Bending stress in graduated length leaves are more than that in full length leaves.
Nip is the initial gap between extra full length leaf and the graduated length leaf before the assembly.
Nipping is defined as leaving the gap between full length leaf and graduated length leaf.
A leaf spring consists of 3 extra full length leaves and 14 graduated length leaves. The maximum force that can act on the spring is 70kN and the distance between eyes of the spring is 1.2m. Width and thickness of the leaves are 100mm and 12mm respectively. If modulus of elasticity is 207000N/mm², calculate the initial nip.
A leaf spring consists of 3 extra full length leaves and 14 graduated length leaves. The maximum force that can act on the spring is 70kN and the distance between eyes of the spring is 1.2m. Width and thickness of the leaves are 100mm and 12mm respectively. Calculate the initial pre load required to close the nip.
Belleville spring can only produce linear load deflection characteristics.
When two Belleville sprigs are arranged in series, half deflection is obtained for same force.
When two Belleville springs are in parallel, half force is obtained for a given deflection.
Propagation of fatigue failure is always due to compressive stresses.