The first set of questions, asked almost all students
Q1: May I know your full name?
Ans: My full name is Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar. (Note: Full name means given name + middle name if any + surname. Most students will speak the name given in the passport, which may not have the surname. So, you must speak your full name in answer to this question)
Q2: May I see your ID?
Ans: Here is my passport. (Note: open the first page of the passport and show it to the examiner. You don’t need to say ‘Yes’)
Q3: How may I address you?
Ans: You may address me as Kiran. (Note 1: Here you may even speak your nickname. It just means that while asking the next questions, the examiner will call you by that name. Note 2: Many students start speaking their address here. Here, the word ‘address’ has been used as a verb, which means ‘call’. In other words, the question is - How may I call you?)
Q4: Where do you come from?
Ans: I come from Phagwara. It is a small town between Jalandhar and Ludhiana.
Q1: Do you use headphones?
Ans: Yes, I use headphones. I use them mainly for listening to music, audiobooks, or when I am on a phone call in a crowded place.
Q2: What type of headphones do you use?
Ans: I just bought Sony wireless headphones from Amazon. They are convenient as I can keep my phone in my bag and keep my hands free. Also, I don't have to worry about the wires entangling.
Q3: When would you use headphones?
Ans: I would use headphones for listening to music when I am on the bus on my way to work. I also use them while working out at the gym. Sometimes when I have an important assignment, I use them to concentrate on my work and not get distracted.
Q4: In what conditions, you won't use headphones?
Ans: I don't use headphones when I am driving a car, bike, or motorcycle. They block out our hearing senses and can be distracting. I also don't use them when I am with friends and family. I think it's rude to use them while interacting with people, and I should be paying full attention to them.
Cue Card
Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study
You should say:
What it is about: I have made many plans in my life. Most of them are related to my study or work, but here I would like to talk about the plan which is not related to my study or work. My plan is to learn French. I know Hindi, Punjabi, and English, but I would like to add another language, and the language that I have in my mind is French. It is a beautiful language. It is spoken in 33 countries.
Why you have made it: I plan to go to Canada for my higher education. I have heard that French is spoken in many parts of Canada. In fact, Québec in Canada is a Francophone area. If I go to study there, then my knowledge of French will help me make new friends over there and communicate easily with them.
What do you need to do first: I tried to find some centers in my hometown that teach this language, but I could not find any. So after I get the required band score on my IELTS test, I'll go and stay with my aunt and uncle in Chandigarh because there are many centres there where I can learn French. My father tells me that his maternal uncle knew eight languages. Because of his knowledge of different languages, he could communicate with many foreign tourists. He worked as a guide for them when they visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Knowledge of different languages also made him more open-minded in his outlook on life. My father tells me that he had many stories to tell when he used to come home in the evenings.
And explain how you would feel if it is successful: I would feel very good if I could learn French. It might open up many job opportunities for me in the tourism sector. But presently, I do not want to learn this language keeping the job sector in mind. I am just fascinated by this language and the culture of the people of France. I have watched a couple of movies in French with English subtitles, and I like those movies a lot. I think knowing a foreign language is a must to do well in the global village of today. So, this is the plan I have that is not related to my work or study.
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Speaking Practice Test- 5
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Q1: Should parents make plans for their children?
Ans: I think parents should make plans for their children until the children are mature enough to plan something on their own. Parents should encourage children to make small decisions on their own, like what clothes to wear or what games to play, but should always guide them so that they don't suffer.
Q2: When should children start to make plans for themselves?
Ans: Children should start to make plans for themselves once their schooling is over and they have to choose subjects for their career. Here, I feel that children should decide based on their aptitude so that their interest in their studies is maintained and they do well at college or university.
Q3: What things should be planned on a daily basis?
Ans: Many things have to be planned on a daily basis, such as what clothes to wear, what hobbies to pursue, what program to watch on TV, what outdoor game to play, what to cook for lunch or dinner, and what exercise to do to keep physically fit.
Q4: Are plans always necessary? Can people succeed without plans?
Ans: Yes, I think plans are always necessary. These may be short-term plans or long-term plans. It is the plans made in our minds that keep us going and give us the motive to work hard. If a person doesn't have any plans in life, then he will not know how much hard work to put into anything. I believe that generally, people who have a plan succeed in life. Some people get success by sheer luck, but that is not very common. Mostly, people who have a vision in their mind and who have set a goal succeed in life.
Q5: In general, how do people make plans?
Ans: People make plans according to their situation, by consulting their elders, and also by realizing their own interests and hobbies.
Q6: For a person with children, what influence does this have on their personal plans for the future?
Ans: When a person has children, all his personal plans take a backseat, and the upbringing of the child comes first. All the personal plans become flexible and revolve around the needs of the family and children. I think this flexibility has a charm of its own.
Q7: Should parents set goals for children?
Ans: Parents are the best people to set goals for their children. They can help their children in setting goals. They know the temperament of their child, so it is all right if they set goals for them. However, at the same time, they should keep in mind the aptitude of the child and set realistic goals for him/her.
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