In case of an L filter connected with a rectifier in series with the load, it offers ________ impedance to ac whereas _______ resistance to dc respectively.
A capacitor filter or C filter can be used in a rectifier by connecting it
Examine the below shown circuit.
While D7 & D10 are reversed biased the
When a certain type of filter is connected across the R load of a full wave bridge type diode biased rectifier, the following output voltage waveform is obtained
The filter connected is most likely to be a/an
For the below given circuit,
When the output current rises, the capacitor current
A single-phase diode B-2 rectifier is fed from a 250 V, 50 Hz source & connected to a load of R = 400 Ω.
Design a capacitor filter such that the ripple factor of the output voltage is less than 5 %. Find the value of the capacitance of the C filter.
A diode rectifier with a C filter will have average output voltage _______ than that obtained by a rectifier without the C filter.
An inductor filter connected in series with a resistive load provides a
In the below given configuration, L is connected as a filter across the R load.
The average ammeter current is
When a certain type of filter is connected across the R load, of a full wave bridge diode biased rectifier the following output current waveform is obtained.
The filter connected is most likely a
C filters are suitable for ___________ load resistances and L filters are suitable for _____________ load resistances.
An LC filter will have ripple factor value___________ (For the same value of L & C)
In a single-phase full wave rectifier ___________ order harmonics are the most dominant