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Essay Previous Year Question Paper (2020) Section - A | UPSC Mains Essay Preparation PDF Download

Life is long journey between human being and being humane.

Writing an essay for the UPSC exam on the topic "Life is a long journey between human being and being humane" requires careful thought and organization. Below, I'll outline a structure with pointers for each section, and then I'll provide a sample essay.


  • Start with a quote or phrase to set the tone.
  • Define the topic: Explain what it means to be a human being and to be humane.
  • Thesis statement: State the main argument or perspective of the essay.


  • Part 1: Understanding Human Nature
    • Discuss inherent qualities of humans – both positive and negative.
    • Include examples from history or current affairs showing human nature.
  • Part 2: The Journey to Being Humane
    • Describe what it means to be humane – empathy, compassion, altruism.
    • Discuss how life’s experiences can shape one’s humane qualities.
    • Incorporate examples from Indian society and global instances.
  • Part 3: Challenges and Achievements
    • Highlight the challenges in today's world that test our humanity (e.g., wars, poverty, inequality).
    • Discuss recent events or movements that show progress in humanity (e.g., social welfare programs, acts of kindness during the COVID-19 pandemic).
  • Part 4: Personal Development and Societal Impact
    • Link personal growth with societal development.
    • Use examples of leaders or common people who have made a significant humane impact.


  • Reiterate the thesis: Reflect on the journey from being a human being to being humane.
  • Future perspective: Discuss the importance of continuing this journey for individual and societal well-being.
  • End with a thought-provoking quote or phrase.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.

"To be humane, we must ever be human first." – Philip James Bailey

Human existence is a complex and evolving journey. This essay explores the intricate path from simply being a human to embodying the essence of humanity – being humane. This journey is not just personal but echoes in the societal fabric, reflecting our collective ethos and values.

Human Nature: A Mixed Canvas

Human beings are a blend of virtues and vices. History is replete with instances of great courage and benevolence, as well as heinous acts. The Indian freedom struggle, led by figures like Mahatma Gandhi, showcases the human capacity for resilience and non-violence. Conversely, events like the World Wars reflect the darker side of human nature.

The Path to Being Humane

Being humane is characterized by qualities like empathy, kindness, and understanding. Life's experiences, more often than not, act as a crucible for developing these traits. For instance, the recent COVID-19 pandemic saw extraordinary acts of kindness worldwide, with people helping strangers in need, signifying the inherent goodness in humans. In India, initiatives like 'Feed the Needy' demonstrate how adversity often brings out the best in humanity.

Facing Challenges, Upholding Humanity

Our journey to being humane is often marred by societal challenges. Poverty, inequality, and injustice are constant tests of our humane nature. The plight of migrant workers during the pandemic, for instance, highlighted the stark inequalities in Indian society. Yet, it also brought forth an outpouring of support from various sections of society, illustrating humanity's capacity to rise above challenges.

Personal Growth and Societal Transformation

The transformation from being human to humane isn't just personal but has a profound societal impact. Leaders like Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa exemplify how individual journeys of humanity can inspire and transform societies. In India, figures like Baba Amte and Sudha Murthy have shown how personal commitments to being humane can lead to significant social change.

Conclusion: A Journey That Never Ends

The journey from being a human being to becoming humane is ongoing. It is a path that demands continuous self-reflection and compassion. As the world grapples with new challenges, the need for this journey becomes ever more crucial. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." This journey is not just a personal quest but a collective necessity for a kinder, more empathetic world.

Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self.

Let's start by outlining the key pointers for your essay on "Mindful Manifesto is the Catalyst to a Tranquil Self" and then I will provide you with a sample essay.


  • Define "Mindful Manifesto" and "Tranquil Self".
  • Briefly explain the importance of mindfulness in today's fast-paced world.
  • Introduce a quote or phrase that sets the tone for the essay.


  • Section 1: Understanding Mindfulness
    • Explain mindfulness and its historical roots.
    • Discuss its relevance in contemporary society.
  • Section 2: The Impact of Mindfulness on Individual Well-being
    • How mindfulness practices lead to mental tranquility and reduced stress.
    • Examples from everyday life or notable personalities who practice mindfulness.
  • Section 3: Mindfulness in Indian Society
    • Relate mindfulness to Indian cultural practices and beliefs.
    • Discuss the growing trend of mindfulness in urban and rural India.
  • Section 4: Mindfulness and Social Harmony
    • How a mindful approach can foster societal harmony and understanding.
    • Examples of social initiatives or movements in India that promote mindfulness.
  • Section 5: Current Affairs and Mindfulness
    • Discuss recent events where mindfulness could have been a beneficial approach.
    • The role of mindfulness in dealing with challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and digital addiction.


  • Summarize the key points.
  • Emphasize the transformative power of a mindful manifesto in achieving a tranquil self and society.
  • End with a thought-provoking quote or phrase.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.


In an era where the clamor of external stimuli constantly besieges us, the concept of a 'Mindful Manifesto' emerges as a beacon of hope. A mindful manifesto is not just a set of principles; it is a way of life that champions awareness, presence, and compassion. It is the catalyst to achieving a 'tranquil self,' a state of inner peace and serenity amidst life's tumultuous waves. As we embark on this exploration, it is essential to comprehend the essence of mindfulness and its profound impact on our personal and societal well-being.

Understanding Mindfulness

Mindfulness, rooted in ancient Buddhist traditions, is the practice of being fully present and engaged with whatever we're doing at the moment, without distraction or judgment. Its relevance in today's world is more significant than ever. Amidst the chaos of the digital age, mindfulness offers a sanctuary of calm and clarity. It teaches us to be attentive to our thoughts, emotions, and surroundings, fostering a heightened sense of awareness and empathy.

The Impact of Mindfulness on Individual Well-being

The journey towards a tranquil self begins with individual transformation. Mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga, and mindful breathing have been shown to significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Notable personalities, from tech moguls like Steve Jobs to Indian corporate leaders like N.R. Narayana Murthy, have embraced mindfulness, attributing part of their success to these practices. Their stories exemplify how mindfulness can lead to enhanced creativity, improved focus, and better decision-making.

Mindfulness in Indian Society

In India, the concept of mindfulness is not alien. It is deeply ingrained in our cultural fabric, seen in practices like yoga and meditation. However, the modern Indian society, straddling the line between tradition and modernity, has witnessed a resurgence of mindfulness. This resurgence is evident in the increasing popularity of meditation apps, yoga studios, and mindfulness workshops, not just in metros but also in smaller towns and rural areas. It highlights a collective yearning for peace and balance in a fast-paced, stressful life.

Mindfulness and Social Harmony

Mindfulness extends beyond personal well-being; it fosters social harmony. A mindful society is one where empathy, compassion, and understanding are the cornerstones. India's diverse fabric, with its myriad cultures and beliefs, can greatly benefit from such an approach. Mindful initiatives like the 'Happiness Curriculum' introduced in Delhi schools aim to teach children the importance of mental well-being and empathy, a step towards building a more harmonious society.

Current Affairs and Mindfulness

In recent times, the world has faced unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, highlighted the need for resilience and mental fortitude. Mindfulness played a crucial role in helping people cope with isolation, anxiety, and uncertainty during the lockdowns. Additionally, in the face of global issues like climate change, a mindful approach can lead to more conscious and sustainable living choices. In the digital realm, with the rise of social media addiction, mindfulness offers a way to navigate the digital landscape consciously, avoiding the pitfalls of constant connectivity.


A mindful manifesto is not merely a set of guidelines; it is a transformative journey towards a tranquil self. In the cacophony of our fast-paced world, it is a reminder to pause, breathe, and be present. It holds the promise of not just personal peace but also societal harmony and understanding. As Mahatma Gandhi rightly said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Embracing mindfulness is a step towards that change, a step towards a more peaceful and empathetic society. Let us embark on this journey, for in the tranquility of our minds lies the power to transform our world.

Ships do not sink because of water around them, ships sink because of water that gets into them.

Writing an essay for a UPSC examination requires a structured approach, especially when dealing with a metaphorical topic like "Ships do not sink because of water around them, ships sink because of water that gets into them." Here's a guideline on how to structure your essay, followed by a sample essay.


  • Begin with a relevant quote or phrase that sets the tone.
  • Introduce the metaphor of the ship and water, explaining its relevance to real-life scenarios.
  • Briefly outline what the essay will cover.


  • Part 1: Explanation of the Metaphor
    • Explain the metaphor in the context of individual challenges and societal issues.
    • Relate it to personal resilience and the importance of internal strength.
  • Part 2: Application in Various Contexts
    • Personal Life: Discuss how personal beliefs, values, and inner strength determine one's ability to overcome challenges.
    • Society and Culture: Relate to Indian society, touching upon social issues, cultural challenges, and how internal change can lead to societal improvement.
    • Politics and Governance: Discuss recent political events or policies in India and how internal systemic changes are crucial for effective governance.
    • Economy and Environment: Illustrate with examples of economic reforms or environmental issues in India or globally, emphasizing the 'internal factors' leading to success or failure.
  • Part 3: Current Affairs Examples
    • Include recent events or developments that align with the theme of the essay.


  • Summarize the key points made in the essay.
  • End with a powerful quote or phrase that reinforces the essay's theme.
  • Provide a hopeful or forward-looking statement.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.


"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity," said Albert Einstein. This phrase sets the stage for our exploration of a powerful metaphor: a ship braving the vast ocean. Like ships, we are not defined by the tumultuous waters around us, but by how we prevent these waters from seeping within. This essay delves into how this metaphor applies to various facets of life, especially in the context of Indian society and current global challenges.


Explanation of the Metaphor: The essence of this metaphor lies in recognizing that external circumstances, like the water around a ship, are often beyond our control. However, what we can manage is how much we let these circumstances affect us internally. This internal control is akin to a ship's integrity, keeping it afloat despite external turmoil.

Application in Various Contexts

  • Personal Life: In the realm of personal challenges, resilience and inner strength play pivotal roles. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic tested individual resilience at an unprecedented scale. Those who adapted and maintained a positive internal mindset were more likely to overcome these challenges.
  • Society and Culture: In Indian society, traditional norms and resistance to change often resemble the water around a ship. The recent decriminalization of Section 377 is a testament to how societal change begins internally, with changing mindsets leading to legal and cultural reforms.
  • Politics and Governance: Political stability in India often faces threats from external pressures. The recent farmers' protests demonstrate how internal solidarity and resilience can lead to significant policy changes, showing that internal unity is key to overcoming external challenges.
  • Economy and Environment: Economically, India's shift towards digitalization and sustainable development highlights how internal reforms can significantly impact the nation's global standing. Environmentally, initiatives like the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) stress the importance of internal change in addressing external environmental challenges.
  • Current Affairs Examples: The ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict provides a global perspective on this metaphor. Ukraine's resilience against external aggression highlights the strength that comes from internal unity and determination. Closer to home, India's recent Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) exemplifies how internal scientific capabilities and determination can triumph over external limitations.


The metaphor of a ship resisting the ingress of water symbolizes the timeless truth that our internal strengths and weaknesses ultimately determine our life's course. As Mahatma Gandhi aptly said, "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." This essay underscores the importance of fostering internal resilience and strength, both as individuals and as a society, to navigate the choppy waters of life. With this approach, we can turn challenges into opportunities, ensuring that no matter how turbulent the waters around us, our ships remain steadfastly afloat.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Let's start by outlining the key pointers for each section of the essay on "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication," and then I'll write a sample essay adhering to these guidelines.


  • Quote or Phrase: Start with a relevant quote or phrase to set the tone.
  • Definition of Simplicity: Briefly define what simplicity means in a general context.
  • Thesis Statement: State how simplicity leads to sophistication in various aspects of life.


  • Historical Perspective:
    • Discuss how simplicity has been valued in various cultures and historical contexts, including Indian society.
  • Simplicity in Daily Life:
    • Examples of how simplicity can lead to a more fulfilling and less stressful life.
    • Relate to Indian society's values and lifestyle.
  • Simplicity in Technology and Innovation:
    • Discuss examples where simpler designs have led to breakthrough innovations (e.g., mobile phones, digital payment systems in India).
  • Simplicity in Governance and Policies:
    • Illustrate how straightforward and clear policies can be more effective (e.g., recent government initiatives in India).
  • Environmental Impact:
    • The role of simplicity in promoting sustainability and reducing environmental footprint.
  • Current Affairs Examples:
    • Include recent examples that highlight the importance of simplicity (e.g., responses to global challenges, simplicity in leadership styles).


  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly recap the main arguments made in the essay.
  • Closing Quote or Phrase: End with a thought-provoking quote or phrase that reinforces the essay's theme.
  • Future Outlook: Comment on the importance of simplicity in shaping a better future.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.


"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." This quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry beautifully encapsulates the essence of simplicity. In a world increasingly driven by complexity and materialism, simplicity emerges as a beacon of sophistication and elegance. This essay delves into the multifaceted role of simplicity in various spheres of life, underscoring its importance as a guiding principle for sophistication.


Historical Perspective

Throughout history, simplicity has been a cherished value across cultures. In Indian society, it has been exemplified by leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, whose minimalist lifestyle and attire were symbols of his profound wisdom and connection with the masses. Similarly, globally revered figures like Leonardo da Vinci have recognized the sophistication inherent in simplicity.

Simplicity in Daily Life

In the hustle of modern life, simplicity can be a sanctuary. A simple lifestyle, unburdened by excessive material possessions, allows for clarity of thought and peace of mind. In Indian households, the concept of 'less is more' is often embraced, be it in the culinary traditions or in the aesthetic of living spaces, reflecting a deep-rooted understanding of the elegance in simplicity.

Simplicity in Technology and Innovation

The realm of technology and innovation offers striking examples of how simplicity can drive sophistication. The evolution of mobile phones, from bulky devices to sleek smartphones, illustrates this. In India, the widespread adoption of digital payment systems like UPI (Unified Payments Interface) signifies a move towards technological simplicity, making financial transactions accessible to the masses.

Simplicity in Governance and Policies

Effective governance often stems from simplicity in policies and processes. Recent initiatives by the Indian government, such as the 'Digital India' campaign, highlight the impact of straightforward and transparent policies. These initiatives aim to bridge the digital divide, bringing sophisticated technology into the hands of the common man.

Environmental Impact

Simplicity also plays a crucial role in environmental conservation. The concept of minimalism, reducing waste, and embracing sustainable practices resonates with the global need for environmental stewardship. In India, traditional practices like using natural materials and local resources epitomize this approach, aligning sophistication with sustainability.

Current Affairs Examples

The global response to challenges like climate change and pandemics underscores the power of simplicity. The adoption of simple yet effective measures like mask-wearing and social distancing has been pivotal in managing public health crises. Leaders who embrace straightforward communication and transparent policies often garner more trust and effectiveness in their governance.


In conclusion, simplicity is indeed the ultimate sophistication. From the historical wisdom of our ancestors to the cutting-edge innovations of the modern world, the elegance and efficacy of simplicity shine through. It reminds us that sophistication is not about complexity or abundance but about clarity, purpose, and accessibility. As Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." In our pursuit of progress and innovation, let us not forget the power and elegance that lies in simplicity, a principle that can lead us towards a more sustainable, equitable, and sophisticated future.

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