Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) PDF Download

Recursive Function Theory

Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

A function that calls itself directly or indirectly is called a recursive function. The recursive factorial function uses more memory than its non-recursive counter part. Recursive function requires stack support to save the recursive function calls.

  • Recursion leads to compact
  • It is simple
  • It is easy to understand
  • It is easy to prove correct 

The concept of a function is a fundamantal topic in mathematics.
A function or a total function f : X →Y is a rule that assigns to all the elements of one set, X, a unique element of another set, Y.
The first set, X is called the domain of the function, and the second set, Y is called its range.
For example, f(x) = 2x + 1 is a function defined on one variable, x. Imagine we say that f is over all natural numbers only. Then the following diagram shows the function:
Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Here the domain of f is {1, 2, 3, 4, ......}
Range of f is {3, 5, 7, 9, ........}.
f(x; y) = x+ 2y is a function on 2 variables, x and y.

f(x, y, z) = x + 2y3 + 7z is a function on 3 variables, x, y and z.

Total Function
The above three examples were total functions. A total function from X to Y is a rule that assigns to every element of X, a unique element of Y.
f : X → Y
For example, f(x) = 2x3
In all our discussions, we assume that f is over all natural numbers, then
Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Here the domain of f is {1, 2, 3, 4 .....}.
That is, the domain contains all the elements of x. So f is a total function.

Partial Function
Here, to extend the class of computable functions, we use partial functions.
A partial function, f : X→ Y

is a rule that assigns to some elements of X, a unique element of Y. For other elements, there may not be any corresponding element in Y.
Example 1:
Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Suppose f is defined over natural numbers. Then f is a partial function. this can be seen from the following diagram.
Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
In the above diagram, domain of f is {2, 4, 6, 8, ....}
Here the domain is not equal to the set X. So f is a partial function.

Example 2:
f(x, y) = x − y
f is defined over N. f is a partial function.

This is because when x=6, y=8, f(x,y) = -2
-2 is not a natural number. So f is not defined for x=6, y=8. f is a partial function.

Recursive Functions
Consider the example,
f(n) = n2 + 1
Here, given any value for n, multiply that value by itself and then add one. Here function is defined in a recursive way. Value of f can be computed in a mechanical fashion.

Example 1:
Factorial of a number is defined as,
n! = n (n-1) (n-2) . . . . . . 1.
This is an explicit definition. Another way to define factorial is,
0! = 1
n! = n (n-1)!
for n∈N, This definition is recursive because to find the factorial at an argument n, we need to find the factorial at some simpler argument (n-1).

Example 2:
Exponentiation can be defined as, x
n = x.x.x.x......x (n times)
This exponentiation function can be recursively defined as,
x0 = 1
xn = x.xn−1
for n∈N. This is a recursive definition for exponentiation.

In all our discussions, a function, f is defined over natural numbers (N) only.

Primitive Recursive Functions
A function, f is called a primitive recursive function,
i) If it is one of the three basic functions, or,
ii) If it can be obtained by applying operations such as composition and recursion to the set of basic functions.

The basic functions and operations are explained below:

1. Basic Functions

  • Zero Function
    Z(x) = 0 is called Zero function.
    Example: We may write, Z(8) = 0
  • Successor Function
    The successor function is S(x), defined as
    S(x) = x+1
    Thus the value of S(x) is the integer next in sequence to x.
    For example,
    S(4) = 5, S(29) = 30
  • Projector Function
    Projector function, Pk is defined as,
    Pk(x1, x2, ..........xk, ...........xn) = xk
    For example,
    P3(8, 5, 6, 4) = 6
    P6(6, 34, 7, 2, 45, 23, 22) = 23

2. Operations
We can build complicated functions from the above basic functions by performing operations such as, composition, and recursion.

  • Composition
    If functions, f1, fand g are given, then the composition of g with f1, f2 is given by,

h = g(f1, f2).

In general, If functions f1, f2 .....fand g are given, then the composition of g with f1, f2 is h = g(f1, f2 ,

Example 1:
Let  g(n) = n2,  h(n) = n + 3
Find the composition of h with g.
The composition of h with g is,
f(n) = h[g(n)]
= h[n2]
= n2 + 3

Example 2:
Let g(n) = n2,  h(n) = n + 3
Find the composition of g with h.
f(n) = g[h(n)]
= g[n + 3]
= (n + 3)2

Example 3:
Let, f1(x, y) = x + y
f2(x, y) = 2x
f3(x, y) = xy, and
g(x, y, z) = x + y + z
be functions over N.
Find the composition of g with f1, f2 , f3.
h(x, y) = g(f1, f2 , f3)
= g (x + y, 2x, xy)
= x + y + 2x + xy
= 3x + y + xy

  • Recursion
    A function f can be constructed using recursion from the functions g and h as,
    f(x, 0) = g(x)
    f(x, y + 1) = h [x, y, f(x, y)]
    In the above, f is of two variables. g is of one variable and h is of 3 variables.

In general, a function of n+1 variables is defined by recursion if there exists a function g of n variables and a function h of n+2 variables.
f is defined as,
f(x1, x2, .....xn, 0) = g(x1, x2, ...xn)
f(x1, x2, .....xn, y + 1) = h [x1, x2, ..........xn, y, f(x1, x2, ..........xn, y) ]

Example 1:
Addition of integers can be defined using recursion as,
add(x, 0) = x
add(x, y + 1) = add(x, y) + 1

Example 2:
The function multiplication can be defined using recursion operation as,
prod(x, 0) = 0
prod(x, y + 1) = add [x, prod(x, y) ]
Above examples show how recursion operation is applied to a set of functions.

Primitive Recursive FunctionsNow we learned basic functions such as zero function, successor function and projector function, and operations such as composition and recursion.
Again, a function, f is a primitive recursive function if either,
i. it is one of the basic functions, or
ii. it is produced by performing operations such as composition and recursion to the basic functions.

Example 1:
The addition function, add(x,y) is a primitive recursive function because,
add(x, 0) = x
           = P1(x)
add(x, y + 1) = add(x, y) + 1
              = S[add(x, y)]
              = S[P3(x, y, add(x, y))]

Thus add(x, y) is a function produced by applying composition and recursion to basic functions, Pk and S.

Example 2:
The multiplication function mult(x, y) is a primitive recursive function because,
mult(x, 0) = 0
           = Z(x)
mult(x, y + 1) = add [x, mult(x, y) ]
               = add[P1(x, y, mult(x, y)), P3(x, y, mult(x, y))]
From the previous example, add() is a primitve recursive function.
From the above, mult(x,y) is produced by performing operations on basic functions and add() function.
So mult(x,y) is a primitive recursive function.

Example 3:
The factorial function,
f(n) = n!
is a primitive recursive function. This can be proved using mathematical induction.
Basic Step:
For n = 0,
f(0) = 0! = 1
          = P1(1)
Induction Hypothesis:
Assume that f(p) is a primitive recursive function.
Induction Step:
f(p+1) = (p+1)!
          = p! (p+1)
          = f(p) (p+1)
          = mult [ f(p), p+1 ]
          = mult [ f(p), S(p) ]
In the above, f(p) is primitive recursive from induction hypothesis.
S(p) is primitive recursive, since it is the successor function. mult() is primitve recursive from the previous example.
So we can conclude that
        f(n) = n!
is primitive recursive.

Example 4:
Show that function f1(x, y) = x + y is primitive recursive.
f1(x, 0) = x + 0
          = x
          = P1(x)
f1(x, y + 1) = x + (y + 1)
            = (x + y) + 1
            = f1(x, y) + 1
            = S[f1(x, y)]
            = S[P3(x, y, f1(x, y))]

Since f1(x, 0) and f1(x, y + 1) are primitive recursive, f1(x, y) = x + y is primitive recursive.

Example 5:
Show that the function, f1(x, y) = x ∗ y is primitive recursive.
f2(x, 0) = x ∗ 0
         = 0
         = Z(x)
f1(x, y + 1) = x ∗ (y + 1)
           = (x ∗ y) + x
           = f2(x, y) + x
= f1[f2(x, y), x] from Example 4.
= f1[P3(x, y, f2(x, y)), P1(x, y, f2(x, y))]

Since f2(x, 0) and f2(x, y + 1) are primitive recursive, f2(x, y) = x ∗ y is primitive recursive.

Example 6:
Show that the function, f(x, y) = xis a primitive recursive function.

f(x, 0) = x0
       = 1
       = P1(1)
f(x, y + 1) = xy+1
   = xy.x1
   = x.xy
   = x.f(x, y)
   = P1(x, y, f(x, y)) ∗ P3(x, y, f(x, y))
   = mult [P1(x, y, f(x, y)), P3(x, y, f(x, y)) ]
mult() is a primitive recursive function as we found earlier.
Since f(x, 0) and f(x, y + 1) are primitive recursive, f(x, y) = xis primitive recursive.

Partial Recursive Functions
A function, f is a partial recursive function if either,
i. it is one of the basic functions, or
ii. it is produced by performing operations such as composition, recursion and minimization to the basic functions.

  • Basic Functions: We learned three basic functions such as,
    - Zero function, Z(x)
    - Successor function, S(x)
    - Projector function, Pk
  • Operations
    We learned the operations composition and recursion earlier. A new operation now comes, minimization. Minimization μ is the minimization operator.

Let a function g(x,y) is defined over two variables, x and y.
Then minimization operator, μ is defined over g (x, y) is as follows:
μy[g(x, y)] =smallest y such that g (x, y) = 0.

Using the minimization operation, a function f(x) can be defined for some y;
we can write, f(x) = μy[g(x, y)]

Example 1:
Let g(x,y) is given in the following table:
g(0,0)=5   g(1,0)=5   g(2,0)=8                 g(3,0)=1
g(0,1)=4   g(1,1)=6   g(2,1)=5                 g(3,1)=2
g(0,2)=6   g(1,2)=0   g(2,2)=undefined   g(3,2)=0
g(0,3)=0   g(1,3)=3   g(2,3)=0                 g(3,3)=4
g(0,4)=1   g(1,4)=0   g(2,4)=7               g(3,4)=undefined
f(0) = 3,
   [ because g(0,3) = 0]
   Minimization operation is denoted by μ[g(0, 3) = 0] = 3
f(1) = 2
   [ 2 is the minimum y that g(1,2)=0; Though g(1,4)=0 also; ]
   Minimization operation is denoted by μ[g(1, 2) = 0] = 2
f(2) = Not defined
    [because g(2,3)=0, but g(2,2) is undefined, where y=2 < y=3 ]
f(3) = 2
   [because g(3,2)=0, though g(3,4) is undefined for y=4, but 4<2 ]
    Minimization operation is denoted by μ[g(3, 2) = 0] = 2
  For some values g(x,y) is undefined, but we can define minimization operation.

Partial Recursive Functions
A function, f is a partial recursive function if either,
i. it is one of the basic functions, or
ii. it is produced by performing operations such as composition, recursion and minimization to the basic functions.

From the definition, we can say that, primitive recursive functions are a subset of partial recursive functions. This is shown below:
Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Thus all primitive recursive functions are partial recursive functions.
Note that all partial recursive functions are computable functions.

Example 1:
Show that Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
is a partial recursive function over N.

         Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
We may write
        Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
      x = 2y
      2y − x = 0
          g(x, y) = |2y − x|
      g(x, y) = 0, for some x and y.
      f1(x) = μ[|2y − x| = 0]
Only for even values of x , f1(x) is defined. When x is odd, f1(x) is not defined. So f1 is partial recursive.
Since, Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)= f1(x), f is a partial recursive function.

The document Recursive Function Theory | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is a part of the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Course Theory of Computation.
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FAQs on Recursive Function Theory - Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

1. What is recursive function theory in computer science engineering?
Ans. Recursive function theory in computer science engineering is a branch of study that focuses on the mathematical properties and analysis of recursive functions. It explores the theoretical aspects of functions that can be defined in terms of themselves, leading to a deeper understanding of computation and computability.
2. How does recursive function theory relate to computer science engineering?
Ans. Recursive function theory is highly relevant to computer science engineering as it provides fundamental concepts and tools for understanding the limits of computation. By studying recursive functions, computer scientists can gain insights into the theoretical foundations of algorithms, complexity theory, and the design of programming languages.
3. What are the key concepts in recursive function theory?
Ans. Some key concepts in recursive function theory include: - Recursive functions: These are functions that can be defined in terms of themselves, either directly or indirectly. They play a crucial role in computation and serve as the building blocks for more complex algorithms. - Computability: Recursive function theory investigates the notion of computability, which refers to the ability to solve a problem using an algorithm. It explores the limits of what can be computed and the existence of undecidable problems. - Turing machines: Turing machines are abstract mathematical models used to study computability. They provide a formal framework for understanding the behavior of algorithms and serve as a basis for complexity theory.
4. How is recursive function theory applied in computer science engineering?
Ans. Recursive function theory finds practical applications in various areas of computer science engineering, including: - Algorithm design: Understanding the theoretical properties of recursive functions helps in designing efficient and effective algorithms for solving complex problems. - Programming language design: Recursive function theory provides insights into the design and implementation of programming languages, particularly in areas such as functional programming and lambda calculus. - Complexity analysis: Recursive function theory helps in analyzing the complexity of algorithms, determining their efficiency, and predicting their behavior on different inputs.
5. What are some open problems in recursive function theory?
Ans. Recursive function theory continues to be an active area of research, with several open problems and unsolved questions. Some notable open problems include: - The existence of a complete classification of recursive functions and their properties. - The exploration of new models of computation that can extend the capabilities of Turing machines. - The investigation of the relationships between different complexity classes and the hierarchy of computational power. - The development of formal frameworks for reasoning about the behavior and correctness of recursive functions. These open problems drive ongoing research in recursive function theory and contribute to advancements in computer science engineering.
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