Let’s compare timing diagrams for a normal D latch versus one that is edge-triggered:
There is such a thing as negative edge triggering as well, and it produces the following response to the same input signals:
The duration of each output pulse is set by components in the pulse circuit itself. In ladder logic, this can be accomplished quite easily through the use of a time-delay relay with a very short delay time:
Implementing this timing function with semiconductor components is actually quite easy, as it exploits the inherent time delay within every logic gate (known as propagation delay). What we do is take an input signal and split it up two ways, then place a gate or a series of gates in one of those signal paths just to delay it a bit, then have both the original signal and its delayed counterpart enter into a two-input gate that outputs a high signal for the brief moment of time that the delayed signal has not yet caught up to the low-to-high change in the non-delayed signal. An example circuit for producing a clock pulse on a low-to-high input signal transition is shown here:
This circuit may be converted into a negative-edge pulse detector circuit with only a change of the final gate from AND to NOR:
Now that we know how a pulse detector can be made, we can show it attached to the enable input of a latch to turn it into a flip-flop. In this case, the circuit is a S-R flip-flop:
Only when the clock signal (C) is transitioning from low to high is the circuit responsive to the S and R inputs. For any other condition of the clock signal (“x”) the circuit will be latched.
A ladder logic version of the S-R flip-flop is shown here:
The block symbols for flip-flops are slightly different from that of their respective latch counterparts:
The triangle symbol next to the clock inputs tells us that these are edge-triggered devices, and consequently that these are flip-flops rather than latches. The symbols above are positive edge-triggered: that is, they “clock” on the rising edge (low-to-high transition) of the clock signal. Negative edge-triggered devices are symbolized with a bubble on the clock input line:
Both of the above flip-flops will “clock” on the falling edge (high-to-low transition) of the clock signal.
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