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VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam? PDF Download

Are you looking to crack the CAT VARC 2023 exam with flying colours? Preparing for the CAT VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) can be daunting and time-consuming. But with the right strategy and guidance, you can easily ace the exam. 

In this article, EduRev experts have analysed in detail How to Prepare for VARC CAT. You can check these tips and do your best to prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT. 

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

What is the VARC Section of CAT?

VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) is one of the three sections in the Common Admission Test (CAT). The other two sections are DI & LR (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning) and QA (Quantitative Ability). 

VARC, or Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, is a major component of the CAT Exam. This portion evaluates the examinee's familiarity with the English language, including their grammar and vocabulary knowledge, as well as their comprehension.
CAT Exam Analysis indicates that the difficulty level and standard of the VARC section is usually high.
VARC for CAT entails careful strategizing, comprehension, and staying abreast of the core concepts.
The VARC section of the CAT Exam includes four main sections:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Grammar
  3. Verbal Reasoning, and 
  4. Reading Comprehension.

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

What does the CAT VARC Section Test?

The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section of the common admission test (CAT) is one of the most important sections as it is responsible for assessing the verbal and written communication skills of the applicants. 

  • The section tests the candidates’ ability to comprehend and interpret written material, identify main ideas, draw inferences, and make deductions. 
  • VARC is also responsible for assessing the candidate’s ability to understand the underlying meanings of words, recognize and use appropriate grammar, and form meaningful sentences.

Step 0: Pre-Preparation Checks for VARC

The majority of candidates for MBA admission exams, particularly the CAT, struggle with verbal ability and reading comprehension. One component, in particular, cannot be learned, prepared for in a month, or tested through practise exams. With enough reading and writing practice, good linguistic skills and reading comprehension gradually emerge.

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

Get These 7 Study Companions for CAT

Seven things are provided below that will improve a candidate's verbal ability and reading comprehension for the CAT Exam as well as for other MBA examinations. The following seven things are necessary to establish friends with aspirants

1. Dictionary

  • During CAT 2022 preparation, candidates will come across new terms and phrases. It is crucial to understand word meanings and how to utilise them effectively in sentences. 

  • The trusty old dictionary comes in handy in this situation. We advise you to always carry a dictionary. Yes, all over. 

  • One has the option of carrying a pocket or large-sized physical dictionary or just downloading the dictionary app on their cellphones and tablets. 

  • In brief, a dictionary (Shabd Kosh) is a crucial component of MBA entrance test preparation.

2. Mobile Apps

  • The modern man's best buddy is his smartphone. Let's make use of this.
  • It is crucial for you to be fully aware of the fundamental rules of grammar since they guide you through most of the questions of Verbal Ability. 
  • To hone your grammatical skills EduRev has compiled a list of important topics 

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

Check out the Notes and Tests from this link.

3. Newspapers

  • Every mentor and teacher will advise you to routinely read the news. We also suggest doing the same. 
  • Read the editorials as well as the news articles. 
  • Regular newspaper reading can help you develop opinions as well as verbal communication abilities and keep you up to date on current events. 
  • You may get news-related applications from here as well.

4. Novels

  • Read English novels and read from different genres. Go for fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, popular fiction, fantasy, romance, horror, biography, auto-biography, classic novels and even historical novels. 
  • Carry one with yourself anywhere you go to read in transit. Read it while waiting for the bus or train or before the teacher comes in class. 
  • The idea is get familiar with English language and also develop good reading speed. 
  • Pick up a book of your interest, else it may become a task rather than a pleasant activity.

Refer the following articles to get the list of books EduRev has compiled with extensive research.

  • Definitive Reading books for CAT VARC

  • Best Economics Books for All-Time | Best Books for CAT Preparation

  • Top 25 Books on Management and Leadership | Best Books for CAT Preparation

  • Top 20 Biographies of All-Time | Best Books for CAT Preparation

5. Movies and Teleseries

  • Watch enough movies and television shows in your free time to get familiar with spoken English. 
  • Watch popular English international tv series and listen to the language carefully. 
  • Observe the nuisances of the language and how people speak. 
  • It can be quite useful during GD-PI and interview stage. 
  • Many shows have subtitles. Reading subtitles can also help developing a good reading speed.

6. YouTube

  • Out of the seven listed VA companions, Youtube is our new favourite! On Youtube, not only can you watch full-length VA preparation videos but also enjoy various shows, videos and movies. 
  • Not only can one develop their language skills, but also prepare for VA at ease. 
  • All you need is a WiFi connection or good mobile data package.

EduRev has explained and compiled a list of tips and tricks that will help you in understanding how to learn vocabulary and memorize words easily. 

7. Verbal Ability Preparation Material

  • Developing an ease with English language is as crucial as knowing what topics are expected in the exam. 
  • Get hold of sample papers, sectional CAT mock tests and previous years' CAT question papers. Practice them in time bound manner to develop speed and accuracy. 
  • However to save you the hassle, we have already prepared the content you require and you can access it with just one click.

Step 1: Familiarise yourself with the CAT VARC Exam Syllabus and Weightage.

1.1 Syllabus of VARC

The VARC portion of the CAT Syllabus is the easiest to define out of all the sections. The thing that comes closest to a syllabus is developing a reading habit.

However, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension might be considered the two main sub-sections of this division. RC questions make up the majority of the section.

Take a look at important VARC topics for CAT exam syllabus.

  1. 1.   Reading ComprehensionVocabulary
    1. High-Frequency Words

    2. Medium Frequency Words

    3. Low-Frequency Words

    4. Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes and Foreign Words

  2. Words and Phrases often Confused
  3. Syllogism
  4. Synonyms
  5. Antonyms
  6. Odd One Out
  7. Analogies
  8. Fill in the Blanks
  9. Sentence Completion
  10. Paragraph Jumbles
  11.  Paragraph Jumbles without Options (According to new CAT Pattern)
  12.  Sentence Correction
  13. Fact, Inference and Judgement
  14.  Phrasal Verbs
  15.  Paragraph Completion 
  16.  Summary of the Passage Questions
  17.  Critical Reasoning, and many more topics that you’ll be able to access from EduRev.

Click here for the complete CAT Syllabus and get to know the detailed syllabus, pattern, and every other information required for all the sections,

1.2 What is the weightage of VARC in CAT

VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) is one of the three sections in the Common Admission Test (CAT).

VARC has the maximum weightage in CAT and it is also the first section of the CAT question paper that candidates have to solve within 40 minutes. 

Within the VARC section of CAT, reading comprehension has maximum weightage. 

So, candidates need to focus on RCs during the preparation.

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

1.3 What is the topic-wise weightage in the VARC Section

  • The Verbal Ability component of the CAT has 24 questions and is thus given the same weight as QA. 
  • Reading comprehension makes up the majority of this portion. This part typically has 4 to 5 passages every year, each of which has 3 to 6 questions. 
  • The remaining questions assess the candidates' verbal ability and might be on a variety of subjects. The list below contains the anticipated topic-wise distribution of questions.
VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

EduRev has compiled a 6-year trend of the VARC Section to help you analyse and plan accordingly.

You can also refer to the Changing Trends and Patterns of CAT for the section-wise analysis of CAT.

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

Step 2: Take a Diagnostic Test

Start with a diagnostic examination or practise CAT test. You may take this exam in a variety of locations You can also take the diagnostic test offered by EduRev as it is completely free.
You are also free to use any other source that works for you.
These exams can also be found in study guides by Arun Sharma and other authors, but they are not available online as the actual exam is.

Also Read: How to use Arun Sharma while preparing for CAT VARC.

Why give a test right now for CAT Preparation even though I am not prepared?

  • It will tell you the general areas where you are weak at and where you stand and work accordingly.

  • It will help you get a feel of the exam and by the time you are finished with your preparation, you will know the importance of this practice test.

However, it is important that you do not take the results too seriously and do not get demoralized in the process as this is just the start and there is a long way to go.

Similarly, those students who perform well should not rest easy because the percentile in a diagnostic test may not be an accurate reflection of the final day, in fact, far from it.

Step 3: READ, READ, READ!!

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

1. Expansion of Vocabulary

  • The main advantage of reading is that it expands one's vocabulary. 
  • Having a habit of reading will be beneficial because it has been proven that solid grammar and a large vocabulary are the two most effective weapons against the VARC section. 
  • Additionally, you don't want to find yourself struggling to find "the correct phrase" or "the appropriate expression" when presenting your case during GD and PI.
  • One of these resources offered by EduRev are the vocabulary list which includes a wide range of words and their definitions. This list can be used as a reference for students to expand their knowledge and understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. 

2. D-Day Issues Resolved

  • Second, reading enables you to manage every issue you could run into in the RC portion. 
  • Strong English is the first goal while taking the RC because the CAT section's questions don't even remotely reflect the language we use on a daily basis. 
  • You very well may have never heard of the terms, idioms, expressions, etc. that are asked in the CAT.
  • Click here to know the D-Day tips and tricks compiled by EduRev with the help of expert guidance and toppers

3. Assistance in GD/PI

  • Furthermore, in essay writing or during GD/PI, the panellists will only be impressed by your command of the English language and its proper usage. 

  • Keep in mind that having a brilliant concept is not sufficient. The way you communicate it makes a difference.

Refer the following articles to get the list of books EduRev has compiled with extensive research.

We start off by outlining a list of books for beginners – for folks who haven’t managed to read beyond 5 novels in their lifetime.

  1. Definitive Reading books for CAT VARC
  2. Best Economics Books for All-Time | Best Books for CAT Preparation
  3. Top 25 Books on Management and Leadership | Best Books for CAT Preparation
  4. Top 20 Biographies of All-Time | Best Books for CAT Preparation

Step 4: Understand the different types of RC Questions and how to approach them.

Reading Comprehension are accompanied by a number of different question types. Every RC question requires a different kind of strategy. To develop your strategy, you need to first understand what kind of question CAT covers.  

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

Generally, we can classify the different question types into two broad categories: 

  1. Big-picture Questions (based on the whole passage) and 
  2. Specific Purpose Questions (based on some specific element of the passage). 

Step 4.1: Understand the different types of RC Questions

These two categories along with their sub-categories are discussed as follows:

A) Big Picture Questions

These questions refer to the broad overview of the passage and check your overall understanding of the passage. These are mostly asked in the following forms:

  1. Main Idea Question: This relates to the central idea/theme of the passage.
    For Example: Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage
  2. Primary Purpose Question:
    This refers to the most important and emphasised point of the passage.
    For Example: The primary purpose of this passage is to:
  3. Title Question: 
    By title, we mean the heading that would be most suitable for the passage. The title should be built around the central idea of the passage.
    For Example: The most apt title for the passage is:
  4. Structure & Organization
    Structure/Organization is the pattern that the author follows to convey his notions about the given subject.
    For Example: One function of the third paragraph is to:

B) Specific Questions

1. Fact-based/Specific Detail/Target Question:
These questions intend to ask you to identify the correct/incorrect facts.
For Example: According to the passage,....

2. Inference Question:
Inferences are the indirect conclusions of the passage. They are not directly stated in the passage.
For Example: It can be inferred from the passage:

3. 'Must be true' Question:

These refer to the direct and logical conclusions that follow from the passage.
For Example: According to the passage, which one of the must be true?

4. Paraphrase Question:

These questions essentially ask you to explain the meaning of a particular statement in other words or in different words than that given in the passage.
For Example: The following extract , ".........." , can be paraphrased as:

5. Vocabulary Question:

These questions test your vocabulary- ask you the meaning of a word/phrase/synonym or the opposite of the word/antonym. The contextual meaning of the word holds more importance here.
For Example: Identify the meaning of the word, "............", in the given context.

The above mentioned list is a comprehensive list of question types that are generally asked from the RCs. Any new question will be a derivative of these only.

Trick: These questions test your vocabulary- the meaning of a word/synonym or the opposite of the word/antonym. The contextual meaning of the word has a vital role here.

We have prepared a document explaining all the  types of questions you can face on the exam day with the tricks to solve them.

Also Read: 

Ways to learn Vocabulary | How to improve vocabulary for CAT VARC
Golden Rules of RC | VARC 2023 Tips

Step 4.2: How to read for Reading Comprehension

We will discuss at length what books to read and what blogs/websites to read. Beyond what to read, it is important to know how to read. 

Cracking an RC effectively relies on the following factors:

  • Comprehension and Retention
  • Efficient Analysis and Accuracy of questions
  • Reading speed

Here are some of the best practices to follow while reading for reading comprehension!

  1. Read to grasp the essence of the text.
  2. Put yourself in the shoes of the author and think what is he trying to convey.
  3. Sometimes articles may start with a complete abstract paragraph but will later take a theme. Identifying the central theme will mean you have won half the battle already. 
  4. Next is to understand flow of key ideas in the passage. 
  5. Once you have done this, only then move onto the questions.

You can refer to the strategies offered by EduRev for Reading Faster and Better for better understanding of this step.

Also read: Ways to learn Vocabulary | How to improve vocabulary for CAT VARC

Step 5: Focus on Verbal Ability Section

Now that you know all about Reading Comprehension section, what kind of questions, how to tackle different type of questions, what books to read, how to read those books, etc. It is time to focus on the other part of the VARC Section. 

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

The Important CAT Verbal Ability Topics are 

  1. TITA Parajumbles, 

  2. Odd Sentence

  3. Paragraph Summary

  4. Paragraph Completion, 

  5. Word Usage, 

  6. Grammar, and 

  7. Vocabulary-based fill-in-the-blanks, etc 

Before knowing the right approach for grammar preparation, you need to understand the anatomy of CAT grammar questions and the areas probed traditionally. These would give you a fair estimate of what you need to study in the coming months. 

Most of the students think that grammar is so vast and its rules are infinite. You will be surprised to know that the truth is that there are just a few rules and grammar is easy to master. 
  1. Forming a link of two sentences helps in odd one out questions and then, it is a matter of checking for 4 combinations (say AB is the link that you know of, the order could either be CAB, ABC, DAB, ABD).
  2. Data and logic Section is very important section if anyone scores good in this then it is good for his score. 
  3. Paragraph jumble, paragraph summary and odd one out are very important.
  4. For Paragraph Summary questions, a couple of options will contradict the paragraph in a few cases. It will help if you try to figure out what one statement has that the other doesn’t.
  5. The best way to go about these questions is to simply mark the order you think makes the most sense and move ahead without spending a lot of time on each question (1.5 to 2 minutes is sufficient in most cases).

5.1 Learn from the detailed Videos lectures and Notes on EduRev

  1. You should refer to a single source of notes & video lectures that will help you to strengthen the concepts and understand the same topic from a different perspective. 
  2. This will give you a fair idea of the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section and will help you to keep things in mind for a longer period of time.
  3. Regular revisions through notes and video lectures can help strengthen the basics and boost one’s confidence in the subject. You can get topic-wise notes & video lectures in the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension on EduRev.
  4. However, if you're a beginner & think that you need to work on your basic grammar skills and have ample amount of time for the same, we recommend studying the basics through this Grammar section for the CAT VARC course on EduRev.

As far as the types of questions go, CAT used to feature grammar questions in the form of Sentence Correction questions, requiring you to identify the correct/incorrect sentences.
Cover all the major topics of Verbal Ability in great depth from here.


Some more tips for CAT VARC Grammar Questions


  • One option for preparing English grammar for CAT is to study from the book 'High School Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin'. Treat this as your textbook which you can use for reference purpose for clarifying core topics.
  • Another good book is 'Better English by Norman Lewis'. It is written in an informative and interesting style, which makes it easy to read and understand the grammar basics.
  • The other option is to use your reading skills for identifying these errors. You are advised to build a basic list of these errors (you can do so by writing down all the errors that appear in your tests) and keep revising this list to ensure that you are able to memorize these errors.
  • You need to practice grammar exercises to ensure that you maximize your score in these questions. Solve 10 to 20 grammar questions per day, and as stated above, make a list of the new errors you learn from every test. In the last thirty days, this list will work as your ready-reckoner for grammar.

Considering the above mentioned guidelines, prepare a plan of how you will go ahead with the Verbal Ability section.

Step 6: Practice regularly using Mock Tests and PYQs

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

  • Practice different types of RC passages. Learn about all the basic techniques on how to solve a passage.
  • Time yourself while solving a particular passage. Learn about how to actively read a passage. Pay more attention to informative RCs and Analytical RCs in the beginning.
  • Make sure you practice at least 25-30 RCs in a week
  • Shift your attention to Persuasive, scientific and critical RCs.
  • Take one CAT sectional mock every day for proper practice.
  • Keep on practising the RCs. Complete your goal of 100 RCs before CAT.
  • Make sure to attempt VA questions for at least 2 hours a day.

  • Revise all the techniques you have learnt and give a full-length mock to scale your VARC preparation.

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VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?
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Step 7: Wonders of Mock Tests and PYQs

It is rightly said by Seve Ballesteros,

 “To give yourself the best possible chance of playing to your potential, you must prepare for every eventuality. That means to practice”. 

Mock tests are one of the most important tools for any student aiming to achieve success in the VARC (Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension) section of CAT. 

VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

Why Mock Tests?

  1. Tested method by toppers:
    • Mock tests and Sample tests could do wonders in RC Preparation for CAT. This fact has been tested by CAT toppers over a period of time
    • The more number of mocks, the more skilful you will be in Reading Comprehension
  2. Evaluating your current level of preparation and focusing on your future preparation plan
    • Mock tests are one of the most effective methods by which candidates can evaluate their preparation level and performance.
  3. Opportunity to test their skills and knowledge
    • For improved results, it is suggested by CAT toppers as well as experts that all candidates must give mock tests. 
    • Mock tests provide students with an opportunity to test their skills and knowledge in a simulated CAT environment. 
  4. Identification of strong and weak areas
    • This helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses and provides them with the necessary feedback to improve their performance in the actual exam. 
    • They can focus more on the difficult topics and less on the easy ones.
  5. Time Management Skills are enhanced
    • By doing mock tests, students become familiar with the time management aspect of the exam, which is essential for success.
    • Additionally, taking mock tests will allow the student to learn how to manage their nerves and stress, which can help them stay focused and perform well on the actual test.
  6. Glimpse of D-Day
    • Mock tests also help students to understand the exam pattern. 
    • This helps them to be prepared for the actual exam and also manage their time accordingly. 
  7. Analysis helps in identification of mistakes

    • Mock tests also help students identify their mistakes and understand the areas in which they need to improve. 

    • This helps them to strategize in a better way and plan their preparation accordingly. 

Overall, mock tests are an important tool for any student preparing for the VARC section of CAT. They help students understand their strengths and weaknesses, strategize their preparation and manage their time in a better way. This helps them to increase their accuracy and chances of success in the actual exam.

Approach for Mocks

  • During the mocks, most candidates attempt either in the range of 10-15 or in the range of 25-30 questions. 
  • Let us judge the two scenarios. If you aim to focus on the accuracy rate and keep your attempts between 10-15, then in the best-case scenario, you can score a maximum of 37-45 marks (90-100% accuracy). 
  • On the other hand, if you aim to focus on the attempt rate and keep your attempts between 25-30, then even in the worst-case scenario (70-80% accuracy), you can score a minimum of 43-55 marks. 
  • Hence, it would be beneficial to focus on increasing the number of attempts and then move on to improving your accuracy rate.
    VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

You can access the VARC Mock Tests from the EduRev platform from here.
EduRev also provides you with previous 10 year papers of CAT so that you can analyse the level of VARC Section.
Apart from CAT, EduRev also provides you with Mock Test Series for SNAPXATIIFTNMAT, and TISS-NET

EduRev offers you the estimated AI Rank, Accuracy level and also personalised analysis of each mock test that you attempt.

Also check out the 120 Day plan for VARC offered by EduRev to help you ace the exam

Best Books to Prepare VARC for CAT

To help candidates prepare for VARC for CAT, we have listed a few books that can be used for guidance alongside mock papers and previous years' papers.

  1. Word Power Made Easy- Norman Lewis
  2. How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT- Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
  3. Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT- Ajay Singh
  4. A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning- R.S. Aggarwal

What is VARC CAT? 

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, or VARC, is one of the most important sections in the CAT Exam
The VARC for CAT consists of below 4 main parts:
3. Verbal Reasoning
Reading Comprehension 

What are the topics in verbal ability and Reading Comprehension section of CAT? 

The Verbal Ability section covers topics like vocabulary, grammar, verbal reasoning, paraphrase completion, and Para jumbles. 
A total of 24 questions of 72 marks will be asked in the CAT 2022 VARC Question Paper. Candidates must prepare for this exam by taking part in seasonal practice exams and solving sample papers.
Check out the detailed syllabus of CAT from here.

Take a Practice Test
Test yourself on topics from CAT exam
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What kind of study material should I use for VARC CAT? 

Some of the best and most recommended VARC books for CAT are as follows: 

  • A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning: R.S.Agarwal
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT: Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT: Nishit K Sinha

At EduRev, we provide comprehensive study material for CAT VARC. Our study material includes a variety of resources such as videos, lectures, solved question papers, practice tests, and more. Our content is designed to help students understand the concepts better and build a strong base for VARC. With our wide range of resources, students can be assured of a comprehensive preparation for VARC.

How much time should I dedicate for VARC CAT preparation? 

You should dedicate at least 3 to 4 hours of your day to prepare for VARC CAT. To make sure you're making the best use of your time, be sure to go through the quality content available on EduRev. 

It provides you with a comprehensive set of study material, practice tests, and video lessons to help you prepare for the VARC section of the CAT exam. So, make sure to make the most of it to help you score better in the VARC section of the CAT exam. 

What are the topics that I need to focus on for VARC CAT? 

The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section of CAT is one of the most important sections of the exam. It tests your ability to comprehend passages and answer questions based on them. 

To prepare for VARC, it is essential to focus on the following topics: 

  1. Reading Comprehension: You should practice various types of passages from different areas to understand the various types of questions that are asked.
  2. Vocabulary: Learn new words and understand the context in which they are used.
  3. Grammar: Focus on grammar basics such as tenses, subject-verb agreement, parts of speech, etc.
  4. English Usage: This includes questions related to English usage such as synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and phrases.  

For detailed information on VARC, you can also check out the VARC preparation material available at EduRev. It includes solved questions, practice tests, and tips to help you ace the VARC section of CAT.

What tips can I follow to ace VARC CAT? 

  1. Read the question thoroughly and identify the question type: To ace VARC, you need to be able to identify and solve questions of various types. Look out for keywords in the questions such as compare, contrast, inference, etc. and figure out what the question is asking.  
  2. Develop an approach: It is important to develop a strategy for attempting the questions. Try to eliminate the wrong options first and then narrow down to the one that is most likely to be the correct answer.  
  3. Time management: Time management is key to success in VARC. Make sure you plan your approach to the questions and do not spend too much time on any single question.
    Check out the  120 Day plan for VARC offered by EduRev to help you ace the exam 
  4. Practice: The more you practice, the better you will get at solving the questions. Make use of the various resources available online such as EduRev for CAT to find practice material and test your skills. 

Are there any mock tests available for VARC CAT preparation?

Yes, there are mock tests available for VARC CAT preparation. EduRev offers a variety of Mock Tests that are designed to help you prepare for the VARC CAT exam. Our tests include detailed explanations, performance analytics, and other essential features that can help you improve your VARC CAT scores. You can access the VARC Mock Tests from the EduRev platform today and take your preparation to the next level!

The document VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam? is a part of CAT category.
All you need of CAT at this link: CAT
Are you preparing for CAT Exam? Then you should check out the best video lectures, notes, free mock test series, crash course and much more provided by EduRev. You also get your detailed analysis and report cards along with 24x7 doubt solving for you to excel in CAT exam. So join EduRev now and revolutionise the way you learn!
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FAQs on VARC Bible: How to Prepare for VARC CAT Exam?

1. What is the VARC section of the CAT exam?
Ans. The VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section of the CAT (Common Admission Test) evaluates a candidate's proficiency in English language skills, including reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and verbal reasoning.
2. What topics are covered in the VARC section of CAT?
Ans. The VARC section typically covers reading comprehension passages, verbal ability questions related to grammar, vocabulary usage, sentence correction, and para-jumbles. It tests the ability to understand, analyze, and interpret written material.
3. How can I improve my reading comprehension skills for the VARC section?
Ans. To improve reading comprehension skills, it is essential to read a variety of materials regularly, such as newspapers, magazines, and novels. Practicing summarization, identifying main ideas, and answering questions based on passages can also help enhance comprehension abilities.
4. What types of questions can I expect in the Reading Comprehension part of VARC?
Ans. In the Reading Comprehension part, you can expect questions that assess your understanding of the passage, including main idea questions, inference questions, tone and attitude questions, and detail-oriented questions that require specific information from the text.
5. How should I approach the Verbal Ability questions in the VARC section?
Ans. For Verbal Ability questions, it's important to read the questions carefully, understand the context, and apply grammar rules effectively. Practice with various question types, such as sentence correction and para-jumbles, to become familiar with common patterns and improve accuracy.
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