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Environmental Ethics | UPSC Mains: Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude PDF Download

Environmental Ethics

Environmental Ethics | UPSC Mains: Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

  • Environmental ethics: Environmental ethics is the field that explores the moral relationship, value, and moral status of human beings in relation to the environment and its nonhuman elements.
  • Rabindranath Tagore's definition of education: Tagore's definition of education aligns with environmental ethics: "The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence."
  • Ethical relationship with nature: Environmental ethics is based on the principle that human beings have an ethical relationship with the natural environment. Humans are part of the environment, just like other living beings.
  • Ignoring nonhuman life: Often, when we consider the philosophical principles guiding our lives, we overlook the fact that plants and animals are also part of our existence. They are an essential part of the environment and deserve the right to live, as they are closely connected to our own lives.
  • Ethical values and coexistence: Since plants and animals are integral to nature, our guiding principles and ethical values should encompass their right to coexist with humans. They should be recognized as entities with the right to live.
  • Right to life for all life forms: The emerging concept of environmental ethics asserts that all life forms on Earth have the right to live. Destroying nature is denying these life forms this right, which is unjust and unethical.
  • Moral obligation to future generations: We have a moral obligation to future generations to leave the planet in the same condition as we inherited it. This ensures that future generations can thrive and enjoy a good quality of life. If we fail to do so, we will be burdening them with crises they did not cause (Principle of Sustainability and Intergenerational Equity).
  • Disproportionate effects on the poor: Environmental degradation and climate change disproportionately affect the poor and vulnerable populations who have contributed the least to these issues. This violates the principle of "polluter pays."
  • Aldo Leopold, in his 1949 book A Sand County Almanac, introduced the concept of ecological restoration with a focus on Land Ethic. He defined a new relationship between nature and people, which became a foundation for the modern conservation movement.
  • Leopold stated, "For embracing this ethic, ecologically literate citizens are required, individuals capable of solving global environmental challenges." His Land Ethic expands the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, animals, and collectively, the land.

Case Studies of Environmental Ethics

  • The Exxon Valdez oil spill: The spill highlighted the lack of corporate social responsibility and oversight in industries with high risks, resulting in significant damage to ecosystems. This disaster led to the introduction of regulations that improved disaster response plans and enforced double hull tanker requirements.
  • The Bhopal disaster: Poor safety standards and negligence at a chemical plant caused a deadly gas leak in Bhopal, India, killing thousands. This tragedy underscored the need for ethical practices, accountability, and stricter oversight in hazardous industries, particularly in developing countries.
  • Deforestation of the Amazon: The clearing of forests for logging, mining, and ranching accelerates the loss of biodiversity and harms indigenous tribes. Governments must strike a balance between economic interests and the protection of vital ecosystems and human rights. Global cooperation is essential to address these issues.

Philosophies of Environmental Ethics

Environmental Ethics | UPSC Mains: Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude
  • Deep Ecology (Naess): Challenges the belief that nature exists solely for human use and rejects anthropocentrism. It views the entire ecosphere as an interconnected web of interdependencies, where humans and nature are equals. Deep ecology advocates for biodiversity and sustainability, calling for radical social and political changes to achieve these goals.
  • Land Ethic (Leopold): Expands ethical consideration to include the natural landscape and all its components, collectively referred to as "the land." Humans are seen as members of the land community rather than conquerors. The health of the land and people are inseparable, and decisions must respect and benefit the "integrity, stability, and beauty" of the biotic community as a whole.
  • Animal Rights (Singer): Asserts that sentient animals deserve equal consideration of their interests, as they are capable of suffering. They have rights to humane treatment and should not be treated as property. Singer advocates for a plant-based diet and opposes any form of cruelty toward animals. His famous quote is, "The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor, 'Can they talk?' but 'Can they suffer?'"

Environmental degradation vs Economic development (Utilitarianism concept)

  • Climate change and its disproportionate effects: The negative consequences of climate change will impact the poor more heavily in the current generations and future generations who have contributed less to greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Utilitarian perspective on the distribution of goods: For utilitarians, the distribution of goods is valued only for its ability to maximize overall well-being. The goal is to choose a distribution that results in the greatest total well-being.
  • Problems of justice in utilitarianism: Justice issues arise when policies benefit the majority at the expense of the minority. For example, displacing a population to build a dam may cause significant harm to the displaced, but if it results in a marginal benefit for a larger, wealthier population, a utilitarian might justify the policy, provided the population is large enough.
  • Alternative accounts of justice: Several different views of justice may challenge the utilitarian approach. One view is to prioritize the worst off, another is to ensure all individuals reach a minimal level of welfare, and a third is to demand equality in the distribution of welfare or the goods necessary for welfare.
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