Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) PDF Download

Context Free Grammars and Languages

  • As we learned in the first module, according to Chomsky classification, Type- 2 languages are also called context-free languages. 
  • They are generated using context-free grammars. They are recognized using push-down automata.
    Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)Also, regular languages are a subset of context-free languages.
    Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Part I. Context Free Grammars (CFG)

Context free grammar, G is defined as:

G = (V,∑, P, S)


V is a set of non-terminals,

∑ is a set of terminals,

S is the start symbol,

P is a set of productions.

A grammar, G is context free, if productions are of the form, α → β
where α is a single non terminal.

Every regular grammar is context free.

Example 1: An example for context free grammar is shown below:
S → ASA|BSB|a|b
A → a
B → b
where S is the start symbol.

From the definition of CFG,
G = {S, A, B}
P = {a, b}
P = {S → ASA|BSB|a|b, A → a, B → b}
S = S

The production,
S → ASA|BSB|a|b
can also be written as,
S → a
S → b

Example 2: The following is an example for context free grammar.
Stmt → id = Expr;
Stmt → if (Expr) Stmt
Stmt → if (Expr) Stmt else Stmt
Stmt → while (Expr) Stmt
Stmt → do Stmt while (Expr);
Stmt→ { Stmts }

Stmts → Stmts Stmt| ε
where Stmts is the start symbol.

From the definition of CFG,
G = {Stmts, stmt, Expr}
∑ = {id, =, ; ,(,), if, else, while, do}
P is the set of productions given above
S = Stmts

Note that above CFG corresponds to some statements in C programming language.

Language of Context Free Grammar (Context Free Language)

A language, L of G is a set of strings that can be derived from G.

Example 1: Consider the following context free grammar.
S → aA|bB
A → x
B → y
The language corresponding to the above CFG is {ax,by}

A string w belongs to a context free language (CFL), L, if it can be derived from the CFG associated with L.
That is,
Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
There are two approaches to check whether a string belongs to a CFL. They are, Derivations, and Reductions.


It is a mechanism to check whether a string w belongs to a context free language (CFL).

Example 1: Consider the following CFG.

S → aSb | ab

where S is the start symbol.

Check whether the string aabb belongs to the CFL corresponding to above CFG.

Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Above diagram is called a derivation tree (parse tree).

Here, by performing two derivations, we got a2b2. So a2b2 belongs to the above CFL.

Example 2: Consider the following CFG.
S → aSa | bSb |c
where S is the start symbol.
Check whether the string abbcbba belongs to the language corresponding to the above grammar.
Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
From the above derivation tree, the string abbcbba is derived using the given CFG. So the string abbcbba belongs to the above language.

Example 3: Consider the CFG.
S → aAS|a|SS
A → SbA|ba
where S is the start symbol.
Check whether the string aabaa can be derived using the above grammar.
Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

Example 4: Consider the CFG.
S → aAS|a
A → SbA|SS|ba
where S is the start symbol.
Check whether the string aabbaa belongs to this language.
Following is the derivation tree:
Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Thus the above string aabbaa or a2b2a2 belongs to the above CFL.


This approach can also be used to check whether a string belongs to a context-free language. Here, the string w is taken and an inverted tree is made. This is done by performing a number of reductions starting from the given string using the productions of the grammar. 

Example 1: Consider the grammar.
S → aAS|a|SS
A → SbA|ba
where S is the start symbol.
Check whether the string aabaa belongs to the CFL associated with the above grammar.
The reduction tree is shown below:
Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
Thus by performing a number of reductions, we finally reached the start symbol. So the string aabaa belongs to the above CFL.

2 CFG corresponding to a CFL

Example 1: Design a CFG for the language.

L = {anbn| n ≥ 0}

At n=0, ε is a valid string for the above language. The production for this is,

S → ε

Every string is of length 2n. The strings are ab, abab, aaabbb, ......... etc..

The corresponding production is,

S → aSb.

Hence the grammar is,

S → aSb | ε

where S is the start symbol.

Example 2: Design a CFG for the language.
L = {anb2n| n ≥ 0}
At n=0, ε is a valid string for the above language. The production for this is,
S → ε
It can be seen that there are double the number of b’s as a’s. The production is,
S → aSbb
So the grammar is,
S → aSbb | ε
where S is the start symbol.

Example 3: Design a CFG for the language, L over {0,1} to generate all possible strings of even length.

Consider number 0 as even. The string of length 0 is ε. The corresponding production is,
S → ε
An even length is of length 2n contains one or more repetitions of 00, 01, 10 or 11. The corresponding production is,
S → 00S|01S|10S|11S

Thus the grammar is,
S → 00S|01S|10S|11S|ε

Example 4: Design a CFG for the language, L over {0,1} to generate all the strings having alternate sequence of 0 and 1.

The minimum string length in L is 2. The strings are 01 or 10.
If a string begins with 01, then it should follow a repetition of 01 and terminate with either 01 or 0.
If a string begins with 10, then it should follow a repetition of 10 and terminate with either 10 or 1.
The grammar will be,
S → 01|10|01A|10B
A → 01A|0|01
B → 10B|1|10

Example 5: Write a CFG for the regular expression.

On analysing this regular expression, we can see that the strings start with any number of a’s, followed by a ’b’ and may end with a combination of a’s and b’s.
The CFG can be written as:
S → AbB
A → aA|ε
B → aB|bB|ε

For example, using the above productions:

S ⇒ AbB
⇒ aAbB
⇒ aAbaB
⇒ aaAbaB
⇒ aaAbabB
⇒ aabab
aabab is string belonging to the above CFL.

Example 6: Write a CFG which generates strings of equal number of a’s and b’s.
The CFG is
S → aSbS|bSaS|ε

For example, using the above productions:
S ⇒ bSaS
⇒ bbSaSaS
⇒ bbaSbSaSaS
⇒ bbaSbaSbSaSaS
⇒ bbababaa
Note that above string contains equal number of a’s and b’s.

Example 7: Design a CFG for the regular expression.
The CFG is,
S → aS
S → bS
S → ε
That is,
S → aS|bS|ε
where S is the start symbol.

Example 8: Design a CFG for the language.
L(G) = {wwR|w ∈ {0, 1}* }

The CFG is,
S → 0S0|1S1|ε
where S is the start symbol.
[In the above, wR means reverse of string w.]

For example, using the above productions:
S ⇒ 0S0
⇒ 00S00
⇒ 001S100
⇒ 001100

Example 9: Design a CFG for the language.
L = {anbm| n 6 ≠ m}

Case 1: For n>m,
The language is
L = {anbm| n > m}

The CFG is,
S→ AS1
S1 → aS1b|ε
A → aA|a

Case 2: For n<m,
The language is:
L = {anbm| n < m}

The CFG is,
S→ S2B
S2 → aS2b|ε
B → bB|b

Combining Case 1 and Case 2, we get,
S → S1|S2

Thus the CFG is,
S → S1|S22
S1 → AS1
S1 → aS1b|ε
A → aA|a
S2→ S2B
S2 → aS2b|ε
B → bB|b
where S is the start symbol.

Example 10: Design a CFG for the language.
L = { (0n1n| n ≥ 0) ∪ (1n0n| n ≥ 0) }

We can write it as,
L = L1 ∪ L2

Case 1:
Consider L1,
L1 = { 0n1n| n ≥ 0 }

The CFG is,
S1 → 0S11|ε

Case 2:
Consider L2,
L2 = { 1n0n| n ≥ 0 }

The CFG is,
S2 → 1S20|ε

Then we have L = L∪ L2
Combining above two cases, we get the CFG as,
S → S1|S2

Thus the complete CFG is,
S → S1|S2
S1 → 0S11|ε
S2 → 1S20|ε
where S is the start symbol.

Example 11: Design a CFG for the language, L
L = { anb2n| n ≥ 0 }

The CFG is,
S → aSbb|ε


Example 12: Write a CFG for the language.
L = { a2nbm| n > 0, m ≥ 0 }

From the above we can say that L is the set of strings starting with even number of a’s followed by any number of b’s. There is no ’a’ in the string after first ’b’ is encountered. Also there is no ’b’ before any ’a’ in the string.
The CFG is,
S → aaAB
A → aaA|ε
B → bB|ε
where S is the start symbol.

Example 13: Write a CFG for the language.
L = {anb2ncm| n, m ≥ 0}

This means strings start with ’a’ or ’c’, but not with a ’b’.
If the string starts with ’a’, then number of a’s must follow b’s, and the number of b’s is twice than number of a’s.
If the string starts with ’c’, it is followed by any number of c’s.
There is no ’a’ after any ’b’ or any ’c’.
There is no ’b’ after any ’c’.
There is no ’b’ or ’c’ after any ’a’.
There is no ’c’ after any ’b’.
Thus the CFG is,
S → AB
A → aAbb|ε
B → cB|ε
where S is the start symbol.

Example 14: Design a CFG for the language.
L = {anbmc2m| n, m ≥ 0}

The CFG is
S → AB
A → aA|ε
B → bBcc|ε

Example 15: Design a CFG for the language, L = {wcwR|w ∈ (a, b)*}
The CFG is
S → aSa
S → bSb
S → c
where S is the start symbol.

The document Context Free Grammars (CFG) | Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is a part of the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Course Theory of Computation.
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FAQs on Context Free Grammars (CFG) - Theory of Computation - Computer Science Engineering (CSE)

1. What is a context-free grammar (CFG)?
Ans. A context-free grammar (CFG) is a formalism used to describe the syntax of a language. It consists of a set of production rules that define how symbols can be combined to form valid strings in the language.
2. What is the role of derivations in context-free grammars?
Ans. Derivations in context-free grammars describe the step-by-step process of generating a valid string in the language. Each derivation applies one production rule at a time, replacing a non-terminal symbol with a sequence of symbols according to the production rule.
3. How are reductions used in the context of context-free grammars?
Ans. Reductions are used in the context of context-free grammars to simplify a derived string by replacing a substring with a non-terminal symbol. This is done to ensure that the derived string adheres to the production rules of the grammar.
4. Can you provide an example of a context-free grammar?
Ans. Sure! Here's an example of a context-free grammar: S -> aSb S -> ε This grammar generates strings consisting of any number of 'a's followed by the same number of 'b's.
5. What is the relationship between context-free grammars and computer science engineering (CSE)?
Ans. Context-free grammars play a fundamental role in computer science engineering (CSE) as they are used to define the syntax of programming languages. Understanding context-free grammars is essential for designing compilers and interpreters, which are crucial components of CSE systems.
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