Q1: In the following question, group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.
Problem Figure:(a) (1, 3, 4) (2, 5, 9) (6, 7, 8)
(b) (1, 2, 3) (4, 5, 6) (7, 8, 9)
(c) (1, 5, 9) (2, 4, 7) (3, 6, 8)
(d) (3, 7, 8) (1, 6, 5) (4, 2, 9)
Q2: In the following question, group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.
Problem Figure:(a) (1, 4, 7) (2, 5, 8) (3, 6, 9)
(b) (1, 3, 6) (2, 5, 8) (4, 7, 9)
(c) (1, 2, 4) (3, 5, 8) (6, 7, 9)
(d) (1, 4, 9) (2, 5, 8) (3, 6, 7)
Q3: In the following question, group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.
Problem Figure:
(a) (1, 2, 3) (4, 8, 9) (5, 7, 6)
(b) (4, 5, 7) (3, 1, 2) (7, 8, 9)
(c) (1, 2, 7) (8, 9, 4) (2, 3, 6)
(d) (3, 5, 6) (8, 7, 4) (9, 1, 2)
Q4: In the following question, group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.
Problem Figure:(a) (1, 4, 8) (2, 5, 7) (3, 9, 6)
(b) (1, 4, 6) (2, 5, 8) (3, 7, 9)
(c) (1, 4, 6) (2, 5, 7) (3, 8, 9)
(d) (1, 2, 3) (4, 5, 6) (7, 8, 9)
Q5: In the following question, group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.
Problem Figure:(a) (1, 5, 6) (2, 3, 4) (7, 8, 9)
(b) (1, 2, 4) (3, 5, 8) (6, 7, 9)
(c) (5, 6, 7) (1, 2, 4) (3, 8, 9)
(d) (1, 2, 4) (3, 5, 7) (6, 8, 9)
Q6: In the following question, group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.
Problem Figure:(a) (1, 7, 8) (2, 6, 5) (3, 4, 9)
(b) (1, 8, 9) (2, 3, 5) (4, 6, 7)
(c) (2, 3, 5) (1, 7, 8) (4, 6, 9)
(d) (2, 6, 7) (1, 3, 4) (5, 8, 9)
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