Q1: What is Balance of Payments?
Q2: Define the term Balance of Trade.
Q3: Differentiate between BOP & BOT.
Q4: State the Items included in BOP account.
Q5: Explain the Structure of BOP: BOP account is categorized into Current Account & Capital Account.
Q6: Differentiate between BOP on current account & capital account.
Q7: Briefly explain the other items in the BOP.
Q8: Differentiate between Autonomous & Accommodating Items.
Q9: What is meant by Disequilibrium in the BOP?
Q10: State the causes for disequilibrium in BOP.
Q11: State the measures to correct adverse BOP:
Q12: Explain the determination of foreign Exchange Rate.
Q13: State the sources of demand for foreign exchange.
Q14: Differentiate between Depreciation and Devaluation.
Q15: How do we finance the deficit on current account BOP in case officially reserves with the RBI are not moved?
Q16: What is depreciation of rupee? What is its likely impact on Indian imports and how?
Q17: How does decrease in FDI in India act as a supply stock for foreign exchange?
Q18: How do the deficit BoP and surplus BoP impact the exchange rate?
Q19: Define the term Foreign Exchange Rate.
Q20: Define the term Foreign Exchange Market.
Q21: How is depreciation of Indian rupee likely to affect Indian export? Explain.
Q22: Will you always appreciate a rise in exchange rate as a means to boost our exports?
Q23: What are the Sources of Supply of foreign exchange?
Q24: Explain the role of Central Bank during depreciation.
Q25: Calculate the value of imports when the balance of trade is (-) Rs 800 crore and the value of exports is Rs. 500 crore.
64 videos|275 docs|52 tests
1. What is open economy macroeconomics? | ![]() |
2. How does international trade impact an open economy? | ![]() |
3. What are capital flows and why are they important in open economy macroeconomics? | ![]() |
4. How does exchange rate fluctuations impact an open economy? | ![]() |
5. What are the main policy tools used in open economy macroeconomics? | ![]() |