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Mnemonics: Constitution of India | General Awareness for SSC CGL PDF Download

This document will help you understand the key aspects of the Constitution of India  that is its  historical development ,salient features in a simple and engaging way. Inside, you'll find easy memory tricks (mnemonics) to help you recall important act regarding constitutional development,  parts of the Indian Constitution ,etc

Mnemonics: Constitution of India | General Awareness for SSC CGL

Whether you're preparing for the UPSC, SSC CGL, or any other competitive exam, these mnemonics will make studying the Constitution easier and more effective. Use them alongside your regular studies to grasp concepts quickly and retain information for a longer time!

The Constitutional  Development

Each letter represents an important act in constitutional development:

  1. RRegulating Act (1773) → British Parliament’s first control over East India Company. Warren Hastings became Governor-General.

  2. AAmending Act (1781) → Supreme Court jurisdiction modified, considered religious customs.

  3. PPitt’s India Act (1784) → Divided Company’s commercial and political functions.

  4. IIndian Councils Acts (1861, 1892) → Introduced representation, discussions in councils.

  5. DDual Governance (1919 – Montague-Chelmsford Reforms) → Dyarchy in provinces, bicameralism.

  6. CCharter Acts (1793, 1813, 1833, 1853) → Ended Company trade monopoly, started civil service exams.

  7. HGovernment of India Act (1858) → Replaced Company rule with Crown rule, introduced the Viceroy.

  8. AAct of 1909 (Minto-Morley Reforms) → Separate electorates for Muslims, direct elections.

  9. NGovernment of India Act (1935) → Federal structure, Provincial Autonomy, 3 lists (Federal, Provincial, Concurrent).

  10. GIndian Independence Act (1947) → India became independent, British control ended.

  11. EEstablishment of Supreme Laws → Led to the framing of the Indian Constitution in 1950.

Mnemonics: Constitution of India | General Awareness for SSC CGL

Parts of the Indian Constitution

From  Part I  To Part XI 

  • Part I - Union and its Territory
  • Part II - Citizenship.
  • Part III - Fundamental Rights.
  • Part IV - Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties.
  • Part V - The Union.
  • Part VI - The States.
  • Part VII - States in the B part of the First schedule.
  • Part VIII - The Union Territories
  • Part IX - Panchayat system and Municipalities.
  • Part X - The scheduled and Tribal Areas
  • Part XI - Relations between the Union and the States.


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"Uncle Charlie Fights Daily Until Strong Soldiers Use Power To Rule."

Mnemonic Explanation with Constitution Parts:

  • Uncle → Union and its Territory (Part I)
    Deals with the territory of India, formation of new states, and changes in state boundaries.

  • Charlie → Citizenship (Part II)
    Defines the rules for citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution and later laws on acquiring and losing Indian citizenship.

  • Fights → Fundamental Rights (Part III)
    Guarantees rights like equality, freedom, protection against exploitation, religious and cultural rights, and constitutional remedies.

  • Daily → Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties (Part IV)
    Directive Principles (DPSP) guide the government to establish social and economic democracy, while Fundamental Duties lay down responsibilities for citizens.

  • Until → The Union (Part V)
    Covers the structure and functions of the President, Vice-President, Parliament (Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha), Prime Minister, Attorney General, and other key bodies.

  • Strong → The States (Part VI)
    Defines the structure and functioning of state governments, including the Governor, State Legislature, Chief Minister, and Advocate General.

  • Soldiers → States in Part B of First Schedule (Part VII – Now repealed)
    Previously dealt with states that were former princely states but was removed by the 7th Amendment in 1956.

  • Use → Union Territories (Part VIII)
    Defines the administration of Union Territories, which are directly governed by the Central Government.

  • Power → Panchayati Raj and Municipalities (Part IX)
    Introduces a three-tier system of governance (Panchayati Raj) at the village, block, and district levels.

  • To → The Scheduled and Tribal Areas (Part X)
    Provides special administration for Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas to protect the rights and culture of indigenous communities.

  • Rule → Relations between the Union and the States (Part XI)
    Defines the distribution of legislative, administrative, and financial powers between the Central and State Governments.

From Part XII To XXII

  • Part XII - Finance, Property, Contracts, and Suits
  • Part XIII - Trade and Commerce within the territory of India
  • Part XIV - Services Under the Union, the States, and Tribunals
  • Part XV - Elections
  • Part XVI - Special Provisions Relating to certain Classes.
  • Part XVII - Languages
  • Part XVIII - Emergency Provisions
  • Part XIX - Miscellaneous
  • Part XX - Amendment of the Constitution
  • Part XXI - Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions
  • Part XXII Short title, date of commencement, Authoritative text in Hindi, and Repeals.

Mnemonics: Constitution of India | General Awareness for SSC CGL


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"Funny Traders Serve Elections, Special Leaders Enjoy Making Amazing Temporary Rules."

Mnemonic Explanation with Constitution Parts:

  • Funny → Finance, Property, Contracts, and Suits (Part XII)
    Deals with financial matters, government property, contracts, and legal suits.

  • Traders → Trade and Commerce within the territory of India (Part XIII)
    Ensures free trade and commerce across the country.

  • Serve → Services Under the Union, the States, and Tribunals (Part XIV)
    Covers government jobs, recruitment, and tribunals.

  • Elections → Elections (Part XV)
    Deals with election procedures and the Election Commission.

  • Special → Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes (Part XVI)
    Provides reservations and protections for SCs, STs, and other weaker sections.

  • Leaders → Languages (Part XVII)
    Defines the official languages of the Union and States.

  • Enjoy → Emergency Provisions (Part XVIII)
    Covers National, State, and Financial Emergencies.

  • Making → Miscellaneous (Part XIX)
    Includes general provisions that don’t fit elsewhere in the Constitution.

  • Amazing → Amendment of the Constitution (Part XX)
    Defines the procedure for amending the Constitution.

  • Temporary → Temporary, Transitional, and Special Provisions (Part XXI)
    Includes temporary provisions like Article 370 (before abrogation).

  • Rules → Short Title, Date of Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindi, and Repeals (Part XXII)
    Specifies the official name of the Constitution, its commencement date, and repeals old laws

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 Schedules of Indian Constitution


Each letter stands for a specific topic:

  1. → Territories (States & Union Territories)
  2. → Emoluments (Salaries & benefits for high officials)
  3. → Allocation of seats (Rajya Sabha seat distribution among states & UTs)
  4. → Reservations (Scheduled Areas & Tribes, Tribal Areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram)
  5. → Schedules (Official Languages – 22 languages recognized, English excluded)
  6. O → Oaths (Different forms of oaths for officials, judges, and ministers)
  7. → Finance (Laws protecting land reforms & Sikkim’s association with India - Article 31B)
  8. O → Office (Anti-Defection Law – MPs/MLAs cannot frequently switch parties)
  9. L → Local Governance (Panchayats & their functions – 73rd Amendment, 1992)
  10. → Development (Municipalities for Urban Planning – 74th Amendment, 1992)
  11. P → Planning (Trade, commerce, and finance-related constitutional provisions)
  12. → Ordinance (Emergency Provisions – President’s rule & emergency situations)
  13. E → Elections (Process of electing representatives in India)
  14. M → Miscellaneous (Other transitional, temporary, and special provisions in the Constitution)
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FAQs on Mnemonics: Constitution of India - General Awareness for SSC CGL

1. What are the main parts of the Indian Constitution?
Ans. The Indian Constitution is broadly divided into several parts, including the Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, and various other parts that deal with the structure of government, the powers of different bodies, and the relationship between the state and citizens.
2. How many schedules are there in the Indian Constitution?
Ans. The Indian Constitution originally had 8 schedules. However, it has been amended several times, and currently, there are 12 schedules. Each schedule deals with specific matters such as the distribution of powers between the Union and the States, the list of subjects for legislation, and the allocation of responsibilities.
3. What is the significance of the Preamble in the Indian Constitution?
Ans. The Preamble serves as an introduction to the Constitution and outlines the fundamental values and guiding principles of the nation. It emphasizes the ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, which are essential for the governance of India and the rights of its citizens.
4. Can you explain the mnemonic 'RAPID CHANGES MADE GREAT HISTORY' related to the Constitution?
Ans. The mnemonic 'RAPID CHANGES MADE GREAT HISTORY' helps remember the significant amendments and developments in the Indian Constitution. Each word represents key changes or events that have shaped constitutional law and governance in India, emphasizing the dynamic nature of the Constitution.
5. What are the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution?
Ans. The Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution include the right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and the right to constitutional remedies. These rights are essential for the protection of individual liberties and provide a framework for justice and equality in society.
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