MUCOR & RHIZOPUS (Pin mold) (Common bread mold) or Black mold of bread
Systematic Position
Division | Eumycophyta |
Class | Phycomycetes |
Sub. Class | zygomycetes |
Order | mucorales |
Family | mucoraceae |
Genus | Mucor/Rhizopus |
Habit & Habitat
Structure Of Mycelium
It is branched, coenocytic, aseptate and vacuolated.
In the cytoplasm, storage food is present in the form of oil droplets and glycogen bodies.
(i) Vegetative reproduction
(ii) Asexual reproduction
(iii) Sexual reproduction
Vegetative Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
It takes place during the absence of nutrient substances.
In this process, gametangial copulation takes place between two gametangia.
Both homothallic and heterothallic species are occur in these fungi. But most of the species are heterothallic.
Mucor mucedo (Dung mold) – heterothallic
R.stolonifer – heterothallic
Rhizopus nigricans – heterothallic
R. sexualis – homothallic (species found as obligate parasite in higher plant)
M.hiemalis – homothallic
When two fungal hyphae which are respectively (+) and (–) strains come close to each other, then these fungal hyphae produce some outgrowths. These outgrowths are called "progametangia".
Anterior parts of progametangia are filled with cytoplasm and nuclei. Now, these progametangia (which are different in strains), come in contact and a septum is formed just behind the contact place.
Now the terminal part is called gametangium & long basal part is called suspensor, which is vacuolated.
The multinucleate undifferentiated protoplast of each gametangium is termed as coenogamete or aplanogamete.
In mature gametangium at the place of contact, walls of gametangia are dissolved and fuse together and then zygospore is formed.
In zygospore diploid nuclei are formed while haploid nuclei are degenerate.
During germination outer wall of zygospore get ruptured.
At the apex of promycelium, a sporangium is formed which is called germsporangium or zygosporangium.
In Rhizopus, at the time of germination Meiotic division takes place in zygospore (delayed) whereas in Mucor, meiotic division takes place in zygospore soon after karyogamy.
Each nucleus is converted into spore.
These spores germinate to form fungal hypha.
1. What are Mucor and Rhizopus? | ![]() |
2. How do Mucor and Rhizopus reproduce? | ![]() |
3. What are the characteristics of Mucor and Rhizopus? | ![]() |
4. Are Mucor and Rhizopus harmful to humans? | ![]() |
5. How can Mucor and Rhizopus infections be treated? | ![]() |