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Classification Of Functions-
(1) One - One Function (Injective mapping): A function f : A → B is said to be a one-one function or injective mapping if different elements of A have different f  images in B.  Classification Of Functions - CommerceClassification Of Functions - Commerce

Diagrammatically an injective mapping can be shown as 

Classification Of Functions - Commerce 

(i) Any function which is entirely increasing or decreasing in its domain, is one-one.
(ii) If any line parallel to x-axis cuts the graph of the function atmost at one point, then the function is one-one.

(2) Many-One function: A function f : A → B is said to be a many one function if two or more elements of A have the same  f image in B . Thus f : A → B is many one if for

Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Diagrammatically a many one mapping can be shown as

Classification Of Functions - Commerce
(i) A continuous function f(x) which has atleast one local maximum or local minimum, is many-one. In other words, if a line parallel to x-axis cuts the graph of the function atleast at two points, then f is many-one.
(ii) If a function is one-one, it cannot be many-one and vice versa.
(iii) If f and g both are one-one, then fog and gof would also be one-one (if they exist).

Ex.16 Show that the function Classification Of Functions - Commerce is not one-one.
Sol. Test for one-one function
A function is one-one if f(x1) = f(x2) ⇒ x1 = x2

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Since f(x1) = f(x2) does not imply x1 = x2 alone, f(x) is not a one-one function.

Ex.17 Let f be an injective function such that f(x) f(y) + 2 = f(x) + f(y) + f(xy) for all x, y ∈ R.
if f(4) = 65 and f(0) ≠ 2, then show that f(x) - 1 = x3 ∀ x∈ R.
Sol.   Given that f(x) f(y) + 2 = f(x) + f(y) + f(xy) ......(i)
Putting x = y = 0 in equation (i), we get f(0) f(0) + 2 = f(0) + f(0) + f(0)
or (f(0))2 + 2 = 3f(0) or (f(0) – 2) (f(0) – 1) = 0  or  f(0) = 1  (∴ f(0) ≠2) ....(ii)
Again putting x = y = 1 in equation (i) and repeating the above steps, we get
(f(1) - 2) (f(1) - 1) = 0
But f(1) ≠ 1 as f(x) is injective. ∴ f(1) = 2
Now putting y = 1/x in equation (i), we get

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or  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

or  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

or  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

or  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

or  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Let f(x) – 1 = g(x)

 ⇒  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

from equation (iv), we get g(x) g(1/x) = 1,which is only possible when

Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Classification Of Functions - Commerce

G. General Definition-
(1) Identity function: A function Classification Of Functions - Commerce is called the identity of A & denoted byIdentity functionIdentity functionClassification Of Functions - Commerce

Every Identity function is a bijection.
(2) Constant function: A function f : A → B is said to be constant function. If every element of set A has the same functional image in set B i.e. Classification Of Functions - Commerce is called constant function.
(3) Homogeneous function: A function is said to be homogeneous w.r.t. any set of variables when each of its term is of the same degree w.r.t. those variables.
(4) Bounded Function: A function y = f(x) is said to be bounded if it can be express is the form of
Classification Of Functions - Commerce where a and b are finite quantities.
Ex: -1≤ sin x ≤ 1; 1≤{x} < 1; -1≤sgn(x) ≤ 1 but ex is not bounded.

Ex: Any function having singleton range like constant function.
(5) Implicit function & Explicit function: If y has been expressed entirely in terms of `x' then it is called an explicit function.

If x & y are written together in the form of an equation then it is known as implicit equation corresponding to each implicit equation there can be one, two or more explicit function satisfying it
Ex: y = x3 + 4x2 + 5x → Explicit function,
Ex: x + y = 1 → Implicit equation,
Ex: y = 1 - x → Explicit function.

H. Even & Odd Functions
Function must be defined in symmetric interval [-x, x]
If f (-x) = f (x) for all x in the domain of 'f ' then f is said to be an even function.
e.g. f (x) = cos x ; g (x) = x² + 3.
If f (-x) = -f (x) for all x in the domain of `f' then f is said to be an odd function.
e.g. f (x) = sin x ; g (x) = x+ x.
(a) f (x) - f (-x) = 0 ⇒ f (x) is even & f (x) + f (-x) = 0 ⇒ f (x) is odd.
(b) A function may be neither even nor odd.
(c) Inverse of an even function is not defined.
(d) Every even function is symmetric about the y-axis & every odd function is symmetric about the origin.
(e) A function (whose domain is symmetric about origin) can be expressed as a sum of an even & an odd function. e.g. Classification Of Functions - Commerce
(f) The only function which is defined on the entire number line & is even and odd at the same time is f(x) = 0.
(g) If f and g both are even or both are odd then the function f.g will be even but if any one of them is odd and other even then f.g will be odd.

Ex.29 Which of the following functions is odd ?
(A) sgn x + x2000 
(B) | x | - tan x 
(C) x3 cot x 
(D) cosec x55
Sol. Let's name the function of the parts (A), (B), (C) and (D) as f(x), g(x), h(x) Classification Of Functions - Commerce respectively. Now
(A) f(–x) = sin (–x) + (–x)2000 = –sgn x + x2000 ≠f(x) & ≠ - f(x) ∴ f is neither even nor odd
(B) g(–x) = |–x| – tan (–x) = |x| + tan x  ∴ g is neither even nor odd.
(C) h(–x) = (–x)cot (–x) = –x3 (–cot x) = x3 cot x = h(x) ∴ h is an even function  
(D) Ø(–x) = cosec (–x)55 = cosec (–x55) = –cosec x55 = – Ø(x)  ∴ Ø is an odd function.
(A) f(x) = sin (x) + x2000 = O + E = neither E nor O
(B) g(x) = E – O = Neither E nor O
(C) h(x) = O × O = E
(D) f(–x) = O o O = O
∴ (D) is the correct option

Classification Of Functions - Commerce
(A) an even function
(B) an odd function
(C) neither even nor odd function
(D) none of these

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Ex.31 Let f: [–2, 2]⇒R be a function if 

Classification Of Functions - Commerce

(i) f is an odd function (ii) f is an even function  (where [ ] denotes the greatest integer function)

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce

(i) If f is an odd function then f(x)  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

(ii) If f is an even function  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Ex.32 Let f(x) = ex + sin x be defined on the interval [-4, 0]. Find the odd and even extension of f(x) in the interval [-4, 4].
Sol. Odd Extension : Let g0 be the odd extension of f(x), then

E. Functional Equation
Functional Equation is an equation where the unknown is a function. On solving such an equation we obtain one or more functions as solutions. If x, y are independent variables, then :

(i) f(xy) = f(x) + f(y)  ⇒  f(x) = k ln x  or   f(x) = 0.
(ii) f(xy) = f(x) . f(y)  ⇒  f(x) = x,   n∈ R
(iii) f(x + y) = f(x) . f(y)    ⇒  f(x) = akx , a > 0
(iv) f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)  ⇒  f(x) = kx,  where k is a constant.

Ex.22 Classification Of Functions - CommerceDetermine f(x).
Given f(x+y+1) = Classification Of Functions - Commerce
Putting x = y = 0; then f(1) = Classification Of Functions - Commerce  = (1+1)2  = 22
Again putting x = 0, y=1 then f(2) = Classification Of Functions - Commerce=(1+2)2 = 32
and for x=1, y=1; f(3) = Classification Of Functions - Commerce= (2+2)2 = 42
similarly, f(x) = (x+1)2
(b) Let f : R – {2} → R function satisfying the following functional equation, 

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Ex.23 Let f be a function from the set of positive integers to the set of real numbers i.e. f : N → R such that
(i) f(1) = 1; 
(ii) f(1) + 2f(2) + 3f(3) + ... + nf(n) = n (n + 1) f(n) for Classification Of Functions - Commerce then find the value of f (1994).
Given f(1) + 2f(2) + 3f(3) + .....+ nf(n) = n(n+1)f(n)        ..... (1)

Replacing n by (n + 1) then
f(1) + 2f(2) + 3f(3)+ ...... + nf(n) = n(n+1)f(n+1) = (n+1)(n+2)f(n+1)   ....(2)

Subtracting (1) from (2).

F. Composite Functions
Let f: X→Y1 and g:Y2→Z be two functions and the set D = {x∈ X:f(x)∈ Y2 }. If D ≠φ then the function h defined on D by h(x) = g{f(x)} is called composite function of g and f and is denoted by gof. It is also called function of a function.
Remark : Domain of gof is D which is a subset of X (the domain of f). Range of gof is a subset of the range of g. Classification Of Functions - Commerce
Properties of composite functions :
(i) The composite of functions is not commutative i.e. Classification Of Functions - Commerce
(ii) The composite of functions is associative  i.e.  if f, g, h are three functions such that fo (goh) &  (fog) oh  are defined, then fo (goh) = (fog) oh.

Ex.24 Let f(x) = ex ; R+ → R and g(x) = sin-1 x; [-1, 1] → Classification Of Functions - Commerce. Find domain and range of fog (x)
Sol. Domain of Classification Of Functions - Commerce Range of g(x) : Classification Of Functions - Commerce

The values in range of g(x) which are accepted by f(x) are Classification Of Functions - Commerce

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Ex.25 Classification Of Functions - Commerce   f3 (x) = f{f2(x)}, + 1 (x) = f{fk(x)}. for k = 1, 2, 3,...., Find f1998 (x).

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce
Thus, we can see that fk(x) repeats itself at intervals of k = 4.

Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Ex.26 Let g: R → R be given by g(x) = 3 + 4x. If gn(x) = gogo....og(x), show that fn(x) = (4n - 1) + 4nx if g-n (x) denotes the inverse of gn (x).
Sol. Since g(x) = 3 + 4x

g2(x) = (gog) (x) = g {g (x)} = g (3 + 4x) = 3 + 4 (3 + 4x) or g2(x) = 15 + 42x = (42 – 1) + 42x

Now g3(x) = (gogog) x = g {g(x) } = g (15 + 42 x) = 3 + 4 (15 + 42 x) = 63 + 43 x = (43 –1) + 43x
Similarly we get gn(x) = (4n – 1) + 4nx
Now leg gn (x) = y ⇒ x = g–n(y)   ....(i)
y = (4n – 1) + 4nx or x = (y + 1 – 4n)4–n  ....(ii)
From (1) and (2) we get g–n (y) = (y + 1 – 4n) 4–n. Hence g–n (x) = (x + 1 – 4n) 4–n

Ex.27  If f(x)  = | |x – 3| – 2 | ; 0 £ x £ 4 and g(x) = 4 – |2 – x| ; –1 ≤ x ≤ 3 then find fog(x).

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Classification Of Functions - Commerce

I. Periodic Function
A function f(x) is called periodic if there exists a positive number T (T > 0) called the period of the function such that f (x + T) = f(x), for all values of x and x + T within the domain of f(x). The least positive period is called the principal or fundamental period of f.

e.g. The function sin x & cos x both are periodic over Classification Of Functions - Commerce
(a) A constant function is always periodic, with no fundamental period.
(b) If  f(x) has a period p, then 1/f(x) and √f(x) also has a period p.
(c) if  f(x) has a period T then f(ax + b) has a period  T/a  (a > 0).
(d) If f(x) has a period T1 & g(x) also has a period T2 then period of f(x) +- g(x) or f(x)/g(x) s L.C.M of T1 & T2 provided their L.C.M. exists. However that L.C.M. (if exists) need not to be fundamental period. If L.C.M. does not exists then f(x) ± g(x) or f(x) . g(x) or f(x)/g(x) is non periodic e.g. |sin x| has the period π, |cos x| also has the period π
|sin x| + |cos x| also has a period p. But the fundamental period of |sin x| + |cos x| is π/2.

(e) If g is a function such that gof is defined on the domain of f and f is periodic with T, then gof is also periodic with T as one of its periods. Further if
# g is one-one, then T is the period of gof
# g is also periodic with T' as the period and the range of f is a subset of [0, T'], then T is the period of gof
(f) Inverse of a periodic function does not exist.

Ex.33 Find period of the following functions

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce
(i) Period of sin x/2 is 4π while period of cos x/3 is 6π. Hence period of sin x/2 + cos x/3 is 12π {L.C.M. or 4 & 6 is 12}
(ii) Period of sin x = 2π; Period of {x} = 1; but L.C.M of 2π & 1 is not possible. ∴it is aperiodic
(iii) f(x) = cos x.cos 3x; Period of f(x) is L.C.M of Classification Of Functions - Commerce = 2π
but 2π may or may not be the fundamental period. The fundamental period can be 2π/n, where n ∈ N. Hence cross-checking for n = 1,2,3, .... we find π to be fundamental period f(π+x) = (-cos x (-cos 3x) = f(x)
(iv)  Period of f(x) id L.C.M of Classification Of Functions - Commerce

Ex.34 If f(x) = sin x + cos ax is a periodic function, show that a is a rational number.
Sol. Given f(x) = sin x + cos ax

J. Inverse Of A Function

Let f : A → B be a one-one & onto function, then their exists a unique function

g :  B → A  such that  Classification Of Functions - Commerce  Then g is said to be inverse of f.  Thus g = f-1 :  B → A =  {(f(x), x) | (x,  f(x))∈ f }

Properties of inverse function :
(i) The inverse of a bijection is unique, and it is also a bijection.

(ii) If  f :  A → B  is a bijection & g :  B →A is the inverse of f, then  fog = IB and
gof = IA ,  where  IA &  IB are identity functions on the sets A & B respectively.

(iii) The  graphs  of  f & g  are  the  mirror  images  of  each  other  in  the line  y = x.

(iv) Normally points of intersection of f and f–1 lie on the straight line y =x. However it must be noted that f(x) and f–1(x) may intersect otherwise also.

(v) In general fog(x) and gof(x) are not equal. But if either f and g are inverse of each other or atleast one of f, g is an identity function, then gof = fog.

(vi) If f & g are two bijections  f :  A →B ,  g :  B → C  then the inverse of gof exists and  (gof)-1 = f-1 o g-1

Ex.38 Find the inverse of the function Classification Of Functions - Commerce  and assuming it to be an onto function.

Given f(x) = ln (x2 + 3x + 1)

∴  Classification Of Functions - Commerce

which is a strictly increasing function. Thus f(x) is injective, given that f(x) is onto. Hence the given function f(x) is invertible. Now let y = f(x) = ln (x2 + 3x + 1) then x = f–1 (y) ...(1)

and y = ln (x2 + 3x + 1) ⇒ ey = x2 + 3x + 1 ⇒ x2 + 3x + 1 – ey = 0

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Classification Of Functions - Commerce

From (1) and (2), we get

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FAQs on Classification Of Functions - Commerce

1. What is the classification of functions in commerce?
Ans. In commerce, functions can be classified into five main categories: production, marketing, finance, personnel, and administration. These functions are essential for the smooth operation of a business and each plays a specific role in the overall functioning of a company.
2. What does the production function entail in commerce?
Ans. The production function in commerce involves the process of converting raw materials and resources into finished goods or services. It includes activities such as procurement, manufacturing, quality control, and inventory management. The goal of the production function is to ensure efficient and cost-effective production to meet customer demand.
3. How does the marketing function contribute to commerce?
Ans. The marketing function in commerce is responsible for promoting and selling products or services to customers. It involves activities such as market research, advertising, pricing, distribution, and customer relationship management. The main objective of the marketing function is to identify customer needs, create awareness about products, and generate sales.
4. What does the finance function involve in commerce?
Ans. The finance function in commerce deals with managing the financial resources of a business. It includes activities such as financial planning, budgeting, investment decisions, and financial analysis. The finance function ensures that funds are allocated efficiently, financial risks are managed, and financial goals are achieved.
5. What is the role of personnel function in commerce?
Ans. The personnel function in commerce focuses on managing human resources within an organization. It involves activities such as recruitment, training, performance management, and employee relations. The personnel function ensures that the right people are hired, trained, and motivated to contribute to the success of the business.
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