Hanuman, known for his selflessness, love, dedication, and sacrifice for Lord Rama, embarked on a mission to find Mother Sita in Lanka. Armed guards patrolled the city day and night, but Hanuman, being a monkey, entered the city unnoticed. Filled with concern about not finding Sita, Hanuman searched the palace and grew restless, fearing the disappointment on Lord Rama's face. Despite his doubts, Hanuman remained calm by chanting Rama's name and resumed his search in the palace and gardens.
Realizing he hadn't searched the gardens, Hanuman explored them and spotted a beautiful lady, Sita, surrounded by demonesses. Hanuman listened as a demon tried to console Sita and convince her to marry Ravana. When Ravana approached Sita, making advances and threatening her, Hanuman decided it was the right time to reveal himself.
Hanuman jumped from the tree and startled the demonesses, assuring Sita that he was Hanuman, a humble servant of Lord Rama. He presented her with the signet ring from Rama and Sita's face radiated with happiness. Before leaving, Hanuman wanted to demonstrate Rama's power to all of Lanka, ensuring Sita's safety.
Hanuman uprooted and destroyed the garden, scattering the demonesses. He then began biting and spitting them out, proclaiming his loyalty to Rama and threatening to swallow Ravana and destroy Lanka. News of the chaos reached Ravana, who sent an army to capture Hanuman, but Hanuman easily defeated them.
Indrajeet, Ravana's son, fought against Hanuman but couldn't catch him. Hanuman decided to let himself be captured to see what Ravana had planned. He was taken to Ravana's court, where the enraged king confronted him. Hanuman warned that Ravana's kingdom would be destroyed if he didn't return Sita to Rama.
In an attempt to punish Hanuman, guards dipped his tail in oil and set it on fire. However, Hanuman's tail grew bigger, and the guards couldn't handle it. Hanuman took a deep breath, broke free from the ropes, and set his tail on fire. He then flew into the sky, setting the palace, houses, and gardens ablaze.
Before departing for Lord Rama, Hanuman made sure Sita was safe in the ashoka garden. He extinguished the fire on his tail by dipping it into the ocean. Having caused enough chaos, Hanuman disappeared into the sky with a thunderous roar.
The story of Hanuman meeting Sita in Lanka highlights the power of devotion, selflessness, and unwavering loyalty. Hanuman's relentless efforts to find and reassure Sita, his determination to complete his mission, and his unwavering faith in Lord Rama demonstrate the qualities of a true devotee. The story teaches us the importance of remaining steadfast in our beliefs and dedicating ourselves to serving a higher cause.
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