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Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 PDF Download


Geometry begins with the simplest concepts: points, lines, rays, line segments, and angles. These fundamental ideas are the building blocks of plane geometry. Understanding them is essential as they lay the groundwork for exploring more complex topics, such as constructing and analyzing various shapes. 


Think about making a tiny dot on your paper with a sharp pencil. The sharper the tip, the smaller the dot will be. This dot gives you an idea of what a point is in geometry. A point marks an exact spot, but it doesn't have any size—no length, width, or height—it's just a position.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

In geometry, we label points with capital letters like A, B, or C. These are referred to as "Point A," "Point B," and "Point C." While the dots you see are visible, in geometry, they represent precise locations that are imagined to be extremely small, almost invisible.

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What is a point in geometry?
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Line Segment

Imagine folding a piece of paper and then unfolding it. You will see a crease where the fold was made. This crease is like a line segment. A line segment has two endpoints, which can be marked as A and B. To understand this better, mark two points, A and B, on a piece of paper. Try connecting A to B using different routes.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Now, think about which route is the shortest. The shortest path between A and B is what we call a line segment. This line segment includes both points A and B and is written as Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6. The points A and B are known as the endpoints of the line segment. The points at each end of the segment are called the endpoints


A line is like a line segment but extends infinitely in both directions. Imagine taking the line segment from A to B and extending it endlessly in both directions beyond A and B. This extended version is what we call a line.  Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6A line has no endpoints and goes on forever in both directions. That’s why you can never draw a complete picture of a line—it’s infinite

A line goes on forever in both directions, like an endless road. A line segment, however, is like a piece of that road—it has a clear starting and ending point.

Question for Chapter Notes: Lines and Angles
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Which of the following best describes a line segment?
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A ray is like a line that starts at one specific point and keeps going forever in one direction. The point where it starts is called the starting point or initial point of the ray. Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

For instance, the light from a flashlight or a beam from a lighthouse is similar to a ray—it starts at the source and keeps going. We represent a ray by its starting point and another point on the ray, like Ray Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6, where A is the starting point.


An angle is formed when two rays share a common starting point. For example, imagine if you have rays Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 that start from the same point B, they form an angle. The common point B is called the vertex of the angle, and the rays Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 are called the arms of the angle.
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Naming an Angle

  • To name an angle, you can simply use the vertex, calling it "Angle B." 
  • However, to be more specific, you use a point from each arm along with the vertex. 
  • For instance, the angle formed by rays Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 can be named Angle DBE or Angle EBD
  • The symbol for an angle is "∠", so you can write it as ∠DBE or ∠EBD.  It's important to remember that when naming the angle, the vertex (point B) is always written in the middle.

Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Understanding the Size of an Angle

  • The size of an angle is determined by how much one arm needs to rotate around the vertex to move from the first ray to the second ray. The bigger the turn, the larger the angle.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  • For example, if you imagine opening a book, the angle between the cover and the pages changes depending on how far you open it. The more you open the cover, the larger the angle becomes.

Real-Life Examples of Angles

Angles are everywhere in daily life:

  • Compass/Divider: When you turn the arms of a compass, an angle is formed at the vertex where the arms join.
  • Scissors: When you open the blades, they create an angle, with the point where they meet as the vertex.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

By observing these objects, you can see how angles are formed by the rotation or turning of one part in relation to another.

Comparing Angles

When you look at animals opening their mouths, you can actually see angles being formed by their jaws. Some mouths open wider than others, meaning they have larger angles.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Comparing angles by superimposition

  • To compare two angles accurately, you can place one angle on top of the other, which is called superimposition. For this to work, make sure the vertices of both angles overlap exactly.
  • After superimposing, it becomes easy to see which angle is smaller and which is larger. For example, if you place ∠PQR on top of ∠ABC and the arms don’t match up, it will be clear which angle is bigger.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Equal Angles

Now consider angles like ∠AOB and ∠XOY. How can you tell if they’re the same size?
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

  • When comparing two angles, if the corners (vertices) match up perfectly and the arms (rays) overlap exactly, like OA overlapping with OX and OB overlapping with OY, it means the angles are equal in size.
  • The reason these angles are considered equal is that if you think of each angle as being formed by rotating a ray, the amount of rotation needed to move one ray to the other is the same for both angles.
  • From the superimposition point of view, if two angles are placed on top of each other, and their vertices and rays align perfectly, then the angles are equal in size.

Comparing Angles Without Superimposition

What if you don’t want to superimpose the angles directly? For example, imagine two cranes arguing about who can open their mouth wider.
You can:

  1. Use a transparent circle: Place it on one angle so that the center of the circle is at the vertex of the angle.
  2. Mark points on the circle where the arms of the angle pass through.
  3. Move the circle to the second angle: Align the vertex with the center of the circle and check where the arms pass through the circle.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

This method can help you determine which angle is larger without needing to physically overlap the angles. It’s a handy way to compare angles, especially when superimposition isn’t possible.

Making Rotating Arms

You can create rotating arms using simple materials like paper straws and a paper clip.
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Take two paper straws and a paper clip.
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 Step 2: Insert the straws into the two ends of the paper clip.
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Step 3: Your rotating arm is ready!

Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Now, make several rotating arms with different angles between the straws. Once you've made them, compare the angles by placing them on top of each other (superimposition) and arrange them from smallest to largest.

Passing through a slit

Let's do a fun activity with your rotating arms. First, gather several rotating arms with different angles, but don’t rotate them during the activity. Take a piece of cardboard and make a slit in the shape of one of your rotating arms by tracing and cutting out that shape.
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Now, shuffle and mix up all your rotating arms. Your task is to find out which of the rotating arms can pass through the slit. To do this, place each rotating arm over the slit and see if it fits.
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Only the rotating arm with an angle that matches the angle of the slit will pass through it. Remember, whether the arm fits through the slit depends on the angle, not the length of the arms (as long as they are shorter than the slit).

Question for Chapter Notes: Lines and Angles
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What is a line segment?
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Special Types of Angles

Let’s explore some special types of angles with a different example.

Opening a Door

Imagine you have a door that can swing open. Depending on how wide you open it, different angles are formed:

  • Full Turn: If the door swings all the way around and hits the wall, it creates a large angle.
  • Half Turn: If the door is opened halfway so that it’s in line with the wall on the other side, it forms a straight angle. In this position, the door and the wall form a straight line.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Straight Angle and Right Angle

Now, think about this straight angle, ∠AOB, where A and B are points on the door and wall, and O is the hinge.
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6If you place a piece of string from the hinge (O) to the edge of the door (C), this string will divide the straight angle into two smaller angles, ∠AOC and ∠COB.
Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

The question is: Can you place the string so that these two angles are equal?

Here’s how you can find out:

  1. Folding Paper: Imagine you have a piece of paper that you fold in half. The fold represents a line that divides a straight angle into two equal parts.
  2. Right Angles: The two equal angles formed are called right angles. A straight angle contains two right angles.
  • Right Angle: When the door is opened to form a right angle with the wall, it looks like an ‘L’. This is half of a straight angle.
  • Perpendicular Lines: If you attach a piece of string vertically from the ceiling to the floor, it will form a right angle with the floor, making the two lines perpendicular.

Classifying Angles

Angles can be classified into three main groups:

  1. Acute Angles: These angles are less than a right angle. They’re sharp and narrow, like the angle formed when the door is barely open.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

  2. Right Angles: These are exactly equal to a right angle. The door forms a perfect 'L' shape with the floor when it’s halfway open.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

  3. Obtuse Angles: These angles are greater than a right angle but less than a straight angle. They’re formed when the door is open wider but not completely in line with the wall.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6This example of the door helps to understand different types of angles and how they are classified based on how much they open or rotate.

  4. Straight Angle: An angle of exactly 180°. It looks like a straight line.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 For example, the corners of a piece of paper represent right angles, and the angles made by scissors when slightly open are acute angles.

Question for Chapter Notes: Lines and Angles
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Which type of angle is formed when a book is opened halfway?
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Measuring Angles

To measure angles precisely, mathematicians divided the circle into 360 equal parts. Each part represents 1 degree, written as . The idea is that the measure of an angle is simply the number of these units that fit inside it.
For example:

  • An angle that contains 30 of these units would have a measure of 30°.

Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Measures of Different Angles

  • Full Turn: A full circle contains 360°. So, a full turn is 360°.
  • Straight Angle: A straight angle is half of a full turn. Since a full turn is 360°, a straight angle is 180°.
  • Right Angle: Two right angles together make a straight angle. Since a straight angle is 180°, a right angle is 90°.

Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

For example, if you look at the hands of a clock, the angle between them at different times can be measured in degrees. At 3 o'clock, the angle between the hour and minute hands is a right angle (90°).

Why 360 Degrees?

But why 360°? The exact reason is a bit of a mystery, but there are several historical reasons:

  • Ancient civilizations, like those in India, Persia, Babylon, and Egypt, used a year with 360 days in their calendars.
  • The number 360 is practical because it can be divided evenly by many numbers (like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12), making it easier to split a circle into equal parts.

Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6This divisibility is why 360° has been used for so long—it’s just really convenient!

Degree Measures of Angles

Measuring angles is a fundamental concept in geometry, and to do this accurately, we use a tool called a protractor. A protractor is either a full circle divided into 360 equal parts or a half-circle divided into 180 equal parts.

Using a Protractor

  • Protractor Structure: A typical protractor has a straight angle at the center, divided into 180 units of 1 degree each. These units help you measure angles precisely.
  • Reading the Protractor: Starting from the rightmost point, there are long marks for every 10 degrees and medium-sized marks for every 5 degrees. This makes it easier to count and measure angles.

There are two types:

  • Unlabeled Protractor: A protractor without numbers, showing only marks. You count the degree units from the markings to measure an angle. This requires you to carefully count each small mark to determine the angle.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

  • Labeled Protractor: A protractor with numbers marked, making it easier to measure angles. The numbers typically range from 0° to 180° in both directions (clockwise and counterclockwise). Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

    Using a labeled protractor simplifies the process of measuring angles, as you can directly see the angle's degree measure.

Measuring Angles with a Protractor

  1. Place the Protractor: Align the protractor so that its center is on the vertex of the angle.
  2. Align One Arm: Ensure that one arm of the angle passes through the 0° mark on the protractor.
  3. Read the Measure: The number on the protractor where the other arm passes through indicates the angle’s measure in degrees.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

Creating Your Own Protractor

You can make a simple protractor using paper:

  1. Draw a Circle: Start by drawing a circle on a sheet of paper and cut it out.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  2. Create a Semicircle: Fold the circle in half to get a semicircle. Mark the right corner as 0° and the left corner as 180°.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  3. Create a Quarter Circle: Fold the semicircle again to form a quarter circle. The top of the semicircle now represents 90°.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  4. Further Divisions: Continue folding to create smaller angles like 45°, 135°, etc. Each new fold bisects the angle, giving you precise measures.
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
Angle Bisector

Every time you fold the paper, you’re bisecting the angle, which means you’re dividing the angle into two equal parts. The line created by the fold is known as the angle bisector.

Mind the Mistake, Mend the Mistake!

When using a protractor, it’s easy to make errors. Here are some common mistakes and how to fix them:

  1. Incorrect Placement:
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

    • Mistake: Not placing the protractor's center on the vertex.
    • Fix: Ensure the center point of the protractor is exactly on the vertex.
  2. Misalignment:
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

    • Mistake: The baseline of the angle isn’t aligned with the 0° line.
    • Fix: Align one arm of the angle with the 0° line on the protractor.
  3. Wrong Scale:
    Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

    • Mistake: Reading the wrong scale (inner vs. outer).
    • Fix: Use the correct scale based on the protractor’s alignment.

Drawing Angles

To measure ∠AOB using a protractor: To draw an angle with a specific degree measure, you can use a protractor.
For example, to draw a 30° angle:

  1. Draw a straight line, which will be one arm of the angle.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  2. Place the center of the protractor on one end of the line.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  3. Align the base of the protractor with the line.
  4. Find the 30° mark on the protractor and make a small mark on the paper.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  5. Remove the protractor and draw a line from the end of the original line to the mark. This line forms the second arm of the angle, creating a 30° angle.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  6. This process helps you create precise angles that can be used in geometry and other mathematical applications.

Types of Angles and Their Measures

We've explored different types of angles, including straight and right angles. Let’s break down how other angles are measured:

  1. Acute Angle:

    • An acute angle is smaller than a right angle, meaning it measures less than 90° but more than 0°.
    • Example: An angle of 40° is an acute angle.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  2. Obtuse Angle:

    • An obtuse angle is larger than a right angle but smaller than a straight angle, so it measures more than 90° but less than 180°.
    • Example: An angle of 130° is an obtuse angle.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
  3. Reflex Angle:

    • A reflex angle is greater than a straight angle but less than a full circle. This means it measures more than 180° but less than 360°.Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

These types cover all possible angles based on their degree measures.

Key Points

  • A point is a location with no size, represented by a dot, and labeled with a capital letter such as A, B, or C.
  • A line segment is the shortest distance between two points, having two endpoints, and is denoted as AB or BA.
  • A line extends infinitely in both directions, has no endpoints, and can be represented by two points or a single lowercase letter.
  • A ray starts at one point and extends infinitely in one direction, denoted by the starting point and another point on the ray, like Ray AB.
  • An angle is formed by two rays sharing a common starting point called the vertex, and is measured by the rotation from one ray to the other.
  • Angles are measured in degrees (°), with a full circle being 360°, a straight angle being 180°, and a right angle being 90°.
  • A protractor is a tool used to measure angles, with labeled protractors having marked degrees for easy reading, while unlabeled protractors require careful counting of degree units.
  • An angle bisector is a line or ray that divides an angle into two equal parts, creating two angles of the same measure.
  • Angles are classified into acute (less than 90°), right (exactly 90°), obtuse (greater than 90° but less than 180°), straight (180°), and reflex (greater than 180° but less than 360°).
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FAQs on Lines and Angles Chapter Notes - Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

1. What is the difference between a line segment and a line?
Ans. A line segment is a part of a line that has two endpoints, while a line extends indefinitely in both directions without any endpoints.
2. How can angles be compared?
Ans. Angles can be compared by measuring their degrees using a protractor or by comparing their size visually.
3. How can rotating arms be used to measure angles?
Ans. Rotating arms can be used by aligning one arm with one side of the angle and then rotating the other arm to align with the other side, allowing the measurement of the angle in degrees.
4. What are some special types of angles?
Ans. Some special types of angles include right angles (90 degrees), acute angles (less than 90 degrees), obtuse angles (more than 90 degrees), and straight angles (180 degrees).
5. How are angles measured?
Ans. Angles are measured in degrees using a protractor, with a full circle consisting of 360 degrees.
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Lines and Angles Chapter Notes | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
