Rotational Symmetry Through an Angle of 90°:
Diagonally Opposite Parts are Similar:
Adjacent Parts are Laterally/Vertically Inverted Images:
Based on Certain Design and Pattern:
Understand the Pattern:
Examine Options:
Identify Symmetry or Pattern Rules:
Choose the Suitable Option:
Practice Regularly:
Type - 1 : Rotational Symmetry Through an Angle of 90°
Tip : In this type of questions, the question figure looks the same if it is rotated by 90° in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.
Q1: Identify the missing part of the given figure and select it from given answer figures.
Ans: (b)
Here, all the three equal parts have similar design, if rotated in clockwise direction. So, we can obtain the answer figure for the missing portion by rotating the question figure by 90° clockwise.
Now by comparing figure (X) with (X'), we get
Now, it is clear that answer figure (b) competes the question figure, which look like as shown in below figure
In some of the questions, the correct option for the missing figure can be given in any rotated from, so candidate can rotate the figures to clock the correctness of option.
If answer figures contain similar figure but in rotated forms, then the correct answer figure is that figure which can be substituted at the missing part with least change in orientation.
Q2: Which of the answer figures given will complete the pattern of the question figure?
Ans: (b)
Here, all the three equal parts have similar design, if rotated in clockwise direction. So, we can obtain the answer figure for the missing portion by rotating the question figure (X) by 90° in clockwise direction.
Type - 2 : Diagonally Opposite Parts are Similar
Tip#: In this type of questions, the diagonally opposite parts have similar design and if the figure is rotated through 180° in clockwise/anti-clockwise direction the figure remains the same.
In figure (X), diagonally opposite parts i.e., 1-3 and 2-4 have similar design and figure (X) is rotated through 180° , then figure will change as
Soz figures (X) and (X') are same.
Now, if any of the parts of above figure (X) is missing, then it can be obtained by rotating the figure 180° in clockwise/anti-clockwise direction.
This can be better understood with the help of following examples
Q1: Identify the missing part of the question figure and select it from given answer figures.
Ans: (c)
Here, the diagonally opposite parts have similar design.
So, we can obtain the answer figure for the missing portion by rotating the question figure by 180°
Type - 3 : Adjacent Parts are Laterally/Vertically Inverted Images
Tip : In this type of questions, the adjacent parts are laterally/vertically inverted images of each other.
In figure (X), 1 and 2 are laterally inverted images of each other. Similarly, 3 and 4 are laterally inverted image of each other. Also 1-4 and 2-3 are the pairs of vertically inverted images of each other.
If any part of above figure is missing, then it found out by the vertical or lateral inversion of any of the adjacent figure.
This can be better understood with the help of following example:
Q1: Identify the missing part of the question figure and select it from given answer figures
Ans: (a)
Here, the upper two adjacent parts i.e., (1) and (2) have design which are laterally inverted form of each other and the two left side adjacent parts i.e., (1) and (3) have designs which are vertically inverted form of each other. Then, the design in missing part i.e., (4) will be the laterally inverted form of the design in part (3). So, from the answer options given it is clear that design given in option (a) is the correct laterally of (3) and it will replace the (?) to complete the pattern.
Q2: Identify the missing part of the question figure and select it from given answer figures
Ans: (d)
Let the figure is
Here, the upper two adjacent parts i.e., (1) and (2) have design which are laterally inverted form of each other. Then, the design in missing part i.e., (4) will be the laterally inverted form of the design in part (3). So. from the answer options given it is clear that design given in option (d) is the correct laterally inverted form of (3) and replace the (?) to complete the pattern.
Type - 4 : Based on Certain Design and Pattern
Tip: In this type of questions, they do not follow any of the patterns discussed in the previous types. These questions contain a certain design or pattern with one of its parts missing. A candidate has to complete the design accordingly.
This can be better understood with the help of following examples
Q1: Identify the missing part of the question figure and select it from the answer figures.
Ans: (b)
Here, by analysis we can observe that the given pattern is of a doubled lined triangle.
Q2: Identify the missing part of the question figure and select it from the answer figures.
Ans: (d)
Here, by analysis we can observe that in the figure the design of each line repeats itself in alternate lines.
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