In part 1 of Matrices and Determinants, we have covered the topics: Introduction to matrices, Types of matrices, Transpose of a matrix, and Equal Matrices. In this part, we will start with the minor of a matrix and the rank of a matrix.
Minor of the matrix for a particular element in the matrix is defined as the matrix obtained after deleting the row and column of the matrix in which that particular element lies. Here the minor of the element aij is denoted as Mij. For example, for the given matrix A, the minor of a12 is the part of the matrix after excluding the first row and the second column of the matrix.
The minor of the element a12 is as follows.
Similarly, we can take the minors of the matrix and form a minor matrix M of the given matrix A as:
There are three simple steps to find the minor of the matrix.
Cofactors: The minor Mij multiplied by (-1)i+j is called the cofactor of the element aij. Cofactor of aij =Aij = (-1)i+j Aij.
A number r is said to be the rank of a matrix A if it possesses the following two properties:
Rank of a matrix is the order of the highest non-vanishing minor of the matrix.
From the above definition we have the following two useful results.
Some important points:
Example. Find the rank of the matrix
= 1(21 - 9) - 2 (9 - 5) + 0 (27 - 35)
= 12 - 8 = 4 ≠ 0.
ρ(A) = 3
Consider a matrix A = (aij)m x n then its rank can be easily calculated by applying elementary transformations given below:
Note - Rank of a matrix does not alter by applying elementary row transformation (or column transformations).
Every non-zero matrix [say A = (aij)m*n] of rank r, by a sequence of elementary row (or column) transformations be reduced to the forms:
where lr is a r*r unit matrix of order r and 0, denotes null matrix of any order. These forms are called as normal forms or canonical forms of the matrix A. The order of the unit matrix lr is called the rank of the matrix A.
The rank of a matrix does not alter by pre-multiplication or post-multiplication with a non singular matrix.
A matrix A = (aij)m*n is said to be in Echelon form, if
NOTE: When a matrix is converted in Echelon form, then the number of non zero rows of the matrix is the rank of the matrix A.
Example. Determine the rank of the matrix, by E-transformations.
Now applying the elementary transformations.
R3→ R3 - R2, we have
orHere third order minor viz
(vanishes) while the second order minor
so the rank of the matrix is 2.
Elementary matrix
A matrix obtained by the application of any one of the elementary row (or column) operation to the identity matrix is called an elementary row (or column) matrix.
The following notations are used for the elementary row matrices.
(i) Eij Elementary row matrix obtained by the operation Rij.
(ii) Ei(k) Elementary row matrix obtained by the operation kRi.
(iii) Eij(k) Elementary row matrix obtained by the operation Ri + kRj.
(iv) E’ij(k) transpose of elementary matrix Eij(k), which can also be obtained by the operation Cij(k).
Let A be a square matrix. If there exists a matrix B, such that AB = I = BA, where I is a unit matrix, then B is called the inverse of A and is denoted by A-1 and matrix A is a non-singular matrix. Non Singular matrix is a square matrix whose determinant is a non-zero value. If a matrix has an inverse, the matrix is said to be invertible
Note: The matrix B = A-1 will also be a square matrix of the same order as A.
Theorem. The inverse of the product of matrices of the same type is the product of the inverses of the matrices in reverse order i.e.
(AB)-1 = B-1 A-1, (ABC)-1 = C-1 B-1 A-1 and (A-1 B-1)-1 = BA.
Theorem. The operations of a transpose and inverting are commutative, i.e. (A’)-1 = (A-1)’ where A is a m x n non-singular matrix, i.e. det A≠ 0.
Theorem. If a sequence of elementary operations can reduce a non-singular matrix A of order n to an identity matrix, then the sequence of the same elementary operations will reduce the identity matrix ln to inverse of A.
i.e. If (Er.Er_1, E2 . E1)A = ln
then (Er.Er_1 .. E2.E1) ln = A-1.
This is also known as Gauss-Jorden reduction method for finding inverse of a matrix.
Theorem. The inverse of the conjugate transpose of a matrix A (order m * n) is equal to the conjugate transpose of the matrix inverse to A, i.e. ( Aθ)-1 = (A-1)θ.
Example. Find the inverse of the matrix
Write A = IA
By R2 - 2R1, R3 - 3R1
By R2 + R3
By R, + 3R3, R2 - 3R3
By R2 + 2R2
By - R2, - R3
⇒ I = BA
If A and B are invertible matrices of the same order, then
Consider the following simultaneous equations
a11x + a12y = k1,
a21x + a22y = k2
a11 (determinant obtained by removing the row and column intersecting at a11). - a12 (determinant obtained by removing the row and column intersecting at a12) + a13 (determinant obtained by removing the row and column intersecting at a13).
This is called expansion of the determinant along the first row.
Note: In a determinant of order 3 there are 3 rows and 3 columns and its value can be found by expanding it along any of its rows of along any of its columns. In these expansions the element a., is multiplied by (-1)i+j to fix the sign of aij.
General rule. One should always try to bring in as many zeros as possible in any row (column) and then expand the determinant with respect to that row (column)
Thus➤ Minors and cofactors
If in a given determinant each element is replaced by its cofactor, then the determinant so formed is called reciprocal or inverse determinant of the given determinant. If the original determinants is A then its reciprocal determinant is denoted by Δ’.
If A is a determinant of order n and A’ be its reciprocal determinant then Δ’ = Δn-1.
556 videos|198 docs
1. What is the inverse of a matrix? | ![]() |
2. How do you find the inverse of a matrix? | ![]() |
3. What is the determinant of a matrix? | ![]() |
4. How can you determine if a matrix has an inverse? | ![]() |
5. Can a matrix have more than one inverse? | ![]() |