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Page 219

Q1: Do you see any Line of symmetry in the figures at the start of the chapter? What about in the picture of the cloud?
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns:
Flower has 6 lines of symmetry.
Butterfly has 1 line of symmetry.
Rangoli has 4 lines of symmetry.
Pinwheel has no line of symmetry.
A cloud may or may not have a line of symmetry as the shape is not fixed.

Q2: For each of the following figures, identify the line(s) of symmetry if it exists.
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Page 223

Q1: In each of the following figures, a hole was punched in a folded square sheet of paper and then the paper was unfolded. Identify the line along which the paper was folded.
Figure (d) was created by punching a single hole. How was the paper folded?
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Q2: Given the line(s) of symmetry, find the other hole(s).
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Q3: Here are some questions on paper cutting.
Consider a vertical fold. We represent it this way:
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTSimilarly, a horizontal fold is represented as follows.
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Q4: After each of the following cuts, predict the shape of the hole when the paper is opened. After you have made your prediction, make the cutouts and verify your answer.
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT


Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Suppose you have to get each of these shapes with some folds and a single straight cut. How will you do it?
a. The hole in the centre is a square.

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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

b. The hole in the centre is a square.
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Q6: How many lines of symmetry do these shapes have?
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Q7: Trace each figure and draw the lines of symmetry, if any:
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Q8: Find the lines of symmetry for the kolam below.
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Q9: Draw the following:
a. A triangle with exactly one line of symmetry

b. A triangle with exactly three lines of symmetry
c. A triangle with no line of symmetry
Is it possible to draw a triangle with exactly two lines of symmetry?

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTNo, it is not possible to draw a triangle with exactly two lines of symmetry.

Q10: Draw the following. In each case, the figure should contain at least one curved boundary.
a. A figure with exactly one line of symmetry
b. A figure with exactly two lines of symmetry
c. A figure with exactly four lines of symmetry

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Q11: Copy the following on squared paper. Complete them so that the pink line is a line of symmetry. Problem (a) has been done for you.
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTHint: For (c) and (f), see if rotating the book helps!
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Q12: Copy the following drawing on squared paper. Complete each one of them so that the resulting figure has the two pink lines as lines of symmetry.
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Q13: Copy the following on a dot grid. For each figure draw two more lines to make a shape that has a line of symmetry.
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Page 235

Q1: Find the angles of symmetry for the given figures about the point marked.
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns:

To find the angle of symmetry, let’s rotate the figure by 90°.

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTThe figure after rotation of 90° is exactly the same. Hence, 90° is the angle of symmetry.

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

A rotation of 90° results in the figure above. Does not overlap with the original figure. This figure comes back to its original shape only after one complete rotation through 360°. Hence, 360° is the angle of symmetry.

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The figure after rotation of 180° is exactly the same. Hence, 180° is the angle of symmetry.

Q2: Which of the following figures have more than one angle of symmetry?
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns: All except (g) have more than one angle of symmetry.

Q3: Give the order of rotational symmetry for each figure:
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns: Order: 2, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5

Page 238

Q1: Color the sectors of the circle below so that the figure has i) 3 angles of symmetry, ii) 4 angles of symmetry, iii) what are the possible numbers of angles of symmetry you can obtain by coloring the sectors in different ways?
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns: i)
Will look same after every rotation of 120°.
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

ii) Will look same after every rotation of 90°.
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTiii) Four ways are possible.
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Q2: Draw two figures other than a circle and a square that have both reflection symmetry and rotational symmetry.

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Q3: Draw, wherever possible, a rough sketch of

a. A triangle with at least two lines of symmetry and at least two angles of symmetry.

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b. A triangle with only one line of symmetry but not having rotational symmetry.

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c. A quadrilateral with rotational symmetry but no reflction symmetry.

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d. A quadrilateral with reflction symmetry but not having rotational symmetry.

Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

Q4: In a figure, 60° is the smallest angle of symmetry. What are the other angles of symmetry of this figure?
As 60° is the smallest angle, other angles which has multiple of 60° till 360° are angle of symmetry. Here angles are 120°, 180°, 240°, 300°, 360°.

Q5: In a figure, 60° is an angle of symmetry. The figure has two angles of symmetry less than 60°. What is its smallest angle of symmetry?
Smallest angle of symmetry = 60° ÷ 3 = 20°.

Q6: Can we have a figure with rotational symmetry whose smallest angle of symmetry is

a. 45°
Yes, as 360 is divisible by 45.

b. 17°
No, as 360 is not divisible by 17.

Q7: This is a picture of the new Parliament Building in Delhi.
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTa. Does the outer boundary of the picture have reflction symmetry? If so, draw the lines of symmetries. How many are they?
The outer boundary shows rotation symmetry about its center.
Smallest angle of rotation= 360° ÷ 3 = 120°.
Other angles of rotation are 240° and 360°.

b. Does it have rotational symmetry around its centre? If so, find the angles of rotational symmetry.
The outer boundary shows reflection symmetry.
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTIt has 3 lines of symmetry

Q8: How many lines of symmetry do the shapes in the fist shape sequence in Chapter 1, Table 3, the Regular Polygons, have? What number sequence do you get?
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns:
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT3 sided regular polygon ( equilateral triangle) has 3 lines of symmetry
4 sided regular polygon ( square) has 4 lines of symmetry
5 sided regular polygon ( regular pentagon) has 5 lines of symmetry
6 sided regular polygon ( regular hexagon) has 6 lines of symmetry We observe the following pattern:
Number of sides in a regular polygon*= number of lines of symmetry. Number sequence : 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ……………………….

Q9: How many angles of symmetry do the shapes in the fist shape sequence in Chapter 1, Table 3, the Regular Polygons, have? What number sequence do you get?
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns:
Number of angles of symmetry = number of lines of symmetry.
Hence we get the number sequence: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ………..

Q10: How many lines of symmetry do the shapes in the last shape sequence in Chapter 1, Table 3, the Koch Snowflke sequence, have? How many angles of symmetry?
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Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT
Q11: How many lines of symmetry and angles of symmetry does Ashoka Chakra have?
Symmetry NCERT Solutions | Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERTAns: The Ashoka Chakra has 24 spokes spread equally.
24 spokes make 12 pairs.
Line through an opposite pair is a line of symmetry.
Hence, there are 12 lines of symmetry.
Smallest angle of symmetry = 360° ÷ 2 = 30°.
Other angles of symmetry are its multiple up to 360.
Other angles are 60°, 120°, 150°, ………… , 360°. (12 angles in all).

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FAQs on Symmetry NCERT Solutions - Maths for Class 6 (Ganita Prakash) - New NCERT

1. What is symmetry and why is it important in mathematics?
Ans. Symmetry refers to a balanced and proportionate similarity between two halves of an object or figure. In mathematics, symmetry is important because it helps in understanding shapes and patterns. It simplifies calculations and allows for easier problem-solving in geometry.
2. Can you give examples of symmetrical shapes?
Ans. Yes, common examples of symmetrical shapes include squares, circles, and equilateral triangles. These shapes have lines of symmetry, meaning they can be divided into two identical halves.
3. How can we identify the line of symmetry in a shape?
Ans. To identify the line of symmetry in a shape, you can fold the shape along a line. If both halves match perfectly when folded, that line is a line of symmetry. You can also look for shapes that have mirror images on either side.
4. What are the different types of symmetry?
Ans. There are mainly two types of symmetry: reflective symmetry and rotational symmetry. Reflective symmetry occurs when one half of a shape is a mirror image of the other half. Rotational symmetry occurs when a shape can be rotated around a central point and still look the same at certain angles.
5. How is symmetry used in real life?
Ans. Symmetry is used in various fields such as art, architecture, nature, and design. In architecture, symmetrical designs create aesthetically pleasing buildings. In nature, many living organisms exhibit symmetry, which can be important for their survival and reproduction.
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