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Reading Comprehension

Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

This is an extract from Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mocking Bird.

After supper, Atticus sat down with the paper and called, “Scout, ready to read?”. I ran crying, went to the front porch. Atticus followed me. “Something wrong, Scout?” I told Atticus I didn’t feel very well and didn’t think I’d go to school any more if it was alright with him. Atticus sat down in the swing and crossed his legs. His fingers wandered to his watch pocket; he said that was the only way he could think. He waited in amiable silence, and I sought to reinforce my position: “You never went to school and you do alright, so I’ll just stay home too. You can teach me like Granddaddy taught you ‘n’ Uncle Jack.” “No I can’t”, said  Atticus. “I have to make a living. Besides, they’d put me in jail if I kept you at home. Now what’s the matter? Bit by bit, I told him the day’s misfortunes. “And the teacher said you taught me all wrong, so we can’t ever read any more, ever. Please don’t send me back, please Sir.” Atticus stood up and walked to the end of the porch. When he completed his examination of the wisteria vine he strolled back to me. “First of all”, he said, “if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-” “Sir?” “-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”. “But if I keep on goin’ to school, we can’t ever read any more…” “That’s really bothering you, isn’t it?” “Yes sir.”

When Atticus looked down at me I saw the expression on his face that always made me expect something. “Do you know what a compromise is?”, he asked. “Bending the law?” “No, an agreement reached by mutual concessions. It works this way”, he said. “If you’ll concede the necessity of going to school, we’ll go on reading every night just as we always have. Is it a bargain?”

“Yes sir!”

“We’ll consider it sealed without the usual formality”, Atticus said, when he saw me preparing to spit.

As I opened the front screen door Atticus said, “By the way, Scout, you’d better not say anything at school about our agreement”. “Why not?” “I’m afraid our activities would be received with considerable disapprobation by the more learned authorities.”

My brother and I were accustomed to our father’s diction, and we were at all times free to interrupt Atticus for a translation when it was beyond our understanding. “Huh, Sir?”

“I never went to school”, he said, “but I have a feeling that if you tell Miss Caroline we read every night she’ll get after me, and I wouldn’t want her after me”.

Q1: Why was Scout, the little girl upset? _________________ ____________________________________________________.
(a) She didn’t like being told what to do.
(b) She didn’t want to read with her father.
(c) She didn’t want to stop reading with her father.
(d) She didn’t want to read with her teacher.
Ans: (c)

Q2: How did Atticus, her father, react to her outburst?____ ____________________________________________________.
(a) He was angry.
(b) He was patient.
(c) He was annoyed.
(d) He was sad.
Ans: (b)

Q3: What little advice did Atticus give to his little girl to cope up with situations that might upset her?________ ____________________________________________________.
(a) to know and understand that life isn’t fair.
(b) to stay calm and then run away from the problem.
(c) to try and see from the other person’s point of view.
(d) to face her fears by expressing how she felt.
Ans: (c)

Q4: How was the matter eventually resolved?______________ ____________________________________________________.
(a) Atticus agreed to allow her to learn from home.
(b) Atticus agreed to continue reading as before.
(c) Atticus agreed to speak to her teacher.
(d) Atticus agreed to allow only the teacher to teach her.
Ans: (b)

Q5: “I’m afraid our activities would be received with considerable disapprobation by the more learned authorities.” In this context, the word ‘disapprobation’ might mean____________________________________.
(a) disapproval
(b) disturbance
(c) disgrace
(d) disorientation
Ans: (a)

Q6. Atticus decided to come to a compromise and to read to Scout but asked her not to mention it to her teacher because____________________________________________.
(a) he respected the wishes of the teacher yet didn’t want to disappoint his daughter.
(b) he might get into trouble with the teacher who might come after him.
(c) he only cared for his daughter and thought the teacher was incorrect.
(d) he was afraid that the teacher may not like it and Scout might get into trouble.
Ans: (a)

Q7: The word ‘reinforce’ means the following — fortify, brace, stiffen, strengthen, underpin.
Find the contextual meaning of ‘reinforce’ in the passage._________________________________________
Ans: In this context, ‘reinforce’ means to strengthen Scout’s position or argument

Read the poem and answer the questions given below. You can recite too to appreciate the idea in the poem.

Poem at Thirty-Nine

How I miss my father.
I wish he had not been
so tired
when I was
Writing deposit slips and cheques
I think of him.
He taught me how.
This is the form,
he must have said:
the way it is done.
I learned to see
bits of paper
as a way
to escape
the life he knew
and even in high school
had a savings
He taught me
that telling the truth
did not always mean
a beating;
though many of my truths
must have grieved him
before the end.
How I miss my father!
He cooked like a person
in a yoga meditation
and craved the voluptuous
of good food.
Now I look and cook just like him:
my brain light;
tossing this and that
into the pot;
seasoning none of my life
the same way twice; happy to feed
whoever strays my way.
He would have grown
to admire
the woman I’ve become:
cooking, writing, chopping wood,
staring into the fire.

Q1. What made Alice Walker open a savings account in High School?
Ans: Alice Walker learned from her father to see bits of paper, such as deposit slips and cheques, as a way to escape the life he knew. This lesson led her to value financial responsibility and open a savings account in high school.

Q2. What lesson did her father give her on telling the truth?
Ans: Her father taught her that telling the truth did not always mean a beating, though many of her truths must have grieved him.

Q3. Tick (✔) the correct answer.
What does ‘dancing in yoga meditation’ mean in the poem?
(a) To cook relaxedly and with full concentration.
(b) To cook while doing yoga exercises.
(c) To cook food after doing yoga meditation.
(d) Take lessons in cooking by joining class on yoga meditation.
Ans: (a)

Q4. Fill in the blank to complete the following statement.
Alice Walker becomes nostalgic for her father and wishes, had he been alive he would have admired her for:
Cooking, writing, chopping wood, staring into the fire.
Ans: __

Q5. Why do you think the title of the poem is ‘Poem at Thirty-Nine’?
Ans: The title reflects the age of the poet, Alice Walker, and the age at which she is reflecting on her father and the impact he had on her life. It signifies a point in her life where she feels a deep connection and longing for her father's presence and guidance.


Q1: Look at the words — see, watch, look at, view, observe, catch, glimpse. These are all synonyms. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. You can change the tense where it is required.
(a) We ________________________a television programme on tourism in India. It was very informative.
Ans: We watched a television programme on tourism in India. It was very informative.
(b) Somebody is keeping a __________________________ over the tower.
Ans: Somebody is keeping a watch over the tower.
(c) The ___________________from the cliff is panoramic.
Ans: The view from the cliff is panoramic.
(d) You can’t afford to fall sick again,_________________ your diet.
Ans: You can’t afford to fall sick again, watch your diet.
(e) She ______________________________the amazing view and drew a picture.
Ans: She sketched the amazing view and drew a picture.
(f) If you are able to ______________________________a _______________ of dancing dolphins, you are lucky.
Ans: If you are able to catch a glimpse of dancing dolphins, you are lucky.

Q2: Look at the following sentence:

By that time he had his spectacles on and looked at her over them...

Here, look means lay one’s eye on or to direct one’s gaze in a specified direction.

Use appropriate words from the synonyms given below in the following sentences.
(a) Ginny ___________________ at her watch. (take a brief or hurried look)
Ans: Ginny glanced at her watch. (take a brief or hurried look)
(b) The door was ajar and she couldn’t resist ________________________ in. (look quickly and furtively at something)
Ans: The door was ajar and she couldn’t resist peeping in. (look quickly and furtively at something)
(c) Lucy ____________________ him playing. (look at or observe attentively over a period of time)
Ans: Lucy watched him playing. (look at or observe attentively over a period of time)
(d) He could only ________________________her in astonishment. (look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise or thought)
Ans: He could only gaze at her in astonishment. (look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise or thought)
(e) She ______________________ that all the seats were already occupied. (notice or perceive something)
Ans: She observed that all the seats were already occupied. (notice or perceive something)
(f) In the distance, she could ____________________ the blue horizon. (perceive with the eyes)
Ans: In the distance, she could see the blue horizon. (perceive with the eyes)
(g) He __________________________ at her in amazement. (look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with one’s eyes wide open)
Ans: He stared at her in amazement. (look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with one’s eyes wide open)

Q3: Study the use of the word ‘little’ in the following sentence:

To the little girl he was a figure to be feared.
Here, little means small in size.

Now, consult a dictionary and find out the meaning of little in the following sentences. The first one has been done for you.

(a) I was a bodyguard for a little while: _______________
Ans: I was a bodyguard for a little while: short period of time
(b) This little car does have a few problems: __________
Ans: This little car does have a few problems: small in size
(c) We got a little help from a training scheme: ________
Ans: We got a little help from a training scheme: some help
(d) I have little doubt of their identity: _________________
Ans: I have little doubt of their identity: not much doubt 


Q1: Read the following passage and underline the reporting verbs. 

(i) Anu’s mother agreed that Anu could go to the party but cautioned her not to have too many sweets. The dentist has advised her not to eat too many sweets.
Ans: Anu’s mother agreed that Anu could go to the party but cautioned her not to have too many sweets. The dentist has advised her not to eat too many sweets.

(ii) Anita reminded Leena to buy milk and keep it in the fridge because Vrinda wanted to have coffee in the evening. Leena insisted that she would only make coffee. Anita agreed to her request.
Ans: Anita reminded Leena to buy milk and keep it in the fridge because Vrinda wanted to have coffee in the evening. Leena insisted that she would only make coffee. Anita agreed to her request.

(iii) We decided to go to our village near Goa on holiday. Mona recommended going to the beach. The coast guard advised us against going into the water. He also warned us about the weak bridge. He warned the children not to cross the bridge there. We thanked him and went back.
Ans: We decided to go to our village near Goa on holiday. Mona recommended going to the beach. The coast guard advised us against going into the water. He also warned us about the weak bridge. He warned the children not to cross the bridge there. We thanked him and went back.

(iv) The teacher explained the functioning of the heart with the help of a model. He wished us good luck for our practical exam. He also reminded us that the classes would resume from Tuesday.
Ans: The teacher explained the functioning of the heart with the help of a model. He wished us good luck for our practical exam. He also reminded us that the classes would resume from Tuesday.

Q2: Read the following sentences and choose the correct reporting verb from the options given against each sentence.

(i) He ___________________me against eating junk food.
(A) advised
(B) told
(C) suggested
Ans: He advised me against eating junk food.

(ii) The teacher ______________________me to telephone my mother.
(A) informed
(B) advised
(C) reminded
Ans: The teacher reminded me to telephone my mother.

(iii) He ___________________to get me a cup of tea.
(A) offered
(B) said
(C) invited
Ans: He offered to get me a cup of tea.

(iv) She __________________________Ruchi of stealing her book.
(A) told
(B) accused
(C) admitted
Ans: She accused Ruchi of stealing her book.

(v) The host ___________________for the delay.
(A) said
(B) apologised
(C) regretted
Ans: The host apologised for the delay.

(vi) The Police later __________________that one of the convicts had been arrested.
(A) convinced
(B) declared
(C) confirmed
Ans: The Police later confirmed that one of the convicts had been arrested.

(vii) The little girl ___________________to wear the sweater.
(A) refused
(B) denied
(C) said no
Ans: The little girl refused to wear the sweater.

(viii) He _________________taking the train as the road was terrible.
(A) invited
(B) claimed
(C) suggested
Ans: He suggested taking the train as the road was terrible.


Q1: Use capital letters, full-stops, commas and inverted commas wherever necessary in the following paragraph. Rewrite the paragraph in the space given below.

My little 10 years daughter Sarah was born with a muscle missing in her foot and wears a brace all the time. she came home jumping up and down one beafutiful spring day to tell me that she had competed in “field day”- that’s where they have lots of races and other competitive events because of her leg support my mind raced as I tried to think of encouragement for my sarah i wanted to tell some hard facts of life not letting this to get her down But, before I could get my word out, she said, Daddy, I won two of the races! I couldn’t believe that! and then Sarah came out with a declaration, I had an advantage.,BR> Ah, i knew it. i thought she must have been given a head start, some kind of physical advantage. but again, before I could say anything, she said, Daddy, i didn’t get a head start... my advantage was that i didn’t give in i had to try harder!
That’s my Sarah.

My little 10-year-old daughter Sarah was born with a muscle missing in her foot and wears a brace all the time. She came home jumping up and down one beautiful spring day to tell me that she had competed in “field day” — that’s where they have lots of races and other competitive events. Because of her leg support, my mind raced as I tried to think of encouragement for my Sarah. I wanted to tell some hard facts of life, not letting this get her down. But, before I could get my word out, she said, “Daddy, I won two of the races!” I couldn’t believe that! And then Sarah came out with a declaration, “I had an advantage.”

Ah, I knew it. I thought she must have been given a head start, some kind of physical advantage. But again, before I could say anything, she said, “Daddy, I didn’t get a head start... my advantage was that I didn’t give in. I had to try harder!”

That’s my Sarah.

Q2: Rearrange each set of words to make sentences. Use appropriate punctuation marks.

(a) a resident of Noida near Delhi/is visually impaired/George Abraham.
Ans: George Abraham, a resident of Noida near Delhi, is visually impaired.

(b) confidence and competitive spirit/and infuses discipline among the participants/ it provides
Ans: It provides confidence and competitive spirit and infuses discipline among the participants.

(c) he has helped/the brain behind the World Cup Cricket/the disable to dream
Ans: He has helped the brain behind the World Cup Cricket for the disabled to dream.

(d) to the blind school in Delhi/it was a chance visit/that changed his life
Ans: It was a chance visit to the blind school in Delhi that changed his life.


Listen to the song twice. Answer the questions that follow.
Then sing the song together.

Que Sera, Sera
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother
What will I be
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here’s what she said to me
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart
What lies ahead
Will we have rainbows?
Day after day
Here’s what my sweetheart said
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
Now I have Children of my own
They ask their mother
What will I be?
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?
I tell them tenderly
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
Que Sera, Sera 

(It is a popular song written by the song writing team of Jay Livingston and Ray Evans in 1956.)

Q1: What are the questions the poet asked her mother when she was a little girl?

Ans: She asked her mother, "What will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?"

Q2: What was her mother’s reply?
Ans: Her mother replied, "Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see."

Q3: She asked a question to her sweetheart. What was it?
Ans: She asked her sweetheart, "What lies ahead? Will we have rainbows day after day?"

Q4: What was his answer? Was it similar to that of her mother’s?
Ans: His answer was, "Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see." It was similar to her mother's answer.

Q5: Now the poet has become a mother. What questions do her children ask her?
Ans: Her children ask, "What will I be? Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?"

Q6: What is her answer to her children?
Ans: Her answer to her children is, "Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see."


Look at the questions given below. Discuss with your partner. Jot down the points and make an oral presentation in the class.

Q1: Do you have questions about your future?
Ans: Yes, I have questions about my career, education, relationships, and personal goals.

Q2: Whom do you discuss them with?
Ans: I discuss them with my parents, friends, mentors, and sometimes teachers.

Q3: How often do you discuss your worries or queries with your parents?
Ans: I discuss them occasionally, especially when making important decisions or feeling uncertain.

Q4: Whom do you feel most comfortable sharing them with?
Ans: I feel most comfortable sharing them with my close friends and parents, depending on the nature of the concern.


Write a letter to your parents appreciating them for all the little things they do. You appreciate them, but have never had or taken the time to express it to them.

Your address
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Date: [Date]
My Dear [Parents' Names],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. Today, I am writing to you to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the little things you do for me. Though I may not always say it, I truly appreciate every effort, every gesture, and every moment of care you both have showered upon me.
You have always been my pillars of strength, guiding me through every phase of life with your wisdom and love. From helping me with my school projects to listening to my endless stories, your support has been unwavering. The warmth of your hugs, the delicious meals you cook, and the encouraging words you offer have made a significant difference in my life.
Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to achieve my dreams. Your sacrifices and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and I am forever grateful for the life lessons you have taught me. I aspire to make you proud in everything I do.
I love you both more than words can express. Thank you for being the best parents anyone could ask for.

Yours affectionately,
[Your Name]

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FAQs on NCERT Solution: Unit 3 - English Class 9

1. What are some common reading comprehension strategies for students preparing for exams?
Ans. Some common reading comprehension strategies for students preparing for exams include skimming and scanning the text, identifying keywords, summarizing key points, making inferences, and asking questions to enhance understanding.
2. How can vocabulary be improved for better performance in exams?
Ans. Vocabulary can be improved for better exam performance by reading regularly, using flashcards, learning word roots and affixes, practicing using new words in sentences, and seeking out synonyms and antonyms.
3. What are some effective grammar study techniques for students preparing for exams?
Ans. Effective grammar study techniques for exam preparation include practicing grammar exercises, identifying and correcting common errors, studying grammar rules systematically, and seeking help from a teacher or tutor when needed.
4. How can students improve their editing skills for exams?
Ans. Students can improve their editing skills for exams by practicing proofreading exercises, focusing on grammar and punctuation errors, reviewing their work multiple times, and seeking feedback from others to identify areas for improvement.
5. What are some tips for enhancing listening and speaking skills for exam success?
Ans. Tips for enhancing listening and speaking skills for exam success include listening to podcasts or audio recordings, practicing speaking in front of a mirror or with a study partner, participating in group discussions, and seeking feedback to improve pronunciation and fluency.
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