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180 Days Timetable for Class 9 | English Class 9 PDF Download

Class 9 exams are a crucial step in your academic journey, laying the foundation for higher studies. A well-structured study plan can help you excel in these exams. In this comprehensive 180-day timetable, we will cover all compulsory subjects: Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and English.

Subjects Covered:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • English

Week 1-2: Mathematics, Science, English, Social Science

Day 1-4: Mathematics:

Number System

  • Topics: Integers, Rational Numbers, Fractions, Decimals
  • Tips: Practice mental calculations, use NCERT and RD Sharma textbooks.
  • Maths Class 9 Course

Day 5-8: Science

Matter in Our Surroundings

  • Topics: States of Matter, Physical and Chemical Changes
  • Tips: Create concept maps, perform experiments.
  • Science Class 9 Course

Day 9: English

Prose - The Fun They Had

Day 10-11: Social Science:

History - The French Revolution

Day 12-13: Social Science

Economics - The Story of Palampur

  • Topics: Revise concepts related to farming in Palampur, non-farm activities.
  • Tips: Review the factors of production, understand modern farming techniques.
  • Reference: Economics for Class 9

Day 14: Revision

Week 3-4: Science, English, Social Science, Mathematics

Day 15-18: Science:

Is Matter Around Us Pure?

  • Topics: Mixtures, Solutions, Separation Techniques
  • Tips: Conduct experiments, make notes.

Day 19: English:

Prose - The Sound of Music

  • Tips: Focus on character analysis, themes.

Day 20-21: Social Science:

History - Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

  • Topics: Russian Revolution, Rise of Socialism
  • Tips: Analyze causes and effects.

Day 22-23: Social Science:

Social Science - Economics
People as Resource

  • Topics: Review human capital, population as an asset.
  • Tips: Study the role of human capital in economic development.
  • Reference: Economics for Class 9

Day 24-27: Mathematics:


  • Topics: Introduction, Degree, Zeros of a Polynomial
  • Tips: Practice solving problems, use online resources.

Day 28: Revision

  • Recap the topics from the third and fourth weeks, such as Is Matter Around Us Pure?, The Sound of Music, Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution, People as Resource, and Polynomials.

Week 5-6: English, Social Science, Mathematics, Science

Day 29: English:

Prose - The Little Girl

  • Tips: Understand the narrative style, identify literary devices.

Day 30-31: Social Science:

History - Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

  • Topics: Hitler's Policies, Impact of Nazism
  • Tips: Study primary sources, watch documentaries.

Day 32-33: Social Science:

Economics - Poverty as a Challenge

  • Topics: Poverty Measurement, Causes of Poverty
  • Tips: Study the different poverty estimation methods, understand the multidimensional nature of poverty.
  • Reference: Economics for Class 9

Day 34-37: Mathematics:


  • Topics: Factorization, Division Algorithm
  • Tips: Practice long division, use flashcards.

Day 38-41: Science:

Atoms and Molecules

  • Topics: Atomic Structure, Molecules, Chemical Reactions
  • Tips: Visualize atomic models, practice chemical equations.

Day 42: Revision

  • Revisit the material covered in the fifth and sixth weeks, which includes The Little Girl, Nazism and the Rise of Hitler, Poverty as a Challenge, and more on Polynomials.

Week 7-8: Social Science, Mathematics, Science, English

Day 43-44: Social Science:

History - Pastoralists in the Modern World

  • Topics: Nomadic Tribes, Impact of Modernization
  • Tips: Compare traditional and modern lifestyles.

Day 45-46: Social Science:

Economics - Food Security in India

  • Topics: Food Security, Public Distribution System, Buffer Stock
  • Tips: Understand food security measures, analyze the role of government.
  • Reference: Economics for Class 9

Day 47-50: Mathematics:

Coordinate Geometry

  • Topics: Introduction, Cartesian Plane, Distance Formula
  • Tips: Practice plotting points, understand slope.

Day 51-54: Science:

Structure of the Atom

  • Topics: Atomic Models, Subatomic Particles
  • Tips: Create visual aids, understand electron configuration.

Day 55: English:

Prose - A Truly Beautiful Mind

  • Tips: Analyze the author's perspective, connect with real-life stories.

Day 56: Revision

  • Review the subjects studied in the seventh and eighth weeks, including Pastoralists in the Modern World, Food Security in India, Coordinate Geometry, and Atoms and Molecules.

Week 9-10: Mathematics, Science, English, Social Science

Day 57-60: Mathematics:

Linear Equations in Two Variables

  • Topics: Equations, Graphs, Applications
  • Tips: Solve word problems, practice graph plotting.

Day 61-64: Science:

The Fundamental Unit of Life

  • Topics: Cell Structure, Functions
  • Tips: Draw cell diagrams, understand cell organelles.

Day 65: English:

Prose - The Snake and the Mirror

  • Tips: Analyze symbolism, practice writing summaries.

Day 66-67: Social Science:

Geography - India: Size and Location

  • Topics: Geographic Coordinates, States, Major Rivers
  • Tips: Create maps, memorize facts.

Day 68-69: Social Science:

Civics - What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

  • Topics: Features of Democracy, Importance
  • Tips: Analyze democratic institutions, compare with other forms of government.

Day 70: Revision

  • Recap the material from the ninth and tenth weeks, covering Linear Equations in Two Variables, The Fundamental Unit of Life, The Snake and the Mirror, and Geography - India: Size and Location.

Week 11-12: Science, English, Social Science, Mathematics

Day 71-74: Science:

  • Topics: Plant and Animal Tissues, Functions
  • Tips: Label diagrams, study tissue types.

Day 75: English:

Prose - My Childhood

  • Tips: Focus on autobiographical elements, analyze the author's experiences.

Day 76-77: Social Science:

Geography - Physical Features of India

  • Topics: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains
  • Tips: Use mind maps, watch geography documentaries.

Day 78-79: Social Science:

Civics - What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

  • Topics: Features of Democracy, Importance
  • Tips: Analyze democratic institutions, compare with other forms of government.
  • Civics for Class 9

Day 80-83: Mathematics:

Introduction to Euclid's Geometry

  • Topics: Euclidean Geometry, Postulates, Constructions
  • Tips: Practice geometric constructions, understand axioms.

Day 84: Revision

  • Go over the topics studied in the eleventh and twelfth weeks, such as Introduction to Euclid's Geometry, Tissues, My Childhood, and Geography - Physical Features of India.

Week 13-14: English, Social Science, Mathematics, Science

Day 85: English:

Prose - Reach For The Top

  • Tips: Analyze character development, identify themes.

Day 86-87: Social Science:

Geography - Drainage

  • Topics: River Systems, Major Rivers of India
  • Tips: Create a river map of India, understand drainage patterns.

Day 88-89: Social Science

Civics - Constitutional Design

  • Topics: Making of the Indian Constitution, Preamble
  • Tips: Understand the framing of the Constitution, its significance.
  • Civics for Class 9

Day 90-93: Mathematics:

Lines & Angles

  • Topics: Types of Angles, Properties of Lines
  • Tips: Practice angle calculations, use geometry tools.

Day 94-97: Science:


  • Topics: Types of Motion, Equations of Motion
  • Tips: Solve numerical problems, understand motion graphs.

Day 98: Revision

  • Review the subjects covered in the thirteenth and fourteenth weeks, including Drainage, Constitutional Design, Lines & Angles, and Motion.

Week 15-16: Social Science, Mathematics, Science, English

Day 99-100: Social Science:

Geography - Climate

  • Topics: Climate Zones, Factors Affecting Climate
  • Tips: Create climate diagrams, study climate-related data.

Day 101-102: Social Science

Civics - Electoral Politics

  • Topics: Election Process, Role of Election Commission
  • Tips: Understand democratic principles, election procedures.
  • Civics for Class 9

Day 103-106: Mathematics:


  • Topics: Properties, Congruence, Similarity
  • Tips: Practice triangle theorems, use the Pythagorean theorem.

Day 107-110: Science:

Force and Laws of Motion

  • Topics: Newton's Laws, Friction, Gravitational Force
  • Tips: Perform experiments, understand the application of forces.

Day 111: English:

Prose - Kathmandu

  • Tips: Explore the cultural context, analyze the author's perspective.

Day 112: Revision

Week 17-18: Mathematics, Science, English, Social Science

Day 113-116: Mathematics:


  • Topics: Types of Quadrilaterals, Properties
  • Tips: Understand quadrilateral theorems, practice problem-solving.

Day 117-120: Science:


  • Topics: Gravitational Force, Laws of Gravitation
  • Tips: Explore space-related documentaries, solve gravitational force problems.

Day 121: English:

Prose - If I were You

  • Tips: Analyze moral dilemmas, discuss alternative choices.

Day 122-123: Social Science:

History - Forest Society and Colonialism

  • Topics: Impact of Colonialism on Forests, Tribal Communities
  • Tips: Research case studies, understand ecological consequences.

Day 124-125: Social Science

Civics - Working of Institutions

  • Topics: Parliament, Executive, Judiciary
  • Tips: Study the separation of powers, checks and balances.
  • Civics for Class 9

Day 126: Revision

  • Go over the topics studied in the seventeenth and eighteenth weeks, including Quadrilaterals, Gravitation, English Prose and Social Science Civics.

Week 19-20: Science, English, Social Science, Mathematics

Day 127-130: Science:

Work and Energy

  • Topics: Forms of Energy, Work-Energy Theorem
  • Tips: Perform energy calculations, watch educational videos.

Day 131: English:

Poetry - The Road Not Taken

  • Tips: Analyze metaphors, discuss choices in life.

Poetry - Wind

  • Tips: Analyze poetic devices, explore the theme of change.

Day 132-133: Social Science:

Geography - Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

  • Topics: Ecosystems, Biodiversity
  • Tips: Create ecological diagrams, study wildlife conservation efforts.

Day 134-135: Social Science

Civics - Democratic Rights

  • Topics: Fundamental Rights, Duties, and Responsibilities
  • Tips: Understand citizen rights and responsibilities in a democracy.
  • Civics for Class 9

Day 136-139: Mathematics:


  • Topics: Properties, Tangents, Arcs
  • Tips: Practice circle theorems, understand theorems related to tangents.

Day 140: Revision

  • Review the subjects covered in the nineteenth and twentieth weeks, such as Work and Energy, English Poetry, Geography - Natural Vegetation and Wildlife, and Democratic Rights.

Week 21-22: English, Social Science, Mathematics, Science

Day 141-143: English:

Poetry - Rain on The Roof

  • Tips: Explore the mood of the poem, analyze the use of imagery.

Poetry - The Lake Isle of Innisfree:

  • This is a poem by William Butler Yeats, where the poet expresses his desire to escape to a tranquil place, away from the hustle and bustle of urban life.
  • For a deeper understanding, you can explore analysis and interpretations available in the English for Class 9 course.

Day 144-145: Social Science:

Geography - Population

  • Topics: Population Distribution, Growth, and Density
  • Tips: Study population maps, analyze demographic data.

Day 146-149: Mathematics:

Heron's Formula

  • Topics: Area of Triangles, Applications
  • Tips: Practice solving problems involving Heron's formula.

Day 150-153: Science:


  • Topics: Characteristics of Sound, Propagation
  • Tips: Conduct sound experiments, understand wave properties.

Day 154: Revision

  • Recap the material from the twenty-first and twenty-second weeks, covering English Poetry, Geography - Population, Heron's Formula, and Sound.

Week 23-24: Mathematics, Science, English

Day 155-158: Mathematics:

Surface Area & Volumes

  • Topics: 3D Shapes, Volume Calculations
  • Tips: Practice calculating volumes, visualize 3D shapes.

Day 159-162: Science:

Improvement in Food Resources

  • Topics: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Biotechnology
  • Tips: Study agricultural practices, understand food production technologies.

Day 163-167: English:

Poetry - A Legend of The Northland:

  • This is a poem that tells the story of Hiawatha, a legendary Native American figure.
  • You can find more information and analysis in the English for Class 9 course.

Poetry - No Men Are Foreign:

  • This is a poem by James Kirkup that conveys the message of universal brotherhood and unity among all human beings.
  • Detailed analysis and interpretations can be found in the English for Class 9 course.

Day 168: Revision

  • Revisit the last two weeks, including Surface Area & Volumes, Improvement in Food Resources, and English Poetry.

Week 25-26: English

Day 169-170: English:

Poem: On Killing a Tree:

  • This poem by Gieve Patel discusses the pain and significance of destroying a tree.
  • You can explore analysis and interpretations in the English for Class 9 course.

Poem: A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal:

  • This is a poem by William Wordsworth that reflects on the idea of death and eternal rest.
  • For a deeper understanding, you can refer to the English for Class 9 course.

Day 171-172: English (Book: Moments)

Prose: The Lost Child

Prose: The Adventures of Toto

Day 173-174: English (Book: Moments)

Prose: Iswaran the Storyteller

Prose: In the Kingdom of Fools

Day 175-176: English (Book: Moments)

Prose: The Happy Prince

Prose: The Last Leaf

Day 177-178: English (Book: Moments)

Prose: A House is not a Home

Prose: The Beggar

Day 179-180: Revision

Subject-specific Tips:


  • Practice regularly and solve problems from RD Sharma Solutions for Class 9 Mathematics.
  • Use flashcards for formulas and theorems.
  • Create mind maps for visualizing concepts.


Social Science:


  • Analyze literary devices in prose and poetry.
  • Practice writing skills through essays and stories.
  • Utilize English Grammar for Class 9 for grammar improvement.

Remember to revise after covering each chapter and periodically review previously learned topics. Use online resources like Short & Long Questions for Class 9 and Practice Tests for Class 9 for self-assessment. Stay organized, stay focused, and success will follow!

Subject-specific Resources:



Social Science:


Practice and Assessment:

English and Language Resources:


Please note that these links are provided for your reference, and you can access them as needed for your Class 9 exam preparation.

Note: This plan provides a guideline for your Class 9 exam preparation. Adjust it according to your pace and requirements.

The document 180 Days Timetable for Class 9 | English Class 9 is a part of the Class 9 Course English Class 9.
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FAQs on 180 Days Timetable for Class 9 - English Class 9

1. What is a 180 Days Timetable for Class 9?
An 180 Days Timetable for Class 9 is a schedule that outlines the topics and subjects to be covered over a period of 180 days in a school year for Class 9 students. It helps students and teachers organize their time effectively and ensures that all the necessary topics are covered within the given timeframe.
2. How can a 180 Days Timetable benefit Class 9 students?
A 180 Days Timetable can benefit Class 9 students in several ways. Firstly, it provides a structured approach to learning, helping students to stay organized and manage their time effectively. Secondly, it ensures that all the important subjects and topics are covered within the given timeframe, reducing the chances of any knowledge gaps. Lastly, it helps students to develop a consistent study routine, leading to better academic performance.
3. What are some key factors to consider when creating a 180 Days Timetable for Class 9?
When creating a 180 Days Timetable for Class 9, there are several key factors to consider. Firstly, it is important to allocate sufficient time for each subject based on its importance and complexity. Secondly, it is crucial to prioritize topics that require more attention or have higher weightage in the exams. Additionally, it is important to include regular revision sessions and breaks to avoid burnout. Lastly, considering the students' individual learning styles and preferences can also be beneficial while creating the timetable.
4. How can students make the most of their 180 Days Timetable for Class 9?
To make the most of their 180 Days Timetable, Class 9 students can follow a few strategies. Firstly, they should strictly adhere to the timetable and avoid procrastination. Secondly, they should make use of productive study techniques such as active reading, note-taking, and practicing sample papers. Additionally, students can seek help from their teachers or classmates whenever they face difficulties with a particular topic. Lastly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep and regular exercise can enhance concentration and retention of knowledge.
5. Can a 180 Days Timetable be customized for individual students' needs?
Yes, a 180 Days Timetable can be customized to cater to individual students' needs. Every student has different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. Therefore, it is important to consider these factors while creating a timetable. For example, if a student finds a subject particularly challenging, more time can be allocated to it. Similarly, if a student is a fast learner in a certain subject, less time can be allocated for that topic. Customizing the timetable ensures that students receive personalized attention and can effectively utilize their study time.
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