Which of the following is not an Integrating instrument?
Which of the following constitutes the most important specification of an instrument?
Calculate the limiting error of an ammeter of range 25 A given also that it has a guaranteed accuracy of 1% of full-scale reading. The current measured by the ammeter is 5 A.
To reduce the loading effect, an instrument must possess:
The most suitable material for spring in majority of the measuring instruments, except in low resistance instruments is:
In a gravity controlled instrument, the deflection is proportional to:
A meter movement with current sensitivity 100 μA and internal resistance 100 Ω is required to measure current of 10mA. What will the shunt resistance be equal to?
Two wattmeter method can be used to measure the total power delivered to:
In an electrodynamometer type wattmeter:
Single or One Wattmeter method can only be used for
The loss of charge method can be used to measure which of the following?
Copper shading is provided in energy meter to
The e.m.f. developed by a thermocouple depends upon
The technique of using stair case ramp in DVM (Digital Volt Meter) is called
Horizontal deflection plates of CRO are placed generally:
Which expression depicts the sensitivity (S) of a Wheatstone bridge?
(Where: D is Deflection and I is current)
The unknown inductance is measured in terms of _________ in the case of Anderson bridge