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Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly PDF Download

Rising Scientific Misconduct in India


A survey conducted by India Research Watchdog reveals a growing number of retractions in Indian research, giving rise to significant concerns regarding scientific misconduct in the country.

What is Scientific Misconduct?

  • Definition of Scientific Misconduct:
    • Scientific misconduct involves deviating from accepted standards of research, study, and publication ethics.
  • Forms of Scientific Misconduct:
    • Various forms of misconduct include plagiarism, misconduct in experimental techniques, and fraud.
  • Retractions in Scientific Literature:
    • Retractions occur when published papers are withdrawn due to reasons such as mistakes, data fabrication, plagiarism, and other misconduct.
  • Examples of Misconduct:
    • Reporting scientific investigation results without crediting principal investigators.
    • Scientific fraud involves creating articles with fabricated images or data, submitted to peer-reviewed publications without oversight board approval.

What are the Statistics of Scientific Misconduct in India?

  • Increases Scientific Retractions:
    • Retractions from India have increased 2.5-times between 2020 and 2022 over the number recorded between 2017 and 2019.
    • The primary reason for retractions is identified as misconduct, where authors knowingly engage in unethical practices.
  • Quality Decline Indicators:
    • The ratio of research output to retractions is used as a proxy for quality, revealing an alarming drop in India, almost halving the ratio. This indicates a potential decline in the overall quality of research.
  • Domains of Retractions:
    • Engineering sees a significant increase, accounting for almost 48% of all retractions, up from 36% in the period 2017-2019.
    • Additionally, the humanities experience an extraordinary growth of 567% in retractions.
  • Reasons for Rise in Scientific Misconduct:
    • A little more than half of the respondents believe that university ranking parameters are behind the rise.
    • Another 35% attributed it to unethical researchers, while 10% pointed to the minimal action taken when an allegation is reported or when an offender is ‘caught’.
    • Additional factors contributing to the rise in retractions include the compulsory publication requirement for PhD students instituted in 2017, potentially leading to low-quality publications, and the proliferation of predatory journals.

Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

  • Urgent Call to Action:
    • The data is presented as an urgent call to action, emphasizing the need to scrutinize research malpractice in Indian academia.
    • The potential consequences on both research and teaching are highlighted, urging immediate intervention to prevent the production of substandard or bogus research.

What are the Ethical Implications of Scientific Misconduct?

  • Long term Consequences:
    • Scientific misconduct, regardless of its scale, can have far-reaching consequences, especially when influential figures in a field are involved.
  • Breach of Academic Integrity:
    • Scientific misconduct, including plagiarism, data fabrication, and manipulation, constitutes a serious breach of academic and scientific integrity. It undermines the foundation of honest and transparent scholarly inquiry.
  • Impact on Trust and Credibility:
    • Unethical practices erode the trustworthiness of scientific findings, diminishing the credibility of research. This not only affects the reputation of individual researchers but also tarnishes the image of the entire scientific community.
  • Compromised Quality and Academic Rigor:
    • The alarming drop in the ratio of research output to retractions signifies compromised quality.
    • This compromises academic rigor, hindering the progress and advancement of knowledge.

Way Forward

  • In response to the absence of institutional efforts, some scientists have taken it upon themselves to scrutinize collaborative work, distinguishing between credible and flawed research to avoid tarnishing all their work.
  • However, a broader reevaluation is necessary, particularly among influential figures in science. The idealized notion that science is inherently rigorous and self-correcting needs to be revised, recognizing its complexity and the need for enhanced methods and norms.
  • This requires incorporating technology and incentives to promote continuous self-assessment and improvement, making it a standard practice rather than a response to 'special' circumstances.

Ethical Perspectives on Online Gaming


The recent case of suspension of a Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) in Pune, Mahrastra highlights complex ethical concerns surrounding online gaming and the responsibilities of a law enforcement officer.

What are the Ethical Implications Surrounding the Officer's Participation in Online Gaming?

  • Arguments In Favor of Officer's Involvement in Online Gaming
    • Personal Freedom and Individual Rights: The officer, like any other citizen, has the right to engage in legal recreational activities during personal time.
    • The officer's use of personal funds for legal recreational activities, including online gaming, falls under their discretionary spending and financial autonomy.
    • Adherence to Legal Norms: If the online gaming activity is legally permissible and the officer complies with the law, their engagement is within the framework of legal norms and should be respected as part of individual autonomy.
    • Mitigation of Stress: Online gaming, like any leisure activity, might serve as a stress-relieving tool, providing a mental escape and relaxation from the pressures of the job.

Ethics Issues Involved:

  • Violation of Organizational Standards:
    • Breach of Code of Conduct: Engaging in online gaming without permission from the unit commander breaches the established code of conduct within the Maharashtra State Police, indicating a disregard for institutional regulations.
    • Conflict with Professional Norms: Ethically, the officer's participation in online gaming during duty hours conflicts with the expected professionalism and ethical standards required within law enforcement.
  • Negative Public Image and Trust Implications:
    • Public Perception and Trust Erosion: Media interviews discussing personal victories in uniform undermine public confidence in the officer's professional integrity and the broader image of law enforcement, potentially eroding trust in the police force.
    • Impact on Organizational Credibility: Ethically, such conduct damages the credibility and reputation of the entire police force, as the officer's actions are reflective of the institution, impacting its overall image and public trust.
  • Role Model Expectations and Ethical Responsibilities:
    • Role as a Public Figure: Ethically, as a law enforcement official, the officer is a public figure and is expected to serve as a role model, setting an example of ethical behavior and responsible conduct.

Way Forward

  • Regarding Conduct of Professionals:
    • Clear Organizational Policies: Establish clear and unambiguous guidelines within law enforcement agencies regarding off-duty conduct, specifying permissible and non-permissible activities, especially related to online gaming.
    • Ethical Training and Education: Provide ethical training and education to law enforcement officials, emphasizing the importance of upholding ethical conduct both on and off duty, ensuring they understand the impact of their actions on public perception.
    • Strengthened Codes of Conduct: Review and strengthen existing codes of conduct to address modern-day challenges, including guidelines for engaging in recreational activities, maintaining professional image, and the use of social media in uniform.
    • Support and Counseling Services: Provide support services and counseling for officers, addressing stress and promoting healthy coping mechanisms to mitigate stress, considering the challenging nature of their profession.
  • Regarding Online Gaming:
    • Clear Legal Definitions: Establishing clear distinctions between skill-based gaming and gambling, ensuring precise legal definitions to guide regulatory measures uniformly across states.
    • Collaborative Governance and Oversight: Collaborate with gaming companies to promote responsible gaming practices, emphasizing user protection, addiction prevention, and measures to mitigate financial risks among users.
    • Comprehensive Research and Analysis: Invest in extensive research on the psychological and socio-economic impacts of online gaming, facilitating evidence-based policymaking and the development of effective regulatory measures.



Materialism, traced back to ancient origins, provides a coherent framework that centers on matter as the basis of existence.

What is Materialism?

  • About:
    • Materialism asserts that all existence originates from and is fundamentally composed of matter.
    • It refutes the existence of non-material entities, considering all other phenomena, even intelligence, as transformations or products of matter following inherent natural laws.
  • Historical Context:
    • Materialism has roots in ancient philosophies worldwide. In India, it found expression in Lokāyata, Chárváka, Bhautikvad, and Jadavāda, among other names.
    • Lokāyata, meaning the philosophy of the people, emphasizes worldliness and instinctive materialism. Lokāyata was pioneered by philosophers like Brhaspati, Ajita, and Jābāli.
    • Chárváka highlights hedonism, the belief that pleasure is the most important thing in life.
    • Bhautikvad focuses on the physical or material nature of existence.
    • Jadavāda reflects the materialists' inclination to seek the material roots of existence.
    • Early Greek philosophers also pursued materialistic explanations for the cosmos, notably through the atomism of Democritus and Epicurus.
    • Various names in different cultures signify materialist philosophies.
  • Evolution of Thought:
    • Ancient materialists pondered the four classical elements (Mahābhūtas) and explained reality's diversity through 'svabhāva' or self-becoming.
    • The four fundamental elements were considered to be agni (fire), apa (water), vāyu (wind) and prthvī (earth).
    • They rejected divine providence and denied the existence of any world beyond the singular, observable reality, meaning they didn't believe in a higher power guiding events or the universe's destiny.
    • They also denied the existence of any world beyond what could be directly observed or experienced, emphasizing the importance of empirical reality as the sole reality.
  • Ethics of Materialism:
    • The ethics of materialism did face criticism for allegedly promoting a hedonistic lifestyle, as reflected in the Sanskrit dictum “yāvat jīvēt sukham jīvēt,” which means “as long as you live, live happily”.
    • Materialism did not accept any moral or ethical principles that were derived from religious or metaphysical doctrines.
    • Materialism did not deny the existence of ethics, but rather argued that ethics should be based on human reason and experience, and that the goal of ethics should be the maximization of pleasure and the minimization of pain for oneself and others.

What is the Philosophical Significance of Materialism?

  • Materialism offers a comprehensive worldview that emphasizes empirical observation and natural laws governing existence.
  • It challenges religious dogma and encourages a critical examination of reality based on tangible, observable phenomena.
  • It advocated for freedom of thought, challenging societal norms and conventions.
  • Despite shifts in dominant philosophies over time, materialist ideas persist and continue to shape contemporary scientific inquiry, particularly in understanding the fundamental nature of reality.
  • Its influence spans cultures and epochs, encouraging a rational exploration of the universe and rejecting supernatural explanations in favor of empirical observation and understanding.

Case Study 1

Personal relation v/s Public duty

You are a Municipal Corporation Commissioner of your city which is under heavy rainfall over the last few days. The boundary wall of one of the housing society collapses. The incident took place at midnight, leading to the death of 12 workers, including two children, sleeping in the shade beside the wall. On the preliminary inquiry, it has been found that inspite of inappropriate soil conditions, the permission to construct wall was given by previous Municipal Commissioner, who happens to be your close friend. Also, irregularities in construction material have been found and the other officials in the department are trying to influence or manipulate you. The whole scenario seems like a nexus between the officials of the municipal department and builder. However, the builder is a close relative of one of the most powerful leaders of the party in power and is trying to threaten you.
(A) What are the ethical issues involved and the options available to you in such a situation?
(B) Also, suggest a course of action you would like to follow.


  • Case and Facts
    • Loss of human lives due to wall collapse.
    • Quality of construction material not ensured and checked by officials involved.
    • The permitting officer (previous Municipal Commissioner) is my close friend.
    • Pressure from colleagues and political party in power.
  • Stakeholders Involved
    • The victims
    • Previous Municipal Commissioner
    • Colleagues
    • Self
    • Builder
  • Issues Involved
    • Neglect of human dignity, no regard to the lives of poor people.
    • Personal v/s professional relations: It would be difficult to investigate a close friend.
    • Political pressure v/s carrying out one’s duty to take action against the builder.
    • Options available are
    • Initiating disciplinary action as well as proper criminal proceedings against the wrongdoers.
    • This will ensure justice as well as an opportunity for fair procedure in a court of law.
    • However, it would be challenging and detrimental for personal growth in the bureaucracy in the long run.
    • Allowing matter to calm down and letting police to investigate the case.
    • This would maintain good relations with the department members as well as the previous Commissioner, while simultaneously adhering to the wishes of political party leader.
    • However, this would create dissonance and affect mental peace as the conscience would not allow loss of justice to the victims.
  • Course of Action
    • Providing immediate medical support and compensation to the victims should be the utmost priority.
    • Analysing the evidence of corruption, cross checking and verifying them.
    • This will help to avoid any false or mistaken allegations.
    • Following the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of disciplinary action and report it to the concerned higher authority.
    • Dissociating self from the investigation as friendship with previous Commissioner might influence the proceedings and create a conflict of interest.
    • This would help avoid conflict of interest; ensure integrity, transparency and good governance.
    • This would also help in breaking the nexus between the builder and the department members creating a deterrence effect.
    • Initiate legal proceedings against the builder along with corrupt members of the department and not letting the political pressure affect the following SOPs.
    • Finally, taking long term steps to reform the administration to avoid such instances in the future.
    • As the head of the organization, one must be answerable and accountable to ensure transparency in future construction contracts.
    • Social audits must be encouraged for effective governance.


The decision in such cases should not be based on friendly relations with colleagues. Probity and integrity should guide the decision in this case. The Municipal Commissioner must show courage of conviction, leadership and fortitude. The situation demands ethical neutrality of Max Weber so that personal relation is kept aside and civil service values are adhered. Respect for human life is much above friendship and avarice for bureaucratic gains.
As quoted by John Rawls in his theory of Justice, “Rights secured by justice are not subject to political bargaining or calculus of social interests.” Thus, ensuring social justice should be the prime responsibility of the Municipal Commissioner.

Case Study 2

Corruption Nexus Versus Call of Duty

You are District Magistrate of a flood-prone district. The flood control department has allocated forty crore rupees for building embankments in the low lying area of the river bed. There have been various complaints from locals over the delay in project completion, violations of rules and misuse of funds by the nexus of politicians and contractors.
During monsoon, the embankment construction couldn’t withstand a single season of flooding. This has led to the submergence of many villages in floodwater and thousands of people are trapped in the villages. The villages are completely cut off and there is a scarcity of food and drinking water. Due to water stagnation, there is also a risk of epidemic spread in the region.
There is huge discontent and protest over the allegation of corruption against the local politician. As he is a popular face of ruling political party in the state, there is severe pressure from political heads to cover the corruption issue. Defying the orders of political bosses will bring wrath towards you and may also lead to transfer.

  • As a District Magistrate what will be your course of action to manage the situation in the district. (200 words)
  • Identify the various dimensions of the crisis involved in the issue. Based on your understanding, suggest measures to deal with the crisis. (200 Words)


Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly
Course of action
Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly
Dimensions of the crisis

  • Ethical dimensions:
    • Denial of justice: Lives of people get completely devastated by the loss of their homes and livelihood due to floods. No monetary amount can compensate for the sorrow and grief of their loss.
    • Lack of compassion and respect for human lives: The urge for monetary benefits and profit motives becomes so huge that a person (contractor/politician) can put lives of millions at risk by indulging in petty corruption.
    • Loss of faith in leaders: People elect their leaders so that they can become their voice and address their grievances. Nexus between people’s representatives and contractors render people helpless.
  • Legal dimensions:
    • Corruption: Allegations of corruption and putting pressure on the District Magistrate is complete dereliction of duty by political leaders.
    • Governance failure: It is not just a failure of government to take timely measures in preventing a disaster in flood prone area but also a failure of civil society which could not initiate timely actions despite having knowledge of the delay in project completion, violations of rules and misuse of funds.
    • Politicization of bureaucracy: The District Magistrate facing political pressure expecting him to cover up the issue indicates a defunct culture of quid pro quo in the country’s governance system.

Measures to deal with the crisis

  • The District Magistrate must show spirit of service and conviction to ensure justice to the people. He must work tirelessly for their rescue and rehabilitation and ensuring that strict action is taken against the culprits.
  • Ensuring legal justice by ensuring that those guilty must be punished. Contractor and politicians involved must face trial in a court of law.
  • Taking confidence building measures to regain the trust of people on the government. Special schemes should be initiated for creating livelihood opportunities and for the education of children affected by floods.
  • Long term measures for flood prevention, mitigation and adaptation should be taken. Embankments and flood resistant structures must be built after scientific analysis.
  • Local people must be made aware about their rights and sense of duty towards ensuring good governance. ‘Citizen centric governance’ must be the way forward as recommended by the 2nd ARC report. Mechanisms like social audits should be made mandatory for such projects.

Case Study 3

Rule of Law vs Social Norms

You are the Superintendent of Police (SP) in the district where instances of honour killing are rampant. One day you receive a phone call from a girl informing you of the potential threat to her and her partners’ life from her family as she has decided to marry a boy belonging to a lower caste. Moreover, the local police station is not filing the FIR or granting them protection. You ask her to visit your office but she demands police protection to come out from the hideout as her father’s goons are chasing her.
On further inquiry, you come to know that the girl is the daughter of one of the most powerful Minister of the State and both girl and boy are legally eligible to get married. The family is concerned about the family prestige due to the lower caste of the boy and also of the financial stability of marriage as they both are unemployed. You are under extreme political pressure to charge the boy of kidnapping the girl or else face the consequences.
In such circumstances, point out the ethical dilemma faced by you and options available to you. Also, chalk out the course of action you would prefer to follow. (250 words)

Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Ethical dilemmas

  • Personal v/s professional ethics: Adhering to the demands of political leaders by not providing protection to the couple or following legal duty to provide safety and security to the couple.
  • Following social norms v/s ethical norms: Accepting inter-caste marriage is not socially acceptable but moral standards suggest to allow the couple to exercise their free will.

Options Available

Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly
Option (2) should be the correct approach to handle the situation.
Course of action
Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly
Measures to deal with the crisis

  • Initiate steps for attitudinal change to reduce caste prejudices, abolish untouchability and spread the values of liberty, equality, fraternity, etc in the society.
  • Utilizing Dr Ambedkar scheme for social integration through inter-caste marriages to extend financial incentive to the couple to enable them to settle down in the initial phase of their married life.
  • The SP must show spirit of service and conviction to ensure justice to the couple. He must ensure that a safe and secure environment is created in the district so that no one should fear of moral policing.
  • Taking confidence building measures to regain the trust of people on the administration.

The false notions of honour and pride are so deep rooted that people even forget the social bonds of love and emotions with their own children. Thus, the attitudinal change programmes must target the revival of social bonds and realizing them about need to give respect to human lives and compassion.

The document Ethics: November 2023 UPSC | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly is a part of the UPSC Course Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly.
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FAQs on Ethics: November 2023 UPSC - Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

1. What is scientific misconduct and why is it a rising concern in India?
Ans. Scientific misconduct refers to unethical practices in scientific research, such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism of data. It is a rising concern in India due to its potential negative impact on scientific advancements, credibility of researchers, and the overall reputation of the scientific community. Instances of scientific misconduct can hinder the progress of scientific knowledge and innovation, leading to wastage of resources and misleading conclusions.
2. What are the ethical perspectives on online gaming?
Ans. Ethical perspectives on online gaming vary and depend on individual beliefs and values. Some argue that online gaming promotes teamwork, problem-solving skills, and social interaction, making it a positive activity. Others raise concerns about addiction, excessive screen time, cyberbullying, and the impact of violent content on players, particularly children. It is important for developers, gamers, and the gaming industry to consider ethical guidelines to ensure a safe and responsible gaming environment.
3. How does materialism impact society?
Ans. Materialism refers to the prioritization of material possessions and wealth over other values. It can have both positive and negative impacts on society. On one hand, materialism can drive economic growth, innovation, and consumerism. On the other hand, excessive materialism can contribute to environmental degradation, social inequality, and a shallow focus on material wealth rather than personal relationships and well-being. Balancing materialistic desires with ethical considerations is crucial for a sustainable and equitable society.
4. Can you provide a case study related to rising scientific misconduct in India?
Ans. Case Study: In a research paper published in a prestigious scientific journal, a group of Indian scientists claimed to have discovered a groundbreaking cure for a rare disease. However, upon investigation, it was revealed that the data presented in the paper were fabricated, and the cure did not actually exist. The scientists involved were found guilty of scientific misconduct, damaging their reputation and the credibility of the Indian scientific community. This case highlights the importance of rigorous ethical standards in scientific research.
5. How are ethical perspectives relevant to online gaming?
Ans. Ethical perspectives are relevant to online gaming as they guide the responsible use and development of gaming platforms. Ethical considerations can address issues such as privacy protection, fair competition, age-appropriate content, and the prevention of harmful behaviors like cheating or harassment. By promoting ethical perspectives in online gaming, players can enjoy a positive and inclusive gaming experience, while developers can ensure the creation of games that align with societal values and norms.
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