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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE) PDF Download



The slides cover the following topics:

  1. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
  2. Examples


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Maximum Power Transfer Theorem


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Learning Outcomes:


Upon completion of this unit the student will be able to:


(i)Determine the conditions for maximum power transfer to any circuit element.
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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Figure 1


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Maximum Power Transfer Theorem


The power delivered by a voltage source or a current source is a function of its internal resistance and also of the load resistance. Maximum power is delivered by a source to its load when the load resistance is equal to the internal resistance of the source, that is, when

  Rin = RL

Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Proof (continued)


To find the value of RL that maximises the expression for PL, we first need to differentiate the expression for PL with respect to RL and then equate it to zero. Computing the derivative, we obtain the following expression:

Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Thus, to transfer maximum power to a load, the equivalent source and load resistances must be matched, that is, equal to each other.


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•This is called a "matched condition" and as a general rule, maximum power is transferred from an active device such as a power supply or battery to an external device when the impedance of the external device exactly matches the impedance of the source.
•One good example of impedance matching is between an audio amplifier and a loudspeaker.
•Improper impedance matching can lead to excessive power loss and heat dissipation.
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Proof (continued)


Figure 3 depicts a plot of the load power PL divided by E2 versus the ratio of RL to Rint. Note that this value is maximum when RL = Rint.

Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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When the conditions of the maximum power transfer theorem are met, the total power delivered to the load is:

Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Worked Example


Given the circuit in Figure 4, where:

Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Solution (continued)


From the above table and graph we can see that the Maximum Power Transfer occurs in the load when the load resistance, RL is equal in value to the source resistance, RS that is: RS = RL = 25 Ω.


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Plot the power dissipation of the load resistance, for several values between 1 k? and 20 k?:


Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Worked Example


Suppose we were planning to use a photovoltaic panel to generate electricity and electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen gas:


Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Experimentally determine what amount load resistance drops exactly one-half of the panel's open-circuit voltage.


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


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Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)


The document Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE) is a part of Electrical Engineering (EE) category.
All you need of Electrical Engineering (EE) at this link: Electrical Engineering (EE)

FAQs on Chapter - Maximum Power Theorem, PPT, DC Circuits, Semester, Engineering - Electrical Engineering (EE)

1. What is the Maximum Power Theorem in DC circuits?
Ans. The Maximum Power Theorem states that the maximum power is transferred from a source to a load when the load resistance is equal to the internal resistance of the source. This theorem is applicable to DC circuits and helps in determining the optimal load resistance for maximum power transfer.
2. How is the Maximum Power Theorem applied in electrical engineering?
Ans. In electrical engineering, the Maximum Power Theorem is used to determine the load resistance for maximum power transfer in DC circuits. By finding the load resistance that matches the internal resistance of the source, engineers can design circuits that efficiently transfer maximum power to the load.
3. What is the role of the PPT in DC circuits?
Ans. PPT stands for "Power Point Tracking" and it is a technique used in DC circuits to optimize power transfer. PPT ensures that the load resistance is adjusted dynamically to match the varying internal resistance of the source, thereby maximizing power transfer efficiency.
4. How does the Maximum Power Theorem affect the design of DC circuits?
Ans. The Maximum Power Theorem plays a crucial role in the design of DC circuits by guiding engineers to choose the appropriate load resistance for maximum power transfer. By utilizing this theorem, engineers can design circuits that operate at their highest possible efficiency and deliver maximum power to the load.
5. Is the Maximum Power Theorem only applicable to electrical engineering?
Ans. No, the Maximum Power Theorem is not limited to electrical engineering. It is a fundamental principle in circuit analysis that applies to various fields, including electrical engineering, electronics, and telecommunications. The theorem's concept of optimizing power transfer can be extended to other areas where energy conversion and transmission are involved.
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