Table of contents |
Introduction |
Vector algebra |
Products of vectors |
Coordinate systems |
Calculus of vectors |
Vector analysis is a mathematical discipline concerned with quantities that possess both magnitude and direction. In the realm of physics and geometry, certain quantities, referred to as scalars, can be completely described by their magnitude using appropriate units of measurement. For instance, mass can be expressed in grams, temperature in degrees on a specific scale, and time in seconds. Scalars can be visually represented by points on a numerical scale, such as a clock or thermometer. On the other hand, there exist quantities known as vectors, which necessitate the specification of both magnitude and direction. Velocity, force, and displacement are examples of vector quantities. A vector quantity can be graphically depicted by a directed line segment, denoted by an arrow pointing in the direction of the vector, with the length of the segment representing the magnitude of the vector.
The multiplication of vectors leads to two types of products, the dot product and the cross product.
Vector analysis serves as an ideal tool for studying the physical universe because empirical laws of physics are independent of reference frames chosen to represent physical relationships and geometric configurations. By introducing a special reference frame or coordinate system, a correspondence is established between vectors and sets of numbers that represent the vector components in that frame. This leads to defined rules of operation on these number sets, which follow from the rules for operations on line segments.
By selecting a specific set of three noncollinear vectors, known as base vectors, any vector A can be uniquely expressed as the diagonal of a parallelepiped formed by the components of A in the directions of the base vectors. The commonly used set consists of three mutually orthogonal unit vectors, denoted as i, j, and k, aligned with the axes of the Cartesian reference frame.
In this system, the expression takes the form of the equation, where x, y, and z represent the projections of A onto the coordinate axes.
When two vectors A1 and A2 are represented as given in the equations, their sum can be determined using the laws mentioned, resulting in the equation for their sum.
In a Cartesian frame, the sum of A1 and A2 is the vector determined by the coefficients (x1 + y1, x2 + y2, x3 + y3).
The dot product can also be expressed using the equation, as shown, since it follows from the equations provided. The cross product, obtained using law (6), is the vector determined by the triple of coefficients of i, j, and k in equation (9).
Using 1 × 3 (or 3 × 1) matrices to represent vectors with components (x1, x2, x3), formulas (7) through (9) can be rephrased in the language of matrices. This allows for the generalization of the concept of a vector to spaces of higher dimensions beyond three. For example, the state of a gas may depend on four parameters: pressure (p), volume (v), temperature (T), and time (t). This quadruple of numbers cannot be represented by a point in a three-dimensional reference frame. However, by introducing a four-dimensional reference frame defined by the base vectors a1, a2, a3, and a4 with components
determined by the rows of the matrix provided, the vector x can be represented x = x1a1 + x2a2 + x3a3 + x4a4 by the quadruple of components (x1, x2, x3, x4) in a four-dimensional space.
A particle moving in three-dimensional space can be located at any given time t using a position vector r originating from a fixed reference point O. Since the position of the terminal point of r depends on time, r is a vector function of t. Its components in the directions of the Cartesian axes at point O are the coefficients of i, j, and k in the representation equation.
If these components are differentiable functions, the derivative of r with respect to t gives the velocity v of the particle, with its Cartesian components appearing as coefficients of i, j, and k in equation (10). If these components are also differentiable, the acceleration a = dv/dt can be obtained by differentiating equation (10) to find the equation.
The rules for differentiating products of scalar functions remain valid for derivatives of dot and cross products of vector functions. Suitable definitions of integrals of vector functions allow the development of the calculus of vectors, which has become a fundamental analytical tool in physical sciences and technology.
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