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Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering PDF Download

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke and Biomass 

Gasification of coal, petrocoke, biomass and other carbonaceous materials to produce synthesis gas has gained significant economic and environmental importance in the recent years. Although the technology of gasification or partial oxidation of heavy feedstock is quite established for over half century, however the technology of gasification has undergone continuous developments over years to tackle higher ends of refinery bottoms, petrocoke, coal and biomass

 Gasification of coal to produce coal gas goes to the end of 18th century when coal gas was used for heating and lighting. History of gasification is given in Table M-II 3.1.However with the availability of natural gas and petroleum products at cheaper rate the interest in coal gasification dwindled. However due to increasing cost of oil and gas and the availability of petrocoke and look for alternative feed stock for gasoline and petrochemical, interest was renewed in coal gasification. Coal gasification is now used by surface and underground gasification. Gasification of biomass is also getting interest during recent years because of availability of biomass in abundance

 India has estimated coal reserves of 253 billion tons and lignite around 28 billion tons and lignite around 28 billion tons. Indian coal is mainly non-coking anthracite and bituminous in nature with ash content of over 35percent. Gasification of coal offers as promising source of chemicals as well liquid fuel. The gasification of coal involves the conversion of coal to high content gas (CO and H2)

Gasification technology offers the cleanest and most efficient way to convert low and/or negative value carbon based feed stock to syngas. Indian context of gasification is given in Table M-II 3.2. Synthetic gas can ultimately replace natural gas for Industrial uses, electrical power generation and basic raw material to produce chemical and fuel oil. Commercial Success of Gasification Technology will depend on the advancement of technologies such as:

  • Low cost oxygen production
  • Syngas cleanup
  • Cost effective separation of Hydrogen from C2

Gasification is the process of converting organic part of solid fuel to combustible gases of high heat value by interaction with steam and oxygen. Gasification converts the low value fuel to high heat value gas. Typical gasification flow diagram is shown in Figure M-II 3.1.

The feed for Gasification can be

  • Gas   (e.g., Natural gas)
  • Liquid  (e.g., Light or Heavy oils)
  • Solid   (e.g., Petroleum Coke, Coal, Lignite or Biomass).  

Table M-II 3.1: History of Gasification   



Before 1700

Major fuels were Wood and Charcoal


Industrial revolutions - Coal as fuel


Coal Pyrolysis - Town gas supply, Water gas, Producer Gas


Cryogenic air separation - Oxygen replaces air


Winkler Fluidized Bed Gasifier


Lurgi Moving Bed Gasifier


Koppers-Totzek Entrained Flow Gasifier


Texaco and Shell develop Oil Gasification


Oil crisis


Texaco develops Slurry Process for Coal Gasification


Shell and Koppers-Totzek Pressure Gasification JV


High Temperature Winkler Gasification


Lurgi Slagging Gasifier (together with British Gas)


Shell/Krupp-Uhde develops Pressurised Entrained; Flow (PRENFLO) Gasifier

Beyond 2000

Shell Gasification, GE Quench/PHR/FHR, Siemens, Chinese, GPE, Plasma, Headwaters


 Table M-II 3.2: Gasification – Indian Context  


Wood Gasification


FACT - Cochin


Lurgi Fixed Bed




Winkler Fluidized Bed






FACT - Cochin


Krupp-Koppers Entrained Bed Atm.





Fuel oil




Fuel oil

NFL - Bhatinda,Panipat, Nangal



Fuel oil

GNFC - Bharuch


Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering  

Figure M-II 3.1: Typical Flow Diagram of Gasification process and its Products. 

Under Ground Coal Gasification (UCG) 

Under the process of UCG, gasification of coal happens in situ by controlled burning. About 350m3 of gas can be produced per tone of coal. Bye products of significant importance are hydrocarbon, phenols, anhydrous ammonia, and clean water. In UCG overcomes hazard of underground and open cast mining and ash/slag removal is not required as they remain in the cavities. Some of the advantages of UCG are tapping of energy from vast coal reserves which are not economically viable to mine, increased worker safety, low environmental impact, increased worker safety

Surface Gasification

Surface gasification involves reaction of coal with hot steam and controlled amount of air or oxygen under high temperature and pressure. Produces synthetic gas which can be used be the substitute of Natural gas, for power generation using low Btu gas as fuel, manufacture of chemicals and fertilizer and conversions to liquid fuel by GTL liquid.

 Process Steps in Gasification
Various process steps involved in gasification are :

Feed Preparation: Wet feed system or dry feed system may be used in gasification. Wet feed system employ grinding and slurring with water and pumping to gasifier while dry system consist of grinding of the feed and employ lock hopers to pressurize the feed

Gasification: Gasification is carried out at temperature between 900-1100oC. carbon react with oxygen and steam to raw synthesis gas( CO and H2) and some minor by products which is removed to produce clean synthesis gas which can be used as fuel , for generation of steam and electricity or may be used as chemical feed stock. 

Syn gas cooling: High temperature syn gas produced from gasification is cooled Air Separation Unit: The process produces oxygen for gasification. The process is based on cryogenic separation of air. The process involves liquefaction of air and fractionation to get oxygen, nitrogen and other gases.  
Acid Gas Removal: This involves removal of impurities like H2S, COS, NH3 and HCN by absorption using various commercial solvent like mono-ethanol amine (MEA), methyl diethanol amine (MDEA), methanol rectisolvent and Selexol . The solvent is regenerated by stripping the acid gases and recycle.

Slag Handling System: The gasifier may be either slagging or non slagging.

Gasification in Petroleum refinery  With increasing use of heavier crude and processing of heavy residue has resulted in increased production of tar, petroccoke and asphalt by various residues upgrading technologies processes like visbreaking, coking and deasphalting. These residues can be gasified for production of hydrogen, syn. gas, electricity ammonia and chemicals.. During recent years petrocoke gasification is getting interest by petroleum refiners for production of syn. gas which can be further process to separate hydrogen or can be used for production of useful chemicals.

Gasifier Configurations  

Various types of gasifier used are mention in Table M-II 3.3 and shown in Figure M-II 3.2 below: 

Table M-II 3.3: Various Type of Gasifier  

Fixed bed

Fixed bed involves an upward flow of reaction gas through a

relatively stationary bed of hot coal. The gas velocity is low.

Moving bed


Moving bed gasifier operates counter currently where the coal

inter the gasifier at the top and moves downward and slowly

heated with the product gas. Gasification takes place in the gasification zone.

Fluidised bed gasifier e.g., Winkler/KBR/U-


Fluidised bed operates at higher gas velocities than fixed bed

and uses smaller particle. The gasifier operates at atmospheric

pressure and moderate and uniform temperature.

Entrained flow


Entrained bed operates with parallel flows of reaction gas and

pulverized coal which minimize the reaction time and maximize throughput of product.. The residence time is few seconds. Ash

is removed as molten slag

Gasification Reactions:

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Where for gas as pure methane m=4 and n=1 hence m/n=4

For oil m/n≈2 hence m=2, n=1

For coal m/n≈1 hence m=1,n=1 

It is exothermic and produces a gas containing mainly CO and H2. The raw synthesis gas contains small quantities of CO2, H2O and H2S and impurities, such as CH4, NH3, COS, HCN, N2, Argon and ash, the quantities being determined by the composition of the feedstock, the oxidant and actual gasification temperature (1300-1400oC). A small amount of unconverted carbon is also present and ranges from 0.5 to 1.0 by percent wt in liquid feedstock or 50-200 ppm wt in gaseous feedstock. The various reactions can be summarized as follows

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Figure M-II 3.2: Various Type of Gasifier Commonly Used 

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Figure M-II 3.3: Fluidised bed gasifier  \


GE Global/ Unmixed Fuel Processor (UOP):

  • Elimination of Air Separation Unit (ASU)
  • High Temperature Syngas Clean up
  • Higher efficiency
  • Lower cost

KBR Transport Gasifier (TRIGTM

  • Low rank, high-ash, high-moisture coal compatible
  • For power generation, air can be employed as the oxidant
  • Lower cost predicted
  • Higher availability predicted
  • Non-slagging, and refractory issues should therefore be minimal
  • Higher predicted efficiency
  • Lower emissions (due to higher efficiency)
  • Large scale up of the technology still required, by a factor of ~30
  • By 2010, this technology will be operating at the scale of E-Gas which has >20 years   experience already in 2007.
  • Lower temperatures and short gas residence time may lead to some methane formation, which is detrimental in chemical applications.
  • Ash disposal problem if carbon conversion predictions are not met in commercial apparatus.

Catalytic Coal Gasification - BluegasTM

  • Elimination of oxygen plant
  • For SNG objective, little or no catalytic methanation required
  • High thermodynamic efficiency potential
  • Catalyst cost and recoverability
  • Carbon conversion and methane production yields in the gasifier
  • Cost of applying the catalyst effectively to the coal
  • Inherently must be done in a fluidized bed which have not been scaled up to larger capacities of entrained gasifier (yet)
  • Interactions of catalyst with coal ash
  • Separation costs of syngas and methane - cryogenic process
  • Excess steam requirements
  • Unsuitable for chemical synthesis processes due to CHreforming requirement.  

 Coal Gasification in fertilizer Industry: Coal gasification fro production of synthesis gas and ammonia has being used many part of the world where large quantity of coal is present. However, higher energy consumption in coal based ammonia plant has been major constrain.  Relative energy consumption per tonne of ammonia is given below.

Gas   Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

There has been extensive research for improvement of coal gasification technology to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost.

 Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP TM) Process for Conversion of Biomass to Liquid Fuels 

RTP TM is fully heat integrated technology that yields over 70percent liquid products from typical biomass feed stocks. It is a fast thermal process where biomass is rapidly of heated in the absence of oxygen. The biomass is vaporized and the vapour cooled to generate high yields of pyrolysis oil. Typical yield of various biomass is given in Table M-II 3.4. Chemical and biochemical conversion of biomass to biofuel is shown in Figure M-II 3.4 and Figure M-II 3.5 respectively.

Table M-II 3.4: Typical Yield of Various Biomass 

Biomass Feed stock

Typical Pyrolysis oil yield ,wt% of dry feed stock70-75





Hardwood bark


Soft wood bark


Corn fiber




Waste Paper



Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Figure M-II 3.4: Chemical Conversion Route of Biomass to Biofuels 

Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

Figure M-II 3.5: Biochemical Conversion Route of Biomass to Biofuels  

 Co-gasification of Coal and biomass for methanol synthesis: Cogasification of coal and biomass combined with power and methanol production can be of considered as a potential fuel-base for gasification and further production of synthesis gas and methanol. Some of the advantage of integrated biomass-coal cogasification system is possible continuous operation of the coal gasification reactor, lower costs of electric-energy production

The document Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass | Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering is a part of the Chemical Engineering Course Chemical Technology.
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FAQs on Gasification of Coal, Petrocoke And Biomass - Chemical Technology - Chemical Engineering

1. What is gasification of coal, petrocoke, and biomass?
Ans. Gasification is a process that converts solid carbonaceous materials, such as coal, petrocoke, and biomass, into a mixture of gases known as syngas. It involves the partial oxidation of these materials at high temperatures, typically around 700-1000 degrees Celsius, in the presence of a controlled amount of oxygen and steam. The resulting syngas can be used as a fuel or as a precursor for the production of various chemicals and fuels.
2. What are the advantages of gasification over traditional combustion of coal, petrocoke, and biomass?
Ans. Gasification offers several advantages over traditional combustion of coal, petrocoke, and biomass. Firstly, it provides better control over the products of combustion, allowing for the production of a cleaner and more efficient fuel gas. Secondly, gasification can use a wider range of feedstocks, including low-quality coal and biomass, which are not suitable for direct combustion. Additionally, gasification produces less greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, compared to traditional combustion methods.
3. What are the main applications of syngas produced from coal, petrocoke, and biomass gasification?
Ans. Syngas produced from coal, petrocoke, and biomass gasification has various applications. It can be used as a fuel in gas turbines to generate electricity or as a fuel for heating and industrial processes. Syngas can also serve as a feedstock for the production of chemicals, such as hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and synthetic natural gas. Furthermore, it can be converted into liquid fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, through additional refining processes.
4. What are the challenges in the gasification of coal, petrocoke, and biomass?
Ans. The gasification of coal, petrocoke, and biomass comes with several challenges. One of the main challenges is the high capital cost associated with building and operating gasification plants. Another challenge is the variability and impurities present in the feedstock, which can affect the gasification process and the quality of the syngas produced. Additionally, gasification requires strict control of operating conditions, such as temperature and pressure, to ensure optimal performance and avoid issues like slagging and fouling.
5. How does biomass gasification differ from coal and petrocoke gasification?
Ans. Biomass gasification differs from coal and petrocoke gasification primarily due to the composition of the feedstock. Biomass is mainly composed of organic materials, such as wood, agricultural residues, and dedicated energy crops, while coal and petrocoke are fossil fuels. This difference in composition leads to variations in the gasification process, as biomass tends to have higher moisture content and lower energy density compared to coal and petrocoke. Therefore, biomass gasification systems may require additional steps, such as drying and pretreatment, to optimize the gasification process.
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