (a × b) × c = a × (b × c))
= 53×(-1000) = -53000

(iii) (-41)×101

= (-41)×(100 + 1)
= (-41)×100 + (-41)× 1
(By the Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition,a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c)
= -4100 + (-41)
= -4100 – 41 = -4141

Example 15: A certain freezing process requires that room temperature be lowered from 50°C at the rate of 6°C every hour. What will be the room temperature 12 hours after the process begins?

Initial room temperature = 50°C
Decrease in temperature in 1 hour = -6°C
Decrease in temperature in 12 hours = 12 × (-6) = - 72°C
Final temperature = 50°C + (- 72°C) = -22°C

Question for Chapter Notes: Integers
Try yourself: What is the product of -3 and 5?
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Division of Integers

Rule 1: If two integers of different signs are divided, then we divide them as whole numbers and give a negative sign to the quotient.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Consider the two integers, 12 and -3.
If we divide 12 by -3, we get,
Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Example 16: Evaluate each of the following:

(i) (−30) ÷ 10

(−a) ÷ b = − (a/b)
(−30) ÷ (10) = − (30/10) = -3

(ii) 49 ÷ (−49)

a÷ (-b) = − (a/b)
49 ÷ (−49) = − (49/49) = -1

(iii) 13 ÷ [(−2) + 1]

= 13 ÷ (−1)
a ÷ (−b) = − (a/b)
= 13 ÷ (−1) = − (13/1)= - 13

Rule 2: If two integers of the same signs are divided, then we divide them as whole numbers and give a positive sign to the quotient.

(−a) ÷ (−b) = a/b
a ÷ b = a/b
On dividing 25 by 5 we get,
25 ÷ 5 = 25/5 = 5
If we divide (-25) by (-5) we get,
(−25) ÷ (−5) = (-25/-5) = 5
We see that the result is the same in both cases.

Example 17: Evaluate each of the following:

(i) (−36) ÷ (−4)

(−a) ÷ (−b) = a/b
= (−36) ÷ (−4) = 36/4 = 9

(ii) (−31) ÷ [(−30) + (−1)]

= (−31) ÷ [(−30) + (−1)]
= (−31) ÷ (−31)
(−a) ÷ (−b) = a/b
(−31) ÷ (−31) = 31/31 = 1

(iii) [(−6) + 5] ÷ [(−3) + 2]

= (−1) ÷ (−1)
(−a) ÷ (−b) = a/b
(−1) ÷ (−1) = 1/1 = 1

Example 18: Write five pairs of integers (a, b) such that a ÷ b = – 4.
Five pairs of integers are,
(i) (8, −2)

a ÷ (−b) = − (a/b)
8 ÷ (−2) = − (8/2) = -4

(ii) (−4 , 1)

(−a) ÷ b = - (a/b)
= (−4 ) ÷ 1 = − 4/1 = -4

(iii) (−16, 4)

(−a) ÷ b = − (a/b)
(−16) ÷ 4 = - 16/4) = -4

(iv) (−24, 6)

(−a) ÷ b = − (a/b)
(−24) ÷ 6 = − (24/6) = -4

(v) (36, −9)

a ÷ (−b) = - (a/b)
36 ÷ (−9) = − (36/9) = -4

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Properties of Division of Integers

1. Closure Property

If a and b are two integers, then a ÷ b is not always an integer.

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

2. Commutative Property

If a and b are two integers, a ÷ b ≠ b ÷ aIntegers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 13. Associative Property

For any 3 integers a, b and c, (a ÷ b) ÷ c ≠ a ÷ (b ÷ c)

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

4. Division of 0 by any integer

If a is any integer other than zero, then a ÷ 0 is not defined but 0 ÷ a = 0,Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

5. Division by 1

If a is an integer, then a ÷ 1 = a

Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

Example 1: Fill in the blanks

(i) ____ ÷ 25 = 0

If we divide 0 by any integer, the result is always zero.
So, 0 ÷25 = 0

(ii) (-206) ÷ _____ = 1

If we divide any -206 by -206, the result is one.
(-206) ÷ (-206) = 1

(iii) _____ ÷ 1 = -87

If any integer is divided by 1 the result is the same integer.
(-87) ÷ 1 = -87

Question for Chapter Notes: Integers
Try yourself: What is the result of 40 ÷ (-8)?
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FAQs on Integers Class 7 Notes Maths Chapter 1

1. What are negative numbers and how are they represented on a number line?
Ans.Negative numbers are numbers that are less than zero. They are represented on a number line to the left of zero. As you move left from zero, the numbers decrease in value, starting with -1, -2, -3, and so on. The farther you go left, the smaller the value of the negative number.
2. How do you add integers, including negative numbers?
Ans.To add integers, you combine their values. If both integers are positive, you simply add them. If both are negative, you add their absolute values and keep the negative sign. If one integer is positive and the other is negative, subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger one and take the sign of the integer with the larger absolute value.
3. What are the rules for subtracting integers?
Ans.Subtracting integers can be thought of as adding the opposite. To subtract an integer, you can add its opposite. For example, to compute 5 - 3, you can think of it as 5 + (-3). Also, when subtracting a negative integer, it is equivalent to adding a positive integer.
4. What are some properties of addition and subtraction of integers?
Ans.The properties of addition include commutative (a + b = b + a), associative ((a + b) + c = a + (b + c)), and the existence of an additive identity (a + 0 = a). For subtraction, it is not commutative (a - b ≠ b - a) and does not have an identity property like addition.
5. How do you multiply integers, and what are the properties associated with it?
Ans.To multiply integers, you simply multiply their absolute values and determine the sign of the result. If both integers have the same sign (both positive or both negative), the product is positive. If they have different signs, the product is negative. The properties include commutative (a × b = b × a), associative ((a × b) × c = a × (b × c)), and the existence of a multiplicative identity (a × 1 = a).
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