This animated story is a part of the Ramayan, focusing on the Kishkindha Kandam. It begins with Sugreev narrating his past to Lord Rama, explaining how his brother Valli betrayed him and the events that unfolded between them.
Sugreev reveals that Valli, an arrogant demon, was disliked by everyone, including his own father Bali. One day, a fight ensued between Bali and a demon named Mayavi, who sought refuge in a cave. Sugreev and Valli followed Bali, with Sugreev waiting outside the cave as instructed. However, Valli did not return, and Sugreev, fearing the worst, eventually had the cave sealed with a rock due to pressure from the kingdom's soldiers.
After two years of waiting, Sugreev heard crying from within the cave but was prevented from entering by the soldiers. Believing Valli to be dead, Sugreev returned to the kingdom with a heavy heart and was crowned the king of Kishkindha. Valli, however, emerged from the cave later, having killed Mayavi. When Valli discovered Sugreev's new position, he became furious and sought to kill him.
Sugreev explains his escape from Valli and why Bali never came to Kishkindha. Bali had been cursed by a sage, Madiga, which forbade him from entering the place where Sugreev sought refuge. Sugreev shares his fears of facing Bali, as the latter could take half of Sugreev's power if they fought. Lord Rama insists on calling Bali boldly and facing him in combat.
Sugreev summons the courage to challenge Bali to a duel, surprising his brother. They engage in a fierce battle, and Sugreev is overpowered. However, Lord Rama, hiding behind a tree, shoots an arrow at Bali, fatally injuring him. Bali questions why Lord Rama killed him in such a way, and Rama explains that his unjust treatment of Sugreev warranted this fate.
Bali expresses remorse for his arrogance, and Rama blesses him before he passes away. The monkey army celebrates Rama's victory and Sugreev's coronation as the new king of Kishkindha. Sugreev expresses his gratitude to Rama for saving him and reuniting him with his family.
Sugreev promises Rama that he will send his troops to search for Sita after the winter ends. However, Sugreev gets occupied with his duties, leading Lakshmana to express his frustration. Lakshmana meets Sugreev urgently, urging him to fulfill his promise and send the troops. Sugreev apologizes and assures him that he will send the army immediately.
Hanuman, Jambavan, and Angada are sent in search of Sita. They encounter a seemingly insurmountable obstacle—the vast ocean. Hanuman initially despairs, but Jambavan reminds him of his true potential. Hanuman realizes his true identity as the son of the wind god and remembers his immense strength and abilities.
With newfound confidence, Hanuman grows to enormous proportions and leaps across the ocean, astounding the monkey army. On his journey, he encounters various beings, including the king of the ocean and a demoness, who acknowledge his noble mission and offer their blessings.
Finally, Hanuman reaches Lanka, where he encounters more challenges, including another demoness. Despite the obstacles, Hanuman perseveres, defeats the demoness, and successfully crosses the ocean to reach Lanka.
The summary highlights the story of Sugreev's betrayal, Rama's intervention, and Hanuman's journey to find Sita. It showcases the importance of courage, loyalty, and fulfilling promises. Additionally, it emphasizes the power of self-belief and determination, as demonstrated by Hanuman's discovery of his true potential. The moral of the story is that with faith, bravery, and unwavering devotion, even seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome.
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