Table of contents |
The Newtonian Interpretation |
The Einsteinian Interpretation |
The Strong and Weak Equivalence Principles |
Equivalence Principle Violations |
Gravitational mass refers to the charge that interacts with gravity, while inertial mass quantifies an object's responsiveness to acceleration. According to the equivalence principle, these two types of mass are equivalent. This means that the gravitational force experienced by an object is directly proportional to its inertial mass, regardless of the type of matter involved. Consequently, all objects fall with the same acceleration in a uniform gravitational field, such as the acceleration of 9.8m/s² near the Earth's surface.
There are often references to the "strong" and "weak" equivalence principles. The weak equivalence principle encompasses the equality of gravitational and inertial mass, as well as the assertion that special relativistic laws apply in every locally Lorentz frame, particularly regarding the "laws of freely falling bodies." The strong equivalence principle extends to all laws of nature and implies that even gravitational self-energy must adhere to the equivalence principle.
We have performed tests on the Equivalence Principle, specifically the Universality of Free Fall (UFF), in the following scenarios:
Test bodies made of Be, Al, Cu, and Si attracted by the Earth. These experiments yielded null results and represent the most accurate laboratory tests of the UFF. Our findings indicate that the proposed "fifth force" and its natural extensions do not exist.
Test bodies made of Be, Al, Cu, and Si attracted by the Sun. The objective here was to complement lunar laser-ranging data, which effectively test the UFF for the Earth and Moon falling toward the Sun. The laser-ranging data assess whether gravitational self-energy adheres to the Equivalence Principle, as the Earth's mass includes a contribution from gravitational binding energy that is larger (4 × 10-10) compared to the Moon's contribution (2 × 10-11). However, the laser-ranging test examines a combination of two effects: the differing gravitational self-energies and the differing compositions (the Earth possesses an Fe-Ni core while the Moon does not) of the Earth and Moon. In our experiment, we compare the accelerations of special test bodies toward the Sun, which closely resemble the compositions of the Earth's core and the Moon's surface. We anticipate achieving sufficient precision to leverage the accuracy of the laser-ranging data.
Test bodies made of Be, Al, Cu, and Si attracted toward the center of our Galaxy. The objective here was to investigate, within a laboratory setting, whether the significant force between dark matter and ordinary matter is solely gravitational (i.e., adheres to the UFF). Our work demonstrated that this was indeed the case for Galactic dark matter. We are currently developing the Eöt-Wash III instrument to extend our testing to cosmological dark matter, as the relevant accelerations are smaller and require greater experimental sensitivity.
Test bodies made of Cu and Pb attracted toward a compact 3-ton 238U attractor. The purpose here was to examine the UFF at short ranges, employing an attractor with a distinct N/Z (neutron-to-proton) ratio compared to the Earth. This experiment aimed to address the "gap" between 10 km and 1000 km, where Eötvös-type experiments with the Earth as an attractor exhibit limited sensitivity. Uranium was selected for its high density, allowing us to position a substantial mass in proximity to the torsion balance. This instrument provided valuable constraints for distances down to 1 cm, corresponding to exchange-boson masses up to 2 × 10-5. These findings encompass the "Turner window," where astrophysical constraints are relatively weak.
209 videos|261 docs|191 tests