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Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced PDF Download

Elimination Reactions:

In an elimination reaction two atoms or groups (YZ) are removed from the substrate with formation of pi bond.

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

depending on the reagents and conditions involved, an elimination may be a first order (E1) or second order (E2).

Dehydration of Alohol (E1):

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Characteristics of E1 reaction :

(i) It is unimolecular, two step process.

(ii) It is first order reaction.

(iii) Reaction intermediate is carbocation, so rearrangement is possible.

(iv) In the second step, a base abstracts a proton from the carbon atom adjacent to the carbocation, and forms alkene.

(v) Kinetics → Rate ∝ [Substrate]

Rate = k[Substrate]

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

E2- elimination :

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Bi-molecular reaction, second order kinetic.

1. Leaving group leads when base is taking proton from adjacent carbon.

2. It is a single step reaction.

3. Rate a single step reaction.

Rate a Leaving group tendency-

4. It shows elemental as well as kinetic isotopic effect with leaving group (lg) as well as at β-position.

5. Normally, Saytzeff product is major.

6. Transition state mechanism therefore rearrangement is not possible.

7. The orientation of proton & leaving group should be anti-planar for E2.

8. Positional orientation of elimination: Mostly, E1 and E2 eliminations give two or more possible elimination products, the product with the most highly substituted double bond will predominate. This rule is called the Saytzeff or Zaitsev rule (i.e., most stable alkene will be the major product).

9. E2-elimination is favour by :

(1) Moderate leaving group (lg)

(2) Strong base (RO-, Alc. KOH)

(3) Polar aprotic solvent.

(4) High conc. of base.

(5) High temperature.

Reactivity towards E2R - I > R - Br > R - Cl > R - F

Ex. Predict the elimination products of the following reactions.

(a) Sec. butyl bromide + Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced
(b) 3-Bromo-3-ethylpentane + CH3OH Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced
(c) 2-Bromo-3-ethylpentane + MeONa Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced 
(d) 1-Bromo-2-methylcyclohexane + EtONa Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Sol. (a) CH3 - CH = CH -CH3 
(b) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced
(c) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced 
(d) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Ex.11 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced major + minor

Write the structure of major and minor product.

Sol. Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (minor)

 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced(major)

Comparison of E1 and E2 elimination:

Promoting factors



(i) Base

Weak base

Strong base required

(ii) Solvent

Good ionizing solvent

Wide variety of solvent

(iii) Substrate

3° > 2° > 1°

3° > 2° > 1°

(iv) Leaving group

Better one required

Better one required




(i) Kinetics

K[R- X], I order

K[R - X] [Base], IIst order

(ii) Orientation

Saytzeff alkene

Saytzeff alkene

(iii) Stereochemistry

No special geometry is required.

transition state must be co-planar.

Ex.12 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced P + Q + R

Sol. P is Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced, Q is Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced, R Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Q.6 Arrange the compounds of each set in order of reactivity towards dehydrohalogenation by strong base

(a) 2-Bromo-2-methylbutane, 1-Bromopentane, 2-Bromopentane

(b) 1-Bromo-3-methylbutane, 2-bromo-2-methylbutane-2-Bromo-3-methylbutane

(c) 1-Bromobutane,1-Bromo-2,2-dimethylpropane, 1-bromo-2-methylbutane, 1-Bromo-3-methylbutane

(C) mechanism of E1 CB reaction (Unimolecular conjugate base reaction) :

The E1 CB or carbanion mechanism : In the E1 CB, H leaves first and then the X. This is a two step process, the intermediate is a carbanion.


Step-1 : Consists of the removal of a proton, H+  by a base generating a carbanion.

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Step-2 : Carbanion loses a leaving group to form alkene.

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Condition: For the E1 CB, substrate must be containing acidic hydrogen and poor leaving groups (i.e., bad lg).

Polyhalogen derivatives:

Trichloromethane (Chloroform), CHCl3


CH4 + Cl2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CH3Cl + HCl

CH3Cl + Cl2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CH2Cl2 + HCl

CH2Cl2 + Cl2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CHCl3 + HCl

CHCl3 + Cl2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CCl4 + HCl

The mixture of CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CHCl3 and CCl4 can be separated by fractional distillation.

2. From chloral hydrate, Pure chloroform can prepare.


NaOH + CCl3CH(OH)2 → HCOONa + CHCl3 + H2O
Chloral hydrate               sodium formate Chloroform

3. Laboratory Method : From ethanol or acetone, by reaction with a paste of bleaching powder and water.

In case of ethanol, the reaction occurs as follows:

CaOCl2 + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + Cl2

CH3CH2OH + Cl2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CH3CHO + 2HCl

CH3CHO + 3Cl2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CCl3CHO + 3HCl


Ca(OH)2 + 2CCl3 CHO Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced 2CHCl3 + (HCOO)2Ca

                                                               Chloroform Calcium formate

4. From carbon tetrachloride:

CCl4 + 2[H] Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CHCl3 + HCl (partial reduction)

5. Haloform reaction:

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (Haloform)

Step 1 : Attack of the

Step 2 : Elimination

Step 3 : Proton transfer

nucleophile of the leaving group

Prob. Compare rate of elimination (Dehydro halogenation in presence of alcoholic KOH ) i.e., E2 :

1. (a) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (b) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (c) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (d) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

c > b > a > d

2. (a) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (b) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (c) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

c > b > a

3. (a) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (b) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (c) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

c > b > a

4. (a) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (b) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced (c) Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

b > a > c

Dehalogenation : - (-X2) E2

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Dehalogenation : - (-X2) E2

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced


Ec or Ei (Intramolecular or cyclic elimination mechanism):

(1) Lg and Base present in same molecule.

(2) It proceeds by cyclic transition state.

(3) Overall it is syn elimination.

(4) Hoffmann is major product as it is obtained by least hindered site of cyclic transition state.

(5) No rearrangement.

Example of Ec/Ei:

Pyrolysis of Ester:

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

              Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced                                                 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

1. Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

2. Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

1.8.2 Physical properties of chloroform

Chloroform is a colourless, heavy liquid which has sweetish, sickly odour and taste. It boils at 334º K and is slightly soluble in water. It is heavier than water. As inhaling of the vapours of chloroform induces unconsciousness therefore it can be used as an anaesthetic agent for surgery. 

1.8.3 Chemical properties of chloroform:

1. Action of sun light and air-

2 CHCl3 + O2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced 2COCl2 + 2HCl


As chloroform is used for anaesthetic purposes, therefore in order to maintain a high purity of chloroform, this reaction can be avoided by storing it in dark bottles, completely filled upto the brim. The use of dark bottles (brown or blue) cuts off active light radiations and filling upto brim keeps out air. Apart from this a small amount of ethanol (1%) is usually added to bottles of chloroform. Addition of a little ethanol fixes the toxic COCl2 as non-poisonous diethyl carbonate.

COCl2 + 2C2H5OH Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced O = C(OC2H5) + 2HCl

diethyl carbonate

2. Hydrolysis :

H - CCl3 + (aq.) 3KOHElimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced HCOOK

3. Reduction :

Zn + 2HCl Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced ZnCl2 + 2[H]

CHCl3 + 2[H] Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CH2Cl2 + HCl
                              (Methylene chloride)

CHCl3 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CH4 + 3HCl

4. Reaction with acetone :

(CH3)2C = O + CHCl3 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced


Use : Chloretone is used as hypnotic (a sleep inducing) drug.

5. Reaction with nitric acid:

2CHCl+ HONO2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced CCl3. NO2 + H2O

Use: Chloropicrin is used as an insecticide and war gas.

6. Reaction with silver powder :

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

7. Chlorination :

CHCl3 + Cl2 Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & AdvancedCCl4 + HCl

8. Reimer-Tiemann reaction:

Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced + CHCl3 + 3NaOH Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds | Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced + 2NaCl + 2H2O

1.8.4 Uses of chloroform

1. As solvent in oils and varnishes.

2. As preservative for anatomical specimens.

3. As laboratory reagent.

4. As an anesthetic.

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FAQs on Elimination Reactions And Polyhalogen Compounds - Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced

1. What are elimination reactions in organic chemistry?
Ans. Elimination reactions are chemical reactions in organic chemistry where a molecule loses atoms or groups of atoms from its structure, resulting in the formation of a double bond or a new bond. It is the opposite of addition reactions.
2. How do elimination reactions occur in polyhalogen compounds?
Ans. In polyhalogen compounds, elimination reactions occur when halogen atoms are eliminated from the molecule, resulting in the formation of a double bond. This process can be intramolecular or cyclic, where the elimination takes place within the same molecule.
3. What is the difference between Ec and Ei mechanisms in elimination reactions?
Ans. Ec (Intramolecular elimination) and Ei (cyclic elimination) are two mechanisms of elimination reactions. Ec mechanism involves the elimination of a halogen atom and a hydrogen atom from adjacent carbon atoms within the same molecule, forming a double bond. On the other hand, Ei mechanism involves the elimination of a halogen atom and a hydrogen atom from non-adjacent carbon atoms within the same molecule, also leading to the formation of a double bond.
4. What are some examples of polyhalogen compounds that undergo elimination reactions?
Ans. Some examples of polyhalogen compounds that undergo elimination reactions are 1,2-dibromoethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, and 1,2-difluoroethane. These compounds can undergo intramolecular elimination or cyclic elimination to form double bonds.
5. What are the applications of elimination reactions in organic synthesis?
Ans. Elimination reactions play a crucial role in organic synthesis. They can be used to selectively remove certain atoms or groups from a molecule, leading to the formation of desired products. Elimination reactions are commonly used in the synthesis of alkenes, which are important building blocks for various organic compounds. Additionally, elimination reactions are employed in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and other complex organic molecules.
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