Extendible Hashing is a dynamic hashing method wherein directories, and buckets are used to hash data. It is an aggressively flexible method in which the hash function also experiences dynamic changes.
Main features of Extendible Hashing:
The main features in this hashing technique are:
Basic Structure of Extendible Hashing:
Frequently used terms in Extendible Hashing:
Example based on Extendible Hashing: Now, let us consider a prominent example of hashing the following elements: 16,4,6,22,24,10,31,7,9,20,26.
Bucket Size: 3 (Assume)
Hash Function: Suppose the global depth is X. Then the Hash Function returns X LSBs.
The binary format of 16 is 10000 and global-depth is 1. The hash function returns 1 LSB of 10000 which is 0. Hence, 16 is mapped to the directory with id=0.
Inserting 4 and 6:
Both 4(100) and 6(110)have 0 in their LSB. Hence, they are hashed as follows:
Inserting 22: The binary form of 22 is 10110. Its LSB is 0. The bucket pointed by directory 0 is already full. Hence, Over Flow occurs.
As directed by Step 7-Case 1, Since Local Depth = Global Depth, the bucket splits and directory expansion takes place. Also, rehashing of numbers present in the overflowing bucket takes place after the split. And, since the global depth is incremented by 1, now,the global depth is 2. Hence, 16,4,6,22 are now rehashed w.r.t 2 LSBs.[ 16(10000),4(100),6(110),22(10110)]
*Notice that the bucket which was underflow has remained untouched. But, since the number of directories has doubled, we now have 2 directories 01 and 11 pointing to the same bucket. This is because the local-depth of the bucket has remained 1. And, any bucket having a local depth less than the global depth is pointed-to by more than one directories.
Key Observations
Limitations Of Extendible Hashing
Data Structures used for implementation:
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