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Scanner - Directing | Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce PDF Download

(Q1) What is meant by directing?                                                                         (CBSE, Delhi 2009)

Ans. Directing refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading people in the organisation to achieve its objective.


(Q2) At which level of management directing takes place?                             (CBSE, Delhi 2013)

Ans.  All levels of the organisation perform directing function as it is pervasive.


(Q3) What is ‘Supervision"?                                              (CBSE, Sample Paper 2008, All India 2012)

Ans. Supervision refers to instructing, guiding and observing the subordinates at work to ensure that they are working as per plans and to help them in solving their work problems.


(Q4) Give any two elements of directing.                                                             (CBSE, All India 2009)

Ans. (i) Supervision; (ii) Motivation. 


(Q5) Why it is said that “The supervisor is a link between management and the operative employees"?                                                                                                             (CBSE, Delhi 2009)

Ans. Supervisor conveys management ideas to the workers on the one hand and workers problems to the management on the other.


(Q6) Name the term used in management for influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives.                                                                                                             (CBSE, Delhi Compt. 2011)

Ans. Leadership


(Q7) What is meant by ‘motivation' as an element of directing?

(CBSE, Foreign 2009, Foreign 2012)

Ans. Motivation refers to a process of stimulating and inspiring people at work to accomplish desired goals.


(Q8) What is meant by ‘Informal Communication"?                                          (CBSE, Delhi 2012)

Ans. Informal Communication refers to the communication that takes place without following the formal lines of communication.


(Q9) Rajat a Sales Manager, achieved his sales target one month in advance. This achievement was displayed on the notice board and the CEO of the Company awarded a certificate for the best performance to him. Name the incentive provided to Rajat.                (CBSE, Sample Paper 2014)

Ans. Employee Recognition Programmes.


(Q10) Give one example of 'noise' in the process of communication.  (CBSE, Sample Paper 2008)


(Q11) Explain in one sentence how direction initiates action in management. (CBSE, Delhi 2011)

Ans. Other functions of management prepare a setting for action, directing implements it in the organization.


(Q12) Define “Communication’.                                                                (CBSE, All India 2012)

Ans. Communication refers to a process of exchange of ideas, views, facts, feelings, etc. between two or more persons to reach common understanding.


(Q13) Give the meaning of ‘Democratic Style of Leadership.

(CBSE, Sample Paper 2012, All India 2013)

Ans. Democratic Style of Leadership is leadership in which, a leader consults with his subordinates on proposed actions and decisions and encourages them to participate indecision making.


(Q14) Define “Formal Communication'                                                    (CBSE, Delhi 2012)

Ans. Formal communication refers to official communication taking place in the organisation.


(Q15) What is meant by ‘Self-Actualisation Needs' in Maslow's Need Hierarchy?

(CBSE, Foreign 2012)

Ans. Self-Actualisation Needs are the needs of becoming what one really wants to become. These needs include growth, self-fulfillment and achievement of goals.    


(Q16) Why is motivation called a complex process?                                         (CBSE, Delhi 2013)

Ans. Motivation is called a complex process because it deals with individuals and the individuals are heterogeneous in their expectations, perceptions and reactions. (CBSE, All India 2013 (III)


(Q17) What is meant by ‘Authoritative Style of leadership"?                           (CBSE, All India 2013)

Ans. Under this style, the leader centralises all decision-making powers and exercises complete control over his subordinates.


(Q18) Give an example of “Employee Recognition Programmes' as a non-financial incentive.

(CBSE, Delhi 2014)

Ans. Displaying employee's achievements on the notice board or company's newsletter.


(Q19) What is meant by Encoding as an element of communication?          (CBSE, Delhi 2014)

Ans. Encoding means converting the message into communication symbols such as words, pictures, gestures, etc.


(Q20) What is meant by Decoding as an element of communication?          (CBSE, All India 2014)

Ans. Decoding means converting encoded symbols of the sender.


(Q21) Give any two characteristics of ‘Organisational Climate' that influence the behavior of individuals and act as a non-financial incentive.                                           (CBSE, All India 2014)

Ans. (i) Individual autonomy; (ii) Reward orientation.


(Q22) What is meant by "Feedback in the concept of communication?        (CBSE, Foreign 2014)

Ans. Feedback includes all those actions of receiver which indicates that he has received and understood message of sender.


(Q23) List any two non-financial incentives.                                          (CBSE, Delhi Compt. 2014)

Ans. (a) Career advancement opportunity; (b) Job enrichment.


(Q24) Briefly state any three elements of directing.                                           (CBSE, Delhi 2007)


(Q25) ‘Supervision is not at all required in an organisation. Do you agree? Give two reasons in support of your answer.                                                                                            (CBSE, Delhi 2008)


(Q26) “All managers are leaders, but all leaders are not managers." Do you agree with this statement? Give any three reasons in support of your answer.                   (CBSE, Delhi 2005, 09)


(Q27) Explain the concept of ‘Motivation' and “Leadership'.                           (CBSE, Delhi 2011)


(Q28) What is meant by ‘financial incentives"? State any two financial incentives’.

(CBSE, All India Compt. 2011)

(Q29) Distinguish between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ communication.             (CBSE, Delhi 2007)


(Q30) Distinguish between ‘upward’ and ‘downward’ communication.        (CBSE, Delhi 2007)


(Q31) Explain any three assumptions of Maslow's need hierarchy theory. (CBSE, All India 2012)


(Q32) There are some barriers in communication, which are concerned with encoding and decoding of message. State any 3 such barriers.                                            (CBSE, Delhi 2008)

Hint: State three Semantic Barriers.


(Q33) Name the type of formal communication in which the persons of two departments one at a higher position and another at lower, communicate with each other. Also state the problem which may arise in this type of communication.                                                           (CBSE, Delhi 2006)

Hint: It happens in case of Diagonal Communication'. The problem may arise if superior feels being ignored when his subordinate talks directly to managers of other departments.


(Q34) To satisfy the social and physiological needs which type of incentives are needed? Explain any four types of such incentives.                                                                   (CBSE, All India 2008)

Hint: Financial Incentives are needed to satisfy the social and physiological needs. Discuss any four financial Incentives.


(Q35) Communication originally drafted in English has been very poorly translated in Hindi. Name the type of barrier to effective communication and explain any other five barriers of this type.                                                                                              (CBSE, Sample Paper 2014)

Hint: Semantic Barriers (Faulty Translations). 

Other Semantic Barriers include: (i) Badly Expressed Messages; (ii) Symbols with different Meanings; (iii) Unclarified Assumptions; (iv) Technical Jargon; (V) Body Language & gesture decoding.


(Q36) It is an activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objective. Identify it.

Hint: leadership


(Q37) What type of barriers to communication takes place when there are problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding of message into words?                                                                                        (CBSE, Delhi 2011)

Ans. Semantic barriers.


(Q38) Name the type of formal communication in which two Departmental Heads communicate with each other. Give any two reasons why this type of communication is required.

Hint: It happens in case of Horizontal Communication'. It is required:          (CBSE, All India 2006)

  1. To coordinate different activities of two or more departments.
  2. To resolve interrelated problems of two or more departments.


(Q39) Enumerate any three advantages and any three disadvantages of formal communication'.                                                                                                                                 (CBSE, All India 2004)

(Q40) Briefly explain any three measures to overcome barriers to effective communication.

OR                                                                                                             (CBSE, All India 2007)

The barriers to effective communication exist in all organisations. Explain any three measures to overcome these barriers.                                                                                                                                                     (CBSE, Sample Paper 2015)


(Q41) Distinguish between monetary and non-monetary incentives.                       (CBSE, Delhi 2007)


(Q42) What is meant by' non-financial incentives? List any two non-financial incentives.                   (CBSE, Delhi Compt. 2011)

(Q43) How directing helps in efficient and effective functioning of the organisation? Explain by giving any three points.                                                                                          (CBSE, Delhi 2014)


(Q44) Explain any three functions performed by a supervisor that are vital to any organisation.                                                                                                                                                 (CBSE, All India 2014)

(Q45) Explain any three personal barriers to effective communication.        (CBSE, Foreign 2014)


(Q46) Explain any three organisational barriers to effective communication.                                   (CBSE, Foreign 2014)



(Q1) “Directing is the process around which all performance of an organisation revolves." Do you agree? Give any four reasons in support of your answer.                                 (CBSE, Foreign 2003)


“Directing is the heart of management process." Do you agree? Give four reasons in support of your answer.                                                                                                          (CBSE, Delhi 2009)


"Every action in the organisation is initiated through directing." Explain any four points of importance of directing in the light of this statement.                                                                                                                               (CBSE, All India 2010)


Identify the function of management which refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading people in the organisation to achieve objectives. Explain the importance of this function of management.                                       (CBSE, Sample Paper 2014)


State the importance of directing function of management.                (CBSE, Sample Paper 2015)


(Q2) Explain any four semantic barriers of communication.                            (CBSE, Delhi 2011)


(Q3) 'Supervision is an important element of directing function.' Explain any four reasons in support of the above statement.                                                                       (CBSE, Sample Paper 2010)


Explain the role of supervision as an element of directing function of management.

OR                                                                                                          (CBSE, Delhi 2011, 2012)

‘The supervisor performs a very important role in an organisation by performing multiple functions'. State any six such functions.                                                                                                                                                  (CBSE Delhi 2013)


‘The functions and performance of the supervisor are vital to an organisation because he is directly related with the workers whereas other managers have no direct touch with bottom level workers: In the light of this statement, explain any four functions of a supervisor.

(CBSE, All India Compt. 2014)

(Q4) What is meant by ‘Motivation'? Explain Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation.                                       (CBSE, Delhi 2012)

(Q5) Describe any four psychological barriers of communication.

(CBSE Delhi Compt. 2011 All India 2013)

(Q6) Describe any four organisational barriers to effective communication.

(CBSE, All India Compt. 2011)

(Q7) Describe any four personal barriers to effective communication.

(CBSE, All India Compt. 2011)

(Q8) Give the meaning of ‘Motivation' and state any four features of motivation.

(CBSE, Delhi Compt. 2012)

(Q9) Non-financial incentives are more suitable for employees whose needs are not satisfied by money alone. Explain any four such incentives.

                       (CBSE, All India Compt. 2013)


(Q10) The barriers to effective communication exist in all organisations to a greater or lesser degree'. State any six measures to overcome these barriers.                                                                                                                              (CBSE, Delhi 2013)


‘Effective communication should adopt suitable measures to overcome the barriers of communication. Explain any four such measures.               (CBSE, Delhi Compt. 2013)

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FAQs on Scanner - Directing - Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce

1. What is a scanner in the context of directing commerce?
Ans. A scanner, in the context of directing commerce, refers to a device or technology used to capture and process data from physical objects, such as barcodes or QR codes, for the purpose of facilitating commercial transactions.
2. How does a scanner facilitate commerce?
Ans. A scanner facilitates commerce by quickly and accurately capturing data from products, such as their price, description, and other relevant information. This data is then used to streamline various aspects of commerce, including inventory management, pricing, and checkout processes.
3. What are the benefits of using scanners in commerce?
Ans. Using scanners in commerce offers several benefits, such as increased efficiency in inventory management, improved accuracy in pricing and product information, faster checkout processes, reduced human error, and enhanced customer experience.
4. Are there different types of scanners used in commerce?
Ans. Yes, there are different types of scanners used in commerce, including barcode scanners, QR code scanners, document scanners, and RFID scanners. Each type is designed to capture specific types of data and is used in various commercial applications.
5. Can scanners be integrated with other systems in commerce?
Ans. Yes, scanners can be integrated with other systems in commerce, such as point-of-sale (POS) systems, inventory management software, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This integration allows for seamless data transfer and synchronization, enabling better coordination and management of commercial operations.
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