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Rajasthan: Language and Literature

Language and Literature of Rajasthan | RPSC Preparation: All subjects - RPSC RAS (Rajasthan)

  • Rajasthan is predominantly a Hindi-speaking region, with its own various dialects. Rajasthani includes five main dialects: Marwari, Mewari, Dhundhari, Mewati, and Harauti, along with several other variations.
  • These dialects have evolved over time, reflecting changes in linguistic and orthographical features. Rajasthani literature experienced a decline during the British Raj but has since revived, with numerous poets and writers now using the vernacular Rajasthani language. Rajasthan's folk literature is diverse, including folk songs, well-known folklores, witty sayings, proverbs, riddles, and traditional folk-plays called ‘khayals’.

Language Distribution in Rajasthan


  • Marwari is the most widely spoken language in Rajasthan, primarily found in and around the Jodhpur district. Its dialects extend to Barmer, Jalore, Pali, and parts of Nagaur district. To the east, Marwari influences the dialects of Ajmer, Udaipur, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, and further south in Sirohi district. In the west, it affects the dialects of Jaisalmer district, and it also influences the languages spoken in Bikaner, Churu, Sikar, and Jhunjhunu districts in the north. In the northwest, particularly in Ganganagar district, Marwari shows a Punjabi influence.
  • Mewari: Mewari is a variant of Marwari spoken in the southeastern region of the former princely state of Mewar, including Udaipur, Bhilwara, and Chittorgarh districts.
  • Thali and Dhatak: In the western regions of Barmer, Jaisalmer, and the Thar and Parkar areas of former Sind, the dialect is known as Thali in the north and Dhatak in the west.
  • Bikaneri: In Bikaner, the local dialect is referred to as Bikaneri.
  • Bagri: In the northeastern part of Churu, the dialect is known as Bagri.

Jaipuri or Dhundhari

  • Jaipuri (Dhundhari): Jaipuri, also known as Dhundhari, is the second most widely spoken dialect in Rajasthan. It is prevalent in the districts of Jaipur, Tonk, Kota, Bundi, parts of Kishangarh, Ajmer, and Jhalawar.
  • Mewati: A variant of Jaipuri, Mewati is spoken in the northeastern region and takes the form of Braja Bhasha in Bharatpur. It is the traditional language of the former Mewat region, home to the Meos.
  • Dang: Dang is a sub-dialect of Braja Bhasha found in Sawai Madhopur and Karauli. It also merges with Bundeli and Malvi influences in Jhalawar and the southern parts of Kota.
  • Kishangarhi: The Kishangarhi dialect is spoken in Kishangarh, while the Ajmeri dialect is used in Ajmer.
  • Harauti: Spoken in Bundi, Kota, Jhalawar, and Tonk districts, Harauti is a prominent dialect in these regions.


  • Malvi: The Malvi dialect, originating from the former Malwa region, is spoken in parts of Jhalawar and Kota districts.
  • Bundeli: Bundeli is spoken in the Narsinghpur and central Hoshangabad regions, which are situated to the east of Rajasthan.
  • Marathi: While predominantly a language of Maharashtra, Marathi influences are present in the Berar region. In Rajasthan, Marathi is spoken in some areas of Berar.
  • Nemadi: The Nemadi dialect of Rajasthani is found in north Nimach and Bhansawar, showcasing regional variations.
  • Bhili: The Bhili language, used by the Bhil community, closely resembles the Bagria form of Rajasthani spoken in Dungarpur and Banswara. Both Bhili and Bagria share a similar language structure, with minor pronunciation differences.

Evolution of Rajasthani Literature

  • The development of Rajasthani literature has its roots in the bardic language of Dingal and virkavya (heroic poetry), which emerged within the medieval social and political contexts of Rajasthan. Over centuries, Caran bards, court poets, and chroniclers have continuously contributed to the tradition of Dingal and virkavya.
  • In modern times, both medieval virkavya and enduring oral traditions continue to influence Rajasthani prose and poetry. This evolution can be illustrated through the tales of Pabuji Dhandhal Rathaur, a 14th-century Rajput hero. Epic poems and eulogistic couplets dedicated to Pabuji, dating back to the early 16th century, are key elements of the Dingal manuscript tradition. The Caran bards celebrated his heroism on the battlefield in works like Pabuji ra duha, Pabuji rau chand, and Pabuji ko yash varnan. These verses, integral to the local manuscript tradition, reflect the lasting impact of the bardic tradition even as they were absorbed into written literature.
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Evolution of Rajasthani Literature Post-Independence

  • In the pre-Independence era, poets in Rajasthani literature revived the Dingal virkavya to express and disseminate their anti-British sentiments. Notably, Mahakavi Moraji Ashiya’s Pabu Prakash (1932) celebrated Pabuji’s selflessness with a patriotic fervor, reflecting the emotional intensity of the time.
  • Following Independence, the Rajput ideals of virkavya were adeptly adapted to convey nationalist sentiments. The valor and self-sacrifice of Rajput warriors, often referred to as tyagi in Rajasthani, were transformed into expressions of dedication to the newly formed nation. Poets continued to honor medieval Rajput heroes and contemporary freedom fighters in Rajasthani literature, employing Dingal versifications and bardic idioms to celebrate their contributions and ideals.

Modern Influences on Rajasthani Literary Identity

  • The concept of Rajput tyagi remains a significant aspect of contemporary Rajasthani literary identity. Oral traditions continue to inspire modern Rajasthani prose writers such as Vijay Dan Detha (1927), known for his progressive and reformist literature. Detha's work reflects a modern political and reformist consciousness, contributing to the evolution of Rajasthani literature.
  • The interplay between written and oral narratives is crucial for understanding the development of Rajasthani literature. This evolution from the Rajputana era to modern times highlights the depth and maturity of the literary tradition. Researchers exploring Rajasthani literature should consider this historical progression to fully appreciate the richness of the literary landscape.
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Major Styles in Rajasthani Literature

  • Jain: Includes works like Prithvi Raj Charit by Manak Chandra.
  • Dingal or Charan: Features texts such as Prithvi Raj Raso by Chand Bardai and Rao Jaitasirau Chhanda by Vithu Sujo Nagarjota.
  • Popular: Comprises works like Veli Krishna Rukmani by Prithvi Raj Rathore, Vansh Bhaskar by Surya Mal, as well as the songs of Meera Bai and Khayal (dance dramas).

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1. कैसे राजस्थान में भाषा और साहित्य का विकास हुआ?
2. राजस्थान पब्लिक सर्विस कमीशन (RPSC) RAS में भाषा और साहित्य की परीक्षा कैसे आयोजित की जाती है?
उत्तर: RPSC RAS में भाषा और साहित्य की परीक्षा की तैयारी भाषा, साहित्य, और राजस्थान की सांस्कृतिक विरासत के आधार पर की जाती है। इसमें निबंध लेखन, साहित्य के सवाल, और भाषा संबंधित प्रश्न शामिल हो सकते हैं।
3. राजस्थान में कौन-कौन से भाषाएँ बोली जाती हैं और उनका क्या महत्व है?
उत्तर: राजस्थान में मेवाड़ी, मारवाड़ी, धुंधड़ी, जाटणी, बगड़ी, ब्रज भाषा, ब्रज भाषा, जाटी, अवधि, नागपुरी, अमावासिया, बगड़ी, जैसलमेरी, मारवाड़ी आदि भाषाएँ बोली जाती हैं। ये भाषाएँ राजस्थान की सांस्कृतिक धरोहर को दर्शाती हैं।
4. किस प्रकार के साहित्यिक कार्य राजस्थान में प्रमुख हैं?
उत्तर: राजस्थान में लोककथाएँ, भजन, काव्य, गद्य, नाटक, कविता, उपन्यास, और जागरण जैसे साहित्यिक कार्य प्रमुख हैं। ये सभी विभिन्न भाषाओं में लिखे जाते हैं।
5. राजस्थान के साहित्य में किन महान कवियों और लेखकों का योगदान है?
उत्तर: राजस्थान के साहित्य में महान कवियों और लेखकों जैसे मीराबाई, ललितलाल, भावानीदास, कंहैयालाल सेठिया, श्यामदास, विजयदान दहिया, अच्छु राम चौधरी, और शरत चन्द्र व्यास का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान है।
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