Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) PDF Download

Hash Tables and Hash Functions: ·
A hash table is an array with index range: 0 to TableSize – 1  

  •  Most commonly used data structure to implement symbol tables    
  •  Insertion and lookup can be made very fast – O(1)  
  • A hash function maps an identifier name into a table index  
  • A hash function, h(name), should depend solely on name
  • h(name) should be computed quickly 
  • h should be uniform and randomizing in distributing names 
  • All table indices should be mapped with equal probability
  • Similar names should not cluster to the same table index.   

Storage Allocation:  

  • Compiler must do the storage allocation and provide access to variables and data  
  • Memory management  
  • Stack allocation
  • Heap management  
  •  Garbage collection   

    Storage Organization:

Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

• Assumes a logical address space 

  • Operating system will later map it to physical addresses, decide how touse cache memory, etc.  

• Memory typically divided into areas for

  • Program code   
  • Other static data storage, including global constants and compilergenerated data  
  • Stack to support call/return policy for procedures
  • Heap to store data that can outlive a call to a procedure  

Static vs. Dynamic Allocation:  

  • Static: Compile time, Dynamic: Runtime allocation  
  •  Many compilers use some combination of following
  • Stack storage: for local variables, parameters and so on  
  • Heap storage: Data that may outlive the call to the procedure that created it 
  • Stack allocation is a valid allocation for procedures since procedure calls are nest   

Consider the quick sort programint a[ll]

void readArray() { / Reads 9 integers into a[l],a[9j. */ int i;

int partition (int m, int n) ■(

/* Picks a separator value v, and partitions a[m.. n] so that
a\m .. p — 1] are less than v, a\p\ = v, and a[p + 1.. n] are
equal to or greater than v. Returns >

void quicksort (int m, int n) -( int i;

if (n > m) -(

i = partition(m, n);
quicksort(m, i-1);
quicksort(i+1, n);

main() {

readArray() ; a[0] = -9999;
a [10] = 9999;


Activation for Quicksort

enter main()

enter readArray() 
leave readArray() 
enter quicksort(1,9)

enter partition(l,9)
leave partition(1,9)
enter quicksort(1,3)

leave quicksort(1,3)
enter quicksort(5,9)

leave quicksort(5,9)
leave quicksort(1,9)
leave main()

Activation tree representing calls during an execution of quicksort:

        Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Activation records

  • Procedure calls and returns are usually managed by a run-time stack called the control stack.  
  • Each live activation has an activation record (sometimes called a frame)  
  •  The root of activation tree is at the bottom of the stack  
  • The current execution path specifies the content of the stack with the last  
  • Activation has record in the top of the stack.

A General Activation Record

                          Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Activation Record

  • Temporary values  
  • Local data    
  • A saved machine status  
  • An “access link”  
  • A control link
  • Space for the return value of the called function  
  • · The actual parameters used by the calling procedure    
  • · Elements in the activation record:   
  • Temporary values that could not fit into registers. 
  • Local variables of the procedure.
    Saved machine status for point at which this procedure called. Includes return address  
    and contents of registers to be re  stored. 
  • Access link to activation record of previous block or procedure in lexical scope chain.
  • Control link pointing to the activation record of the caller.  
  • Space for the return value of the function, if any.
  • actual parameters (or they may be placed in registers, if possible)  

 Downward-growing stack of activation records:


Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Designing Calling Sequences:

  •  Values communicated between caller and callee are generally placed at the beginning of   callees activation record   Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
  •  Fixed-length items: are generally placed at the middle    
  •  Items whose size may not be known early enough: are placed at the end of activation record    
  •  We must locate the top-of-stack pointer judiciously: a common approach is to have it point to the end of fixed length fields  

Access to dynamically allocated arrays:


                                   Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)


  • ML is a functional language
  • Variables are defined, and have their unchangeable values initialized, by a statementof the form:
  • val (name) = (expression)
  • Functions are defined using the syntax: fun (name) ( (arguments) ) = (body)
  • For function bodies we shall use let-statements of the form:
  • let (list of definitions) in (statements) end  

A version of quick sort, in ML style, using nested functions:

Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Access links for finding nonlocal data: 

Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Sketch of ML program that uses function-parameters:



fun a(x) =

fun b(f) =

... f ...     ;

fun c(y) =

fun d(z) =







Actual parameters carry their access link with them:

Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Maintaining the Display:


Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Memory Manager: 

  •  Two basic functions:   
  • Allocation  
  • Deallocation
  • Properties of memory managers: 
  • Space efficiency  
  • Program efficiency  

Low overhead

Typical Memory Hierarchy Configurations:

Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Locality in Programs:

The conventional wisdom is that programs spend 90% of their time executing 10% of the code: 

  • Programs often contain many instructions that are never executed.  
  • Only a small fraction of the code that could be invoked is actually executed in atypical run of the program.  
  • The typical program spends most of its time executing innermost loops and tight recursive cycles in a program.  


The document Hash Tables & Hash Functions | Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is a part of the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Course Compiler Design.
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FAQs on Hash Tables & Hash Functions - Compiler Design - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

1. What is a hash table?
A hash table is a data structure that allows efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval of elements. It uses a hash function to map the keys to an index in an array, where the values are stored. This mapping allows for constant-time average case complexity for these operations, making hash tables useful in various applications.
2. What is a hash function?
A hash function is a mathematical function that takes an input (or key) and returns a fixed-size string of characters, typically a numeric value called a hash code. The hash code is used as an index in the hash table to store or retrieve the associated value. A good hash function should distribute the keys uniformly across the hash table to minimize collisions.
3. What is collision in a hash table?
Collision in a hash table occurs when two different keys produce the same hash code and map to the same index in the array. This can happen due to the limited size of the array and the potentially infinite number of keys. Collisions can be resolved using various techniques, such as chaining (using linked lists at each index to store multiple values) or open addressing (finding an alternative index to store the value).
4. What are the advantages of using hash tables?
Hash tables offer several advantages: - Efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations with constant-time average case complexity. - Ability to handle large amounts of data efficiently. - Versatility in storing different types of data (e.g., key-value pairs). - Flexibility in resizing and dynamically adjusting the size of the hash table. - Support for fast lookups and efficient storage of unique elements.
5. What are some common applications of hash tables?
Hash tables are widely used in various applications, including: - Databases: Hash tables are used to index and retrieve records based on their keys. - Caching: Hash tables can be used to store frequently accessed data for faster retrieval. - Symbol tables: Hash tables are used to store identifiers and their associated information in compilers and interpreters. - Spell checkers: Hash tables can be used to store a dictionary of words for efficient spell checking. - Data deduplication: Hash tables help identify and eliminate duplicate data by storing unique elements and comparing their hash codes.
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