This EduRev document offers 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from the topic Abstract Reasoning (Level - 2). These questions are of Level - 2 difficulty and will assist you in the preparation of CAT & other MBA exams. You can practice/attempt these CAT Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and check the explanations for a better understanding of the topic.
Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The box as a whole is rotating 90 degrees anticlockwise; after rotation, two elements at extreme ends interchange their positions; and further, the middle element is replaced by a new element.
So, answer figure (E) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The patterns given below are followed alternately:

The encircled elements are replaced by new elements in respective steps.
Hence, (1) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The patterns given below are followed alternately:

The encircled letter is replaced by the next letter according to the alphabetical order.
Hence, (3) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: Select a suitable figure from the answer figures that would replace the question mark (?).
The four elements at each corner are moved to the centre at spaces between the second row and the third row.
Hence, (2) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: Select a suitable figure from the answer figures that would replace the question mark (?).
The elements are moving one square forward and two squares down, and further, after moving, the box as a whole is flipped horizontally.
Hence, (3) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: Select a suitable figure from the answer figures that would replace the question mark (?).
The elements are moving one space anticlockwise and clockwise, alternately. Further, in each step, the box is flipped horizontally.
Hence, (3) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
Elements are moving one space (one space is equal to half side of box) clockwise and one and a half side anticlockwise, alternately. Further, the elements are rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise and 180 degrees clockwise, alternatively.
Hence, (1) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
Moving from box 1 to 2, the leftmost element of the topmost row rotates anticlockwise, while the rightmost element of the bottommost row rotates clockwise.
Moving from box 2 to 3, the second leftmost element of the topmost row rotates clockwise, while the second rightmost element of the bottommost row rotates anticlockwise.
Moving from box 3 to 4, the third leftmost element of the topmost row rotates anticlockwise, while the third rightmost element of the bottommost row rotates clockwise.
Moving from box 4 to 5, the last element of the topmost row rotates clockwise, while the first element of the bottommost row rotates anticlockwise.
From options, it is clear that the rightmost element of the second row rotates, while the first element of the third row rotates.
So, moving from box 5 to 6, the rightmost element of the second row rotates clockwise, while the first element of the third row rotates anticlockwise.
Hence, the answer is (4).
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In this question, the first two problem figures bear a certain relationship to each other. The same relationship exists between the next two problem figures, out of which one is missing. Find the missing figure from the answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The figure as a whole is flipped vertically. Then elements which become upper element and the lower left element are rotated 90 degrees clockwise, whereas the new lower right element is rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise.
Hence, (4) is the answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
These two steps are followed alternately:

Further, in every step, the box as a whole is rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
Hence, (1) is correct.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The outer region gets shaded going progressively towards inside, and the inner circle disappears.
Hence, figure D is the answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
In every step, elements are laterally inverted.
Moving from box 1 to box 2, one element gets inverted.
Moving from box 2 to box 3, one more element gets inverted.
Moving from box 3 to box 4, two more elements gets inverted.
Moving from box 4 to box 5, two more elements gets inverted.
Going by the pattern,
Moving from box 5 to box 6, three more elements gets inverted.
Hence, figure (A) is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The elements are moving 3 spaces (one space is equal to half side of box) clockwise and one space anticlockwise, alternately.
Hence, figure C is correct.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In the following question, five different problem figures are provided. Successive problem figures follow a certain pattern. You have to identify the next figure to continue the sequence from the given answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
In each step, all the existing elements move to the adjacent side (of the box boundary) in clockwise direction. The number of black dots increases by one in the third, fifth, ... steps; and the number of stars increases by one in the second, fourth, sixth, ... steps.
Hence, figure 1 is the correct answer.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: Choose the pair of figures which best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the figures given initially.

Shaded parts become unshaded and vice versa. Further, the mirror image is formed.
Hence, figure C is the correct option.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In this question, the first two problem figures bear a certain relationship to each other. The same relationship exists between the next two problem figures, out of which one is missing. Find the missing figure from the answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The shapes are interchanged with each other. In the first pair, all the circles are replaced by quadrilaterals and vice versa. Similarly, all the pentagons will be replaced by quadrilaterals and vice versa.
Hence, figure B is the correct option.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In this question, the first two problem figures bear a certain relationship to each other. The same relationship exists between the next two problem figures, out of which one is missing. Find the missing figure from the answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The shaded circle moves 3 spaces (one space equal to the side of pentagon) anticlockwise and comes outside of the shape. The unshaded circle moves 3 spaces clockwise and moves inside the shape.
Hence, figure (D) is the correct option.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In this question, the first two problem figures bear a certain relationship to each other. The same relationship exists between the next two problem figures, out of which one is missing. Find the missing figure from the answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
Outer elements move in clockwise direction and move inside the smaller box and inner elements move in anticlockwise direction and moves outside the box.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: In this question, the first two problem figures bear a certain relationship to each other. The same relationship exists between the next two problem figures, out of which one is missing. Find the missing figure from the answer figures (A, B, C, D and E).
The line segments get separated from the shaded elements and form a new shape by joining corners with each other, and the shaded elements move to the adjacent sides of the box.
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Question for Practice Questions Level 2: Abstract Reasoning
Try yourself:Directions: Choose the pair of figures which best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the figures given initially.

The pattern followed is given below:

The encircled element is replaced by a new element. Further, the box as a whole is flipped horizontally.
Hence, figure (B) is the correct option.
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