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(1) Quadratic Equations
A general quadratic equation represents a parabola.
y = ax2 + bx + c (a ≠ 0)
if  a > 0 ; It will be a opening upwards parabola.
if a < 0 ; It will be a opening downwards parabola.
if c = 0 ; It will pass through origin.
y ∝ x2 or y = 2x2, etc. represents a parabola passing through origin as shown in figure shown.
Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
Example: y = 4 x2 + 3x
k = 1/2mv2
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Note: That in the parabola y = 2x2 or y ∝ x2, if x is doubled, y will become four times.
Graph x ∞ y2 or x = 4 y2 is again a parabola passing through origin as shown in figure shown. In this case if y is doubled, x will become four times.
y = x2 + 4 or x = y2 - 6 will represent a parabola but not passing through origin. In the first equation (y = x2 + 4), if x doubled, y will not become four times.

(2) Mensuration Formulas
r : radius ;  d = diameter ;
V = Volume  
S.A = surface area
(a) Circle
Perimeter: 2πr = πd,
Area : πr2 = 1/4 πd
(b) Sphere
Surface area = 4πr= πd2,
Volume = 4/3 πr3 = 1/6 πd3 
(c)  Spherical Shell (Hollow sphere)
Surface area = 4πr2 = πd2
Volume of material used = (4πr2)(dr),  dr = thickness
(d)  Cylinder 
Lateral area = 2πrh
V = πr2h
Total area = 2πrh + 2πr2 = 2πr (h + r)
(e) Cone
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h = height
Total area = πr

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(f) Ellipse 

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area = πaba = semi major axis
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b = semi minor axis
(g) Parallelogram
A = bh = ab sin θ
a = side ; h = height; b = base
θ = angle between sides a and b
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(h) Trapezoid
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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
(i) Triangle
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a, b, c sides are opposite to angles α, β, γ
b = base ; h = height
s = 1/2 (a + b + c)
 (j) Rectangular container
lateral area = 2(ℓb + bh-hℓ)
V = lbh
Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
Mathematics is the language of physics. It becomes easier to describe, understand and apply the physical principles, if one has a good knowledge of mathematics.

(3) Logarithms 
(i) e ≈ 2.7183
(ii) If ex = y, then x = loge y = ln y
(iii) If 10x = y, then x = log10y
(iv) log10y = 0.4343 loge y = 2.303 log10y
(v) log (ab) = log (a) + log (b)
(vi) log (a/b) = log(a) - log (b)
(vii) log an = n log (a)

(4) Trigonometric Properties 
(i) Measurement of angle & relationship between degrees & radian 
In navigation and astronomy, angles are measured in degrees, but in calculus it is best to use units called radians because of they simplify later calculations.
Let ACB be a central angle in circle of radius r, as in figure.
Then the angle ACB or q is defined in radius as -

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If r = 1 then θ = AB

The radian measure for a circle of unit radius of angle ABC is defined to be the length of the circular arc AB. since the circumference of the cirlce is 2π and one complete revolution of a circle is 360°, the relation between radians and degrees is given by the following equation.
π radians = 180°

1 degree = π/180° (= 0.02) radian Degrees to radians : multiply by = π/180° 
1 radian = 57 degrees
Radians to degrees : multiply by = π/180°

Example: Covert 45° to radians : 45 • π/180° = π/4 rad
Convert π/6 rad to degrees :  π/6 • π/180° = 30°

Example 1. Convert 30° to radians: 
Solution. 30° x (π/180°) = (π/6)rad

Example 2: Convert π/3 rad to degrees.
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Standard values 
(1) 30° = (π/6)rad
(2) 45° = (π/4)rad
(3) 60° = (π/3)rad
(4) 90° = (π/2)rad
(5) 120° = (2π/3)rad
(6) 135° = (3π/4)rad
(7) 150° = (5π/6)rad
(8) 180° = π rad    
(9) 360° = 2π rad
(ii) Measurement of positive & Negative Angles: 

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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
An angle in the xy-plane is said to be in standard position if its vertex lies at the origin and its initial ray lies along the positive x-axis (Fig). Angles measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis are assigned positive measures; angles measured clockwise are assigned negative measures.

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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
(iii) Six Basic Trigonometric Functions:

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The trigonometric function of a general angle θ are defined in terns of x, y and r.Sine : sinθ = (opp/hyp) = (y/r)Cosecant : cosecθ = hyp/opp = r/y  
Cosine: cosθ = adj/hyp = x/r Secant : secθ = hyp/adj = r/x    
Tangent:  tan θ  = opp/adj = y/x  Cotangent: cot θ = adj/opp = x/y

If the circle in (Fig. above) has radius r = 1, the equations defining sinθ and cosθ become cosθ = x,  sinθ = y
We can then calculate the values of the cosine and sine directly from the coordinates of P.

Example 3. Find the six trigonometric ratios from given fig. (see above)
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Solution. sinθ = opp/hyp = 4/5   cosθ = adj/hyp = 3/5
tanθ = opp/adj = 4/3    cotθ = adj/opp = 3/4
secθ = hyp/opp = 5/3   cosecθ = hyp/opp = 5/4

Example 4. Find the sine and cosine of angle 6 shown in the unit circle if coordinate of point p are as shown,
   Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
cos θ = x-coordinate of P = (-1/2)  sin θ = y-coordinate of p =  √3/2

Values of sinθ, cosθ and tanθ for some standard angles.  
Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
A useful rule for remembering when the basic trigonometric functions are positive and negative is the CAST rule. If you are not very enthusiastic about CAST. You can remember it as ASTC (After school to college)

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The CAST rule

Step 1 → Identify the quadrant in which angle lies.
Step 2 → (a) If angle = (nπ ± 6) where n is an integer. Then

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where n is in integer. Then  trigonometric function of

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complimentary trigonometric function of Θ and sign will be decided by CAST Rule.

Example 5. Evaluate sin 120°
Solution. sin 120° = sin (90° + 30°)
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Alter sin 120° = sin (180° - 60°)
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Example 6. Evaluate cos 210°
cos 210° = cos (180° + 30°) 

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Example 7. tan 210° - tan (180° + 30°) = tan 300 
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(i) sin2θ + cos2θ = 1
(ii) 1 + tan2θ = sec2θ
(iii) 1 + cot2θ = cosec2θ
(iv) sin2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ
(v) cos 2θ = 2 cos2θ -1 = 1-2 sin2θ = cos2θ - sin2θ
(vi) sin (A ± B) = sin A cos B ± cos A sin B
(vii) cos (A ± B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B
(viii) sin C + sin D = 2sin((C+D)/2)cos((C-D)/2)
(ix) sin C + sin D = 2sin((C-D)/2)cos((C+D)/2)
(x) cos C + cos D = 2cos((C+D)/2)cos((C-D)/2)
(xi) cos C - cos D = 2sin((D-C)/2)sin((C+D)/2)
(xii) tan 2θ - ((2tanθ)/1-tan2θ)
(xiii)  Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
(xiv) sin(90° + θ) = cos θ
(xv) cos (90° + θ) = - sin θ
(xvi) tan (90° + θ) = - cot θ
(xvii) sin(90° - θ) = cos θ
(xviii) cos{90° - θ) = sin θ
(xix) cos (180° - θ) = - cos θ
(xx) sin(180° - θ) = sin θ
(xxi) cos (180° + θ) = - cos θ
(xxii) tan (180° + θ) = tan θ
(xxiii) sin(- θ) = - sin θ
(xxiv) cos (-θ) = cos θ
(xxv) tan (-θ) = - tan θ

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Sine Rule (sinA/a)=(sinB/b)= (sinC/c)

Cosine rule a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cosA

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Find x:

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x = 5

6. small angle approximation
It is a useful simplification which is only approximately true for finite angles. It involves linearization of the trigonometric functions so that, when the angle q is measured in radians.
sinθ Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE  θ
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for the second order approximation tanθ Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE q 

Geometric justification 
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Small angle approximation. The value of the small angle X in radians is approximately equal to its tangent.

  • When one angle of a right triangle is small, is hypotenuse in approximately equal in length to the leg adjacent to the small angle, so the cosine is approximately 1.
  • The short leg is approximately equal to the arc from the long leg to the hypotenuse, so the sine and tangent are both approximated by the value of the angle in radians.

7. Binomial theorem

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If x << 1 ; then(1 ± x)n = 1 ± nx (neglecting higher terms)

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(1 + x)2 = 1 + 2x+ x2
(1 + x)3 = 1 + 3x + x3 - 3x2
(1 + x)n = 1 + nx
if x << I
(1) When n is a positive integer, then expansion will have (n + 1) terms 
(2) When n is a negative integer, expansion will have infinite terms.
(3) When n is a fraction expansion will have infinite terms.

Example 8. Calculate (1001)1/3
We can write 1001 as : 1001  = 1000(1+(1/1000), so that we have

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= (10(1+0.001)1/3
=10(1+(1/3) x 0.001)
= 10.003333

Example 9. Expand (1 +x)-3 

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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE

8. Graphs
Following graphs and their corresponding equations are frequently used in Physics.
(i) y = mx, represents a straight line passing through origin. Here, m = tanθ is also called the slope of line, where θ is the angle which the line makes with positive x-axis, when drawn in anticlockwise direction from the positive x-axis towards the line.
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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
The two possible cases are shown in figure 1.1 (i) θ< 90°. Therefore, tanθ or slope of line is positive. In fig. 1.1 (ii), 90° < θ < 180°. Therefore, tanθ or slope of line is negative.
Note: That y = mx of y ∝ x also means that value of y becomes 2 time if x is doubled. Or it becomes 1/4th if x becomes x/4, and c the intercept on y-axis.
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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
In figure (i): slope and intercept both are positive.
In figure (ii): slope is negative but intercept is positive and
In figure (iii): slope is positive but intercept is negative.
Note: That in y = mx + c, y does not become two times if x is doubled

Example 10. v = u + at
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Example 11. ρ = mv

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Example 12. Draw the graph for the equation : 2y = 3x + 2  

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Solution. 2y = 3x + 2 ⇒ y = 3/2(x) + 1
m = 3/2 > 0 ⇒ θ < 90°
c = +1 > 0
⇒ The line will pass through (0, 1)

Example 13. Draw the graph for the equation : 2y + 4x + 2 = 0 

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2y + 4x + 2 = 0
⇒ y = - 2x - 1
m = - 2 < 0
i.e., θ > 90°
c = - 1 i.e.,
line will pass through (0, -1)
(a) If c = 0 line will pass through origin.
(b) y = c will be a line parallel to x axis.

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(c) x = c will be a line perpendicular to y axis

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(ii) Parabola
A general quadratic equation represents a parabola.
y = ax2 + bx + c a ¹ 0
if a > 0 ; It will be a opening upwards parabola.
if a < 0 ; It will be a opening downwards parabola.
if c = 0 ; It will pass through origin.
y ∝ x2 or y = 2x2, etc. represents a parabola passing through origin as shown in figure

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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE

Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEEUnits & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
Note: That in the parabola y = 2x2 or y ∝ x2, if x is doubled, y will become four times.
Graph x ∞ y2 or x = 4 y2 is again a parabola passing through origin as shown in figure shown. In this case if y is doubled, x will become four times.
y = x2 + 4 or x = y2 - 6 will represent a parabola but not passing through origin. In the first equation
(y = x2 + 4), if x doubled, y will not become four times.

9. Similar Triangle 
Two given triangle are said to be similar if
(1) All respective angle are same
(2) All respective side ratio are same.

Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
As example, ABC, PQR are two triangle as shown in figure.If they are similar triangle then
(1) ∠A = ∠P
∠B = ∠Q
∠C = ∠R
(2) AB/PQ = BC/QR = AC/PR

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FAQs on Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics - Additional Study Material for JEE

1. What are units and measurements in basic mathematics?
Units and measurements refer to the system of quantifying physical quantities and expressing them in terms of standard units. In basic mathematics, units are used to represent the magnitude or size of a quantity, while measurements involve the process of determining the value or magnitude of a quantity using a specific unit.
2. How are units and measurements important in JEE (Joint Entrance Examination)?
Units and measurements are highly important in the JEE because they form the foundation of various topics in physics, such as mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. JEE questions often involve calculations and problem-solving based on units and measurements, testing the understanding of students in applying the correct units and conversions for different physical quantities.
3. What are the SI units commonly used in JEE for different physical quantities?
In JEE, several SI (International System of Units) units are commonly used. Some of the important SI units include: - Meter (m) for length - Kilogram (kg) for mass - Second (s) for time - Ampere (A) for electric current - Kelvin (K) for temperature - Candela (cd) for luminous intensity - Mole (mol) for amount of substance Understanding these SI units and their respective symbols is crucial for solving JEE questions related to units and measurements.
4. How can one convert between different units in JEE?
To convert between different units in JEE, one can use conversion factors or conversion formulas. Conversion factors are ratios that relate the two different units of the same physical quantity. By multiplying or dividing the given quantity with the appropriate conversion factor, one can convert from one unit to another. For example, to convert a length from centimeters (cm) to meters (m), one can use the conversion factor 1 m = 100 cm. Thus, to convert 200 cm to meters, we divide 200 by 100 to get 2 m.
5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when dealing with units and measurements in JEE?
Some common mistakes to avoid when dealing with units and measurements in JEE include: - Forgetting to include units in the final answer: Always ensure that the final answer includes the correct units, as JEE often gives partial marks for units. - Incorrectly converting units: Carefully apply the conversion factors or formulas while converting between units. Pay attention to the direction of conversion (multiplication or division) and ensure that the units cancel out correctly. - Using wrong conversion factors: Double-check the conversion factors used, especially when dealing with complex units or derived quantities. Refer to the standard conversion tables or formulas provided in the JEE syllabus to avoid using incorrect conversion factors. By being aware of these common mistakes and practicing with units and measurements, students can improve their accuracy and efficiency in solving JEE problems related to this topic.
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Units & Measurements: Basic Mathematics | Additional Study Material for JEE
