Q1: How do you role the importance of the Legislature?
Ans: The work, role, and importance of the legislature are on increase. It is the platform of high kind of discussions, debate, deliberations, discussions co-operation and opposition. All the decisions and policy matters are dis¬cussed and debated here. All these activities of the legislature serve vital purposes. -Indeed a genuine democracy is inconceivable without represen¬tative efficient and responsible legislature. The legislature also helps people in holding the representatives accountable. Therefore we can say legislature has high importance in a representative democracy.
Q2: What is a bicameral legislature?
Ans: There are two types of legislatures. Where there is only one house, they are known as the unicameral legislature, and where there are two houses they are known as a bicameral legislature. India has a bicameral legislature in the center and in five states.
Q3: Give four arguments against the bicameral legislature.
Q4: Write the composition of Lok Sabha.
Ans: Lok Sabha is the lower house of the Indian Parliament. It has a total strength of 543 members. However, it has a maximum of 550 members which is fixed on the basis of population. The members are elected directly by the people. The minimum age to became a member of the Lok Sabha is 25 years. Eligible voter of a minimum of 18 years cast their votes in this election.
Q5: How the Rajya Sabha is compared?
Ans: Rajya Sabha is the upper house of the Indian Parliament. It is known as the council of states because it represents the interest of the states.-Its maximum capacity is 250 members, out of it238 an elected by the members of state assemblies, and 12 members are nominated by the President of India from the people who have earned the name in different fields like science, literature, art, social service, cinema, and sports.
Q6: Who presides over the meetings of the Rajya Sabha?
Ans: Vice President of India is the Capacity of ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha who presides over, the meetings of Rajya Sabha and conducts the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha.
Q7: Who amends the Indian constitution?
Ans: Parliament has the power to amend the constitution by following the definite procedure given in Art 368. State Assemblies have limited power in the amendment of the Constitution.
Q8: Discuss the compositions of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
Ans: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are two houses of the Indian Parliament. Lok Sabha is the Lower house and Rajya Sabha is the upper house. Lok Sabha has a maximum capacity of 550 members which are elected by the people by direct elections. A person of a minimum of 25 years of age can be a member of the Lok Sabha. Every person 18 years of age is eligible to cast his vote in this election. Rajya Sabha is a permanent house and cannot be dissolved Every member enjoys the tenure of 6 years. Its one-third of members are retired after every second year and new members are elected by the respective state assembly by a single transferable vote system. Its total strength is 250 members out of where 238 members are elected and the rest 12 members are nominated by the President of India. To become a member of the Rajya Sabha one should be a member of a minimum of 30 years of age. Vice President of India acts as ex-officio Chairman Parliament of Rajya Sabha and conducts its meetings.
Q9: How the parliament exercises control over the executive?
Ans: The Parliament exercises administrative and financial control as the executive in the following ways:
Q10: Tell the areas in which Rajya Sabha has equal powers.
Ans: Rajya Sabha enjoys equal powers with Lok Sabha in the following areas:
Q11: Name the states which have a bicameral legislature and how bicameral legislature can be introduced.
Ans: The following five states have bicameral legislature:
The Upper house in a state can be withdrawn or introduced at the request of the concerned state by constitutional amendment
Q12: Write the legislative powers of the Indian President.
Ans: The President is the essential organ of the Indian Parliament and has power over the legislative process. Some of their powers are as under:
Q13: Write the various steps in the Lawmaking process.
Ans: Followings are various stages in the law-making process:
Q14: What is Legislature?
Ans: The legislature is one of the three organs of the Government of the modern state. Although its main function is to make a law it performs a number of other functions like representational and deliberate functions. The legislature has financial and administrative control over the executive.
Q15: What is the main function of the Legislature in the modern state?
Ans: Legislatures of modem state perform the following functions whatever may be the forms of government:
Q16: What are the main functions of the Lok Sabha speaker?
Ans: The speaker of Lok Sabha performs the following functions:
Q17: What is the importance of the committee system in the Indian parliamentary system?
Ans: A significant feature of the legislative process is the appointment of different committees for a different purpose. These committees play a vital role not merely in law-making but also in day to day business of the house. Since the business of the Parliament is limited, it remains to enable to go into every detail of the bill. Due to increasing demands also Parliament gets limited time for a bill. It is because of this committees are appointed to deal with different kinds of bills and examine these in detail and in all aspects like administrative, political, financial, and technical. These committees are very powerful and can ask for any detail from the concerned department. They can investigate corruption cases also. At present, there are much more than twenty department-related committees.
Besides the standing committees, there is also some Joint parliament committee (appointed for a specific function). They are appointed to discuss particular bills or for the purpose of investigating financial irregularities. Members of joint committees are selected from both houses. The Committee system has definitely reduced the burden of Parliament and has helped a great deal in studying and examining the bills minutely, thus helped in making good laws.
Q18: What is defection? What are the provisions of the Anti-Defection law?
Ans: Defection is a major disease of the Indian party system which has caused other ills in the Indian system. The tendency and practice of the political leaders to change their political party on the tidal of which they have been elected to a house in search of better political and material fortunes are called Defection. For a lap time efforts were going on to check this menace. It is only in 1985, Rajiv Gandhi government passed the 52nd amendment in the constitution to have a check on the tendency of defections. This Amendment is known as the Anit- Defection law which provides the following features.
This law has been further modified in the 91st Constitutional amendment.
Q19: Discuss the powers and decline of the Indian Parliament.
Ans: We haVe supremacy of the Constitution. Indian Parliament is the product of the constitution. It is the most powerful institution. Due to the Parliamentary system of Government, the power and prestige of the Parliament are further increased. Parliament is the representative of the people. It performs deliberative functions and makes a public opinion by enlightening discussion and debate. Parliament is called the soul of the people. Parliament exercises control on the executive by a number of methods which are as under
The executive is responsible to Parliament for every omission and commission. They are accountable to the people through the Parliament. The government cannot make any expenditure without the approval of Parliament. Parliament can remove even the President, Vice President, and judges from their offices by means of impeachment. The executive is the order of declaration of Emergency cannot last long without the approval of the Indian Parliament within a specific period. Over the years the powers and prestige of Parliament are on the decline. The sitings of the Parliament are reduced. The atmosphere of the Parliament is polluted by ugly sums. Allegations and counter-allegations are exchanged. Due to the criminalization of politics, people of criminal backgrounds have entered Parliament. The commercialization of politics has also polluted the atmosphere of Parliament.
Due to frequent disturbances, a lot of valuable time of parliament is wasted for which people have to pay. The seriousness of the business of the house also is on the decline. There is no doubt that houses of the parliament have been plagued by the absence of a quorum, a boycott of sessions by members of opposition which deprive the house to control the executive through discussion.
Q20: How the business of the house is conducted?
Ans: Parliament is a very auspicious forum for discussing, debating, and policy-making. Therefore it is very necessary that such discussions and debates must be meaningful and in an orderly manner so that functions of the Parliament are carried out in a smooth and dignified manner. The Constitution has itself made certain provisions to ensure smoothness. conduct of business. Every house is presided by presiding offers who are the final authority in matters of regulating the business, of the house. There are many ways are which the presiding officer controls the behavior of the members and maintains the discipline of the house.’ The business of the house is carried out according to the well-established traditions, rules, and regulations of the house. The business of the house is conducted according to the well-established procedure. As said the presiding officer plays a decisive role in conducting the house in a given manner and maintains discipline and decorum of the house. He has weaponry in his arms for this purpose. He gives the rules on every issue as per his interpretation of a bill related to the business of the house.
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