The second part of the animated movie "Ramayana," specifically the "Aranya Kandam" or the "Forest Episode." It depicts the events leading to the abduction of Sita, the wife of Lord Rama, by the demon king Ravana.
In this part of the story, Moricha, a demon working for Ravana, takes the form of a beautiful, glowing deer to deceive Sita. Sita, mesmerized by the deer's beauty, asks Rama to capture it. Rama, sensing something amiss, agrees to fulfill Sita's request and goes after the deer. He realizes that the deer is not real and shoots an arrow at it. Morita, in the form of the deer, is struck and reveals his true form before dying.
Lakshmana, who was instructed by Rama to protect Sita, hears a cry for help and wants to search for his brother. Sita convinces Lakshmana to leave her alone and find Rama. Lakshmana reluctantly agrees but draws a protective line around the hut, instructing Sita not to cross it.
Taking advantage of Lakshmana's absence, Ravana disguises himself as an old sage and approaches Sita. He tempts Sita to step out of the protective line by pretending to be offended. Sita, considering him a sage, crosses the line to offer him food. As soon as she steps out, Ravana reveals his true form and abducts Sita, taking her to Lanka.
Jatayu, a noble vulture and a friend of Rama, witnesses the abduction and tries to rescue Sita. He engages in a fierce battle with Ravana but is mortally wounded. Despite his efforts, Ravana escapes with Sita, leaving Jatayu injured on the ground.
Lakshmana finds Rama and informs him about the events. Rama, devastated by the loss of Sita, is grief-stricken. They return to the hut where Sita was kept, but only the remains of the hut are left. Rama feels hopeless and dejected, unaware of Sita's fate.
The story reveals that Ravana was cursed by Lord Rama's consort, Vedavati, in a previous birth. If he were to touch any woman without her consent, his ten heads would be destroyed. Vedavati was later reborn as Sita. Ravana, unaware of this connection, had taken Sita to Lanka, believing he couldn't forcibly marry her due to the curse.
Sabri, a devout woman, had heard stories about Rama and had always longed to meet him. She considers it a great blessing to have the opportunity to serve Rama and Lakshmana. Sabri humbly offers them fruits, having tasted each one to ensure their sweetness. Rama graciously accepts her offering, recognizing her pure devotion.
As Rama and Lakshmana continue their journey, their path becomes more challenging. They face various trials and tribulations but remain steadfast in their quest to find Sita. Their unwavering faith in righteousness and their determination to rescue Sita from Ravana's clutches sustain them through their difficult journey.
Meanwhile, Sita remains captive in Lanka. Ravana tries to win her over with promises and temptations, but Sita remains steadfast and devoted to Rama. She refuses to be swayed by Ravana's deceitful tactics, reminding him of the impending consequences of his actions.
The story also reveals the significance of Sita's past life as Vedavati. Vedavati had immolated herself to protect her purity after Ravana's advances. Lord Brahma then appeared and assured her that she would be reborn as Sita to be the cause of Ravana's destruction. This highlights the divine purpose behind Sita's role in the larger scheme of justice and righteousness.
The narrative emphasizes the importance of moral strength, unwavering faith, and divine intervention in times of adversity. Rama and Sita demonstrate their steadfastness in the face of challenges, while Ravana's actions and his disregard for divine curses eventually lead to his downfall.
The second part of the "Aranya Kandam" in the animated movie "Ramayana" portrays the abduction of Sita and the subsequent journey of Rama and Lakshmana in search of her. It emphasizes the themes of devotion, trust, righteousness, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The story highlights the enduring love between Rama and Sita and teaches us the virtues of faith, obedience, and staying true to one's values even in the most challenging circumstances.
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