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3 Days Timetable: Fun with Magnets | Chapter-wise Time Table for Class 6 PDF Download

Welcome to the study plan for Fun with Magnets, a fascinating chapter from Class 6 Science. In this chapter, you will delve into the intriguing world of magnets, learning about magnetic materials, poles of magnets, finding directions using magnets, making your own magnet, and the concepts of attraction and repulsion between magnets.

By the end of this study plan, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how magnets work, and you'll be well-prepared for your Class 6 Science exams.

Follow Your Timetable with EduRev!

The study plan provided here will help you efficiently manage your time and grasp the chapter's concepts thoroughly. By following this plan diligently, you'll be ready to tackle even the most challenging questions in your Class 6 Science exam.

EduRev offers an array of valuable resources for every aspect of this chapter, including notes, videos, and tests. To access these resources, simply click here.

Topics to Cover

Let's start by outlining the topics covered in this chapter:

  1. Magnetic And Non-Magnetic Materials
  2. Poles of Magnet
  3. Finding Directions
  4. Make Your Own Magnet
  5. Attraction And Repulsion Between Magnets

Simple Strategies for Parents to Help Kids in Studying

Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children's learning. Here's how parents can assist their kids in studying the chapter "Fun with Magnets":

  • Engage in Discussions: Parents can discuss the content and progress of the chapter with their children. Encourage questions and provide explanations.

Timetable for "Fun with Magnets"

We'll follow a 3-day strategy for this study plan, with one additional day dedicated to revision.

Day 1: Introduction and Magnetic And Non-Magnetic Materials

What to Cover:

  • Introduction to the chapter "Fun with Magnets"
  • Magnetic And Non-Magnetic Materials

Study Tips:

  1. Begin your study by reading the NCERT Textbook for the chapter.
  2. Take notes of key concepts and terms.
  3. Explore the NCERT Solutions on EduRev to better understand the topic.

Interactive Activities:

  • Experiment: Test various objects to classify them as magnetic or non-magnetic.

Day 2: Poles of Magnet and Finding Directions

What to Cover:

  • Poles of Magnet
  • Finding Directions

Study Tips:

  1. Dive into the concepts by reading the relevant sections in the NCERT Textbook.
  2. Use EduRev's Study Notes for a clearer understanding.
  3. Enrich your knowledge with EduRev's PPT of Fun with Magnets.

Interactive Activities:

  • Experiment: Create a simple compass using a magnetized needle and a bowl of water to find North.

Day 3: Make Your Own Magnet and Attraction And Repulsion Between Magnets

What to Cover:

  • Make Your Own Magnet
  • Attraction And Repulsion Between Magnets

Study Tips:

  1. Read about making your own magnet and the concept of attraction and repulsion in the NCERT Textbook.
  2. Refine your knowledge with the NCERT Exemplar questions.
  3. Use EduRev's Mindmap for a visual summary.

Interactive Activities:

  • Experiment: Explore the forces of attraction and repulsion using various magnets.

Day 4: Revision and Self-Testing

On this day, revise all the topics you've covered and test your knowledge by solving the following questions:

In your Class 6 Science exam, you'll encounter questions similar to those mentioned above. The best way to prepare is by solving these questions. If you find any of them challenging, take it as a sign that you should revisit and restudy that specific topic.

Feedback and Questions

Should you have any doubts or questions about this chapter, don't hesitate to ask. Use EduRev's discussion forum for your queries. Here's how the discussion forum can help you: Discussion Forum.

Note: Remember that it's essential to allocate study time to all your subjects concurrently. EduRev offers timetables for all your other subjects too, allowing you to organize your study schedule effectively.

Certainly! Here are all the important links for your Class 6 Science study plan, organized under suitable headers:
Chapter Links and Resources:

Discussion Forum:

These links will help you access all the necessary resources and engage in discussions if you have any questions or doubts.

Best of luck with your studies and your Class 6 Science exam!

The document 3 Days Timetable: Fun with Magnets | Chapter-wise Time Table for Class 6 is a part of the Class 6 Course Chapter-wise Time Table for Class 6.
All you need of Class 6 at this link: Class 6
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