Q1: If MEDICO is written as 'PBGFFL', then DOCTOR is coded as
Ans: (a)
Explanation: The letter MEDICO is coded as PBGFFL and the letter M is moved forward by two letters and is coded as P, E is moved backward by two letters and is coded as B, D is moved forward by two letters and is coded as G, I is moved backward by two letters and is coded as F, C is moved forward by two letters and is coded as F, O is moved backward by two letters and is coded as L. So DOCTOR is coded as GLFQRO.
Q2: If NECK is written as '123%', LUCK is written as '+@3%' and LIKE is written as '+÷%2', then NICE is written as
(a) 1%÷3
(b) 1÷32
(c) 1÷@2
(d) ÷13+
Ans: (b)
Explanation: NECK is written as '123%', LUCK is written as '+@3%' and LIKE is written as '+÷%2', then NICE so N is coded as 1 and I is coded as ÷ and C is coded as 3 and E is coded as 2 so answer is 1÷32.
Q3: If January is called “March”, March is called “April” and April is called “May”, then which of the following months will have only 30 days?
(a) January
(b) March
(c) April
(d) May
Ans: (d)
Explanation: January, March and May have 31 days and April has 30 days. But April is called May so the answer is May.
Q4: If cake is called “egg”, if egg is called “coffee”, coffee is called “tea”, then which is white in colour?
(a) Cake
(b) Egg
(c) Coffee
(d) Tea
Ans: (c)
Explanation: Egg is of white colour. But egg is called coffee so coffee is the answer.
Q5: If the desk is called "chair", chair is called "blackboard", blackboard is called "duster", duster is called "chalk", and then where do you sit in the classroom?
(a) Blackboard
(b) Chair
(c) Desk
(d) Duster
Ans: (a)
Explanation: In this question, we clearly know that in the classroom we sit on a chair. And as the chair is called a blackboard, the answer is blackboard.
Q6: Find the code of 'CDEF' if the code for 'LMNO' is 'MOOQ'.
(a) DFFH
(b) HFFD
(c) FHFD
(d) DHFD
Ans: (a)
Explanation: Option (a) is correct because letters are coded one place and two places forward alternately.
Let us see: Code for 'LMNO':
Similarly, Code for 'CDEF':
Clearly, code for 'CDEF' is 'DFFH'.
Q7: In a certain code language 'i will go' is written as 'ta ma ra' and 'i will eat' is written as 'ta ma ga', then code for 'eat' is____
(a) ga
(b) ma
(c) ta
(d) ra
Ans: (a)
Explanation: Option (a) is correct. Let us see: 'go'='
ra' '
ga' Clearly, code for 'i will' = 'ta ma' Code for 'go' = 'ra' Code for 'eat' = 'ga'.
Q8: If code for 'MP' = 'LO', then code for 'LL' ='?'
(a) MM
(b) BB
(c) KK
(d) OL
Ans: (c)
Explanation: Option (c) is correct because letters are coded one place backward.
Let us see: Code for 'MP':
Similarly, Code for 'LL':
Clearly, code for 'LL' will be 'KK'.
Q9: If 'MKH' is coded as 'IMPS', then how will 'DFJ' be coded?
(a) WUQ
(b) QUW
(c) UWQ
(d) UQW
Ans: (a)
Explanation: Option [a] is correct because letters are coded with their opposite letters.
Let us see:
Clearly, code for 'DFJ' will be 'WUQ'.
Q10: If 'Sugar' is called 'Book'; 'Book' is called 'Salt' and 'Salt' is called 'Sweet' then what do we read?
(a) Sugar
(b) Sweet
(c) Book
(d) Salt
Ans: (d)
Explanation: Option (d) is correct because this is a well-known fact that 'Book' is a thing to 'Read'. but here, 'Book' has been called 'Salt'. Therefore, in this case, we will definitely read 'Salt'.
Q1: The process of converting a secret message into a specific code is known as _______.
Ans: Encoding
Explanation: The process of converting a secret message into a specific code is known as encoding.
Q2: In coding, each letter or symbol is assigned a unique _______.
Ans: Code
Explanation: In coding, each letter or symbol is assigned a unique code.
Q3: If "Monday" is coded as "Rstpzv", then the code for "Tuesday" will be _______.
Ans: Uftqmbz
Explanation: The word "Tuesday" is coded as "Uftqmbz" based on the given coding pattern.
Q4: Decoding is the process of _______ the coded message to its original form.
Ans: Converting
Explanation: Decoding is the process of converting the coded message to its original form.
Q5: A code can be a combination of _______ and _______.
Ans: Letters; Numbers
Explanation: A code can be a combination of letters and numbers.
Q6: If "FLY" is coded as "KOV", then the code for "BAT" will be _______.
Ans: YZG
Explanation: Applying the given coding pattern, each letter in "BAT" is shifted by 2 positions to obtain the corresponding code.
Q7: If "CHART" is coded as "KXEWC", then the code for "BENCH" will be _______.
Explanation: Applying the given coding pattern, each letter in "BENCH" is shifted by 4 positions to obtain the corresponding code.
Q8: If "LONDON" is coded as "XURQWG", then the code for "PARIS" will be _______.
Explanation: Applying the given coding pattern, each letter in "PARIS" is shifted by 5 positions to obtain the corresponding code.
Q9: If "WATER" is coded as "RSDYV", then the code for "OCEAN" will be _______.
Explanation: Applying the given coding pattern, each letter in "OCEAN" is shifted by 4 positions to obtain the corresponding code.
Q10: If "SUN" is coded as "YRA", then the code for "MOON" will be _______.
Explanation: Applying the given coding pattern, each letter in "MOON" is shifted by 3 positions to obtain the corresponding code.
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